- 関
- alert、astute、expeditious、promptly、rapid、rapidly、swift
- ready and willing or quick to act; "she is always prompt to help her friends";
- (computer science) a symbol that appears on the computer screen to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a command (同)command prompt
- a cue given to a performer (usually the beginning of the next line to be spoken); "the audience could hear his prompting" (同)prompting
- serve as the inciting cause of; "She prompted me to call my relatives" (同)inspire, instigate
- assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned (同)remind, cue
- according to schedule or without delay; on time; "the train is prompt"
- condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action; "bombers were put on alert during the crisis" (同)qui_vive
- engaged in or accustomed to close observation; "caught by a couple of alert cops"; "alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came"; "constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty" (同)watchful
- a warning serves to make you more alert to danger (同)alerting
- mentally perceptive and responsive;"an alert mind"; "alert to the problems"; "alive to what is going on"; "awake to the dangers of her situation"; "was now awake to the reality of his predicament" (同)alive, awake
- quick and energetic; "a brisk walk in the park"; "a lively gait"; "a merry chase"; "traveling at a rattling rate"; "a snappy pace"; "a spanking breeze" (同)brisk, lively, merry, rattling, snappy, spanking, zippy
- done or occurring in a brief period of time; "a rapid rise through the ranks"
- a part of a river where the current is very fast
- characterized by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed; "a rapid movement"; "a speedy car"; "a speedy errand boy" (同)speedy
- at once (usually modifies an undesirable occurrence); "he promptly forgot the address" (同)right away
- with little or no delay; "the rescue squad arrived promptly"; "come here, quick!" (同)quickly, quick
- in a punctual manner; "he did his homework promptly" (同)readily, pronto
- a small bird that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight
- a device that displays words for people to read (同)autocue
- someone who assists a performer by providing the next words of a forgotten speech (同)theater prompter
- the copy of the playscript used by the prompter (同)prompt_copy
- a booth projecting above the floor in the front of a stage where the prompter sits; opens toward the performers on stage (同)prompter''s box
- the characteristic of doing things without delay (同)promptitude
- a prompter for television performers
- (人が)『てきぱきした』,敏速な(quick) / (事が)『てきぱきと行われる』,即刻の / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)時間どおりの(punctual)《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / …‘を'刺激する,促す,かりたてる / (演劇で)〈俳優〉‘に'陰からせりふをつける
- 『油断のない』,用心深い / (頭の回転・動作などが)機敏な / (動作が)敏しょうな / 〈U〉《しばしばthe ~》警戒,用心 / 〈C〉警報;警報発令期間 / (…に対して)…‘に'警報(警告)を出す,警戒態勢をとらせる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》
- 『速い』,『すばやい』,敏速な / (坂などが)急な,険しい / 急流,早瀬
- 『敏速に』,即座に / 時間どおりに
- 『速い』,快速の / (行動・反応などが)『即座』の,さっそくの;『す早い』,機敏な / 《おもに詩》つかのまの / 速く;す早く / アマツバメ(翼の長い鳥;高山や断崖に群棲)
- プロンプター(せりふを俳優に陰から教える人)
- プロンプター用台本
- 《米話》(特に高校・大学などで公式に行う)ダンスパーティー / 《英話》=promenade concert / 《英話》=promenade2
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/02/20 23:08:29」(JST)
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Look up prompt in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Prompt may refer to:
- Command prompt, in computing, one or more characters in a command line interface to indicate that the computer is ready to accept typed input
- PROMPT (command), a DOS, OS/2 and Windows command under COMMAND.COM and CMD.EXE to control the display of the command prompt
- PROMPT (environment variable), a DOS, OS/2 and Windows environment variable to control the display of the command prompt
- Prompt (theatre) or "prompter", in theatre, the person who prompts an actor when they forget their next line
- Prompt corner or prompt box, the location at the side of the stage where the prompt is located
- Prompt critical, in nuclear engineering, the state of an assembly when for each nuclear fission event, one or more of the immediate or prompt neutrons released causes an additional fission event
- Prompt neutron, in nuclear engineering, a neutron immediately emitted by a nuclear fission event, as opposed to a delayed neutron
- PROMPT Telescopes, an array of telescopes located at CTIO which are designed to rapidly observe gamma-ray burst afterglows simultaneously in multiple filters
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English Journal
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as an Adjunct to Pre-hospital Advanced Trauma Life Support.
