- 関
- demonstration、denote、display、express、expression、indicate、indication、label、present、presentation、replicate、represent、representational、reproduce、reproduction、submit
- the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agent (同)delegacy, agency
- a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
- an activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalent
- the act of representing; standing in for someone or some group and speaking with authority in their behalf
- a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image (同)mental representation, internal representation
- a body of legislators that serve in behalf of some constituency; "a Congressional vacancy occurred in the representation from California"
- a factual statement made by one party in order to induce another party to enter into a contract; "the sales contract contains several representations by the vendor"
- a statement of facts and reasons made in appealing or protesting; "certain representations were made concerning police brutality"
- the right of being represented by delegates who have a voice in some legislative body
- temporal sense; intermediate between past and future; now existing or happening or in consideration; "the present leader"; "articles for present use"; "the present topic"; "the present system"; "present observations"
- the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech; "that is enough for the present"; "he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow" (同)nowadays
- something presented as a gift; "his tie was a present from his wife"
- a verb tense that expresses actions or states at the time of speaking (同)present_tense
- introduce; "This poses an interesting question" (同)pose
- bring forward and present to the mind; "We presented the arguments to him"; "We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason" (同)represent, lay_out
- hand over formally (同)submit
- being or existing in a specified place; "the murderer is present in this room"; "present at the wedding"; "present at the creation"
- formally present a debutante, a representative of a country, etc.
- serve as a means of expressing something; "The flower represents a young girl"
- create an image or likeness of; "The painter represented his wife as a young girl" (同)interpret
- take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to; "Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an h in Greek stands for an s in Latin" (同)stand_for, correspond
- be a delegate or spokesperson for; represent somebodys interest or be a proxy or substitute for, as of politicians and office holders representing their constituents, or of a tenant representing other tenants in a housing dispute; "I represent the silent majority"
- be representative or typical for; "This period is represented by Beethoven"
- describe or present, usually with respect to a particular quality; "He represented this book as an example of the Russian 19th century novel"
- point out or draw attention to in protest or remonstrance; "our parents represented to us the need for more caution"
- without unnecessary stops; "an express train"; "an express shipment"
- rapid transport of goods (同)expressage
- public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops; "he caught the express to New York" (同)limited
- mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system (同)express mail
- give expression to; "She showed her disappointment" (同)show, evince
- indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.; "Can you express this distance in kilometers?" (同)state
- articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise; "She expressed her anger"; "He uttered a curse" (同)verbalize, verbalise, utter, give tongue to
- by express; "please send the letter express"
- manifest the effects of (a gene or genetic trait); "Many of the laboratory animals express the trait"
- not tacit or implied; "her express wish"
- send by rapid transport or special messenger service; "She expressed the letter to Florida"
- distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom
- a radioactive isotope that is used in a compound in order to trace the mechanism of a chemical reaction
- trade name of a company that produces musical recordings; "the artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent" (同)recording label
- a brief description given for purposes of identification; "the label Modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture"
- an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object
- assign a label to; designate with a label; "These students were labelled `learning disabled"
- distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions
