- 関
- alarm、alert、caution、warn、warning
- (law) a formal notice filed with a court or officer to suspend a proceeding until filer is given a hearing; "a caveat filed against the probate of a will"
- condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action; "bombers were put on alert during the crisis" (同)qui_vive
- engaged in or accustomed to close observation; "caught by a couple of alert cops"; "alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came"; "constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty" (同)watchful
- a warning serves to make you more alert to danger (同)alerting
- mentally perceptive and responsive;"an alert mind"; "alert to the problems"; "alive to what is going on"; "awake to the dangers of her situation"; "was now awake to the reality of his predicament" (同)alive, awake
- quick and energetic; "a brisk walk in the park"; "a lively gait"; "a merry chase"; "traveling at a rattling rate"; "a snappy pace"; "a spanking breeze" (同)brisk, lively, merry, rattling, snappy, spanking, zippy
- warn strongly; put on guard (同)admonish, monish
- the trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger; "a man of caution" (同)cautiousness, carefulness
- a warning against certain acts; "a caveat against unfair practices" (同)caveat
- judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger; "he exercised caution in opening the door"; "he handled the vase with care" (同)precaution, care, forethought
- notify, usually in advance; "I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions"
- admonish or counsel in terms of someones behavior; "I warned him not to go too far"; "I warn you against false assumptions"; "She warned him to be quiet" (同)discourage, admonish, monish
- ask to go away; "The old man warned the children off his property"
- notify of danger, potential harm, or risk; "The director warned him that he might be fired"; "The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking"
- a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event (同)warning device, alarm system
- warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness; "The empty house alarmed him"; "We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries" (同)alert
- an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger (同)alert, warning_signal, alarum
- fear resulting from the awareness of danger (同)dismay, consternation
- a message informing of danger; "a warning that still more bombs could explode"
- notification of something, usually in advance; "they gave little warning of their arrival"; "she had only had four days warning before leaving Berlin"
- a commercial principle that without a warranty the buyer takes upon himself the risk of quality
- hollow out as if making a cave or opening; "The river was caving the banks" (同)undermine
- a geological formation consisting of an underground enclosure with access from the surface of the ground or from the sea
- explore natural caves (同)spelunk
- (取引き上の)警告,予告 / (裁判で)手続停止要請書
- 『油断のない』,用心深い / (頭の回転・動作などが)機敏な / (動作が)敏しょうな / 〈U〉《しばしばthe ~》警戒,用心 / 〈C〉警報;警報発令期間 / (…に対して)…‘に'警報(警告)を出す,警戒態勢をとらせる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》
- 〈U〉『用心』,注意,慎重さ,用心深さ(prudence) / 〈C〉『警告』(『注意』)『の言葉』(『合図』,『しるし』) / …‘に'『警告する』,用心させる
- 〈人〉に『警告する』 / 〈人・物事などが〉〈人〉‘に'『予告する』 / 〈人・立て札などが〉(…に近寄らないように,…から立ち退くように)〈人〉‘に'通告する《+名〈人〉+away from(from,off,out of)+名》
- 〈C〉『警報』;『警報器』 / 〈C〉警報装置 / 〈U〉(不意に危険を感じた時の)恐怖,驚愕(がく) / …‘に'『警報する』,急を告げる / …'を'『怖がらせる』,おびえさせる(frighten)
- 〈U〉〈C〉『警告』,戒め / 〈C〉(…への)警告となるもの《+to+名》;(…について)注意を俗すもの《OF+名》 / 〈U〉《古》(雇用契約を解除する)予告,通告
- 『ほら穴』,(特に)横穴 / 〈地盤などが〉陥没する / 〈帽子など〉'を'へこます
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/05/30 15:03:16」(JST)
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Look up caveat in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Caveat may refer to
Latin phrases:
- Caveat lector ("let the reader beware")
- Caveat emptor ("let the buyer beware")
- Caveat venditor ("let the seller beware")
- CAVEAT, a Canadian lobby group
- Caveat, an album by Nuclear Death
- Caveat (horse) (fl. 1983)
See also
- Paulette Caveat, attempt to enjoin development in northern Canada
- Patent caveat, former type patent-related action
- National caveats, restrictions on military operations put in place by NATO member countries regarding the use of their military forces
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English Journal
- Dynamic strain scanning optimization: an efficient strain design strategy for balanced yield, titer, and productivity. DySScO strategy for strain design.
