- 関
- agitate、agitation、incite
- change the arrangement or position of (同)vex, disturb, commove, shake up, stir up, raise up
- try to stir up public opinion (同)foment, stir up
- cause to be agitated, excited, or roused; "The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks" (同)rouse, turn_on, charge, commove, excite, charge up
- disturbance usually in protest (同)excitement, turmoil, upheaval, hullabaloo
- the act of agitating something; causing it to move around (usually vigorously)
- a state of agitation or turbulent change or development; "the political ferment produced new leadership"; "social unrest" (同)ferment, fermentation, tempestuousness, unrest
- a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance
- provoke or stir up; "incite a riot"; "set off great unrest among the people" (同)instigate, set_off, stir up
- 〈人〉‘を'扇動する / 〈反乱など〉‘を'そそのかして(扇動して)起こさせる
- (激しく)〈液体など〉'を'『ゆする』,ゆり動かす;…'を'かき混ぜる / 〈人・世問・心〉'を'『かき乱す』,動揺させる / (政治・社会問題で)(…に反対(賛成)して)『扇動する』,アジる《+『against』(『for』)+『名』》
- 〈U〉(激しく)ゆり動かすこと,かき混ぜること / 〈U〉(心の)動揺 / 〈C〉〈U〉扇動,アジ
- 〈感情など〉‘を'かき立てる / 〈人〉‘を'刺激する
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English Journal
- Prostate cancer stem cells.
- Tu SM, Lin SH.SourceDepartment of Genitourinary Medical Oncology, The University of Texas, MD, Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas.
- Clinical genitourinary cancer.Clin Genitourin Cancer.2012 Jun;10(2):69-76. Epub 2012 Mar 14.
- Stem cells have long been implicated in prostate gland formation. The prostate undergoes regression after androgen deprivation and regeneration after testosterone replacement. Regenerative studies suggest that these cells are found in the proximal ducts and basal layer of the prostate. Many characte
- PMID 22421313
- Neurons on the Move: Migration and Lamination of Cortical Interneurons.
- Faux C, Rakic S, Andrews W, Britto JM.SourceCentre for Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic., Australia.
- Neuro-Signals.Neurosignals.2012 May 4;20(3):168-189. [Epub ahead of print]
- The modulation of cortical activity by GABAergic interneurons is required for normal brain function and is achieved through the immense level of heterogeneity within this neuronal population. Cortical interneurons share a common origin in the ventral telencephalon, yet during the maturation process
- PMID 22572780
Japanese Journal
- Gaynor Brian
- 室蘭工業大学紀要 (59), 43-47, 2010-03
- … and Second Cinema, whichrefers to so-called ‘ Art Cinema’ , where the aim is to depict the director’s vision of the world.Third Cinema is a collaborative process and its aim is to instigate political revolution. …
- NAID 120002205652
- 橋村 裕也,野津 寛大,神田 杏子,早川 晶,竹島 泰弘,金兼 弘和,宮脇 利男,飯島 一誠,松尾 雅文
- 日本小児腎臓病学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of pediatric nephrology 22(2), 131-135, 2009-11-15
- IPEX症候群は,FOXP3遺伝子の変異が制御性T細胞の機能異常を引き起こすまれな自己免疫異常症である。また,IPEX症候群患者は無治療で経過すると2歳までに感染や栄養障害から死亡する予後不良な疾患である。しかし,特異的な治療法がなく,免疫抑制剤の併用療法が行われてきたが根治療法とはならない。造血幹細胞移植が,近年,根治術として報告され良好な成績を挙げている。腎合併症は膜性腎症や尿細管間質性腎炎 …
- NAID 10026411780
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- tr.v. in·sti·gat·ed, in·sti·gat·ing, in·sti·gates. 1. To urge on; goad. 2. To stir up; foment. [Latin nst g re, nst g t-; see steig- in Indo-European roots.] in sti·ga tion n. in sti·ga tive adj. in sti·ga tor n. instigate [ˈɪnstɪˌgeɪt]. vb (tr). 1. to bring about, as by ...
- tr.v. in·sti·gat·ed, in·sti·gat·ing, in·sti·gates. 1. To urge on; goad. 2. To stir up; foment. [Latin nst g re, nst g t-; see steig- in Indo-European roots.] in sti·ga tion n. in sti·ga tive adj. in sti·ga tor n. instigate [ˈɪnstɪˌgeɪt]. vb (tr). 1. to bring about, as by ...
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- (演説・討論・論文など普段の活動によって)激しく(揺り)動かす、かきたてる、かきまわす。(人)の心を動揺させる(かき乱す)、煽動する。(主義・変革運動などを)熱心に論じる、~への関心を喚起する
- (新計画など)のあらゆる面について熟慮する、~の構想を練る
- (液体を)かきまわす、かきまぜる。
- 関
- agitation, deflection, incite, instigate, perturb, perturbation, stir, stirring, surge, swing, unbalance
- 振動、動揺、拡販、かき混ぜ。心的動揺、気持ちの乱れ、興奮。熟慮、塾公、熱心な討論。世論喚起運動、煽動、アジテーション
- 関
- agitate, incite, instigate, restless, restlessness, stir, stirring
- 刺激する、励ます、教唆する、先導する、駆り立てる、けしかける
- 関
- agitate、agitation、instigate、irritate、prime、stimulate、stimulation、stimuli、stimulus
- 英
- agitation、incite、agitate、instigate
- 関
- 撹拌、激越、刺激、動揺、かき混ぜ、煽動、不穏
- 英
- agitation、incite、agitate、instigate
- 関
- 撹拌、激越、刺激、動揺、かき混ぜ、扇動、不穏