- 英
- nurse、rear、breed、nourish
- 関
- 育種、看護婦、栽・、授乳、ナース、繁殖、品種、養う、看護師、栄養を与える、飼育、そびえ立つ、保育
- stand up on the hind legs, of quadrupeds; "The horse reared in terror" (同)rise up
- the side that goes last or is not normally seen; "he wrote the date on the back of the photograph" (同)back
- the side of an object that is opposite its front; "his room was toward the rear of the hotel" (同)backside, back_end
- the back of a military formation or procession; "infantrymen were in the rear"
- cause to rise up (同)erect
- bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children" (同)raise, bring_up, nurture, parent
- located in or toward the back or rear; "the chairs rear legs"; "the rear door of the plane"; "on the rearward side" (同)rearward
- have young (animals) or reproduce (organisms); "pandas rarely breed in captivity"; "These bacteria reproduce" (同)multiply
- cause to procreate (animals); "She breeds dogs"
- a special variety of domesticated animals within a species; "he experimented on a particular breed of white rats"; "he created a new strain of sheep" (同)strain, stock
- a special type; "Google represents a new breed of entrepreneurs"
- copulate with a female, used especially of horses; "The horse covers the mare" (同)cover
- treat carefully; "He nursed his injured back by lying in bed several hours every afternoon"; "He nursed the flowers in his garden and fertilized them regularly"
- try to cure by special care of treatment, of an illness or injury; "He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs"
- one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
- serve as a nurse; care for sick or handicapped people
- provide with nourishment; "We sustained ourselves on bread and water"; "This kind of food is not nourishing for young children" (同)nurture, sustain
- (ある物の)『背後』,『後方』 / (ある物の)『後部』 / (軍・艦隊などの)最後尾,後衛・「bring up the rear」で「しんがりを務める」・《後回しに》尻 / 後方の;後部の
- 〈子供〉‘を'養育する;〈動植物〉‘を'育てる / 〈頭など〉‘を'まっすぐにする,立てる / 《文》〈建物など〉‘を'建てる,つくる / 〈馬などが〉後ろ足で立つ
- 〈動物が〉『子を生む』,繁殖する / 〈物事が〉生ずる,越こる / (新種の育成,品種改良などのために)〈家畜〉‘を'『詞育する』,〈植物〉‘を'『育てる』 / …‘を'『生む』,『生じさせる』 / 〈子供など〉‘を'育てる,しつける / (動植物の改良された)『品種』,血統 / 種類
- 『看護人』,看護婦 / 子守(dry nurse) / 『乳母』(うば)(wet nurse) / ‘を'『看護する』,看病する / 〈幼児〉‘に'授乳する / 〈病気・けが〉‘を'治そうと努める / 《話》…‘を'注意して扱う,たいせつに扱う / …‘を'大事に育てる / (心に)〈ある感情〉‘を'いだく / 看護人(看護婦)として働く / 授乳する / 〈幼児が〉乳を飲む
- …‘を'『養う』;…‘に'栄養を与える / …‘を'発展させる,助長する / (心に)〈ある感情〉‘を'『抱く』《+『名』+『in』+『名』》
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Japanese Journal
- 中学校のダンス 表現する楽しさを味わう生徒を育てるダンス授業 : 再構成活動を位置付けた学習過程を通して (ダンスの力をすべての人へ : 振り返りから学ぶ) -- (表現・ダンス実践研究)
- 確かな社会性と豊かな感情を育てる キラキラプログラム(11)怒りの感情との付き合い方を学ぼう
- 必要な援助を求められる子どもに : どうしても育てたい援助要請の力 : 第2部(5)求め、つながる力を育てる
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- 過去-過去分詞:bred
- 関
- breeding、cultivar、form、multiply、nourish、nurse、propagate、propagation、race、rear、reproduce、reproduction
- 英
- race、breed、form、cultivar
- 関
- 育種、型、形、競走、形式、形成、形態、栽・品種、人種、繁殖、編成、民族、レース、育てる、飼育、フォーム、成立、形づくる
- 英
- propagation、reproduction、breeding、propagate、reproduce、multiply、breed
- 関
- 育種、再生、生殖、増加、増殖、伝播、品種、複製、再現、増す、育てる、飼育
- 関
- breed、lactation、lactational、nourish、rear
- 関
- breed、cultivate、cultivation、culture、nourish、nurse
- 英
- breastfeeding
- 関
- 母乳栄養、母乳栄養法