- 関
- defer、extend、lengthen、prolong
- hold back to a later time; "lets postpone the exam" (同)prorogue, hold_over, put over, table, shelve, set_back, defer, remit, put off
- open or straighten out; unbend; "Can we extend the legs of this dining table?"
- increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance; "stretch the soup by adding some more cream"; "extend the casserole with a little rice" (同)stretch
- prolong the time allowed for payment of; "extend the loan"
- expand the influence of; "The King extended his rule to the Eastern part of the continent" (同)expand
- make available; provide; "extend a loan"; "The bank offers a good deal on new mortgages" (同)offer
- reach outward in space; "The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk" (同)poke out, reach_out
- lengthen or extend in duration or space; "We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible"; "prolong the treatment of the patient"; "keep up the good work" (同)sustain, keep_up
- lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer; "We prolonged our stay"; "She extended her visit by another day"; "The meeting was drawn out until midnight" (同)protract, extend, draw_out
- become long or longer; "In Spring, the days lengthen"
- make longer; "Lengthen this skirt, please"
- act of putting off to a future time (同)deferment, deferral
- …‘を'『延期する』,延ばす
- (…まで)〈距離・期間など〉‘を'『延ばす』,延長する《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)〈手・足,針金など〉‘を'『伸ばす』,広げる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 《文》(…に)〈親切・援助など〉‘を'『及ぼす』《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈事業・意味など〉‘を'広げる,拡張する / (距離・期間など)(…まで)『広がる』,『伸びる』,(…に)及ぶ,わたる《+『to+『名』》
- (時間的・空間的に)‥‘を'『延ばす』,『延長する』
- …‘を'『長くする』 / 長くなる
- …'を'『延ばす』,延期する(postpone)
- 《『defer to』+『名』》(人・希望・意見などに)従う
- 延期,あと回し
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English Journal
- Preparation and properties of polylactic acid-tea polyphenol-chitosan composite membranes.
- Ye J1, Wang S1, Lan W2, Qin W1, Liu Y3.
- International journal of biological macromolecules.Int J Biol Macromol.2018 Oct 1;117:632-639. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.05.080. Epub 2018 May 18.
- PMID 29782977
- Zika virus incidence, preventive and reproductive behaviors: Correlates from new survey data.
- Quintana-Domeque C1, Carvalho JR2, de Oliveira VH3.
- Economics and human biology.Econ Hum Biol.2018 Sep;30:14-23. doi: 10.1016/j.ehb.2018.04.003. Epub 2018 May 1.
- PMID 29772278
- Effects of wearing lower leg compression sleeves on locomotion economy.
- Kurz E1, Anders C1.
- Journal of sports sciences.J Sports Sci.2018 Sep;36(18):2105-2110. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2018.1439355. Epub 2018 Feb 15.
- PMID 29447545
- Buttermilk and Krill Oil Phospholipids Improve Hippocampal Insulin Resistance and Synaptic Signaling in Aged Rats.
- Tomé-Carneiro J1, Carmen Crespo M1, Burgos-Ramos E2, Tomas-Zapico C3,4, García-Serrano A5, Castro-Gómez P5, Venero C6, Pereda-Pérez I6,7, Baliyan S6, Valencia A6, Fontecha J5, Dávalos A8, Visioli F1,9.
- Molecular neurobiology.Mol Neurobiol.2018 Sep;55(9):7285-7296. doi: 10.1007/s12035-018-0934-y. Epub 2018 Feb 3.
- PMID 29397560
Japanese Journal
- クローン病小腸狭窄に対する内視鏡的バルーン拡張術(動画付き)
- 特別養護老人ホーム入所時における看取りのケアの説明に対する家族の反応
- 日本赤十字豊田看護大学紀要 = Journal of Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing 13(1), 95-107, 2018
- NAID 120006503492
- Does Providing Informal Elderly Care Hasten Retirement? Evidence from Japan
- AGI Working Paper Series = AGI Working Paper Series 2017-07, 1-45, 2017-03
- NAID 120006014845
- 能動的先延ばし尺度の作成と信頼性および妥当性の検討
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- 関
- dilatation、dilate、dilated、dilation、distend、elongate、elongation、enlarge、enlargement、expand、extension、go、grow、lengthen、outgrowth、postpone、prolong、range、reach、span、spread、stretch
- (adj.)extended
- 関
- allongement、elongation、extend、extension、lengthen、lengthening、postpone、prolongation、prolonged
- 英
- (距離)extend、lengthen、(時間)prolong、postpone
- 関
- 延期、延長、及ぶ、拡張、伸長、伸展、伸びる、広がる、長くする、遷延
- 関
- allongement、elongation、extend、extension、lengthening、postpone、prolong、prolongation
- 関
- postpone