- 関
- compose、composition、comprise、consist、constitution、construct、construction、constructional、context、structure
- form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army" (同)represent, make_up, comprise, be
- the act of constructing something; "during the construction we had to take a detour"; "his hobby was the building of boats" (同)building
- the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones; "their main business is home construction"; "workers in the building trades" (同)building
- drawing a figure satisfying certain conditions as part of solving a problem or proving a theorem; "the assignment was to make a construction that could be used in proving the Pythagorean theorem"
- a group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit; "I concluded from his awkward constructions that he was a foreigner" (同)grammatical construction, expression
- the creation of a construct; the process of combining ideas into a congruous object of thought (同)mental synthesis
- an interpretation of a text or action; "they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct" (同)twist
- set up or found; "She set up a literacy program" (同)set_up, found, launch
- use as a basis for; found on; "base a claim on some observation" (同)base, ground, found
- set up or lay the groundwork for; "establish a new department" (同)found, plant, constitute, institute
- bring about; "The trompe loeil-illusion establishes depth" (同)give
- give a structure to; "I need to structure my days"
- a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts; "the structure consisted of a series of arches"; "she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons" (同)construction
- the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts; "artists must study the structure of the human body"; "the structure of the benzene molecule"
- a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing; "he has good bone structure" (同)anatomical structure, complex body part, bodily structure, body structure
- the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations; "his lectures have no structure"
- a mixture of ingredients
- the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole; "harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art" (同)composing
- something that is created by arranging several things to form a unified whole; "he envied the composition of their faculty"
- an essay (especially one written as an assignment); "he got an A on his composition" (同)paper, report, theme
- draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions; "construct an equilateral triangle"
- make by combining materials and parts; "this little pig made his house out of straw"; "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer" (同)build, make
- create by linking linguistic units; "construct a sentence"; "construct a paragraph"
- create by organizing and linking ideas, arguments, or concepts; "construct a proof"; "construct an argument"
- constituted by or established by itself (同)self-established
- 《しばしば受動体で》〈物〉'を'『構成する』,〈人の本質・体質〉'を'作っている(進行形にできない) / 《『constitute』+『名』〈目〉+『名』〈補〉》〈人〉'を'(役目・職務なとに)『任命する』,選定する:〈制度など〉'を'『制定する』,〈機関など〉'を'設立する
- 〈U〉(…の)『組立て』,建築,建造《+『of』+『名』》;その工事,作業・〈U〉『構造』,造り,建築様式・〈C〉『建築物』,建物・〈C〉文の構成,構文・〈C〉(語句・法律などの)解釈,説明
- …‘を'『設立する』,創設する / (ある場所・識業などに,…として)〈人・自分〉‘を'落ち着かせる,安定させる《+『名』+『in』(『as』)+『名』》 / 〈法律など〉‘を'制定する / 〈ある慣習・事実など〉‘を'『確立する』,世に認めさせる / 〈事実など〉‘を'証明する,立証する
- {C}(建物・橋などの)建造物 / {U}(…の)構造,誠成,組織《+of~名》 / {C}構造(構成)体,組織体 / 〈思想など〉‘を'組み立てる,組織化する
- 〈U〉(文学・美術・音楽作品などの)『創作』,制作[法];『作文』,『作曲』,〈C〉作品,楽曲 / 〈U〉(混合物などの)『成分』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉〈U〉(人の)気質,性質,性分(constitution) / 〈U〉(文学作品・音楽作品などの)構成,構想,(絵画などの)構図《+『of』+『名』》 / (またcompo)〈C〉混合物,合成物 / 〈U〉(活字の)植字,組み
- (一定の計画・設計に従って)…'を'『組み立てる』,建造する,建設する / 〈文・理論など〉'を'構成する,考案する / (幾何で)〈図形〉'を'描く,作図する / (心の中の)複合概念
- …‘を'再構成する,再形成する,復元する
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English Journal
- Identification and functional analysis of Joka2, a tobacco member of the family of selective autophagy cargo receptors.
- Zientara-Rytter K, Lukomska J, Moniuszko G, Gwozdecki R, Surowiecki P, Lewandowska M, Liszewska F, Wawrzy?ska A, Sirko A.SourceInstitute of Biochemistry and Biophysics; Polish Academy of Sciences; Warsaw, Poland.
