- Progression rates are variable and an acute aggressive form with death in 6 months can occur.(疾患の進展速度は症例により様々で、6ヶ月で死亡する急性増悪も起こりうる)(CASES.244)
- 関
- appearance、breed、configure、cultivar、figure、formation、mode、morphology、orchestrate、pattern、race、shape、topology、type、typed
- develop into a distinctive entity; "our plans began to take shape" (同)take form, take shape, spring
- assume a form or shape; "the water formed little beads"
- the visual appearance of something or someone; "the delicate cast of his features" (同)shape, cast
- a mold for setting concrete; "they built elaborate forms for pouring the foundation"
- a particular mode in which something is manifested; "his resentment took the form of extreme hostility"
- a perceptual structure; "the composition presents problems for students of musical form"; "a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them" (同)shape, pattern
- (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups; "a new strain of microorganisms" (同)variant, strain, var.
- the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something; "the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached" (同)word form, signifier, descriptor
- a printed document with spaces in which to write; "he filled out his tax form"
- an ability to perform well; "he was at the top of his form"; "the team was off form last night"
- an arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse; "the essay was in the form of a dialogue"; "he first sketches the plot in outline form"
- to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting"; "The branches made a roof"; "This makes a fine introduction" (同)constitute, make
- create (as an entity); "social groups form everywhere"; "They formed a company" (同)organize, organise
- to work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others; "We are racing to find a cure for AIDS"
- a contest of speed; "the race is to the swift"
- any competition; "the race for the presidency"
- people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock; "some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings"
- compete in a race; "he is running the Marathon this year"; "lets race and see who gets there first" (同)run
- cause to move fast or to rush or race; "The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze" (同)rush
- understand; "He didnt figure her"
- a combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape
- an amount of money expressed numerically; "a figure of $17 was suggested"
- a model of a bodily form (especially of a person); "he made a figure of Santa Claus"
- a predetermined set of movements in dancing or skating; "she made the best score on compulsory figures"
- the impression produced by a person; "he cut a fine figure"; "a heroic figure"
- a diagram or picture illustrating textual material; "the area covered can be seen from Figure 2" (同)fig
- a unitary percept having structure and coherence that is the object of attention and that stands out against a ground
- be or play a part of or in; "Elections figure prominently in every government program"; "How do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics?" (同)enter
- write by means of a keyboard with types; "type the acceptance letter, please" (同)typewrite
- a small metal block bearing a raised character on one end; produces a printed character when inked and pressed on paper; "he dropped a case of type, so they made him pick them up"
- (biology) the taxonomic group whose characteristics are used to define the next higher taxon
- a subdivision of a particular kind of thing; "what type of sculpture do you prefer?"
- all of the tokens of the same symbol; "the word `element contains five different types of character"
