眼筋麻痺 = ophthalm plegia
- paralysis of the motor nerves of the eye
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Ophthalmoparesis |
Neuro-ophthalmologic examination showing ophthalmoplegia affecting the left eye in a patient with Tolosa-Hunt syndrome. The central image represents forward gaze, and each image around it represents gaze in that direction (for example, in the upper left image, the patient looks up and right; the left eye is unable to accomplish this movement). The examination shows ptosis of the left eyelid, exotropia (outward deviation) of the primary look of the left eye, and paresis (weakness) of the third (oculomotor), fourth (trochlear) and sixth (abducens) left cranial nerves.
Classification and external resources |
Specialty |
ophthalmology |
ICD-10 |
H49.3-H49.4 |
ICD-9-CM |
367.52, 376.22, 378.55, 378.56, 378.72, 378.86, 378.9 |
DiseasesDB |
9240 |
MeSH |
D009886 |
[edit on Wikidata]
Ophthalmoparesis or ophthalmoplegia refers to weakness (-paresis) or paralysis (-plegia) of one or more extraocular muscles which are responsible for eye movements. It is a physical finding in certain neurologic, ophthalmologic, and endocrine disease.
- 1 Classification
- 2 Causes
- 3 Treatment and prognosis
- 4 See also
- 5 References
Ophthalmoparesis can involve any or all of the extraocular muscles, which include the superior recti, inferior recti, medial recti, lateral recti, inferior oblique and superior oblique muscles.
It can also be classified by the directions of affected movements, e.g. "vertical ophthalmoparesis".
Ophthalmoparesis can result from disorders of various parts of the eye and nervous system:
- Infection around the eye. Ophthalmoplegia is an important finding in orbital cellulitis.[1]
- The orbit of the eye, including mechanical restrictions of eye movement, as in Graves disease.
- The muscle, as in progressive external ophthalmoplegia or Kearns-Sayre syndrome.
- The neuromuscular junction, as in myasthenia gravis.
- The relevant cranial nerves (specifically the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens), as in cavernous sinus syndrome or raised intracranial pressure.
- The brainstem nuclei of these nerves, as in certain patterns of brainstem stroke such as Foville's syndrome.
- White matter tracts connecting these nuclei, as in internuclear ophthalmoplegia, an occasional finding in multiple sclerosis.
- Dorsal midbrain structures, as in Parinaud's syndrome.
- Certain parts of the cerebral cortex (including the frontal eye fields), as in stroke.
- Toxic envenomation by mambas, taipans, and kraits.
Thiamine deficiency can cause ophthalmoparesis in susceptible persons; this is part of the syndrome called Wernicke encephalopathy. The causal pathway by which this occurs is unknown. Intoxication with certain substances, such as phenytoin, can also cause ophthalmoparesis.
Treatment and prognosis
Treatment and prognosis depend on the underlying condition. For example, in thiamine deficiency, treatment would be the immediate administration of vitamin B1.
See also
- ^ Harrington, John N. "Orbital Cellulitis Clinical Presentation". Medscape. Retrieved 31 October 2014.
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English Journal
- Severe Bickerstaff's encephalitis treated with Rituximab: Serum and CSF GQ1b antibodies.
- Hardy TA, Barnett MH, Mohamed A, Garsia RJ, Davies L.SourceDepartment of Neuroinflammation, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG, UK; Department of Neurology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, NSW, 2050, Australia.
- Journal of neuroimmunology.J Neuroimmunol.2012 Oct 15;251(1-2):107-9. Epub 2012 Aug 4.
- Bickerstaff's encephalitis is a syndrome of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and impaired consciousness commonly associated with serum GQ1b antibodies. We describe a patient with seropositive Bickerstaff's encephalitis who did not respond either to plasma exchange or intravenous immunoglobulin but recovered
- PMID 22868227
- Do the paramedian tract neurons in pons take a role as a vertical neural integrator in humans?
- Lee H, Yi HA, Kim HA.AbstractImpairment of gaze holding mechanism and gaze-evoked nystagmus (GEN) in the vertical plane due to a focal brain lesion is usually caused by a failure of the vertical neural integrator, which is known to be localized in the interstitial nucleus of the Cajal in the upper midbrain. We report a patient with hemorrhagic stroke involving the paramedian pontine tegmentum who presented with vertical GEN due to a failure of vertical gaze holding mechanism and unilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia. The possible structure taking a role as a vertical neural integrator in this patient might be the paramedian tract (PMT) neuron.
- Journal of the neurological sciences.J Neurol Sci.2012 Oct 15;321(1-2):107-10. Epub 2012 Aug 2.