- Van Meter K.SourceChief, Section of Emergency Medicine, LSU Health Sciences Center, Clinical Professor of Medicine, LSU Health Sciences Center , Clinical Professor of, Surgery, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana.
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- Roux N, Léveque S, Freguin-Bouilland C, Dautreaux B, Proust F, Thuillez C, Plissonnier D.SourceINSERM U644, Institute for Biomedical Research, Rouen University, 22 Boulevard Gambetta, 76183 Rouen, France.
- Acta histochemica.Acta Histochem.2012 Oct;114(6):636-8. Epub 2011 Nov 9.
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- Warden D, Subramaniam GA, Carmody T, Woody GE, Minhajuddin A, Poole SA, Potter J, Fishman M, Bogenschutz M, Patkar A, Trivedi MH.SourceDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75390-9119, USA.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2012 Sep;37(9):1046-53. Epub 2012 May 8.
- BACKGROUND: In opioid dependent youth there is substantial attrition from medication-assisted treatment. If youth at risk for attrition can be identified at treatment entry or early in treatment, they can be targeted for interventions to help retain them in treatment.METHODS: Opioid dependent adoles
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- Zauner G, Koeleman CA, Deelder AM, Wuhrer M.AbstractBACKGROUND: Analysis of protein glycosylation is an important first step towards establishing the functions of glycans in health and disease. In contrast to N-glycans which are generally enzymatically released for analysis, there is no corresponding enzyme for O-glycan liberation. Therefore, O-glycans are generally released by chemical methods involving tedious procedures.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2012 Sep;1820(9):1420-8. Epub 2011 Jul 20.
- BACKGROUND: Analysis of protein glycosylation is an important first step towards establishing the functions of glycans in health and disease. In contrast to N-glycans which are generally enzymatically released for analysis, there is no corresponding enzyme for O-glycan liberation. Therefore, O-glyca
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Japanese Journal
- 今川 峰子
- 現代教育学部紀要 = Journal of College of Contemporary Education (6), 15-24, 2014-03
- … Through testing at the end of the first term in July and retesting the following February, this study assessed children and students in need of support, provided prompt feedback, and explored routes of intervention using the 12 indices of Imakawa & Mishima (2012, 2013) . …
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- 日本透析医学会雑誌 47(3), 217-222, 2014
- 症例は82歳男性. 腎硬化症を原疾患とする慢性腎臓病のため10年間血液透析を施行されていた. 食欲低下と回転性めまいを認め, 症状は少しずつ増悪していた. 症状出現から約1か月後にJCSII-20程度の意識障害を伴い, 当院へ搬送され入院とした. 頭部MRIにて中脳水道周囲, 第3脳室周囲, 乳頭体に左右対称性の異常信号領域を認め, ビタミンB1 (VitB1) 低値であることからWernick …
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- ☆case33 頭痛と混乱