- printed characters; "small type is hard to read"
- identify as belonging to a certain type; "Such people can practically be typed" (同)typecast
- make something, usually for a specific function; "She molded the rice balls carefully"; "Form cylinders from the dough"; "shape a figure"; "Work the metal into a sword" (同)form, work, mold, mould, forge
- give shape or form to; "shape the dough"; "form the young childs character" (同)form
- the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance; "geometry is the mathematical science of shape" (同)form
- any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline); "he could barely make out their shapes" (同)form, configuration, contour, conformation
- a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept; "a circle was the embodiment of his concept of life" (同)embodiment
- subject to a mathematical transformation
- change in outward structure or looks; "He transformed into a monster"; "The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle" (同)transmute, metamorphose
- change or alter in form, appearance, or nature; "This experience transformed her completely"; "She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture"; "transubstantiate one element into another" (同)transmute, transubstantiate
- change (a bacterial cell) into a genetically distinct cell by the introduction of DNA from another cell of the same or closely related species
- convert (one form of energy) to another; "transform energy to light"
- increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage)
- a performance of a play (同)theatrical, representation, histrionics
- a business that is less successful than expected
- a form to use when sending a telegram
- having or given a form or shape
- 〈C〉〈U〉(色・材質に対して)『形』,形状,姿 / 〈C〉『人体』,体つき / 〈C〉〈U〉『外観』,格好,人影 / 〈C〉〈U〉(ものの現れる)『形態』,形式 / 〈C〉(生物などの)『種類』,品種 / 〈U〉(芸術作品の)表現形式 / 〈U〉(特にスポーツで)(競技者の)フォーム / 〈U〉(心身の)調子,元気 / 〈C〉(印刷された)書き込み用紙,ひな形 / 〈U〉《話》(ある集団などの)やり方,仕方,方式 / 〈C〉〈U〉しきたり,伝統的な儀式 / 〈C〉(英国の学校・米国のある学校で)学年,学級 / 〈U〉〈C〉(意味に対する)形態,形;語形 / 〈C〉(通例寄りかかりのない)長い木のいす / 〈素材〉‘に'形を与える,(…に)…‘を'形作る《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / (素材から)…‘を'形作る《+『名』+『out of』+『名』》 / …‘を'組織する,構成する / 〈考えなど〉‘を'まとめる,思い付く;〈計画など〉‘を'立てる / 〈習慣など〉‘を'身に付ける;〈交際など〉‘を'結ぶ / 〈文章など〉‘を'組み立てる;〈複数形など〉‘を'作る / (ある順序に)配列する,整列させる / 〈物が〉形を成す / 生じる,現れる / (…に)なる《+『into』+『名』》
- 競走,レース;競技会,(特に)競馬 / (一般に)競争;(…を得るための)競争《+『for』+『名』》 / 水の速い流れ,急流,早瀬;(水車などの)水路 / 《おもに文》(事件・話などの)進行;(太陽・月の)運行;)時の)経過;人生の行路 / (…と)『競走する』《+『with』(『against』)+『名』》,(…のために)『競争する』《+『for』+『名』》 / 《方向などの副詞[句]を伴って》疾走する,急ぐ / 〈機械などが〉高速で作動する,〈エンジンなどが〉空転する / …と『競走する』 / (…と)…‘を'『競走させる』,全速力で走らせる《+『名』+『against』+『名』》 / 〈機械など〉‘を'高速で作動させる,〈エンジンなど〉‘を'空転させる
- 〈C〉『人種』;『民族』 / 〈C〉《修飾語[句]を伴って》(動植物の)『種類』,品種;《the ~》人類 / 〈C〉(祖先・歴史・国籍・言語・風俗などが同じの)民族,同族 / 〈U〉血統,家系 / 〈C〉同類;(…の)仲間《+『of』+『名』》
- 〈C〉『数字』,(特に)アラビア数字;数量,価格 / 《複数形で》計算,算数 / 〈C〉『姿』,容姿,目立つ姿 / 〈C〉《修飾語句を伴って》(…の)『人』;(…の)名士,大物 / 〈C〉(絵画・彫刻などの)人物像,肖像 / 〈U〉〈C〉形,形状 / 〈C〉『図』図形;模様,図案 / 〈C〉(…の)印,象徴,典型《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉=figure of speech / 〈C〉(ダンス・スケートの)フィギュア / …‘を'計算する;…‘を'合計する《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / 《おもに米話》…‘を'考える / …‘を'(…の)図形に表す,(…の)模様で飾る《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (…で)目立つ,異彩を放つ《+『in』+『名』》
- 〈C〉(…の)『型』,タイプ,類型,種類(kind)《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(その種類の特質を最もよく表している)『典型』,手本,模範《+of+名》 / 〈U〉《集合的に》活字;〈C〉(1個の)活字 / 〈U〉(印刷された)字体,活字 / 〈C〉(貨幣・メダルなどの)模様,図柄 / 〈C〉血液型(blood group) / …‘を'タイプに打つ / (…として)…‘を'分類する《+名+as+名(doing)》 / …‘の'型を決める / タイプライターを打つ
- 〈C〉〈U〉『形』,外形,形状・〈U〉状態、調子・〈U〉申分のない体調・〈U〉《時にa~》体つき,姿,なり・〈U〉(物事の)状態・…‘を'『形を作る』・‘を'形づける(give form to);(…の形に)‥・‘を'形作る《+『名』+『into』+『名』》・…‘を'形を整える・‘を'合わせる・(…に)…‘を'形を合わせる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》・〈進路・方針など〉‘を'定める・形ができる・具体化する・発展する《+『up』》
