- 関
- definite、focal、local、locally、topical、topically
- in a focal manner; "the submucosa was focally infiltrated"
- relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area; "local taxes"; "local authorities"
- public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops; "the local seemed to take forever to get to New York"
- affecting only a restricted part or area of the body; "local anesthesia"
- of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood; "local customs"; "local schools"; "the local citizens"; "a local point of view"; "local outbreaks of flu"; "a local bus line"
- pertaining to the surface of a body part; "a drug for topical (or local) application"; "a topical anesthesia"
- of interest at the present time; "a topical reference"; "a topical and timely study of civil liberty"
- of or relating to or arranged by topics; "a detailed record on both a chronological and a topical basis"
- precise; explicit and clearly defined; "I want a definite answer"; "a definite statement of the terms of the will"; "a definite amount"; "definite restrictions on the sale of alcohol"; "the wedding date is now definite"; "a definite drop in attendance"
- known for certain; "it is definite that they have won"
- by a particular locality; "it was locally decided"
- to a restricted area of the body; "apply this medicine topically" (同)topically
- of or relating to a focus; "focal length"
- having or localized centrally at a focus; "focal point"; "focal infection"
- 『一地方の』,ある土地の,(特に)自分の住んでいる土地の;地方に特有な / (全体からみて)『部分的な』,局部の,狭い部分の / 《米》各駅停車の / 《話》《しばしば複数形で》その土地に住んでいる人々 / 《米話》(新聞の)地方記事 / 《話》(各駅停車の)列車,電車,バス / 《米》(労働組合などの)支部
- 低カロリーの
- 時事問題の,今日的な,話題の / 地域の,地方の / 局部的な,局所の
- 『一定の』,(明確に)限定された / 『明確な』,確実な,すでに確定した
- 地方的に,局部的に;近くに
- 焦点の
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English Journal
- Steatohepatitis-like Changes in Focal Nodular Hyperplasia, A Finding to Distinguish From Steatohepatitic Variant of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
- Deniz K1, Moreira RK, Yeh MM, Ferrell LD.
- The American journal of surgical pathology.Am J Surg Pathol.2017 Feb;41(2):277-281. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000000781.
- Steatohepatitis-like change has not been described in focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH). Steatohepatitis-like change in FNH may show overlapping features with steatohepatitic variant of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). This problem can be compounded if seen in FNH with widened cell plates or hepatocyte
- PMID 28079599
- High-grade Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Lung With Carcinoid Morphology: A Study of 12 Cases.
- Quinn AM1, Chaturvedi A, Nonaka D.
- The American journal of surgical pathology.Am J Surg Pathol.2017 Feb;41(2):263-270. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000000767.
- Twelve lung neuroendocrine tumors with morphologic features of carcinoid tumors but with mitotic count >10/2 mm are reported. There were 7 males and 5 females, with age ranging from 56 to 78 years. Four cases were from never-smokers. All tumors showed architectural and cytomorphologic features of
- PMID 27879513
- Uterine Serous Carcinomas Frequently Metastasize to the Fallopian Tube and Can Mimic Serous Tubal Intraepithelial Carcinoma.
- Kommoss F1, Faruqi A, Gilks CB, Lamshang Leen S, Singh N, Wilkinson N, McCluggage WG.
- The American journal of surgical pathology.Am J Surg Pathol.2017 Feb;41(2):161-170. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000000757.
- We investigated the frequency, histopathologic, and immunohistochemical characteristics of tubal involvement in uterine serous carcinoma (USC) and aimed to clarify the relationship between "serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC)" and USC in these cases. Cases of USC with complete tubal examin
- PMID 27776011
Japanese Journal
- Elevated CA 19-9 Levels Observed in Association with a Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Tumour and Amyloid
- Faruqi Shoaib,Gumparthy Krishna,Wahbi Zaroug
- Internal Medicine 52(1), 105-109, 2013
- … The left upper lobe mass comprised a neuroendocrine tumour with amyloid deposition just beneath the bronchial epithelium and focally between the nests of the tumour cells. …
- NAID 130003365556
- Effect of Focality and Depth with Bio-magnetic Stimulation
- 湯ノ口 万友,塗木 淳夫,大岩 孝輔,玉利 陽三
- IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 133(3), 532-535, 2013
- … It is more difficult to focally and deeply stimulate with magnetic stimulation. …
- NAID 130003363243
- 膀胱に発生したmalakoplakiaの1例 : 病理学的観察を中心として
- 鍋島 篤典,山田 壮亮,郭 〓 [他],田崎 貴嗣,北田 昇平,野口 紘嗣,笹栗 靖之
- 産業医科大学雑誌 34(3), 265-270, 2012-09-01
- 65歳女性の膀胱に発生したmalakoplakiaの1例を経験したので報告する.腹部エコーにて膀胱内に複数の腫瘍様病変を指摘され,経尿道的切除術が施行された.病変は肉眼的に乳頭状発育を示し,臨床的に膀胱癌が疑われた.しかしながら,病理組織学的にはvon Kossa染色陽性のMichaelis-Gutmann bodyを有する組織球の集族を認め,典型的なmalakoplakiaと診断された.免疫染色 …
- NAID 110009495739
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- fo·cal (fō′kəl) adj. 1. Of or relating to a focus. 2. Placed at or measured from a focus. fo′cal·ly adv. Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Switch to new thesaurus Adv. 1. focally - in a focal manner; "the ...
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- 局所性の、局所的な、局所の、局在性の、地方の、地域の
- 関
- area、district、endemic、focal、focally、locality、localization、localized、locally、locoregional、province、region、regional、regionally、spot、topical、topically
- 関
- confine、define、definitely、definition、distinct、distinctly、explicit、explicitly、focal、focally、limit、restrict、restriction、unambiguous、unambiguously
- その時/その場所の話題の、今日的関心事の、時事的/時局的な、トピカルな
- 話題/論題/主題の。主題別の
- 場所の(local)。(医)局所の/局所用の
- 関
- external use, focal, focally, local, locally, topically
- 英
- local、topical、focal、locally、topically、focally
- 関
- 局在性、局在的、局所性、限局性、限局的、焦点、地域、病巣、局所、地方、外用
- 関
- focal、focally、local、locality、localized、regionally、topical、topically
- 焦点の、焦点を通る
- (病変が)限局性の、局所の、病巣の、巣状の
- 関
- circumscribed、definite、focal point、focally、foci、focus、local、localized、locally、nidal、nidus、topical、topically