- 関
- circumscribed、focal、local、localization、localized type、locally
- made local or oriented locally; "a decentralized and localized political authority" (同)localised
- confined or restricted to a particular location; "the localized infection formed a definite abscess" (同)localised
- relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area; "local taxes"; "local authorities"
- public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops; "the local seemed to take forever to get to New York"
- affecting only a restricted part or area of the body; "local anesthesia"
- of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood; "local customs"; "local schools"; "the local citizens"; "a local point of view"; "local outbreaks of flu"; "a local bus line"
- of or relating to a focus; "focal length"
- having or localized centrally at a focus; "focal point"; "focal infection"
- by a particular locality; "it was locally decided"
- to a restricted area of the body; "apply this medicine topically" (同)topically
- a determination of the place where something is; "he got a good fix on the target" (同)localisation, location, locating, fix
- concentrate on a particular place or spot; "The infection has localized in the left eye" (同)localise, focalize, focalise
- restrict something to a particular area (同)localise
- 『一地方の』,ある土地の,(特に)自分の住んでいる土地の;地方に特有な / (全体からみて)『部分的な』,局部の,狭い部分の / 《米》各駅停車の / 《話》《しばしば複数形で》その土地に住んでいる人々 / 《米話》(新聞の)地方記事 / 《話》(各駅停車の)列車,電車,バス / 《米》(労働組合などの)支部
- 低カロリーの
- 焦点の
- 地方的に,局部的に;近くに
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Look up local in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Local usually refers to something nearby, or in the immediate area.
Local may refer to:
- 1 Geography and transportation
- 2 Life sciences and health care
- 3 Computing
- 4 Mathematics
- 5 Media and publishing
- 6 Other uses
- 7 See also
Geography and transportation
- Local (train), a train serving local traffic demand
- Local government, a form of public administration, usually the lowest tier of administration
- Local, Missouri, a community in the United States
- Local news, coverage of events in a local context which would not normally be of interest to those of other localities
- Local union, a locally based trade union organization which forms part of a larger union
Life sciences and health care
- Local anesthesia, any technique to induce the absence of sensation in part of the body
- Local disease (localized disease), disease confined to an area of the body (rather than systemic)
- Local variable, a variable that is given local scope
- Locale (computer software), environment variables of operating systems for region- or language-specific formatting options
- .local, network address component
- Local class field theory, the study of abelian extensions of local fields
- Local field, a special type of field that is a locally compact topological field with respect to a non-discrete topology
- Local Fields (book), an algebraic number theory textbook by Jean-Pierre Serre
- Local-global principle, idea that one can find an integer solution to an equation using the Chinese remainder theorem
- Local martingale, a type of stochastic process, satisfying the localized version of the martingale property
- Local property, property which occurs on sufficiently small or arbitrarily small neighborhoods of points
- Local ring, the branch of commutative algebra that studies local rings and their modules
- Local symbol (disambiguation), uses in various subfields of mathematics
- Local zeta-function, a function whose logarithmic derivative is a generating function for the number of solutions of a set of equations defined over a finite field
Media and publishing
- Local (novel), a 2001 novel written by Jaideep Varma
- Local (comics), a twelve-part Oni Press comic book limited series written by Brian Wood and illustrated by Ryan Kelly
- Local TV LLC, a television broadcasting company which operates 20 television stations in the United States
- The Local, an English-language Swedish news website
Other uses
- Pub, a drinking establishment, known as a "local" to its regulars
See also
- All pages beginning with "local"
- All pages with a title containing local
- Local theory, a physical theory that obeys the principle of locality
- Local group (disambiguation)
- Localism (disambiguation)
- Locality (disambiguation)
- Localization (disambiguation)
- Locus (disambiguation)
- Type locality (disambiguation)
- Lokal (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Recent developments in time-of-flight PET.
- Vandenberghe S1, Mikhaylova E2, D'Hoe E2, Mollet P2, Karp JS3.
- EJNMMI physics.EJNMMI Phys.2016 Dec;3(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s40658-016-0138-3. Epub 2016 Feb 16.
- While the first time-of-flight (TOF)-positron emission tomography (PET) systems were already built in the early 1980s, limited clinical studies were acquired on these scanners. PET was still a research tool, and the available TOF-PET systems were experimental. Due to a combination of low stopping po
- PMID 26879863
- Wilson-Cowan Equations for Neocortical Dynamics.
- Cowan JD1, Neuman J2, van Drongelen W3.