- (別の形・外見・性質・状態などに)…‘を'『変える』,変化させる《+名+into+名》 / (物理・化学で)〈あるエネルギー〉‘を'他のエネルギーに変換する;〈電流〉‘を'変圧する
- 縮小写真印刷[物]
- 《時間・距離》『…の間』 / 《利益・貢献》『…のために』 / 《適応・用途》『…向きの(に);』…用の(に);…のための(に) / 《目的・意向》『…のために,』に / 《敬意・記念》『…のために;』…を記念して / 《獲得・追求》『…を得るために』,を求めて / 《行く先・方向》『…あてに;』…[方面]行きの,に向けて / 《交換・報償など》『…に対して』;…と引き換えに;…のお返しに / 《原因・理由》『…のために』,なので / 《代理・代表》『…の代わりに;』…を代表して / 《形容詞の後に用いて》『…にとって,』には / 《比較級の後に用いて》『…の結果として,』…のために / 《対比》『…としては,』のわりには / 《関連》『…について,』の点では / 《資格・属性》『…として』 / 《賛成・支持》…『に賛成して』,を支持して / 《傾向・好み》…『に対する』,には / 《模倣》《おもに米》《英文》…の名を取って(after) / 《割合》…に対して / 《『for』+『名』〈人〉+『to』 doの形で,〈人〉が不定詞to doの意味上の主語を表して》…が(…することは,…するために) / […というのは]…だから
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/07/05 00:24:08」(JST)
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Look up -form or form in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Form is the shape, visual appearance, constitution or configuration of an object. In a wider sense, the form is the way something is or happens.
Form may also refer to the following:
- Form (document), a document (printed or electronic) with spaces in which to write or enter data
- Form (education), a class, set or group of students
- Form (exercise), a proper way of performing an exercise
- Form (horse racing), a record of a racehorse's performance, or similarly for an athlete
- Form (religion), an academic term for prescriptions or norms on religious practice
- Form (visual art), a three-dimensional geometrical figure; one of the seven elements of art
- Musical form, a generic type of composition or the structure of a particular piece
- Form (nest), a shallow depression or flattened nest of grass used by a hare
- Criminal record, slang
- 1 Mathematics
- 2 Biology
- 3 Computing
- 4 Martial arts
- 5 Philosophy
- 6 Other
- 7 See also
- Algebraic form (homogeneous polynomial), which generalises quadratic forms to degrees 3 and more, also known as quantics or simply forms
- Bilinear form, on a vector space V over a field F is a mapping V × V → F that is linear in both arguments
- Differential form, a concept from differential topology that combines multilinear forms and smooth functions
- Indeterminate form, an algebraic expression that cannot be used to evaluate a limit
- Modular form, a (complex) analytic function on the upper half plane satisfying a certain kind of functional equation and growth condition
- Multilinear form, which generalises bilinear forms to mappings VN → F
- Quadratic form, a homogeneous polynomial of degree two in a number of variables
- Form (botany), a formal taxon at a rank lower than species
- Form (zoology), informal taxa used sometimes in zoology
- Form (HTML), a document form used on a web page to, typically, submit user data to a server
- Form (programming), a component-based representation of a GUI window
- FORM (symbolic manipulation system), a program for symbolic computations
- Form (computer virus), the most common computer virus of the 1990s
- Oracle Forms, a Rapid Application Development environment for developing database applications
- Windows Forms, the graphical API within the Microsoft .NET Framework for access to native Microsoft Windows interface elements
- XForms, an XML format for the specification of user interfaces, specifically web forms
Martial arts
- Kata (型 or 形), the detailed pattern of defence-and-attack
- Taeguk (Taekwondo) (형), the "forms" used to create a foundation for the teaching of Taekwondo
- Taolu (套路), forms used in Chinese martial arts and sport wushu
- Substantial form, asserts that ideas organize matter and make it intelligible
- Intelligible form, a substantial form as it is apprehended by the intellect