- ■glossary
- accompany
- vt.
- (人)と同行する、(人)に随行する。(もの)に付随する。~と同時に起こる。~に加える(添える、同封する)(with)
- slurred n. 不明瞭
- 強直間代痙攣 tonic-clonic convulsion
- 意識消失とともに全身の随意筋に強直痙攣が生じ(強直痙攣期tonic convulsion)、次いで全身の筋の強直と弛緩とが律動的に繰り返される時期(間代痙攣期clonic convulsion)を経て、発作後もうろう状態を呈する一連の発作。
- ■症例
- 28歳、女性 黒人 南アフリカ 手術室看護師 ロンドン住在
- 主訴:頭痛と混乱
- 現病歴:過去3週間で頭痛が続いており、ひどくなってきた。現在も頭痛が持続しており、頭全体が痛い。友人曰く「過去六ヶ月で体重が10kg減っていて、最近、混乱してきたようだ」。発話は不明瞭。救急室にいる間に強直間代痙攣を起こした。
- ・診察 examination
- やせている。55kg。38.5℃。口腔カンジダ症(oral candidiasis)。リンパ節腫脹無し。心血管、呼吸器系、消化器系正常。痙攣前における神経検査では時間、場所、人の見当識無し。神経局所症状無し(no focal neurological sign)。眼底両側に乳頭浮腫有り。
- ・検査 investigation
- 血算:白血球増多
- 血液生化学:ナトリウム低下
- CT:供覧
- ■キーワード&着目するポイント
- ・口腔カンジダ症(oral candidiasis)
- ・頭痛、精神症状、強直間代痙攣
- ・眼底両側に乳頭浮腫
- ・CT所見
- ・低ナトリウム血症は二次的なもの
- ■アプローチ
- ・口腔カンジダ症(oral candidiasis) → 細胞免疫低下状態(DM、免疫抑制、AIDSなど) or 常在細菌叢の攪乱(長期の抗菌薬の使用)
- ・The occurrence of thrush in a young, otherwise healthy-appearing person should prompt an investigation for underlying HIV infection.(HIM.1254)
- ・More commonly, thrush is seen as a nonspecific manifestation of severe debilitating illness.(HIM.1254)
- ・精神症状、強直間代痙攣 → 一次的、あるいは二次的な脳の疾患がありそう
- ・頭痛 → 漠然としていて絞れないが、他の症状からして機能性頭痛ではなく症候性頭痛っぽい。
- ・眼底両側に乳頭浮腫 → 脳圧亢進の徴候 → 原因は・・・脳腫瘍、ことにテント下腫瘍と側頭葉の腫瘍、クモ膜下出血、脳水腫など、そのほか、眼窩内病変、低眼圧などの局所的要因、悪性高血圧、血液疾患、大量出血、肺気腫などの全身的要因 (vindicate本のp342も参考になる)
- ・頭痛と脳圧亢進 → 頭蓋内圧占拠性病変、脳炎(IMD.274)
- ・CT所見 → ringformの病変、脳浮腫、脳圧亢進
- ・低ナトリウム血症 → 脳ヘルニアに続発して起こることがあるらしい。実際には下垂体にトキソプラズマによる病変が形成されることにより起こりうる。
- ・そのほか出身地、体重減少もHIVを疑わせる点
- パターン認識でHIV + 精神症状 + てんかん発作(強直間代痙攣) + 脳圧亢進 + CT所見 = 一番ありそうなのはToxoplasma gondiiによるトキソプラズマ脳症 cerebral toxoplasosis (トキソプラズマ脳炎 toxoplasmic encephalitis)
- ■Toxoplasma gondii
- 原虫 胞子原虫類
- (感染予防学 080521のプリント、CASES p,92、HIM p.1305-)
- ・疫学:西洋では30-80%の成人がトキソプラズマの感染の既往がある・・・うぇ(CASES)。日本では10%前後(Wikipedia)。
- ・生活環
- ・終宿主:ネコ:ネコの小腸上皮細胞で有性・無性生殖 糞便にオーシストの排泄
- ・中間宿主:ヒト.ブタを含むほ乳類と鳥類:無性生殖で増殖、シストの形成
- 急性期の増殖盛んな急増虫体tachyzoiteとシスト内の緩増虫体bradyzoite
- ・病原、病因 phathogenesis
- ・緩増虫体(bradyzoite)、接合子嚢(oocyst)
- ・感染経路
- 1. オーシストの経口摂取
- 2. 中間宿主の生肉中のシストの経口摂取
- 3. 初感染妊婦からの経胎盤感染。既感染なら胎盤感染しないらしい(HIM.1306)
- (4)移植臓器、輸血。確率は低い(at low rate)(HIM.1306)
- ・病態
- 1. 先天性トキソプラズマ症 congenital toxoplasmosis
- ①網脈絡膜炎、 ②水頭症、 ③脳内石灰化、 ④精神・運動障害
- 2. 後天性トキソプラズマ症 acquired toxoplasmosis
- (1) 健常者
- ・多くは不顕性感染。発熱、リンパ節腫脹、皮疹(rash)
- ・(少数例)筋肉痛、暈疼痛、腹痛、斑状丘疹状皮疹(maculopapular rash)、脳脊髄炎、混乱(HIM.1308)
- ・(まれ)肺炎、心筋炎、脳症、心膜炎、多発筋炎
- ・網膜、脈絡叢に瘢痕や、脳に小さい炎症性の病変を残すことあり(CASES)。
- ・急性感染の症状は数週間で消失 筋肉や中枢神経系に緩増虫体が残存
- (2)HIV感染者、臓器移植例、がん化学療法例
- シスト内緩増虫体→急増虫体→播種性の多臓器感染
- AIDSでは、トキソプラズマ性脳炎が指標疾患 AIDS-defineing illness(CASES)
- ・治療
- (日本)アセチルスピラマイシン、ファンシダール(感染予防学 080521)
- ■トキソプラズマ脳炎 toxoplasmic encephalitis、トキソプラズマ脳症 cerebral toxoplasosis
- ・症状
- 発熱、頭痛、混乱m、痙攣、認知の障害、局所神経徴候(不全片麻痺、歯垢、脳神経損傷、視野欠損、感覚喪失)(CASES)
- ・画像検査
- (CT,MRI)多発性、両側性、ring-enhancing lesion、特に灰白質-白質境界、大脳基底核、脳幹、小脳が冒されやすい(CASES)
- ・鑑別診断(臨床症状・画像診断の所見で)
- リンパ腫、結核、転移性脳腫瘍(CASES)
- ・病歴と画像所見からの鑑別診断
- リンパ腫、結核、転移性腫瘍
- ?
