- 関
- breed、multiply、propagate、propagation、reproduce、reproduction
- producing offspring or set aside especially for producing offspring; "the breeding population"; "retained a few bulls for breeding purposes"
- helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community; "they debated whether nature or nurture was more important" (同)bringing up, fostering, fosterage, nurture, raising, rearing, upbringing
- elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression (同)genteelness, gentility
- the production of animals or plants by inbreeding or hybridization
- travel through the air; "sound and light propagate in this medium"
- cause to propagate, as by grafting or layering
- multiply sexually or asexually
- transmit from one generation to the next; "propagate these characteristics"
- transmit or cause to broaden or spread; "This great civilization was propagated throughout the land"
- transmit; "propagate sound or light through air"
- have young (animals) or reproduce (organisms); "pandas rarely breed in captivity"; "These bacteria reproduce" (同)multiply
- cause to procreate (animals); "She breeds dogs"
- a special variety of domesticated animals within a species; "he experimented on a particular breed of white rats"; "he created a new strain of sheep" (同)strain, stock
- a special type; "Google represents a new breed of entrepreneurs"
- copulate with a female, used especially of horses; "The horse covers the mare" (同)cover
- the process of generating offspring
- the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring (同)procreation, breeding, facts_of_life
- the act of making copies; "Gutenbergs reproduction of holy texts was far more efficient" (同)replication
- recall that is hypothesized to work by storing the original stimulus input and reproducing it during recall (同)reproductive memory
- recreate a sound, image, idea, mood, atmosphere, etc.; "this DVD player reproduces the sound of the piano very well"; "He reproduced the feeling of sadness in the portrait"
- have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant; "The Bible tells people to procreate" (同)procreate, multiply
- make a copy or equivalent of; "reproduce the painting"
- in several ways; in a multiple manner; "they were multiply checked for errors"
- combine or increase by multiplication; "He managed to multiply his profits" (同)manifold
- combine by multiplication; "multiply 10 by 15"
- the act of mating closely related individuals
- breeding horses
- breeding dogs
- 繁殖,植殖;詞育 / 育ち,しつけ,教育;(特に)よい育ち
- 〈動植物・菌など〉‘を'増殖させる,繁殖させる / …‘を'普及させる,広める / 〈音・光など〉‘を'伝える / 〈動植物・菌などが〉増殖する,繁殖する
- 〈動物が〉『子を生む』,繁殖する / 〈物事が〉生ずる,越こる / (新種の育成,品種改良などのために)〈家畜〉‘を'『詞育する』,〈植物〉‘を'『育てる』 / …‘を'『生む』,『生じさせる』 / 〈子供など〉‘を'育てる,しつける / (動植物の改良された)『品種』,血統 / 種類
- 〈U〉繁殖,生殖[作用] / 〈U〉(…を)再生(再現)すること;模写(複製)すること《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉再生(再現)された物,複写(複製)した物
- 〈場面など〉‘を'『再現する』,〈音など〉‘を'再生する / …‘を'『複製する』,『複写する』 / 〈動物が〉〈子孫〉‘を'生む,〈植物が〉〈同類〉‘を'繁殖させる / 〈動植物が〉繁殖する / 〈芸術作品などが〉複製(再生)できる
- …‘を'『増す』,ふやす;…‘を'繁殖させる / (ある数を)〈ある数〉‘に'『掛ける』《+『名』〈被乗数〉+『by』+『名』〈乗数〉》 / 〈数・量などが〉『ふえる』,増大する;繁殖する / 掛け算をする
- 多様に,複雑に,複合的に
- 同種(近親)交配
- 育ちの悪いこと,無作法
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/12/05 22:07:33」(JST)
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Breeding is the reproduction, that is, producing of offspring, usually animals or plants:
- Breeding in the wild, the natural process of reproduction in the animal kingdom
- Animal husbandry, through selected specimens such as dogs, horses, and rabbits
- Plant breeding, through selected specimens such as trees
Breeding may also refer to:
- 1 Science
- 2 People
- 3 Media
- 4 Locations
- 5 Pornography
- 6 See also
- Breeding back, a breeding effort to re-assemble extinct breed genes
- Breeding pair, bonded animals who cooperate to produce offspring
- Breeding program, a planned breeding of animals or plants
- Breeding season, the period during each year when a species reproduces
- Captive breeding, raising plants or animals in zoos or other controlled conditions
- Cooperative breeding, the raising of the young using non-parental care givers
- Crop breeding in Nepal
- Crossbreeding, the process of breeding an animal with purebred parents of two different breeds, varieties, or populations
- Preservation breeding, a selection practice to preserve bloodlines
- Selective breeding, an animal selection practice to encourage chosen qualities
- Smart breeding, a plant selection practice to encourage chosen qualities
- In physics and technology, breeding refers to the way in which certain materials can be treated in a breeder reactor to become fissile material.
- James Floyd Breeding, U.S. Congressman from Kansas
- Marv Breeding, 1960s U.S. Major League Baseball player
- Breeding (EP), 2007 album by Dirty Little Rabbits
- Breeding Death, 2000 album by Bloodbath
- Breeding the Spawn, 1993 album by Suffocation
- Dust Breeding, 2001 Doctor Who television series audio play
- Breeding, Kentucky, a town in the United States
- In gay pornography, breeding is a slang term for creampie (sexual act).