- Theory of Forms, asserts that ideas possess the highest and most fundamental kind of reality
- Value-form, an approach to understanding the origins of commodity trade and the formation of markets
- Argument form, aka Logical form or Test form - replacing the different words, or sentences, that make up the argument with letters, along the lines of algebra; the letters represent logical variables
- First-order reliability method, a semi-probabilistic reliability analysis method devised to evaluate the reliability of a system
- Form, the relation a word has to a lexeme
- Formwork, a mould used for concrete construction
- A form is a backless bench formerly used for seating in dining halls, school rooms and courtrooms.
- Isoform, several different forms of the same protein
- Sixth form, an English term for the final two years of secondary school
- The Forms (band), an American indie rock band
- "-form", a term used in science to describe large groups, often used in taxonomy
See also
- FORM (disambiguation)
- Forme (disambiguation)
- Formation (disambiguation)
- Formula (disambiguation)
- Conformity (disambiguation)
- Deformation (disambiguation)
- Inform (disambiguation)
- Reform (disambiguation)
- All pages beginning with "Form"
- All pages with titles containing Form
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English Journal
- Silver nanoparticle-specific mitotoxicity in Daphnia magna.
- Stensberg MC, Madangopal R, Yale G, Wei Q, Ochoa-Acuña H, Wei A, McLamore ES, Rickus J, Porterfield DM, Sepúlveda MS.Author information Department of Agriculture and Biological Engineering, Purdue University , West Lafayette, IN , USA.AbstractSilver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are gaining popularity as bactericidal agents in commercial products; however, the mechanisms of toxicity (MOT) of Ag NPs to other organisms are not fully understood. It is the goal of this research to determine differences in MOT induced by ionic Ag(+) and Ag NPs in Daphnia magna, by incorporating a battery of traditional and novel methods. Daphnia embryos were exposed to sublethal concentrations of AgNO3 and Ag NPs (130-650 ng/L), with uptake of the latter confirmed by confocal reflectance microscopy. Mitochondrial function was non-invasively monitored by measuring proton flux using self-referencing microsensors. Proton flux measurements revealed that while both forms of silver significantly affected proton efflux, the change induced by Ag NPs was greater than that of Ag(+). This could be correlated with the effects of Ag NPs on mitochondrial dysfunction, as determined by confocal fluorescence microscopy and JC-1, an indicator of mitochondrial permeability. However, Ag(+) was more efficient than Ag NPs at displacing Na(+) within embryonic Daphnia, based on inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) analysis. The abnormalities in mitochondrial activity for Ag NP-exposed organisms suggest a nanoparticle-specific MOT, distinct from that induced by Ag ions. We propose that the MOT of each form of silver are complementary, and can act in synergy to produce a greater toxic response overall.
- Nanotoxicology.Nanotoxicology.2014 Dec;8(8):833-42. doi: 10.3109/17435390.2013.832430. Epub 2013 Sep 2.
- Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are gaining popularity as bactericidal agents in commercial products; however, the mechanisms of toxicity (MOT) of Ag NPs to other organisms are not fully understood. It is the goal of this research to determine differences in MOT induced by ionic Ag(+) and Ag NPs in Da
- PMID 23927462
- Minimal oxidation and inflammogenicity of pristine graphene with residence in the lung.
