コントラクションストレステスト コントラクション・ストレス・テスト contraction stress test
- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- Central Standard Time 中央標準時
- carbonの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/03/21 16:55:35」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 中部標準時 -- アメリカ合衆国で使用されている標準時(夏時間はCST (Central Daylight Time))
- 中国標準時 -- 中華人民共和国・中華民国(台湾)で使用されている標準時
- チャトラパティ・シヴァージー・ターミナス駅 -- 世界遺産に登録されているインドの鉄道駅
- 集団安全保障条約(Collective Security Treaty)の略称。
- 日本ストレッチング協会認定ストレッチングトレーナー。Japan Stretching Association Certified Stretching Trainer。JSA-CST。
- コンピュータシステム研究所(Computer System Technology)の略称。
- セントラル・スペーシャル・テクノロジー株式会社(Central Spatial Technology Inc.)の略称。
- センチストークス - 動粘度の単位 1cSt=1mm2/s
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[Wiki en表示]
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CST or Cst may refer to:
- 1 Time zones
- 2 Companies
- 3 Transportation
- 4 Medical
- 5 Other uses
Time zones
- Central Standard Time, observed in North America's Central Time Zone
- China Standard Time
- Chungyuan Standard Time, a term used in Taiwan until the early 2000s
- Australian Central Standard Time (ACST)
- Cell Signaling Technology, an antibody development and production company
- Cambridge Systems Technology, a defunct British computer peripherals company
- Cheng Shin Tire, the largest manufacturer of bicycle tires in the world
- Church of Spiritual Technology, a corporation of the Church of Scientology
- Computer Simulation Technology, a maker of computational electromagnetics software
- Cargo Sous Terrain, a planned underground logistics system in Switzerland
- Stockholm Central Station (station code Cst)
- Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus) in Mumbai, India
- Coast Air of Norway (ICAO designator CST)
- The National Rail code for London Cannon Street station
- Certified Surgical technologist
- Craniosacral therapy
- Contraction stress test (in obstetrics)
- Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Other uses
- California Standards Tests, part of the California Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program
- Canada Social Transfer, a transfer from the Canadian federal government to provinces and territories in support of social programs
- Catholic social teaching
- Centistoke (cSt), a unit of kinematic viscosity
- Central Sandinista de Trabajadores, the Sandinista Workers' Centre
- Certified Sex Therapist
- Chicago Shakespeare Theater
- Child sex tourism
- Civil Support Team
- Collective Security Treaty Organisation of the Commonwealth of Independent States
- Common Spanning Tree, a networking technology
- Community Security Trust (a Jewish organisation in Britain)
- Constant strain triangle element, a type of element employed in finite element analysis
- Constitution Party (United States)
- Council for Science and Technology of the UK government
- Cox Sports Television
- CST Complex, a protein trimer
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English Journal
- The combined status of physical performance and depressive symptoms is strongly associated with a history of falling in community-dwelling elderly: Cross-sectional findings from the Obu Study of Health Promotion for the Elderly (OSHPE).
- Makizako H1, Shimada H2, Doi T3, Yoshida D2, Tsutsumimoto K2, Uemura K3, Anan Y2, Park H4, Lee S4, Ito T2, Suzuki T5.Author information 1Section for Health Promotion, Department for Research and Development to Support Independent Life of Elderly, Center for Gerontology and Social Science, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 35 Gengo, Morioka-machi, Obu, Aichi 474-8511, Japan; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Sumitomo-Ichibancho FS Building, 8 Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8472, Japan. Electronic address: makizako@ncgg.go.jp.2Section for Health Promotion, Department for Research and Development to Support Independent Life of Elderly, Center for Gerontology and Social Science, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 35 Gengo, Morioka-machi, Obu, Aichi 474-8511, Japan.3Section for Health Promotion, Department for Research and Development to Support Independent Life of Elderly, Center for Gerontology and Social Science, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 35 Gengo, Morioka-machi, Obu, Aichi 474-8511, Japan; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Sumitomo-Ichibancho FS Building, 8 Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8472, Japan.4Section for Physical Functioning Activation, Department of Functioning Activation, Center for Gerontology and Social Science, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 35 Gengo, Morioka-machi, Obu, Aichi 474-8511, Japan.5Research Institute, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 35 Gengo, Morioka-machi, Obu, Aichi 474-8511, Japan.AbstractThe purpose of this study was to examine whether the combined factors of physical performance, depressive symptoms and cognitive status are significantly associated with a history of falling in community-dwelling elderly. We performed a cross-sectional community-based survey, the OSHPE, from August 2011 to February 2012. In total, 5104 community-dwelling older adults aged 65 years and older (mean age 72.0) participated in the OSHPE. Participants underwent a grip strength (GS) test, chair stand test (CST), Timed Up & Go (TUG) test, Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Of the 4481 participants who met our requirements, 645 (14.4%) participants reported falling at least once in the past year. In a signal detection analysis (SDA), we found that the combination of GDS (≥6 points) and TUG (≥10.6s) had the highest fall rate (36.4%), and the combination of GDS (<6 points) and CST (<11.1s) had the lowest fall rate (11.7%). The highest fall rate group had a significantly higher odds ratio (OR) compared with the lowest fall rate group after adjusting for other potentially confounding variables [OR 3.12 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.08-4.68) p<0.001]. The combination of depressive symptoms, TUG, and CST performance was strongly associated with a history of falling in community-dwelling elderly.
- Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.Arch Gerontol Geriatr.2014 May-Jun;58(3):327-31. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2014.01.001. Epub 2014 Jan 21.
- The purpose of this study was to examine whether the combined factors of physical performance, depressive symptoms and cognitive status are significantly associated with a history of falling in community-dwelling elderly. We performed a cross-sectional community-based survey, the OSHPE, from August
- PMID 24525136
- Probabilistic mapping of the cervical sympathetic trunk ganglia.
- Stark ME1, Safir I2, Wisco JJ3.Author information 1Division of Integrative Anatomy, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States.2Division of Integrative Anatomy, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States; Emory Healthcare, Atlanta, GA, United States.3Division of Integrative Anatomy, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States; Department of Physiology and Developmental Biology, Neuroscience Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United States; Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Utah Medical School, Salt Lake City, UT, United States. Electronic address: jjwisco@byu.edu.AbstractThe goal of this study was to create a heat map indicating the probabilistic location of major ganglia of the cervical sympathetic trunk (CST). Detailed dissections of human cadaveric specimens, followed by spatial registration and analysis of the cervical sympathetic ganglia in the neck and upper thorax regions (C1-T1) were performed in 104 neck specimens (both sides from 52 cadavers). Unbiased parametric mapping, visualized with a heat map, revealed a general pattern of two major ganglia located on both sides of the neck: The superior cervical ganglion (SCG) was located 80-90mm superior to the point at which the vertebral artery entered the transverse foramen (VA-TF); the stellate ganglion (SG) was located approximately 10mm inferior to the VA-TF in 80% of our sample, or surrounding the VA-TF in the remaining 20% of our sample. In between these ganglia, a highly variable number of smaller and less prevalent ganglia were present on either side of the neck. The middle ganglia on the right side of the neck were located closer to the SCG, possibly indicative of the middle cervical ganglion. On the left side the middle ganglia were located closer to the SG, perhaps indicative of the vertebral ganglion or the inferior cervical ganglion. Individual specimens could be classified into one of seven different patterns of cervical trunks. The results may help surgeons and anesthesiologists more accurately target and preserve these structures during medical procedures.
- Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical.Auton Neurosci.2014 Apr;181:79-84. doi: 10.1016/j.autneu.2014.01.007. Epub 2014 Jan 24.
- The goal of this study was to create a heat map indicating the probabilistic location of major ganglia of the cervical sympathetic trunk (CST). Detailed dissections of human cadaveric specimens, followed by spatial registration and analysis of the cervical sympathetic ganglia in the neck and upper t
- PMID 24495413
- Six weeks of core stability training reduces peak landing force among female capoeira athletes.
- Hayes L1, Araujo S, Cohen D.Author information 1London Metropolitan University, London, United Kingdom.AbstractBACKGROUND: Core stability training (CST) has increased in popularity among athletes and the general fitness population and is promoted as a means to reduce injury risk. In female athletes, an intervention combining CST and balance training reduced peak landing forces, a risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Less is known about the isolated effect on landing forces of a CST program comprised of a substantial proportion of static exercises.
- British journal of sports medicine.Br J Sports Med.2014 Apr;48(7):605-6. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-093494.124.
- BACKGROUND: Core stability training (CST) has increased in popularity among athletes and the general fitness population and is promoted as a means to reduce injury risk. In female athletes, an intervention combining CST and balance training reduced peak landing forces, a risk factor for anterior cru
- PMID 24620165
Japanese Journal
- DTI-based tractographyによる白質マッピングの脳神経外科手術への応用(手術合併症を防ぐために,II 手術訓練としての外科解剖実習-第23回微小脳神経外科解剖セミナーより-,微小脳神経外科解剖)
- 鎌田 恭輔
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 20(Supplement_2), 111-118, 2011-10-20
- … る.Tractographyによる白質マッピングの現状とその有用性を報告する.各fiberの至適作製条件を設定後,皮質脊髄路(CST)と弓状束(AF)を作製した.白質電気刺激では距離と刺激強度に非線形相関があった.白質刺激MEP閾値は2mA程度であり,皮質刺激MEPの1/10程度であった.刺激部位がAFの5mm以内の時は錯語を呈した.CSTとAFの交差部は運動,言語機能マッピングが必要であり,外科解剖としてきわめて重要な部位と考える. …
- NAID 110008790786
- A Design of High Gain Barium Strontium Titanium(BST) Array Antenna(<Special Issue>Asia-Pacific Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics(APSAEM10))
Related Links
- CSTポータルの利用マニュアル. pdf 学生用 pdf ... CSTポータルについて、ご意見やご 質問などありましたらこちらまで。 ... 日本大学理工学部・短期大学部(船橋校舎)の学生 と教職員、日本大学習志野高等学校CSTコースの生徒が利用できます。非常勤の方は ...