See also
- Good breeding (disambiguation)
- Inbreeding, is breeding between close relatives
- Manners, the unenforced standards of human conduct
- Outbreeding depression, reduced fitness from breeding of unrelated individuals
- Purebred, cultivars of a species
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English Journal
- Pyramiding of three bacterial blight resistance genes for broad-spectrum resistance in deepwater rice variety, Jalmagna.
- Pradhan SK1, Nayak DK, Mohanty S, Behera L, Barik SR, Pandit E, Lenka S, Anandan A.
- Rice (New York, N.Y.).Rice (N Y).2015 Dec;8(1):51. doi: 10.1186/s12284-015-0051-8. Epub 2015 May 31.
- BACKGROUND: Jalmagna is a popular deepwater rice variety with farmers of India because of its good yield under waterlogged condition. However, the variety is highly susceptible to bacterial blight (BB) disease. The development of resistant cultivars has been the most effective and economical strateg
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- Functional diversity of jasmonates in rice.
- Liu Z1, Zhang S, Sun N, Liu H, Zhao Y, Liang Y, Zhang L, Han Y.
- Rice (New York, N.Y.).Rice (N Y).2015 Dec;8(1):42. doi: 10.1186/s12284-015-0042-9. Epub 2015 Jan 29.
- Phytohormone jasmonates (JA) play essential roles in plants, such as regulating development and growth, responding to environmental changes, and resisting abiotic and biotic stresses. During signaling, JA interacts, either synergistically or antagonistically, with other hormones, such as salicylic a
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- Genetic analysis of flag leaf size and candidate genes determination of a major QTL for flag leaf width in rice.
- Zhang B1, Ye W, Ren D, Tian P, Peng Y, Gao Y, Ruan B, Wang L, Zhang G, Guo L, Qian Q, Gao Z.
- Rice (New York, N.Y.).Rice (N Y).2015 Dec;8(1):39. doi: 10.1186/s12284-014-0039-9. Epub 2015 Jan 17.
- BACKGROUND: Flag leaf is the most essential organ for photosynthesis in rice and its size plays an important role in rice breeding for ideal plant-type. Flag leaf size affect photosynthesis to a certain extent, thereby influencing rice production. Several genes controlling leaf size and shape have b
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- Content evaluation of 4 furanocoumarin monomers in various citrus germplasms.
- Xu J1, Ma L2, Jiang D3, Zhu S3, Yan F4, Xie Y2, Xie Z2, Guo W2, Deng X2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Nov 15;187:75-81. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.04.007. Epub 2015 Apr 8.
- Due to the furanocoumarin compounds in the fruit, the production and consumption of grapefruit have been affected in the past decades since the 'grapefruit juice effect' was declared. To provide elite germplasm and obtain knowledge for future citrus breeding programs, the contents of 4 furanocoumari
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Japanese Journal
- Potential importance of lagoons as breeding grounds for bluegill Lepomis macrochirus in Lake Biwa, Japan
- Yamamoto Yoshimasa,Shiah Fuh-Kwo
- Limnology 14(1), 31-37, 2013-01
- NAID 40019552299
- The multi-scale aggregative response of cormorants to the mass stocking of fish in rivers
- Kumada Nao,Arima Tomoko,Tsuboi Jun-ichi,Ashizawa Akihiko,Fujioka Masahiro,熊田 那央,藤岡 正博
- Fisheries research 137, 81-87, 2013-01
- … To understand how cormorants alter their foraging habitats in relation to the stocked fish and fishing activities, we examined the relationship between cormorant abundance and ayu biomass during the cormorant breeding season (from April to July) using two approaches that differ in spatial scale. …
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- 大学生の「生物育成に関する技術」に対するガバナンス能力の調査
- 谷田 親彦,上野 耕史,大谷 忠,藤井 道彦,ヤタ チカヒコ,ウエノ コウシ,オオタニ タダシ,フジイ ミチヒコ,Yata Chikahiko,Ueno Koushi,Ohtani Tadashi,Fujii Michihiko
- 広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 61, 39-46, 2012-12-21
- … "Breeding" and "usage of the plant" were topics covered in questions on technology design. …
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- propagat- = latin propago to increase (plants) by cuttings
- 繁殖させる、増殖させる、増やす。(思想などを)普及させる、宣伝させる。(音波、電波などを)伝播する、伝達する。(性質などを)遺伝させる。蔓延させる
- 関
- breed、breeding、expansion、growth、multiplication、multiply、outgrow、outgrowth、proliferate、proliferation、propagation、reproduce、reproduction、spread、spreading
- 関
- breed、breeding、copy、duplicate、duplication、generative、genital、multiply、playback、propagate、propagation、recycle、regenerate、regeneration、regrow、regrowth、renaturation、renature、renew、renewal、replicate、replication、replicational、replicative、representation、reproduce、reproductive、reproductive period
- 関
- breed、breeding、copy、duplicate、duplication、multiply、playback、propagate、propagation、recycle、regenerate、regeneration、regrow、regrowth、renaturation、renature、renew、renewal、replicate、replication、replicational、replicative、representation、reproduction
- 関
- breed、breeding、elevate、expansion、gain、growth、increase、increment、multiplication、outgrow、outgrowth、proliferate、proliferation、propagate、propagation、reproduce、reproduction、rise、up-regulation、upregulation
- 過去-過去分詞:bred
- 関
- breeding、cultivar、form、multiply、nourish、nurse、propagate、propagation、race、rear、reproduce、reproduction
- 関
- bastard、cross、crossbred、crossing、filial、hybrid、hybridization、hybridize、mongrel
- 関
- inbred、inbreed、self-fertilization
- 関
- exogamy、outbreed