- Schinwald A, Murphy F, Askounis A, Koutsos V, Sefiane K, Donaldson K, Campbell CJ.Author information Queen's Medical Research Institute, MRC/University of Edinburgh, Centre for Inflammation Research , Edinburgh , UK.AbstractTwo-dimensional graphitic carbon, graphene, is a new form of nanomaterial with great potential in a wide variety of applications. It is therefore crucial to investigate the behaviour of graphene in biological systems to assess potential adverse effects that might follow from inhalation exposure. In this study we focussed on medium-term effects of graphene in lung tissue by investigating the pulmonary inflammation 6 weeks after pharyngeal aspiration of unoxidised multilayered graphene platelets (GPs) in mice and assessed their biopersistence in the lung tissue using Raman spectroscopy. Additionally, GP degradation in vitro was examined after horseradish peroxidase (HRP) treatment up to 1 week. Building on our previous report showing acute inflammation in mice lungs at 1 day, pristine GP showed minimal inflammation in mouse lungs after 6 weeks even though no degradation of GP in lung tissue was observed and large deposits of GP were evident in the lungs. Raman analysis of GP in tissue sections showed minimal oxidation, and in vitro examinations of enzymatic oxidation of GP via HRP and H2O2 showed only slight increases in ID/IG ratio and the appearance of the Raman D' band at 1620 cm(-1) (surrogates of graphene oxidation). Our results showing non-inflammogenicity at medium time points have important implications in the hazard identification of GPs following inhalation exposure and for their use in biomedical applications. Additionally, the biopersistence of pristine GP in vivo with no associated inflammation could open the way to applications in tissue engineering and drug delivery.
- Nanotoxicology.Nanotoxicology.2014 Dec;8(8):824-32. doi: 10.3109/17435390.2013.831502. Epub 2013 Sep 5.
- Two-dimensional graphitic carbon, graphene, is a new form of nanomaterial with great potential in a wide variety of applications. It is therefore crucial to investigate the behaviour of graphene in biological systems to assess potential adverse effects that might follow from inhalation exposure. In
- PMID 23924429
- Revisiting eukaryotic anti-infective biotherapeutics.
- Rishi P, Singh AP, Arora S, Garg N, Kaur IP.Author information Department of Microbiology, Panjab University , Chandigarh, Chandigarh , India and.AbstractAbstract Emerging drug resistance has forced the scientific community to revisit the observational data documented in the folklore and come up with novel and effective alternatives. Candidates from eukaryotic origin including herbal products and antimicrobial peptides are finding a strategic place in the therapeutic armamentarium against infectious diseases. These agents have recently gained interest owing to their versatile applications. Present review encompasses the use of these alternative strategies in their native or designer form, alone or in conjunction with antibiotics, as possible remedial measures. Further to this, the limitations or the possible concerns associated with these options are also discussed at length.
- Critical reviews in microbiology.Crit Rev Microbiol.2014 Nov;40(4):281-92. doi: 10.3109/1040841X.2012.749210. Epub 2013 Jan 15.
- Abstract Emerging drug resistance has forced the scientific community to revisit the observational data documented in the folklore and come up with novel and effective alternatives. Candidates from eukaryotic origin including herbal products and antimicrobial peptides are finding a strategic place i
- PMID 23317462
- Development and evaluation of oral osmotic pump of butorphanol tartrate.