- Journal of mathematical neuroscience.J Math Neurosci.2016 Dec;6(1):1. doi: 10.1186/s13408-015-0034-5. Epub 2016 Jan 4.
- In 1972-1973 Wilson and Cowan introduced a mathematical model of the population dynamics of synaptically coupled excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the neocortex. The model dealt only with the mean numbers of activated and quiescent excitatory and inhibitory neurons, and said nothing about fluctua
- PMID 26728012
- Sunlight-Induced Coloration of Silk.
- Yao Y1,2, Tang B3,4, Chen W1, Sun L1,2, Wang X5,6.
- Nanoscale research letters.Nanoscale Res Lett.2016 Dec;11(1):293. doi: 10.1186/s11671-016-1506-6. Epub 2016 Jun 14.
- Silk fabrics were colored by gold nanoparticles (NPs) that were in situ synthesized through the induction of sunlight. Owing to the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of gold NPs, the treated silk fabrics presented vivid colors. The photo-induced synthesis of gold NPs was also realized on we
- PMID 27297220
- Facile Synthesis of Smart Nanocontainers as Key Components for Construction of Self-Healing Coating with Superhydrophobic Surfaces.
- Liang Y1, Wang M2, Wang C2, Feng J2, Li J1, Wang L1, Fu J3,4.
- Nanoscale research letters.Nanoscale Res Lett.2016 Dec;11(1):231. doi: 10.1186/s11671-016-1444-3. Epub 2016 Apr 28.
- SiO2-imidazoline nanocomposites (SiO2-IMI) owning high loading capacity of corrosion inhibitor, 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide (HMID), and a special acid/alkali dual-stimuli-accelerated release property have been synthesized via a one-step modified Stöber method. SiO2-IMI were uniformly di
- PMID 27121439
Japanese Journal
- 専門医試験をめざす症例問題トレーニング 骨・軟部腫瘍
- Co-localization of iron binding on silica with p62/sequestosome1 (SQSTM1) in lung granulomas of mice with acute silicosis
- Shimizu Yasuo,Dobashi Kunio,Nagase Hiroyuki,Ohta Ken,Sano Takaaki,Matsuzaki Shinichi,Ishii Yoshiki,Satoh Takahiro,Koka Masashi,Yokoyama Akihito,Ohkubo Takeru,Ishii Yasuyuki,Kamiya Tomihiro
- Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2015
- … Fas- and p62-expressing histiocytes were co-localized in granulomas with silica particles that showed an increase of iron levels on silica particles in mouse lungs. …
- NAID 130004704980
- Synthesis and Optical-electronic Properties of a Novel Star-shaped Benzodithiophene Molecule
- Sheng Ruiying,Liu Qian,Qiu Meng,Gu Chuantao,Zhou Yuanhang,Ren Junzhen,Sun Mingliang,Yang Renqiang
- Chemistry Letters, 2015
- … DFT results show that the electron density of the HOMO and LUMO are localized on the thiophene and BDT groups. …
- NAID 130004703987
- Nano-scale identification of extracellular organic substances at microbe-mineral interface by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM)
- Mitsunobu Satoshi,Zhu Ming,Takeichi Yasuo,Ohigashi Takuji,Suga Hiroki,Makita Hiroko,Sakata Masahiro,Ono Kanta,Mase Kazuhiko,Takahashi Yoshio
- Chemistry Letters, 2015
- … STXM-based carbon and oxygen near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) directly showed that polysaccharides were localized within 150 nm of the bacteria-pyrite boundary, and that sessile bioleaching bacteria produced polysaccharides-abundant extracellular biomolecules on the pyrite grain. …
- NAID 130004701548
Related Links
- Culture & Economy[edit]. Localization or localisation, represented as a numeronym as L10n, may refer to: The process of economic localisation is the opposite to economic globalisation. Language localisation, the process of translating a ...
- lo·cal·ized (l k -l zd ). adj. 1. Restricted to a particular place. 2. Medicine Restricted or limited to a specific body part or region: localized pain and numbness. Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Adj. 1. localized - confined ...