- Impairment of gaze holding mechanism and gaze-evoked nystagmus (GEN) in the vertical plane due to a focal brain lesion is usually caused by a failure of the vertical neural integrator, which is known to be localized in the interstitial nucleus of the Cajal in the upper midbrain. We report a patient
- PMID 22857989
Japanese Journal
- 核上性,核間性眼球運動障害 : MLF,Fisher症候群を含めて (特集 眼位・眼球運動異常の診断と治療)
- 症例報告 眼球運動障害に迷路性眼球反射促通法と両眼注視訓練が著効した外傷性脳損傷の1例
Related Links
- Ophthalmoparesis or ophthalmoplegia refers to paralysis of one or more extraocular muscles which are responsible for eye movements. It is a physical finding in certain neurologic illnesses.
Related Pictures

- ☆case14 複視
- ■glossary
- diplopia n. 複視
- 筋力低下、筋無力、筋脱力 muscle weakness, muscular weakness
- sunken
- vt. sinkのpp.
- adj.
- 沈没した、沈んだ、水中の
- 沈下した、一段低いところにある
- 落ち込んだ、くぼんだ
- 3,4-ジアミノピリジン 3,4-diaminopyridine 3,4-DAP K+チャネル阻害薬;ランバート・イートン筋無力症治療
- ■症例
- 43-year-old woman
- cheif complaint: diplopia
- present history: diplopia and holding her head up ; more marked in the evenings, for the last 3 months. difficulty of chewing. voice has become quieter. weight loss (3kg / 6months). non-smoker. drinks about 15 units/week. no regular medication.
- past history: no significant previous medical illnesses.
- family history: lives with her husband and three children.
- ・診察 examination
- looks well.
- organ systems: normal; cardiovascular, respiratory, and abdominal systems.
- muscle power; grossly normal. decrease after testing a movement repetitively.
- motor function: normal; tone, coordination, reflexes and sensation.
- bilateral ptosis. exacerbated by prolonged upward gaze
- eye: normal; pupillary reflexes, eye movements, and funduscopy
- ■答え
- diagnosis: myathenia gravis
- differential diagnoses:
- 上位and/or下位運動ニューロン motor neurone disease 運動ニューロン疾患:線維束性攣縮。進行例では筋力低下
- 筋 muscular dystrophy 筋ジストロフィー:ある種の筋肉が選択的に筋力低下する。家族歴がある。
- 筋 dystrophia myotonica 強直性筋ジストロフィー:咬筋、側頭筋、胸鎖乳突筋の筋萎縮、四肢遠位端の筋萎縮。顔貌が特徴的(前頭部脱毛、無表情、窪んだ頬)。家族歴ある。筋電図が診断に有用(急降下爆撃音)。
- 筋 polymyositis 多発筋炎:普通は皮疹と関節痛が出現。CKが上昇。筋生検が診断に有用
- 筋 myopathy ミオパチー:甲状腺中毒性ミオパチー、甲状腺機能低下症によるミオパチー、クッシング症候群によるミオパチー、アルコール性のミオパチー
- 神経筋接合部? non-metastatic associations of malignancy (paraneoplastic syndrome(傍腫瘍性症候群 = 腫瘍随伴症候群)のこと):胸腺腫の症例の10%に重症筋無力症がみられる。ランバート・イートン筋無力症症候群は小細胞癌と関連がある。
- HIM.2674
- Treatment with penicillamine (used for scleroderma or rheumatoid arthritis) may result in true autoimmune MG, but the weakness is usually mild, and recovery occurs within weeks or months after discontinuing its use.
- 重症筋無力症の誘発:ペニシラミン(強皮症や関節リウマチの治療に用いられる)。
- mildだし、薬剤の中断で改善する。
- Aminoglycoside antibiotics or procainamide can cause exacerbation of weakness in myasthenic patients; very large doses can cause neuromuscular weakness in normal individuals.
- 重症筋無力症の悪化:アミドグリコシド系抗菌薬、プロカインアミド
- MGの患者の筋脱力が悪化する。
- ■参考文献
- HIM = Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition
- CASES = 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine Second edition
- IMD = 内科診断学第2版
- 英
- Wernicke's encephalopathy, Wernicke encephalopathy
- 同
- Wernicke脳症、急性出血性上部灰白脳炎 polio-encephalitis haemorrhagica superior acuta
- 関
- ウェルニッケ症候群、ウェルニッケ病
- 眼球運動障害:両側外転神経麻痺、両側方注視麻痺、上方注視麻痺、両側内転障害。眼振。
- コルサコフ症候群:記銘障害、作話、空間と時間に対する失見当識
- 乳頭体、第三脳室、中脳水道、第四脳室周囲の灰白質に病変部位が認められる。
- 英
- ophthalmoplegia, ocular muscle palsy, paralysis of ocular muscles
- 関
- 外眼筋麻痺、動眼神経麻痺、眼麻痺
- 関
- external ophthalmoplegia、oculomotor nerve paralysis、ophthalmoparesis、ophthalmoplegia
- 関
- external ophthalmoplegia、oculomotor paralysis、ophthalmoplegia
慢性進行性外眼筋麻痺症候群 慢性進行性外眼筋麻痺 CPEO