- Shah B, Raichandani Y, Misra A.Author information Drug Delivery Laboratory, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, TIFAC Centre of Relevance and Excellence in NDDS, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda , Vadodara , India.AbstractButorphanol is potent analgesic useful in pain management. However, because of high first-pass metabolism butorphanol is not available in market as oral dosage form. Drugs that undergo extensive first-pass metabolism can be delivered orally if protected in the stomach, and proximal small intestine. An oral controlled porosity osmotic pump (CPOP) was designed to deliver butorphanol tartrate that can maintain therapeutic blood concentration up to 24 h. The target release profile for extended release formulation was calculated by Wagner Nelson de-convolution using published immediate release blood concentration data for oral route. Composition of the core and coating were optimized using USFDA approved ingredients by evaluation of the drug release. Drug release from the developed system was inversely proportional to the weight gain and directly related to the level of pore former. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) confirmed the formation of pores in the coating membrane on contact with water which lead to drug to release. Kinetic models were applied to drug release data to establish the drug release mechanism. The developed osmotic system effectively delivers selected drug at a predetermined rate for extended period.
- Pharmaceutical development and technology.Pharm Dev Technol.2014 Nov;19(7):868-80. doi: 10.3109/10837450.2013.836223. Epub 2013 Sep 30.
- Butorphanol is potent analgesic useful in pain management. However, because of high first-pass metabolism butorphanol is not available in market as oral dosage form. Drugs that undergo extensive first-pass metabolism can be delivered orally if protected in the stomach, and proximal small intestine.
- PMID 24079361
Japanese Journal
- Visible Light Photocatalytic Bacterial Inactivation on Titanium Dioxide Coatings
- Elucidating Cultivar Differences in Plant Regeneration Ability in an Apple Anther Culture
- Copper-catalyzed stereoselective conjugate addition of alkylboranes to alkynoates
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- 96
- 35歳 女性
- 【主訴】息切れ
- 【現病歴】6ヶ月から次第に増悪する息切れを訴え来院。息切れは進行しており、今では同年代の人に比べ階段を登ったり平地を歩くのがおそい。3ヶ月間空咳が出現してきている。
- 【既往歴】喘息(子供の頃、中等度)
- 【家族歴】父:40歳時に胸部疾患(chest problem)で死亡(と、この患者は思いこんでいる)。
- 【服用薬】パラセタモール。やせ薬は過去に使ったことがある
- 【嗜好歴】タバコ:吸わない。飲酒:週に10 units以下。
- 【職業歴】印刷会社(学校卒業後ずっと)
- 【生活歴】8歳と10歳の子供がいる。ペットとして自宅にネコとウサギを飼育している。
- 【身体所見】
- バチ指、貧血、チアノーゼは認めない。心血管系正常。呼吸器系で、両側性に肺拡張能低下。胸部打診音、および触覚振盪音は正常。聴診上、両肺の肺底部に呼気終期年発音を聴取する。
- 【検査所見】
- 呼吸機能試験
- 測定値 予測値
- FEV1(L) 3.0 3.6-4.2
- FVC(L) 3.6 4.5-5.3
- FER(FEV1/FVC)(%) 83 75-80
- PEF(L/min) 470 450-550
- 胸部単純X線写真
- 胸部単純CT(肺野条件)
- Q1 診断は?Q2 追加の検査と治療法
- (解説)
- ・6ヶ月から次第に増悪する息切れ
- ・本当に6ヶ月から息切れが始まったかは分からない!!実際にはもっと前から存在する可能性を考えよう。
- ・喘息の既往歴 → また喘息か・・・
- ・聴診上笛音 weezingなく、また呼吸機能検査で閉塞性肺障害は認められず否定的
- ・職業性喘息 ← 肺の疾患では職業歴が重要なんだよ、うん。
- ・職業に関連した特定の物質に曝露され引き起こされる気管支喘息。
- ・気管支喘息だと閉塞性換気障害でしょっ。
- ・本症例の病態
- ・拘束性病変(restrictive problem):拡張制限 + ラ音(呼気時に閉鎖していた気道の再開通によるラ音。このラ音は(1)肺が硬い+(2)肺容量低下による起こるんじゃ)
- ・呼吸機能検査の結果
- ・中等度の拘束性換気障害(FEV1とFVCの低下、slightly high ratio)
- → 硬い肺と胸郭を示唆している → 肺コンプライアンス低下じゃな。
- → 拡散能低下が予想される。
- ・胸部単純X線写真
- ・小さい肺野、中肺野~下肺野にかけて結節性網状陰影(nodular and reticular shadowing)を認める ← 教科書的には「線状網状影」
- ・胸膜下嚢胞形成(subspleural cyst formationの直訳。教科書的には「胸膜直下の蜂巣肺所見」)を伴う線維化
- これらの所見→diffusing pulmonary fibrosis(fibrosing alveolitis)
- ・肺の線維化病変を見たら限局性かびまん性かを見なさい!マジで?
