- 関
- chronically、chronicity
- being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering; "chronic indigestion"; "a chronic shortage of funds"; "a chronic invalid"
- of long duration; "chronic money problems" (同)continuing
- habitual; "a chronic smoker" (同)inveterate
- in a slowly developing and long lasting manner; "chronically ill persons"
- in a habitual and longstanding manner; "smoking chronically" (同)inveterate
- (病気が)長期にわたる,慢性の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》常習の,癖になった
- 慢性的に / 常習で絶えず
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/07/01 06:41:37」(JST)
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Look up chronic in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Chronic may refer to:
- Chronic (cannabis), a slang name for high quality marijuana
- Chronic condition, a condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting in its effects
- Chronic toxicity, a substance with toxic effects after continuous or repeated exposure
- Chronic (film), a 2015 American film
- The Chronic, a 1992 album by Dr. Dre
- The Chronic 2001, a.k.a. 2001, a 1999 album by Dr. Dre
See also
- Chronos, a personification of time in Greek mythology
- Habit (psychology), routines of behavior that are repeated regularly
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- 1. 血友病患者に生じる慢性合併症と加齢に伴い生じる併存症chronic complications and age related comorbidities in people with hemophilia [show details]
…replacement surgery, which is often used in individuals who have developed chronic arthropathy and contractures in the knee or hip . Chronic ankle arthropathy can be treated with ankle fusion, elbow arthropathy …
- 2. チクングニア熱:治療および予防chikungunya fever treatment and prevention [show details]
…choice of medication for patients with chronic arthritis is determined in part by the pattern of joint involvement: Chronic polyarthritis – In most patients with chronic polyarthritis, especially that which …
- 3. 成人肝移植:レシピエントの長期マネージメントliver transplantation in adults long term management of transplant recipients [show details]
…on the incidence of chronic kidney disease come from a cohort study of almost 37,000 liver transplant recipients who were followed for a median of 36 months . The incidence of chronic kidney disease (defined …
- 4. 嚢胞性線維腺症:呼吸器症状が急性増悪した場合の治療cystic fibrosis treatment of acute pulmonary exacerbations [show details]
…chronically prescribed antibiotics; Chronic azithromycin – We continue administering oral azithromycin during the acute exacerbation if it is a component of the chronic pulmonary regimen . However, we temporarily …
- 5. Comparison of methods for endovenous ablation for chronic venous diseasecomparison of methods for endovenous ablation for chronic venous disease [show details]
…care for patients with chronic venous disease. The essential differences between the various endovenous methods for effecting venous closure, as indicated for the treatment of chronic venous disease, are …
English Journal
- Efficacy of Multivitamin/mineral Supplementation to Reduce Chronic Disease Risk: A Critical Review of the Evidence from Observational Studies and Randomized Controlled Trials.
- Angelo G1, Drake VJ, Frei B.
- Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.2015 Dec 6;55(14):1968-91. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2014.912199.
- We reviewed recent scientific evidence regarding the effects of multivitamin/mineral (MVM) supplements on risk of chronic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and age-related eye diseases. Data from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational, prospective cohort studies were
- PMID 24941429
- Pharmacological treatment and staging in bipolar disorder: evidence from clinical practice.
- Goi PD1, Bücker J1, Vianna-Sulzbach M1, Rosa AR1, Grande I2, Chendo I3, Sodré LA1, Kauer-Sant'Anna M1, Silveira L1, Kunz M1, Ceresér KM1, Gama CS1, Massuda R1.
- Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999).Rev Bras Psiquiatr.2015 12/05;37(2):121-125. Epub 2015 May 12.
- OBJECTIVES: Staging models for medical diseases are widely used to guide treatment and prognosis. Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic condition and it is among the most disabling disorders in medicine. The staging model proposed by Kapczinski in 2009 presents four progressive clinical stages of BD. O
- PMID 26018648
- Severe but not mild hypercapnia affects the outcome in patients with severe cardiogenic pulmonary edema treated by non-invasive ventilation.
- Contou D1, Fragnoli C, Córdoba-Izquierdo A, Boissier F, Brun-Buisson C, Thille AW.