- attract attention by displaying some body part or posing; of animals
- something shown to the public; "the museum had many exhibits of oriental art" (同)exhibit, showing
- a visual representation of something (同)presentation
- an electronic device that represents information in visual form (同)video display
- something intended to communicate a particular impression; "made a display of strength"; "a show of impatience"; "a good show of looking interested" (同)show
- behavior that makes your feelings public; "a display of emotion"
- exhibiting openly in public view; "a display of courage"
- personal representation that has legal status; "an person who has been declared incompetent should have legal representation"
- any basic cognitive process in which some entity comes to stand for or represent something else
- (…を)『表現(描写)すること』;(…が)表現されていること《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》(個々の)説明,申し立て,抗議 / 〈C〉(個々の)絵画,画像,彫像 / 〈U〉(立法府などの)代表制 / 〈U〉《集合的な》代表団,議員団
- 《通例補語として,また名詞の後に用いて》(…に)『出席している,居合わせている』《+『at(in)』+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》)ある場所や物の中などに)『ある』,含まれている《+『in』+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》(心・記憶に)ある,浮かんでいる《+『in』+『名』》 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》現在の,今の;当面の差し当たっての / 《the~》『現在』,今 / 〈U〉〈C〉(文法で)現在時制;現在形
- 〈C〉『贈り物』,『プレゼント』(gift) / 〈U〉《the+》ささげ銃(つつ)の姿勢 / 〈贈り物・賞など〉‘を'『象る』,柄呈する;〈人〉‘に'贈る / (…に)〈勘定書・小切手・書類など〉‘を'『提出する』,渡す《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)…‘を'出して見せる,示す《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)〈人〉‘を'『紹介する』,引き合わせる(introduce)《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈作品〉‘を'公開する;〈劇・映画など〉‘を'上演(映)する;〈人〉‘を'出演させる / 〈事が〉(…に)…‘を'示す,…‘を'原因となる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈銃〉‘を'ささげ銃(つつ)にする
- 〈記号・文字・事物が〉…‘を'『表す』,象徴する / (記号・文字・事物によって)…‘を'表す・…‘を'『代表する』,‘の'代理をする / 〈絵画・彫刻などが〉…‘を'描写する,表現する / …‘を'(典型)である / 《『represent』+『名』+『as』(『to』『be』)+『名』(『形』)》(ある性質を持つものとして)…‘を'述べる(describe)
- …‘を'再び贈る,再び差し出す / 〈劇など〉‘を'再演する
- (言葉で)〈思想・感情など〉‘を'『表現する』,言い表す,述べる / (言葉以外で)…‘を'『示す』,表す(indicate);〈数字・記号・式などが〉…‘を'表す / 《英》〈荷物など〉‘を'至急便で送る / (…から)〈果汁など〉‘を'絞り出す《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / 特別の,特定の / はっきりした,明白な / 『至急便の』,急行の / 至急便で,急行で / 〈U〉(手紙・荷物などの)『至急便』 / 〈C〉(至急便を扱う)通運会社 / 〈C〉(列車・バスなどの)『急行』
- (品名・製造元などを示す)『はり札』,ラベル;(小包などの)荷札 / (団体・運動・政党支持者などの特徴を示す)短い文句,通り名;(辞書の見出し語などにつける)ラベル([物理][化学]など) / …‘に'『ラベルをはる』,荷札をつける;《比喩(ひゆ)的》〈人〉‘に'レッテルをはる
- 〈物〉‘を'『展示する』,陳列する(exhibit) / 〈感情など〉‘を'『表に出す』;〈能力など〉‘を'発揮する / …‘を'見せびらかす,誇示する(show off) / (…を)『見せること』;(感情などを)表に出すこと;(能力などの)発揮《+『of』+『名』》 / 『誇示』,見せびらかし / (商品・作品などの)『展示』,陳列《+『of』+『名』》;展示品
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Look up representation or represent in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Representation can refer to:
- 1 Law
- 2 Arts
- 3 Social Sciences
- 4 Science
- 5 See also
- Representation (politics), one's ability to influence the political process
- Representative democracy
- (Permanent) Representation, a type of diplomatic mission
- Representation of the International NGO – the representative office of the INGO mission
- Legal representation or advocacy is provided by lawyers
- Lobbying for a group of individuals or companies
- In unionised workplaces, shop stewards and union executives can represent employees
- The legal status of a statement made with regards to contract law, with consequences for misrepresentation
- A fiction of the law which causes a person to enter into another's right of succession, called 'representation,' and also called 'substitution'.
- Representation (arts), the depiction and ethical concerns of construction in visual arts and literature.
- Depiction is a form of non-verbal representation in which two-dimensional images (pictures) are regarded as viable substitutes for things seen, remembered or imagined.
Social Sciences
- Social representation is a stock of values, ideas, beliefs, and practices that are shared among the members of groups and communities
- Representation, academic journal
- Representation (chemistry)
- Representation (psychology), a hypothetical 'internal' cognitive symbol that represents external reality
- Representation (systemics)
- Group representation, describes abstract groups in terms of linear transformations of vector spaces
- Knowledge representation, the study of formal ways to describe knowledge
- Multiple representations (mathematics education)
- Representation (mathematics), a very general relationship that expresses similarities between objects
See also
- Reprazent
- Represent (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Unconscious learning processes: mental integration of verbal and pictorial instructional materials.
