- 関
- can、capable、feasibility、plausible、possible、potential、practicable、viable
- capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are (同)executable, practicable, viable, workable
- the quantity contained in a can (同)canful
- preserve in a can or tin; "tinned foods are not very tasty" (同)tin, put_up
- airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc. (同)tin, tin_can
- a buoy with a round bottom and conical top (同)can buoy
- capable of happening or existing; "a breakthrough may be possible next year"; "anything is possible"; "warned of possible consequences"
- an applicant who might be suitable
- something that can be done; "politics is the art of the possible"
- (usually followed by `of'
- possibly accepting or permitting; "a passage capable of misinterpretation"; "open to interpretation"; "an issue open to question"; "the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation" (同)open, subject
- (followed by `of'
- existing in possibility; "a potential problem"; "possible uses of nuclear power" (同)possible
- the inherent capacity for coming into being (同)potentiality, potency
- capable of life or normal growth and development; "viable seeds"; "a viable fetus"
- capable of being annulled or voided or terminated; "a claim to an estate may be defeasible so long as the claimant is under 21 and unmarried"
- not liable to being annulled or voided or undone; "an indefeasible right to freedom"; "an indefeasible claim to the title"
- 実行できる,可能性のある / もっともらしい,ありそうな
- 《能力》『…することができる』 《可能性・推量》 《平叙文で》『…であり得る』 し得る,かもしれない 《否定文で》…のはずがない,ではあり得ない 《疑問文で》いったい…だろうか 《話》《許可・軽い命令》『…してもよい』 …してあげよう;《疑問文で》…してくれませんか
- 『かん』(取っ手・ふた・口のついた金属・プラスチック製容器・コップなど) / 《米》(かん詰めの)『かん』,かん詰め(《英》 tin) / かん1杯(の…)《+『of』+『名』》 / …'を'かん詰めにする(また《英》 『tin』) / 《米俗》…'を'くびにする
- canceled / cancellation / canon / canto
- (物事が)『可能な』,実行できる / (物事が)『ありうる』,『起こりうる』 / 我慢できる,まずまずの / 《形容詞の最上級,all, everyなどを強調して》可能な限りの / 〈U〉《the ~》可能性 / 〈C〉可能性のある人(物,事),当選(勝利)の見込みのある人
- 『手腕のある』,有能な,才能のある(able, competent)
- 可能性のある,潜在的な / 可能性,潜在力 / 電位
- 生存できる,生活できる,生育できる / 実行できる
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/04/24 21:23:59」(JST)
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Feasibility may refer to:
- Logical possibility, that which is achievable.
- Feasible region, a region that satisfies mathematical constraints
- Feasibility study, a preliminary study to determine a project's viability.
- Feasibility Study, an episode of The Outer Limits TV show.
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English Journal
- Combining the genetic algorithm and successive projection algorithm for the selection of feature wavelengths to evaluate exudative characteristics in frozen-thawed fish muscle.
- Cheng JH1, Sun DW2, Pu H1.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Apr 15;197(Pt A):855-63. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.11.019. Epub 2015 Nov 10.
- The potential use of feature wavelengths for predicting drip loss in grass carp fish, as affected by being frozen at -20°C for 24h and thawed at 4°C for 1, 2, 4, and 6days, was investigated. Hyperspectral images of frozen-thawed fish were obtained and their corresponding spectra were extracted. Le
- PMID 26617027
- Conformational changes in proteins recovered from jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) muscle through pH shift washing treatments.
- Cortés-Ruiz JA1, Pacheco-Aguilar R2, Ramírez-Suárez JC1, Lugo-Sánchez ME1, García-Orozco KD1, Sotelo-Mundo RR1, Peña-Ramos A1.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Apr 1;196:769-75. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.09.054. Epub 2015 Sep 26.
- Conformational and thermal-rheological properties of acidic (APC) and neutral (NPC) protein concentrates were evaluated and compared to those of squid (Dosidicus gigas) muscle proteins (SM). Surface hydrophobicity, sulfhydryl status, secondary structure profile, differential scanning calorimetry and
- PMID 26593553
- Molecular imprinting ratiometric fluorescence sensor for highly selective and sensitive detection of phycocyanin.
- Wang X1, Yu J2, Kang Q3, Shen D4, Li J5, Chen L6.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2016 Mar 15;77:624-30. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.10.019. Epub 2015 Oct 9.
- A facile strategy was developed to prepare molecular imprinting ratiometric fluorescence sensor for highly selective and sensitive detection of phycocyanin (PC) based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), via a sol-gel polymerization process using nitrobenzoxadiazole (NBD) as fluorescent
- PMID 26485176
- Polymerase chain reaction-free detection of hepatitis B virus DNA using a nanostructured impedance biosensor.
- Chen CC1, Lai ZL2, Wang GJ3, Wu CY4.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2016 Mar 15;77:603-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.10.028. Epub 2015 Oct 22.
- A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-free technique for the effective detection of genomic length hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA is described in this study. The honeycomb-like barrier layer of an anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) film having a uniform nanohemisphere array was used as the substrate of the sensin
- PMID 26479905
Japanese Journal
- Implication of Two-Coupled Differential Van der Pol Duffing Oscillator in Weak Signal Detection
- Systematic approach to developing empirical interatomic potentials for III–N semiconductors
- 大学英語教育の中のジャンル分析―その影響力の検証―
- Joint Implementation of Policies for Making the MRT Successful and Mitigating the Congestion in Jakarta <Article>
- Journal of International Development and Cooperation 22(1・2), 73-89, 2016-03-01
- NAID 120005716399
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- feasibleとは。意味や和訳。[形]1 実行できる,実現可能な;(経済的に)引き合う. ⇒POSSIBLEYour proposal sounds feasible.君の提案はものになりそうだ.2 (…に)適した,ふさわしい((for ...))The road is not feasible for travel by ca ...
- feasible 【形】 〔計画などが〕実現[実行]可能な・The idea must be feasible... - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
- feasibleの意味は?goo辞書は無料で使える日本最大級の辞書サービスです。国語辞典、英和辞典、和英辞典、類語辞典、中国語辞典、百科事典などを提供しています。
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- (もの・事が)可能な、考えられる、受け入れられる。(叙述的用法の形容詞)(+前+(代)名)(もの・事が)(人には)可能で。(+for+(代)名詞+to do)(人が)(…することは)可能で
- (最上級、all、everyなどに伴ってその意味を強めて)できる限りの。
- (もの・事が)ありそうな、起こりうる。(itの仮主語の構文で)(…は)ありそうで、起こりえて。(限定用法の形容詞)見込み[可能性]のある。
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- 関
- able、can、capable、feasible、potential
- (過去could)
- (可能)~できる、~しようと思えばできる、~する能力がある。
- (推量)~する可能性がある、~することがあり得る、~する/になることがある、~しない/にならないとも限らない。
- (許可)~してもよい、~しても差し支えない。
- 関
- able、feasible、possible
- 有能な、手腕のある(able)。(~に必要な)実力/資格のある(for)
- (法)所有権/資格のある
- (人が)~の/する力/能力/傾向のある、(~を)あえてする、(~を)しかねない(of)
- (物事・事情が)可能な、(~に)耐えうる、(~を)入れうる(of)
- 関
- feasible、possible、potential
- capably, capableness
- 関
- capability、capable、electric potential、electrical potential、feasibility、feasible、latently、likelihood、odds、possibility、possible、potentiality、potentially、probability、promising、voltage
- 英
- possible、potential、capable、feasible
- 関
- ありうる、可能性、潜在的、できる、電位、ポテンシャル、有能、もっともらしい、能力のある、有望、実行可能