- Annals of intensive care.Ann Intensive Care.2015 Dec;5(1):55. doi: 10.1186/s13613-015-0055-y. Epub 2015 Jun 7.
- BACKGROUND: Patients with severe cardiogenic pulmonary edema (CPE) are frequently hypercapnic, possibly because of associated underlying chronic lung disease (CLD). Since hypercapnia has been associated with outcome, we aimed to identify factors associated to hypercapnia and its role on outcome of p
- PMID 26059206
- Polymorphisms in Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 genes and their expression in chronic suppurative otitis media.
- Jotic A1, Jesic S2, Zivkovic M3, Tomanovic N4, Kuveljic J3, Stankovic A3.
- Auris, nasus, larynx.Auris Nasus Larynx.2015 Dec;42(6):431-7. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2015.04.010. Epub 2015 Jun 6.
- OBJECTIVE: Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have a prominent role in inducing innate immune response. It has been suggested that regulation of TLRs is involved in the pathogenesis of chronic otitis media. TLR 2 and TLR 4 polymorphisms were connected with susceptibility to acute otitis and chronic otitis w
- PMID 26055429
Japanese Journal
- Milk Drinking and Mortality: Findings From the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study
- Wang Chaochen,Yatsuya Hiroshi,Tamakoshi Koji,Iso Hiroyasu,Tamakoshi Akiko
- Journal of Epidemiology, 2015
- … A total of 94 980 Japanese adults aged 40–79 years who had no history of cancer, stroke, or chronic cardiovascular diseases were followed between 1988 and 2009. …
- NAID 130004699235
- Longitudinal Analyses of Childhood Growth: Evidence From Project Koshu
- Suzuki Kohta
- Journal of Epidemiology, 2015
- … Recently, it has been suggested that fetal and infant environments are associated with childhood and adulthood health status, specifically regarding presence of obesity and chronic diseases. …
- NAID 130004694368
- Serum HBV Surface Antigen Positivity is Associated With Low Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adult Men
- Choi Ja Sung,Han Ki Jun,Lee Sangheun,Chun Song Wook,Kim Dae Jung,Kim Hyeon Chang,Man Kim Hee
- Journal of Epidemiology, 2015
- … Background: Metabolic syndrome has clinical implications for chronic liver disease, but the relationship between chronic hepatitis B and metabolic syndrome remains unclear. …
- NAID 130004694367
- Overexpression of TNF-α converting enzyme promotes adipose tissue inflammation and fibrosis induced by high fat diet
- Matsui Yuki,Tomaru Utano,Miyoshi Arina,Ito Tomoki,Fukaya Shinji,Miyoshi Hideaki,Atsumi Tatsuya,Ishizu Akihiro
- Experimental and Molecular Pathology 97(3), 354-358, 2014-12
- … Obesity is a state in which chronic low-grade inflammation persists in adipose tissues. …
- NAID 120005476093
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- ☆case33 頭痛と混乱
- ■glossary
- accompany
- vt.