- Synonyms for localized at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
Related Pictures

- ☆case76 頭痛
- ■glossary
- 傾眠 drowsiness 正常、病的の区別なく眠り込む場合に用いられる
- 意識不鮮明 confusion 周囲に対する認識や理解は低下し、思考の清明さや、記憶の正確さが失われる
- 錯乱 confusion 夢幻様状態より見当識障害と思考の滅裂が見られる状態(PSY.40)
- MA = Master of Arts 文学修士
- The Master of Arts (BrE: MA, UsE: M.A.) is awarded in Arts, Humanities, Theology and Social Sciences (Wikipedia)
- graduate student 大学院生
- rousable adj. 覚醒できる、目を覚ますことができる
- rouse vt. ~の目を覚まさせる、呼び起こす。喚起する、鼓舞する、奮起させる。(感情を)起こさせる、かき立てる
- lateralize vt. (生理)(大脳が)(左右半球に心的機能差がある、左右差がある。(器官・機能・活動などが)大脳の(左右いずれかの)片側優位下にある。(医学)(障害などが)大脳の片半球にあると診断される
- 乳頭浮腫 papilledema 原因を問わず視神経乳頭が腫脹している状態
- うっ血乳頭 choked disc 脳圧亢進による乳頭浮腫
- ■症例
- 24歳、男性 精神学の修士過程を専攻している大学院生
- 主訴:激しい頭痛
- 現病歴:頭部全体に痛みがある。2回嘔吐。傾眠と錯乱が認められるようになった。明るい光を嫌う()he finds bright lights uncomfortable。
- 既往歴:病気の既往はない。アレルギーはない。タバコ1日10本。アルコール24 unit/week(缶ビール(350ml)13.7本/週)。薬は服用してない。
- 家族歴:彼女と同居。3歳と4歳の子供がいる。
- ・診察 examination
- 見た感じ紅潮しており、調子が悪そう。体温:39.2℃。項部硬直あり(he has stiffness on passice flexion of his neck)。皮疹なし。副鼻腔に圧痛なし。鼓膜所見は正常。脈拍:120/分。血圧:98/74 mmHg。心血管系、胸部、腹部に異常所見なし(normal)。意識レベル低下。命令に応じて覚醒する(JCS10?)。局所神経症状認めない。眼底所見正常
- ・検査 investigation
- 血液検査
- 白血球:上昇。血清Na:低下。血清尿素:上昇。血清クレアチニン:上昇。血液培養:検査中
- 画像検査
- 胸部X線:異常所見なし。頭部CT:正常
- 心電図:洞性頻脈
- 腰椎穿刺
- 髄液所見:混濁。白血球:増多。蛋白:増多。糖:低下(普通の人の血糖100mg/dLと考える。→ 1g/L → 1/180 mol/L → 5.56 mmol/L。グラム染色:結果待ち
- ■Q
- 診断、鑑別診断、管理
- ■A
- 細菌性髄膜炎、髄膜炎・クモ膜下出血、経験的抗菌薬投与・
- ■解説
- (第1パラグラフ)細菌性髄膜炎
- ・(症状)突然発症。激しい頭痛、嘔吐、錯乱、羞明、項部硬直
- ・低血圧、白血球増多、腎機能低下 → ウイルス性よりむしろ細菌性の感染を示唆する。 ← 重症敗血症~敗血症ショックかな?(私見)
- ・(髄膜炎菌の種類)
- <テーブル挿入 髄膜炎>
- ・(疫学)HIM. 2621 (多分、全患者中(←私見))
- Streptococcus pneumoniae ~50%
- Neisseria meningitidis ~25%、
- group B streptococci ~15%
- Listeria monocytogenes ~10%
- Haemophilus influenzae type B <10%
- ・Neisseria meningitidisは全身性の脈管の皮疹(点状出血、紫斑)が特徴的(generalized vasculitic rash)
- (第2パラグラフ)鑑別診断
- ・激しい頭痛
- ・the most severe headaches are experienced in meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage and classic migraine.
- ・meningitis:単回の発作(single episode)。症状は時間単位で出現。
- ・subarachnoid hemorrhage:単回の発作(single episode)。突然発症(突発完成?)。硝子体出血を認めることがある。
- ・classic migraine:繰り返す(数回/年~1回/週。平均月2回。発作は4-72時間継続)
- ・髄膜刺激:急性に発熱をきたした多くの病態でみられる(acute febrile conditions)。特に子供。 ← そうなの?
- ・頚部硬直:頚部や脊椎の局所感染症でも起こる。 ← パーキンソン病などによる筋トーヌスの異常亢進も除外しよう
- ・他の髄膜炎:脳脊髄液所見で鑑別する
- (第3パラグラフ)経験的治療
- ・(細菌性)髄膜炎が疑われたら、確定診断する前に適切な抗菌薬を投与(empirical treatment)。 → 数時間の経過で死亡することがある。
- ・ペニシリンアレルギーがなければ、ceftriaxoneかceftaximeの静脈内投与が一般的な治療法
- (第4パラグラフ)腰椎穿刺
- ・乳頭浮腫がない、あるいは占拠性病変を示唆する片側性の神経徴候(lateralized neurological signs)がある患者では(CTの結果を待たずに)腰椎穿刺をすぐにやるべき(CASES) ← どういう事?