- Zhuang K, Yang L, Cluett WR, Mahadevan R.AbstractABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In recent years, constraint-based metabolic models have emerged as an important tool for metabolic engineering; a number of computational algorithms have been developed for identifying metabolic engineering strategies where the production of the desired chemical is coupled with the growth of the organism. A caveat of the existing algorithms is that they do not take the bioprocess into consideration; as a result, while the product yield can be optimized using these algorithms, the product titer and productivity cannot be optimized. In order to address this issue, we developed the Dynamic Strain Scanning Optimization (DySScO) strategy, which integrates the Dynamic Flux Balance Analysis (dFBA) method with existing strain algorithms.
- BMC biotechnology.BMC Biotechnol.2013 Feb 6;13(1):8. [Epub ahead of print]
- ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In recent years, constraint-based metabolic models have emerged as an important tool for metabolic engineering; a number of computational algorithms have been developed for identifying metabolic engineering strategies where the production of the desired chemical is coupled with
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- Godinho BM, Ogier JR, Darcy R, O'Driscoll CM, Cryan JF.SourcePharmacodelivery Group, School of Pharmacy, University College Cork , Cork, Ireland.
- Molecular pharmaceutics.Mol Pharm.2013 Feb 4;10(2):640-9. doi: 10.1021/mp3003946. Epub 2013 Jan 9.
- Huntington's disease (HD) is a rare autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by the expression of a toxic Huntingtin (HTT) protein. The use of short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to silence the mutant protein is one of the most promising therapeutic strategies under investigation. The biggest
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- Armchair research and the astigmatism of the retrospectoscope: caveat lector.
- Drummond JC.SourceFRCPC, Departments of Anesthesiology, University of California, San Diego and VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, California. jdrummond@ucsd.ed.
- Anesthesia and analgesia.Anesth Analg.2013 Feb;116(2):269-71. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0b013e31827ab7f1.
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- The β-2 agonist debate: is there still a problem?
- Patel M, Shirtcliffe P, Beasley R.SourceMedical Research Institute of New Zealand, New Zealand.
- Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology.Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol.2013 Feb;13(1):58-62. doi: 10.1097/ACI.0b013e32835a5ad9.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To present an evidence-based review of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommendations for long-acting β agonist (LABA) use in asthma.RECENT FINDINGS: The FDA recommendation contraindicating the use of LABAs without a concomitant asthma-controller medication such as an
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Japanese Journal
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- 篠原 一之,西谷 正太
- 日本香粧品学会誌 36(4), 303-309, 2012
- … In addition, an important caveat for humans is that critical components typically found within the functioning vomeronasal system of other, nonprimate, mammals are lacking, suggesting that the human vomeronasal system does not function in the way that has been described for other mammals. …
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- 「買主、注意せよ」から「売主、開示せよ」への契約観の転換--債権法改正の基本方針の詐欺・不実表示・情報提供義務・債務不履行概念と表明保証・東京地判平成18.1.17判決の総合的検討
- 「買主、注意せよ」から「売主、開示せよ」への契約観の転換--債権法改正の基本方針の詐欺・不実表示・情報提供義務・債務不履行概念と表明保証・東京地判平成18.1.17判決の総合的検討
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- caveat. About Our Definitions: All forms of a word (noun, verb, etc.) are now displayed on one page. 3 ENTRIES FOUND: caveat · caveat emptor · caveat lector. ca·ve·at. noun \ˈka-vē-ˌät, -ˌat; ˈkä-vē-ˌät; ˈkā-vē-ˌat\. Definition of CAVEAT. 1 ...
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- 関
- alarm、alert、attend、attention、attentional、care、cautiously、caveat、discretion、guard、heed、note、notice、precaution、prudence、warn、warning、watch
- (~に)用心深い。敏感な(shartp)(to, for)
- (~の点で)敏感な、抜け目のない(in)
- 関
- alarm、astute、caution、caveat、guard、prompt、warn、warning
- 同
- 清明
- 英
- alarm、warning、caution、caveat、alarm、warn、alert
- 関
- 機敏、警戒、注意、慎重さ、警報、差し止め通告
- 関
- alert、caution、caveat、warn、warning
- 関
- alarm、alert、caution、caveat、warning