- このCTがcerebral toxoplasmosisに特徴的かは不明
- □最後に残る疑問
- AIDSでWBC(leukocyte)の数はどうなるんだろう???AIDSの初診患者ではWBCが低い人が多いらしいし()、HIVはCD4+ T cellとmacrophageに感染して殺すから、これによってB cellは減るだろうし、CD8+ T cellも若干減少するだろうからWBCは減るんじゃないか?!好中球はAIDSとは関係ない?好中球は他の感染症に反応性に増加している?ちなみに、好酸球は寄生虫(原虫)の感染のために増える傾向にあるらしい(HIMのどこか)。
- スルファジアジン
- sulfadiazine
- ピリメタミン
- pyrimethamine
- 葉酸拮抗剤である。
- サルファ剤と併用され、抗トキソプラズマ薬、抗ニューモシチス・カリニ薬として相乗的に働く。
- ST合剤
- スルファメトキサゾール・トリメトプリム合剤 sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim mixture
- □AIDSの定義(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CDC_Classification_System_for_HIV_Infection_in_Adults_and_Adolescents)
- A CD4+ T-cell count below 200 cells/μl (or a CD4+ T-cell percentage of total lymphocytes of less than 14%).
- or he/she has one of the following defining illnesses:
- 01. Candidiasis of bronchi, trachea, or lungs
- 02. Candidiasis esophageal
- 03. Cervical cancer (invasive)
- 04. Coccidioidomycosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary
- 05. Cryptococcosis, extrapulmonary
- 06. Cryptosporidiosis, chronic intestinal for longer than 1 month
- 07. Cytomegalovirus disease (other than liver, spleen or lymph nodes)
- 08. Encephalopathy (HIV-related)
- 09. Herpes simplex: chronic ulcer(s) (for more than 1 month); or bronchitis, pneumonitis, or esophagitis
- 10. Histoplasmosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary
- 11. Isosporiasis, chronic intestinal (for more than 1 month)
- 12. Kaposi's sarcoma
- 13. Lymphoma Burkitt's, immunoblastic or primary brain
- 14. Mycobacterium avium complex
- 15. Mycobacterium, other species, disseminated or extrapulmonary
- 16. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
- 17. Pneumonia (recurrent)
- 18. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
- 19. Salmonella septicemia (recurrent)
- 20. Toxoplasmosis of the brain
- 21. Tuberculosis
- 22. Wasting syndrome due to HIV
- People who are not infected with HIV may also develop these conditions; this does not mean they have AIDS. However, when an individual presents laboratory evidence against HIV infection, a diagnosis of AIDS is ruled out unless the patient has not:
- □AIDSのステージング
- ■参考文献
- HIM = Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition
- CASES = 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine Second edition
- IMD = 内科診断学第2版
- (~に)用心深い。敏感な(shartp)(to, for)
- (~の点で)敏感な、抜け目のない(in)
- 関
- alarm、astute、caution、caveat、guard、prompt、warn、warning
- 同
- 清明
- 関
- expeditious、fast、prompt、promptly、quick、quickly、rapidly、swift
- 英
- rapid、prompt、swift、expeditious、rapidly、promptly
- 関
- 促す、機敏、急速、速い、速く
- 関
- expeditious、prompt、promptly、quick、quickly、rapid、swift
- 関
- expeditious、prompt、rapid、rapidly、swift