- ・局在性の神経徴候(localized neurological sign)がある場合はまずCTを撮るべき(CASES)。 → the dangers of coning ← 鉤ヘルニアの事?
- (第5パラグラフ)細菌性髄膜炎の管理
- ・診断:CSF検査(グラム染色、髄液培養(確定診断、感受性試験)
- ・管理
- ・意識が低下しているのでそれなりの看護(must be nursed)。アヘン剤による鎮痛。生理食塩水による低ナトリウム血症の補正。低血圧を補正するためにinotrope(a drug with positive inotropic effects, e.g. dobutamine, digitalis, milrinone )も必要かもしれない。(100CASES)
- ・感受性のある抗菌薬の投与(大量静注、髄液移行性の高いもの)、髄液所見の正常化・CRP 陰転後、1週間抗菌薬を投与して治療を終了。対症療法として脳圧亢進には高張脳圧降下薬(マンニトールなど)を投与。(IMD.1042)
- (第6パラグラフ)家族構成を考えた治療
- ・(意訳)誰が3-4歳の世話をしていたのか分からないけど、子供も検査すべき。髄膜炎菌か原因菌が不明だったら、リファンピシンによる予防的治療と髄膜炎球菌に対する予防接種をすべき。 ← 日本ではどうなんでしょうか。
- □350ml アルコール5%
- 350x0.05/10=1.75 unit
- ■莢膜を有し、髄膜炎を起こす細菌 → 莢膜を有することで血液中で補体などを介した貪食を免れ、血行性にクモ膜下腔まで到達しうる。
- ・Streptococcus pneumoniae
- ・Haemophilus influenzae type b
- ・Neisseria meningitidis
- ■敗血症
- ・定義
- 感染症による全身性炎症反応症候群(SIRS)をセプシス(sepsis, 広義の敗血症?)とする
- 感染症の病原体は、一般細菌(グラム陽性菌・陰性菌)、真菌、寄生虫、ウイルスなど
- 皮膚や粘膜の傷とか、種々の臓器にある感染巣から、細菌がリンパ流から血中に入り、全身に播種されて、新たに転移性の感染巣をつくり、重篤な全身症状を引き起こす。
- ・全身性炎症反応症候群の診断基準
- 下記項目のうち2項目以上が当てはまる
- 1. 体温>38℃ or 体温<36℃
- 2. 心拍数>90bpm
- 3. 呼吸数>20回/min or PaCO2<32mmHg
- 4. (白血球数>12,000/ul or 白血球数<4,000/ul) or ( 幼若好中球>10% ) ← ここでいう幼若好中球とは桿状好中球のことである。
- ・敗血症の周辺疾患概念
- 1. 全身性炎症反応症候群 systemic inflammatory response syndrome SIRS
- 発熱や白血球増加などの全身の炎症の徴候によって特徴づけられる病態(SIRSの診断基準に合致する病態)
- 2. 敗血症 sepsis
- SIRSが感染の結果である場合
- 3. 重症敗血症 severe sepsis
- 主要臓器障害を伴う敗血症
- 4. 敗血症性ショック septic shock
- 輸液投与に不応性の低血圧を伴う重症敗血症
- 5. 多臓器機能障害症候群 multiorgan dysfunction syndrome MODS
- 2つ以上の主要臓器の機能異常
- 6. 多臓器不全 multiorgan failure MOF
- 2つ以上の主要臓器の不全状態
- ■参考文献
- HIM = Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition
- PSY = 標準精神医学 第3版
- CASES = 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine Second edition
- IMD = 内科診断学第2版
- 局所性の、局所的な、局所の、局在性の、地方の、地域の
- 関
- area、district、endemic、focal、focally、locality、localization、localized、locally、locoregional、province、region、regional、regionally、spot、topical、topically
- 焦点の、焦点を通る
- (病変が)限局性の、局所の、病巣の、巣状の
- 関
- circumscribed、definite、focal point、focally、foci、focus、local、localized、locally、nidal、nidus、topical、topically
- 英
- localization、localized、local
- 関
- 局在、局在化、局在型、局在的、局所性、局所的、限局化、限局性、所在、地域、局所、地方
- 関
- focal、focally、local、locality、localized、regionally、topical、topically
- 関
- localisation、localise、localization、sort