- Kuldas S, Ismail HN, Hashim S, Bakar ZA.SourceSchool of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 11800 USM Malaysia.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):105. Epub 2013 Mar 12.
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- Chrysafiadi K, Virvou M.SourceDepartment of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece.
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- Technical efficiency in milk production in underdeveloped production environment of India*
- Bardhan D, Sharma ML.SourceDepartment of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand India.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):65. Epub 2013 Feb 23.
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- Barriers to inclusion of older adults in randomised controlled clinical trials on Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: A systematic review.
- Bellera C, Praud D, Petit-Monéger A, McKelvie-Sebileau P, Soubeyran P, Mathoulin-Pélissier S.SourceClinical and Epidemiological Research Unit, Institut Bergonié, Comprehensive Cancer Centre, 229 Cours de l'Argonne, Bordeaux, France; INSERM, Centre d'Investigation Clinique-Epidémiologie Clinique CIC-EC 7, F-33000 Bordeaux, France. Electronic address: c.bellera@bordeaux.unicancer.fr.
- Cancer treatment reviews.Cancer Treat Rev.2013 Nov;39(7):812-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2013.01.007. Epub 2013 Mar 6.
- BACKGROUND: The majority of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) patients are over 65years. Management is challenging, especially for aggressive lymphoma, and appropriate assessment of efficacy and tolerance specific to this population is crucial.OBJECTIVES: To assess the representation of older patients in
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Japanese Journal
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- Representation definition, the act of representing. See more. Thesaurus Translate Puzzles & Games Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary My Account Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary Thesaurus ...
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- 聖職禄者推薦をする
- 武器を向ける
- (医)(胎児の一部が)子宮口に現れる、先進する。(症状が)現れる。(患者が)(病気で)診察を受けに来る(with)
- SLE may present with predominantly neurological or psychiatric features.
- (良い・悪いなどの)印象を与える、~のように見える、~な感じがする
- 関
- announce, announcement, as of, at present, certain, current, currently, demonstrate, depict, display, exhibit, exist, give, indicate, indicative, now, point out, pose, presentation, presently, publish, reflect, representation, representational, show, signify, some, submission, submit, suggest
- (絵画・彫刻・音楽などで)表現/描写する。書いてある。思い描く/浮かべる、思い出す
- 表す、象徴する。意味する
- ~になる/相当する。~の代わりになる
- 代理/代表する。代弁/弁護する(in court)。~の代議士/代表者となる
- ~の標本/典型を示す
- (劇を)演ずる、病円する。
- 表明/提示する。指摘する、(強く)説く。(~だと)述べる、申し立てる、主張する。
- 関
- account for、depict、explain、explanation、express、expression、illustrate、illustration、implication、imply、indicate、interpretative、mean、meaning、purport、representation、representational、representative、semantic、sense
- 指し示す、指示する。(身振りで)(暗に)示す、知らせる。かんたんに述べる。~のしるし/兆しである、~の存在を表す/示す
- (医)(ある療法)の必要を示す、指示する
- chelation therapy is indicated in symptomatic patient.
- 関
- demonstrate、demonstration、denote、depict、designate、designation、dictate、direct、display、exhibit、give、indication、indicative、instruct、instruction、label、point、point out、present、reflect、represent、representation、show、signify、suggest
- 関
- breed、breeding、copy、duplicate、duplication、generative、genital、multiply、playback、propagate、propagation、recycle、regenerate、regeneration、regrow、regrowth、renaturation、renature、renew、renewal、replicate、replication、replicational、replicative、representation、reproduce、reproductive、reproductive period
- 関
- breed、breeding、copy、duplicate、duplication、multiply、playback、propagate、propagation、recycle、regenerate、regeneration、regrow、regrowth、renaturation、renature、renew、renewal、replicate、replication、replicational、replicative、representation、reproduction
- 関
- underrepresented