- 概要、学科や大学院情報、研究・教育紹介や教職員紹介。
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- 32歳の1回経産婦。胎動が少なくなってきたことを心配して来院した。1週前、妊娠36週の妊婦健康診査で異常を認めなかった。ノンストレステスト(NST)を20分間行ったが、胎動がみられず、胎児心拍数図にも一過性頻脈がみられないのでnonreactiveと判定した。
- 次に行う対応として適切でないのはどれか。
※国試ナビ4※ [100A001]←[国試_100]→[100A003]
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※国試ナビ4※ [101B089]←[国試_101]→[101B091]
- a. (1)(2)
- b. (1)(5)
- c. (2)(3)
- d. (3)(4)
- e. (4)(5)
※国試ナビ4※ [097B008]←[国試_097]→[097B010]
- 28歳の1回経産婦。血液型はA Rh(-)。夫の血液型はA Rh(+)。第1時の血液型O Rh(+)。今回の妊娠では、28週までは間接Coombsテスト4倍陽性であったが、35週時に8倍陽性となり、羊水ODD値は0.04であった。
- 毎回1回施行すべき検査はどれか
- a. (1)(2)(3)
- b. (1)(2)(5)
- c. (1)(4)(5)
- d. (2)(3)(4)
- e. (3)(4)(5)
- 妊娠末期の胎児が原基であることを確認するのに適切な検査はどれか
- a. (1)(2)
- b. (1)(5)
- c. (2)(3)
- d. (3)(4)
- e. (4)(5)
- a. (1)(2)
- b. (1)(5)
- c. (2)(3)
- d. (3)(4)
- e. (4)(5)
- 英
- examination、test、testing、assessment、trial、exam、examine
- 関
- アセスメント、計測、検査、検定、試み、査定、試行、調べる、診断、治験、調査、テスト、判定、評価、検討、影響評価、実験デザイン、研究デザイン、データ品質、対応群、スコアリング法
- ショ糖溶血試験:(方法)等張ショ糖液に血液を加える。(検査)溶血の存在。低イオン強度では補体の赤血球に対する結合性が増し、発作性夜間血色素尿症 PNHにおいては溶血をきたす。スクリーニング検査として用いられ、確定診断のためにはハム試験を行う。
- ハム試験 Ham試験:(方法)洗浄赤血球に塩酸を加え、弱酸性(pH6.5-7.0)条件にする。(検査)溶血の存在。発作性夜間血色素尿症 PNHにおいては弱酸性条件で補体に対する感受性が亢進するため
- 立位フロセミド負荷試験:(投与)フロセミド、(検査)血漿レニン濃度:フロセミドでhypovolemicとし歩行負荷で交感神経を興奮させレニンの分泌を促す。原発性アルドステロン症の場合、レニン高値のまま無反応。
- 英
- estriol, E3, ET
- ラ
- oestriolum
- 商
- エストリール、ホーリン、メリストラーク
- 関
- 生殖器官用剤
- 女性で産生されるホルモン
- 子宮内膜に対する作用はほとんど無く、主に腟上皮や頚管に作用することから、膣炎、子宮頚管炎、および子宮膣部びらんの治療に用いられる。(参考1 QB.Q-229)
- NGY.111
- 最近は胎児胎盤機能検査としては使われなくなっている(代わりにNST,BPS,超音波ドプラ、CSTを使用)
- 胎児内分泌機能、胎盤機能、母体-胎盤-胎児血液循環能
。妊娠末期に向かって増加していくが、低値で胎児・胎盤系の機能不全が示唆される。 → 潜在性胎児仮死
- 解釈:(妊娠末期)正常:40mg/day, 注意:≦20mg/day, 危険≦10mg/day
- ex. 082A044
- 胞状奇胎、無脳児妊娠、子宮内胎児死亡、胎児赤芽球症、子宮内胎児発育遅延、胎児胎盤機能不全、胎盤サルファターゼ欠損症、胎盤アロマターゼ欠損症、重症妊娠高血圧症候群
- ホーリンV腟用錠1mg
- http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/2529701H2046_1_04/2529701H2046_1_04
- 同
- 胎児well-being
- 経腹超音波断層法
- 超音波ドプラ法
- 胎児心拍数モニタリング
- バイオフィジカルプロファイルスコア BPS
- 羊水検査
- 同
- オキシトシン負荷試験
- オキシトシンチャレンジテスト oxytocin challenge test OCT
- オキシトシンストレステスト oxytocin stress test OST
- 関
- 子宮収縮負荷試験 contraction stress test CST
- 英
- contraction stress test, CST
- 同
- コントラクション・ストレス・テスト
- 関
- 胎児刺激試験
ウィスコンシンカードソーティングテスト, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test