- 関
- persistent、prolong
- capable of happening or existing; "a breakthrough may be possible next year"; "anything is possible"; "warned of possible consequences"
- an applicant who might be suitable
- something that can be done; "politics is the art of the possible"
- never-ceasing; "the relentless beat of the drums" (同)relentless, unrelenting
- retained; not shed; "persistent leaves remain attached past maturity"; "the persistent gills of fishes" (同)lasting
- lengthen or extend in duration or space; "We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible"; "prolong the treatment of the patient"; "keep up the good work" (同)sustain, keep_up
- lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer; "We prolonged our stay"; "She extended her visit by another day"; "The meeting was drawn out until midnight" (同)protract, extend, draw_out
- a rope fitted with a hook and used for towing a gun carriage
- 長引く,長期の
- (物事が)『可能な』,実行できる / (物事が)『ありうる』,『起こりうる』 / 我慢できる,まずまずの / 《形容詞の最上級,all, everyなどを強調して》可能な限りの / 〈U〉《the ~》可能性 / 〈C〉可能性のある人(物,事),当選(勝利)の見込みのある人
- (反対・困難にもくじけず)『あくまでもやり抜く』,ねばり強い,執ような / いつまでも続く,持続する(lasting)
- (時間的・空間的に)‥‘を'『延ばす』,『延長する』
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English Journal
- Time to onset of pain: Effects of magnitude and location for static pressures applied to the plantar foot.
- Wiggermann N1, Keyserling WM2.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2015 Jan;46 Pt A:84-90. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2014.07.008. Epub 2014 Aug 10.
- Mechanisms that cause foot discomfort during prolonged standing are poorly understood. There is currently no method for evaluating discomfort associated with low levels of static pressure that are typical during standing. Pain thresholds were measured for 20 healthy participants by applying five lev
- PMID 25118168
- Development of thyroglobulin antibodies after GVAX immunotherapy is associated with prolonged survival.
- De Remigis A1, de Gruijl TD, Uram JN, Tzou SC, Iwama S, Talor MV, Armstrong TD, Santegoets SJ, Slovin SF, Zheng L, Laheru DA, Jaffee EM, Gerritsen WR, van den Eertwegh AJ, Le DT, Caturegli P.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2015 Jan 1;136(1):127-37. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28973. Epub 2014 May 28.
- Cancer immunotherapy induces a variety of autoinflammatory responses, including those against the thyroid gland, which can be exploited to predict clinical outcomes. Considering the paucity of information about thyroid autoimmunity in patients receiving cancer vaccines, we designed our study to asse
- PMID 24832153
- Improved metastasis-free survival in nonadjuvantly treated postmenopausal breast cancer patients with chemokine receptor 5 del32 frameshift mutations.
- Span PN1, Pollakis G, Paxton WA, Sweep FC, Foekens JA, Martens JW, Sieuwerts AM, van Laarhoven HW.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2015 Jan 1;136(1):91-7. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28962. Epub 2014 May 20.
- The CC-chemokine receptor CCR5 has been associated with cancer progression and metastasis. CCR5 blockers such as Maraviroc are tested in metastatic cancer patients. A mutant allele of CCR5, CCR5-delta32 (CCR5del32), which encodes for a protein with a trans-dominant negative effect on the wildtype pr
- PMID 24807072
Japanese Journal
- Model of the Light-Induced Defect Creation in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- 未開発状態が長期化する開発計画をもつ自治体における開発行政のあり方 : 愛知県における暫定用途地域指定地区の特性と課題
- 日本建築学会東海支部研究報告集 Proceedings of Tokai Chapter Architectural Research Meeting (54), 549-552, 2016-02
- NAID 40020724613
- Strong ground motion in the Kathmandu Valley during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake
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- ☆case14 複視
- ■glossary
- diplopia n. 複視
- 筋力低下、筋無力、筋脱力 muscle weakness, muscular weakness
- sunken
- vt. sinkのpp.
- adj.