- Autophagy.Autophagy.2011 Oct 1;7(10). [Epub ahead of print]
- Two main mechanisms of protein turnover exist in eukaryotic cells: the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the autophagy-lysosomal pathway. Autophagy is an emerging important constituent of many physiological and pathological processes, such as response to nutrient deficiency, programmed cell death and
- PMID 21670587
- Telencephalic histopathology and changes in behavioural and neural plasticity in a murine model for metachromatic leukodystrophy.
- Faldini E, Stroobants S, Lullmann-Rauch R, Eckhardt M, Gieselmann V, Balschun D, D'Hooge R.SourceLaboratory of Biological Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Leuven, Tiensestraat 102, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2011 Sep 23;222(2):309-14. Epub 2011 Apr 1.
- Arylsulfatase A-deficient (ASA(-/-)) mice constitute an animal model for metachromatic leukodystrophy, a lysosomal storage disorder. We had previously examined the behavioural phenotype of these mice, but were unable to distinguish between proper cognitive symptoms and potentially interfering, solel
- PMID 21459117
- The behavior of sea anemone actinoporins at the water-membrane interface.
- Garcia-Ortega L, Alegre-Cebollada J, Garcia-Linares S, Bruix M, Martinez-Del-Pozo A, Gavilanes JG.SourceDepartamento de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular I, Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2011 Sep;1808(9):2275-88. Epub 2011 May 20.
- Actinoporins constitute a group of small and basic α-pore forming toxins produced by sea anemones. They display high sequence identity and appear as multigene families. They show a singular behaviour at the water-membrane interface: In aqueous solution, actinoporins remain stably folded but, upon i
- PMID 21621507
Japanese Journal
- Samia cynthia versus Bombyx mori : Comparative gene mapping between a species with a low-number karyotype and the model species of Lepidoptera
- Yoshido Atsuo,Yasukochi Yuji,Sahara Ken
- Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 41(6), 370-377, 2011-06
- … mori chromosomes constitute the S. …
- NAID 120003043357
- First-Person Perspective Effects on Theory of Mind without Self-Reference.
- Otsuka Yuki,Osaka Naoyuki,Yaoi Ken,Osaka Mariko
- PloS one 6(4), 2011-04
- … This study examined dissociations between brain networks involved in theory of mind, which is needed for guessing others' mental states, and the self, which might constitute the basis for theory of mind's development. …
- NAID 120003087948
- ゲムシタビンとシスプラチンを含む併用化学療法を施行した転移性膀胱癌患者の生存に関するHuman equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1(hENT1) 発現の意義
- 松村 永秀,原 勲
- 泌尿器科紀要 57(3), 157-161, 2011-03-31
- … For the present, GC/MVAC regimens constitute alternative platform chemotherapy, until new evidence based strategy can be demonstrated. …
- NAID 120003001360
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- 確立する、設置/設立する、開設/創立する、(制度・法律などを)制定する(constitute)
- 安定させる。(人を)(場所・地位・職業に)定着させる、つかせる
- (先例・習慣・所信・要求・名声などを)確立する、不動のものとする、一般に確認させる、樹立する。(事実・理論などを)確証/立証する。
- (教会を)国教会にする
- (植)(新品種などを)定着させる
- 関
- attest、authenticate、authentication、certification、certify、confirm、confirmation、corroborate、demonstrate、demonstration、establishment、evidence、foundation、hallmark、institute、institution、proof、prove、proven、testify、validate、validation、well-established
- 英
- constitution、structure、construction、composition、context、constitute、construct、comprise、compose、constructional
- 関
- 気質、建設、構造、構築、合成、作成、作成物、状況、成分、前後関係、組成、体質、成る、網羅、仕組み、脈絡、体格、組み立てる、コンストラクト、構造物、構造体、文脈、構築物、構築上、構成上
- 関
- architectural、architecture、assemble、assembly、build、compose、composition、comprise、constitute、constitution、construction、constructional、context、create、generate、organize、prepare、produce、structure
- 関
- architectural、architecture、assemble、assembly、build、compose、composition、comprise、conformation、constitute、constitution、construct、construction、constructional、context、formation、machinery、makeup、mechanism、organize
- 関
- architecture、compose、composition、comprise、conformation、constitute、construct、construction、constructional、context、formation、habitus、humor、humour、makeup、organization、physique、structure、temperament、temperamental、trait
- 関
- rearrangement、reconstitution