- ・びまん性:diffuse fine pulmonary fibrosis
- ・原因:膠原病、薬剤性、中毒性、特発性
- ・限局性:例えば肺炎感染後の瘢痕
- ・IPF
- ・まれに家族性の病型有 → 本症例で父がchest problemで無くなっている事と関連があるかもしらん。
- ・IPFの良くある病型:UIP + CT上胸膜下に認められる蜂巣肺
- ・膠原病に合併する場合、NSIPの様に広い範囲に斑状の病変が出現
- ・CT上、ground glass shadowingに見える所はactive cellular alveolitisであり、反応に反応する確率が高いことと関連している。
- ・追加の検査の目的:原因と合併症の検索、肺生検施行の有無を決定
- ・肺生検:経気管支鏡生検は試料が少ないために負荷。VATは良く使用されており、若年の肺組織を得るのに適切な方法。
- ・治療
- ・低用量~中等量の副腎皮質ステロイド ± 免疫抑制薬(アザチオプリン):数ヶ月経過観察し、反応性を観察。
- ・UIP症例でこのレジメンに対する反応性は乏しく、治療による利益より重大な副作用を起こさないことが重要
- ・アセチルシステイン:anti-oxidant
- ・予後を改善するというエビデンス有り
- ・ステロイド+アザチオプリン+アセチルシステインというレジメンで用いられることがある
- ・肺移植
- ・本症例の様にナウでヤングな患者には適応を考慮しても良い
- ・予後
- ・疾患の進展速度は症例により様々
- ・6ヶ月で死亡する急性増悪も起こることがある。
- Progression rates are variable and an acute aggressive form with death in 6 months can occur.
- ・UIP症例では多くの場合2~3年かけて確実に進行していく。
- ■glossary
- clubbing n. バチ指
- restrictive ventilatory defect 拘束性換気障害
- transfer factor = 拡散能/拡散能力 diffusion capacity
- subpleural bleb 胸膜下嚢胞
- diffuse fine pulmonary fibrosis びまん性微細肺線維症
- warrant vt. (正式)(SVO/doing)S(事)からするとO(事)は「~することは」当然のことである(justify)
- relevant adj. 直接的に関連する、関連性のある(to)
- ground glass すりガラス
- 'ground glass' shadowingすりガラス陰影
- 出現、発生。出頭、出廷。出演、出場。出版、発刊
- 外観、うわべ、見かけ、外見、様相、様子、体面、体裁、(人の)風采
- (ものの)感覚的印象、感じ(方)
- (自然の)現象
- 関
- advent, appear, arrival, emerge, emergence, figure, form, look, manifestation, occurrence, shape, situation
- 英
- 関
- 形、機序、形式、形成、形態、種類、パターン、パターン形成、品種、編成、方法、モード、様式、タイプ標本、タイプ、フォーム、成立、形づくる
- 原型
- 過去-過去分詞:bred
- 関
- breeding、cultivar、form、multiply、nourish、nurse、propagate、propagation、race、rear、reproduce、reproduction
- 英
- race、breed、form、cultivar
- 関
- 育種、型、形、競走、形式、形成、形態、栽・品種、人種、繁殖、編成、民族、レース、育てる、飼育、フォーム、成立、形づくる
- 関
- reaction formulae
- 関
- cell transformation
- 同
- 同