- (人)と同行する、(人)に随行する。(もの)に付随する。~と同時に起こる。~に加える(添える、同封する)(with)
- slurred n. 不明瞭
- 強直間代痙攣 tonic-clonic convulsion
- 意識消失とともに全身の随意筋に強直痙攣が生じ(強直痙攣期tonic convulsion)、次いで全身の筋の強直と弛緩とが律動的に繰り返される時期(間代痙攣期clonic convulsion)を経て、発作後もうろう状態を呈する一連の発作。
- ■症例
- 28歳、女性 黒人 南アフリカ 手術室看護師 ロンドン住在
- 主訴:頭痛と混乱
- 現病歴:過去3週間で頭痛が続いており、ひどくなってきた。現在も頭痛が持続しており、頭全体が痛い。友人曰く「過去六ヶ月で体重が10kg減っていて、最近、混乱してきたようだ」。発話は不明瞭。救急室にいる間に強直間代痙攣を起こした。
- ・診察 examination
- やせている。55kg。38.5℃。口腔カンジダ症(oral candidiasis)。リンパ節腫脹無し。心血管、呼吸器系、消化器系正常。痙攣前における神経検査では時間、場所、人の見当識無し。神経局所症状無し(no focal neurological sign)。眼底両側に乳頭浮腫有り。
- ・検査 investigation
- 血算:白血球増多
- 血液生化学:ナトリウム低下
- CT:供覧
- ■キーワード&着目するポイント
- ・口腔カンジダ症(oral candidiasis)
- ・頭痛、精神症状、強直間代痙攣
- ・眼底両側に乳頭浮腫
- ・CT所見
- ・低ナトリウム血症は二次的なもの
- ■アプローチ
- ・口腔カンジダ症(oral candidiasis) → 細胞免疫低下状態(DM、免疫抑制、AIDSなど) or 常在細菌叢の攪乱(長期の抗菌薬の使用)
- ・The occurrence of thrush in a young, otherwise healthy-appearing person should prompt an investigation for underlying HIV infection.(HIM.1254)
- ・More commonly, thrush is seen as a nonspecific manifestation of severe debilitating illness.(HIM.1254)
- ・精神症状、強直間代痙攣 → 一次的、あるいは二次的な脳の疾患がありそう
- ・頭痛 → 漠然としていて絞れないが、他の症状からして機能性頭痛ではなく症候性頭痛っぽい。
- ・眼底両側に乳頭浮腫 → 脳圧亢進の徴候 → 原因は・・・脳腫瘍、ことにテント下腫瘍と側頭葉の腫瘍、クモ膜下出血、脳水腫など、そのほか、眼窩内病変、低眼圧などの局所的要因、悪性高血圧、血液疾患、大量出血、肺気腫などの全身的要因 (vindicate本のp342も参考になる)
- ・頭痛と脳圧亢進 → 頭蓋内圧占拠性病変、脳炎(IMD.274)
- ・CT所見 → ringformの病変、脳浮腫、脳圧亢進
- ・低ナトリウム血症 → 脳ヘルニアに続発して起こることがあるらしい。実際には下垂体にトキソプラズマによる病変が形成されることにより起こりうる。
- ・そのほか出身地、体重減少もHIVを疑わせる点
- パターン認識でHIV + 精神症状 + てんかん発作(強直間代痙攣) + 脳圧亢進 + CT所見 = 一番ありそうなのはToxoplasma gondiiによるトキソプラズマ脳症 cerebral toxoplasosis (トキソプラズマ脳炎 toxoplasmic encephalitis)
- ■Toxoplasma gondii
- 原虫 胞子原虫類
- (感染予防学 080521のプリント、CASES p,92、HIM p.1305-)
- ・疫学:西洋では30-80%の成人がトキソプラズマの感染の既往がある・・・うぇ(CASES)。日本では10%前後(Wikipedia)。
- ・生活環
- ・終宿主:ネコ:ネコの小腸上皮細胞で有性・無性生殖 糞便にオーシストの排泄
- ・中間宿主:ヒト.ブタを含むほ乳類と鳥類:無性生殖で増殖、シストの形成
- 急性期の増殖盛んな急増虫体tachyzoiteとシスト内の緩増虫体bradyzoite
- ・病原、病因 phathogenesis
- ・緩増虫体(bradyzoite)、接合子嚢(oocyst)
- ・感染経路
- 1. オーシストの経口摂取
- 2. 中間宿主の生肉中のシストの経口摂取
- 3. 初感染妊婦からの経胎盤感染。既感染なら胎盤感染しないらしい(HIM.1306)
- (4)移植臓器、輸血。確率は低い(at low rate)(HIM.1306)
- ・病態
- 1. 先天性トキソプラズマ症 congenital toxoplasmosis
- ①網脈絡膜炎、 ②水頭症、 ③脳内石灰化、 ④精神・運動障害
- 2. 後天性トキソプラズマ症 acquired toxoplasmosis
- (1) 健常者
- ・多くは不顕性感染。発熱、リンパ節腫脹、皮疹(rash)
- ・(少数例)筋肉痛、暈疼痛、腹痛、斑状丘疹状皮疹(maculopapular rash)、脳脊髄炎、混乱(HIM.1308)
- ・(まれ)肺炎、心筋炎、脳症、心膜炎、多発筋炎
- ・網膜、脈絡叢に瘢痕や、脳に小さい炎症性の病変を残すことあり(CASES)。
- ・急性感染の症状は数週間で消失 筋肉や中枢神経系に緩増虫体が残存
- (2)HIV感染者、臓器移植例、がん化学療法例
- シスト内緩増虫体→急増虫体→播種性の多臓器感染
- AIDSでは、トキソプラズマ性脳炎が指標疾患 AIDS-defineing illness(CASES)
- ・治療
- (日本)アセチルスピラマイシン、ファンシダール(感染予防学 080521)
- ■トキソプラズマ脳炎 toxoplasmic encephalitis、トキソプラズマ脳症 cerebral toxoplasosis
- ・症状
- 発熱、頭痛、混乱m、痙攣、認知の障害、局所神経徴候(不全片麻痺、歯垢、脳神経損傷、視野欠損、感覚喪失)(CASES)
- ・画像検査
- (CT,MRI)多発性、両側性、ring-enhancing lesion、特に灰白質-白質境界、大脳基底核、脳幹、小脳が冒されやすい(CASES)
- ・鑑別診断(臨床症状・画像診断の所見で)
- リンパ腫、結核、転移性脳腫瘍(CASES)
- ・病歴と画像所見からの鑑別診断
- リンパ腫、結核、転移性腫瘍
- ?