- 沈没した、沈んだ、水中の
- 沈下した、一段低いところにある
- 落ち込んだ、くぼんだ
- 3,4-ジアミノピリジン 3,4-diaminopyridine 3,4-DAP K+チャネル阻害薬;ランバート・イートン筋無力症治療
- ■症例
- 43-year-old woman
- cheif complaint: diplopia
- present history: diplopia and holding her head up ; more marked in the evenings, for the last 3 months. difficulty of chewing. voice has become quieter. weight loss (3kg / 6months). non-smoker. drinks about 15 units/week. no regular medication.
- past history: no significant previous medical illnesses.
- family history: lives with her husband and three children.
- ・診察 examination
- looks well.
- organ systems: normal; cardiovascular, respiratory, and abdominal systems.
- muscle power; grossly normal. decrease after testing a movement repetitively.
- motor function: normal; tone, coordination, reflexes and sensation.
- bilateral ptosis. exacerbated by prolonged upward gaze
- eye: normal; pupillary reflexes, eye movements, and funduscopy
- ■答え
- diagnosis: myathenia gravis
- differential diagnoses:
- 上位and/or下位運動ニューロン motor neurone disease 運動ニューロン疾患:線維束性攣縮。進行例では筋力低下
- 筋 muscular dystrophy 筋ジストロフィー:ある種の筋肉が選択的に筋力低下する。家族歴がある。
- 筋 dystrophia myotonica 強直性筋ジストロフィー:咬筋、側頭筋、胸鎖乳突筋の筋萎縮、四肢遠位端の筋萎縮。顔貌が特徴的(前頭部脱毛、無表情、窪んだ頬)。家族歴ある。筋電図が診断に有用(急降下爆撃音)。
- 筋 polymyositis 多発筋炎:普通は皮疹と関節痛が出現。CKが上昇。筋生検が診断に有用
- 筋 myopathy ミオパチー:甲状腺中毒性ミオパチー、甲状腺機能低下症によるミオパチー、クッシング症候群によるミオパチー、アルコール性のミオパチー
- 神経筋接合部? non-metastatic associations of malignancy (paraneoplastic syndrome(傍腫瘍性症候群 = 腫瘍随伴症候群)のこと):胸腺腫の症例の10%に重症筋無力症がみられる。ランバート・イートン筋無力症症候群は小細胞癌と関連がある。
- HIM.2674
- Treatment with penicillamine (used for scleroderma or rheumatoid arthritis) may result in true autoimmune MG, but the weakness is usually mild, and recovery occurs within weeks or months after discontinuing its use.
- 重症筋無力症の誘発:ペニシラミン(強皮症や関節リウマチの治療に用いられる)。
- mildだし、薬剤の中断で改善する。
- Aminoglycoside antibiotics or procainamide can cause exacerbation of weakness in myasthenic patients; very large doses can cause neuromuscular weakness in normal individuals.
- 重症筋無力症の悪化:アミドグリコシド系抗菌薬、プロカインアミド
- MGの患者の筋脱力が悪化する。
- ■参考文献
- HIM = Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition
- CASES = 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine Second edition
- IMD = 内科診断学第2版
- (もの・事が)可能な、考えられる、受け入れられる。(叙述的用法の形容詞)(+前+(代)名)(もの・事が)(人には)可能で。(+for+(代)名詞+to do)(人が)(…することは)可能で
- (最上級、all、everyなどに伴ってその意味を強めて)できる限りの。
- (もの・事が)ありそうな、起こりうる。(itの仮主語の構文で)(…は)ありそうで、起こりえて。(限定用法の形容詞)見込み[可能性]のある。
- The management of CDIE is complex and usually requires prolonged antibiotic therapy, percutaneous or surgical removal of the device, and possible device reimplantaion.
- 関
- able、can、capable、feasible、potential
- 関
- continuous、continuously、insurmountable、long-lasting、permanent、permanently、persistence、persistently、persisting、prolonged、repository、sustained、tonic、tonically
- 英
- prolonged、persistent
- 関
- 持続性、持続的、残留性、遺残、遷延
- 英
- prolong、prolonged
- 関
- 延ばす、延長、遷延性
- 関
- post-head injury coma、post-traumatic coma、traumatic coma
- 関
- allongement、elongation、extend、extension、lengthen、lengthening、postpone、prolongation、prolonged