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- 1. 消化管、肝臓、膵臓、腹膜に生じるサルコイドーシスgastrointestinal hepatic pancreatic and peritoneal sarcoidosis [show details]
… infiltration of the terminal ileum . Evaluation – The order of testing is usually determined by the presenting symptoms and the presence (or absence) of a known diagnosis of sarcoidosis. Endoscopy is the most …
- 2. 患者教育:ビタミンD欠乏症(詳細)vitamin d deficiency beyond the basics [show details]
…systems, although more research is needed in these areas. A low vitamin D level can be diagnosed with a blood test called 25-hydroxyvitamin D or 25(OH)D (OH = hydroxy, D = vitamin D). Although definitions …
- 3. 消化吸収と吸収不良のメカニズムの概要overview of nutrient absorption and etiopathogenesis of malabsorption [show details]
… noninvasive breath tests designed to look for malabsorption of particular carbohydrates. The most common of these tests is the lactose breath test,… Central to the mechanism of fat absorption is the problem of solubilizing lipids in an aqueous environment.…
- 4. ビタミンEの概要overview of vitamin e [show details]
…are: Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency – In which there is insufficient lipase to enable optimal fat absorption. Important causes are cystic fibrosis, pancreatectomy, and chronic pancreatitis. Cholestatic … Cancer – Vitamin E supplementation has been evaluated for prevention of prostate cancer and several other common neoplasms.…
- 5. 嚢胞性線維症:膵機能不全の評価およびマネージメントcystic fibrosis assessment and management of pancreatic insufficiency [show details]
… increased risks for vitamin B12 deficiency and detrimental effects on bone health. Fecal fat testing – Laboratory tests generally are not helpful for adjustment of PERT doses, because there are no methods that …
Japanese Journal
- 簡易糞便中脂肪定量法を用いた吸収機能試験とその評価
- 天理医療大学紀要 = Bulletin of Tenri Health Care University 5(1), 8-13, 2017
- NAID 40021212954
- 吸収不良症候群の診断において脂肪吸収試験が有用であった2症例
- QOL向上を目指した胃癌手術 : 幽門側胃切除におけるQOLを考慮した再建術式
- 東邦醫學會雜誌 = Journal of the Medical Society of Toho University 54(6), 337-342, 2007-11-01
- NAID 10020168611
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- た。脂肪吸収試験の結果,脂肪吸収率97.8%で,吸収不良症候群を否定するために脂肪吸収試験が有用であった。脂肪吸 収試験は脂肪負荷食の設定や試験中の間食の監視,蓄便の徹底,および採便前の混和など,手技を正確に行えば ...
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- 放射性同位元素を用いる検査の打ち、体内に放射性同位元素を投与しないのはどれか?
- (1) レノグラム
- (2) 赤血球寿命測定
- (3) T3-レジン摂取率測定
- (4) 血清AFP定量
- (5) 脂肪吸収試験
- a. (1)(2)
- b. (1)(5)
- c. (2)(3)
- d. (3)(4)
- e. (4)(5)
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- アセスメント、計測、検査、検定、試み、査定、試行、調べる、診断、治験、調査、テスト、判定、評価、検討、影響評価、実験デザイン、研究デザイン、データ品質、対応群、スコアリング法
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