- 関
- focal、foci、focus、nidal
- ナイダス
- a nest in which spiders or insects deposit their eggs
- of or relating to a focus; "focal length"
- having or localized centrally at a focus; "focal point"; "focal infection"
- 焦点の
- focusの複数形
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/10/06 17:34:52」(JST)
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Look up nidus in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Nidus may refer to:
- In medicine, a point or place at which something originates, accumulates, or develops, as the center around which a tumor forms.
- Nest, for insects or small animals
- Locus of infection, the point on the body where a pathogen enters
- The natural reservoir for a pathogen
- The characteristic lesion in osteoid osteoma
- The centre of a bladder stone
- The material around which an enterolith forms
- The Nidus, a fictional magical object in the television series Into the Labyrinth
- Nidus (video game), a 1987 text-based games
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- 1. 感染性心内膜炎における疣贅形成の病態 pathogenesis of vegetation formation in infective endocarditis
- 2. 脳動静脈奇形 brain arteriovenous malformations
- 3. 腎結石分析の解釈 interpretation of kidney stone analysis
- 4. 結石除去後の残存結石片の臨床的意義 clinical significance of residual stone fragments following stone removal
- 5. 小児および思春期における良性骨腫瘍:概要 benign bone tumors in children and adolescents an overview
English Journal
- Clinico-radiological outcomes following gamma knife radiosurgery for pediatric arteriovenous malformations.
- Yeon JY, Shin HJ, Kim JS, Hong SC, Lee JI.SourceDepartment of Neurosurgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, 50 Ilwon-Dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, 135-710, Republic of Korea.
- Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery.Childs Nerv Syst.2011 Jul;27(7):1109-19. Epub 2011 Feb 1.
- PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate clinico-radiological outcomes following gamma knife radiosurgery (GKS) for pediatric arteriovenous malformations (AVMs).METHODS: The present series included 39 children (3-17?years of age) who underwent GKS for cerebral AVMs between January 2002 and Fe
- PMID 21286730
- Cervical Enamel Projections And Associated Pouch-Like Opening In Mandibular Furcations.
- Blanchard SB, Derderian GM, Averitt TR, John V, Newell DH.SourceDepartment of Periodontics and Allied Programs, Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, IN.
- Journal of periodontology.J Periodontol.2011 Jun 21. [Epub ahead of print]
- Background: Cementoenamel projections (CEP) have been listed among the tooth associated risk factors that could lead to isolated furcation defects around molar teeth. This is more likely when Grade III CEPs are present. However, the histological aspects of the CEP interface with regards to presence
- PMID 21692630
Japanese Journal
- 脳動静脈奇形に対する集学的治療における定位放射線治療の役割(<特集>脳脊髄動静脈奇形の診断・治療の進歩)
- 辛 正廣,甲賀 智之,斉藤 延人
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 20(1), 37-41, 2011-01-20
- … 形714例を基に検討を行ったところ,閉塞に有意に関与する因子は,nidusの大きさ,照射線量,出血の既往であった.顕微鏡下摘出術では出血源の速やかな除去が可能だが,eloquent areaや脳深部では侵襲性が危惧される.血管内塞栓術は摘出術よりは低侵襲であるが,revascularizationがあり,単独では根治性が低い.しかし,摘出術や血管内治療後にはnidusの著しい縮小が見込め,これらでの治療が躊躇された部分への補助 …
- NAID 110008007219
- 脳動静脈奇形の外科治療・血管内治療(<特集>脳脊髄動静脈奇形の診断・治療の進歩)
- 冨永 悌二
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 20(1), 29-36, 2011-01-20
- 頭蓋内脳動静脈奇形,特にhigh grade AVMの治療には,multimodality treatmentが必須である.最近本邦においてもOnyxが導入され,NBCAに比較してより高いナイダス塞栓率が得られるようになった.われわれの経験した13例のOnyx塞栓後摘出例を述べる.今後この治療法がスタンダードになりうるものと考えられた.
- NAID 110008007218
Related Links
- 2010年11月14日 ... nidusの意味や和訳。 核; 病巣 - 約487万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオム も分かる英語辞書。
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- 焦点の、焦点を通る
- (病変が)限局性の、局所の、病巣の、巣状の
- 関
- circumscribed、definite、focal point、focally、foci、focus、local、localized、locally、nidal、nidus、topical、topically
- 英
- nidus
- 関
- 脳動静脈奇形
- 脳動静脈奇形において、動脈圧が静脈そのままかかるために、コンプライアンスの高い静脈が拡張した構造がナイダスとして認められ、これが破裂すると脳内出血を来す。
- 英
- focus、foci、nidus、focal、nidal
- 関
- 局所的、限局性、限局的、集中、焦点、注目、フォーカス、増殖巣、焦点を合わせる、着目
- 関
- focal、focus、nidal、nidus
- 関
- focal、foci、focus、nidus