- このCTがcerebral toxoplasmosisに特徴的かは不明
- □最後に残る疑問
- AIDSでWBC(leukocyte)の数はどうなるんだろう???AIDSの初診患者ではWBCが低い人が多いらしいし()、HIVはCD4+ T cellとmacrophageに感染して殺すから、これによってB cellは減るだろうし、CD8+ T cellも若干減少するだろうからWBCは減るんじゃないか?!好中球はAIDSとは関係ない?好中球は他の感染症に反応性に増加している?ちなみに、好酸球は寄生虫(原虫)の感染のために増える傾向にあるらしい(HIMのどこか)。
- スルファジアジン
- sulfadiazine
- ピリメタミン
- pyrimethamine
- 葉酸拮抗剤である。
- サルファ剤と併用され、抗トキソプラズマ薬、抗ニューモシチス・カリニ薬として相乗的に働く。
- ST合剤
- スルファメトキサゾール・トリメトプリム合剤 sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim mixture
- □AIDSの定義(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CDC_Classification_System_for_HIV_Infection_in_Adults_and_Adolescents)
- A CD4+ T-cell count below 200 cells/μl (or a CD4+ T-cell percentage of total lymphocytes of less than 14%).
- or he/she has one of the following defining illnesses:
- 01. Candidiasis of bronchi, trachea, or lungs
- 02. Candidiasis esophageal
- 03. Cervical cancer (invasive)
- 04. Coccidioidomycosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary
- 05. Cryptococcosis, extrapulmonary
- 06. Cryptosporidiosis, chronic intestinal for longer than 1 month
- 07. Cytomegalovirus disease (other than liver, spleen or lymph nodes)
- 08. Encephalopathy (HIV-related)
- 09. Herpes simplex: chronic ulcer(s) (for more than 1 month); or bronchitis, pneumonitis, or esophagitis
- 10. Histoplasmosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary
- 11. Isosporiasis, chronic intestinal (for more than 1 month)
- 12. Kaposi's sarcoma
- 13. Lymphoma Burkitt's, immunoblastic or primary brain
- 14. Mycobacterium avium complex
- 15. Mycobacterium, other species, disseminated or extrapulmonary
- 16. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
- 17. Pneumonia (recurrent)
- 18. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
- 19. Salmonella septicemia (recurrent)
- 20. Toxoplasmosis of the brain
- 21. Tuberculosis
- 22. Wasting syndrome due to HIV
- People who are not infected with HIV may also develop these conditions; this does not mean they have AIDS. However, when an individual presents laboratory evidence against HIV infection, a diagnosis of AIDS is ruled out unless the patient has not:
- □AIDSのステージング
- ■参考文献
- HIM = Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition
- CASES = 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine Second edition
- IMD = 内科診断学第2版
- 関
- chronic、chronicity
- 英
- chronic、chronically
- 関
- 慢性、慢性型
- 英
- chronic
- 関
- 慢性、慢性的
- 関
- chronic kidney failure、chronic renal failure
- 関
- chronic delta hepatitis