- 関
- focal、foci、focus、nidus
- cause to converge on or toward a central point; "Focus the light on this image"
- a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges (同)focal_point
- a central point or locus of an infection in an organism; "the focus of infection" (同)focal_point, nidus
- become focussed or come into focus; "The light focused" (同)focalize, focalise
- put (an image) into focus; "Please focus the image; we cannot enjoy the movie" (同)focalize, focalise, sharpen
- maximum clarity or distinctness of an idea; "the controversy brought clearly into focus an important difference of opinion"
- maximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system; "in focus"; "out of focus"
- the concentration of attention or energy on something; "the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology"; "he had no direction in his life" (同)focusing, focussing, focal_point, direction, centering
- a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section
- of or relating to a focus; "focal length"
- having or localized centrally at a focus; "focal point"; "focal infection"
- a nest in which spiders or insects deposit their eggs
- 『焦点』 / 焦点距離(focal length) / 焦点整合,ピント / (活動・興味・重要性などの)焦点,中心 / (楕円・放物線・双曲線などの)焦点 / 震源[地] / (…に)〈レンズなど〉‘の'『焦点を合わせる』《+『名』+『on』+『名』》 / (…に)〈注意など〉‘を'集中する《+『名』+『on』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…に)〈レンズなどの〉焦点が合う;〈注意などが〉集まる《+『on』+『名』》
- 焦点の
- focusの複数形
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/29 11:07:47」(JST)
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Nidal (in Arabic نضال meaning struggle in Arabic) is a given name in Arabic. It is also used also as a pseudonym because of its meaning or as a nom de guerre.
Nidal may refer to:
- 1 Given name
- 2 Middle name
- 3 As pseudonym
- 4 As nom de guerre
Given name
- Nidal Algafari, Bulgaria-based director, former executive director of the Bulgarian National Television and political PR of Arab descent
- Nidal A. Ayyad, one of the alleged perpetrators of 1993 World Trade Center bombing
- Nidal Baba (born 1972), U.S. football (soccer) player / midfielder
- Nidal Fat'hi Rabah Farahat (1971-2003), creator of the Qassam rocket, a homemade weapon produced by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades
- Nidal Malik Hasan (born 1970), former US Army psychiatrist and Medical Corps officer who fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others in the Fort Hood shooting on November 5, 2009
Middle name
- Mohammad Nidal al-Shaar (born 1956), Syrian politician and government minister
As pseudonym
- Abou Nidal, also known as Aboubacar Doumbia, singer of Côte d'Ivoire residing in Geneva in Switzerland and specializing in Coupé-Décalé
- Umm Nidal (1948-2013), born Maryam Mohammad Yousif Farhat, Hamas candidate elected in the Palestinian legislative election in 2006
As nom de guerre
- Abu Nidal (1937–2002), born Sabri Khalil al-Banna, founder of "Fatah – The Revolutionary Council", a militant Palestinian splinter group also known as the Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
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- 1. 脳血管障害を合併した妊娠 cerebrovascular disorders complicating pregnancy
- 2. 脳動静脈奇形 brain arteriovenous malformations
English Journal
- Polyphenol extraction optimisation from Ceylon gooseberry (Dovyalis hebecarpa) pulp.
- Bochi VC1, Barcia MT2, Rodrigues D2, Speroni CS3, Giusti MM4, Godoy HT5.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Dec 1;164:347-54. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.05.031. Epub 2014 May 16.
- Originally from Asia, Dovyalis hebecarpa is a dark purple/red exotic berry now also produced in Brazil. However, no reports were found in the literature about phenolic extraction or characterisation of this berry. In this study we evaluate the extraction optimisation of anthocyanins and total phenol
- PMID 24996344
- Long-term Outcomes of Gamma Knife Surgery for Posterior Fossa Arteriovenous Malformations.
- Matsunaga S1, Shuto T.
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica.Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo).2014 Oct 15;54(10):799-805. Epub 2014 Jan 10.
- The long-term outcomes of gamma knife surgery (GKS) in patients with posterior fossa arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) were retrospectively analyzed in 82 patients followed up for more than 5 years to evaluate the efficacy and safety. The median AVM volume at GKS was 0.95 cm(3). The prescribed dose
- PMID 24418791
- Metastatic Digital Sweat Gland Carcinoma Simulating Recurrent Lung Carcinoma.
- Buchcic B, David DO, Jaffe DH.
- Chest.Chest.2014 Oct 1;146(4_MeetingAbstracts):615A. doi: 10.1378/chest.1988059.
- SESSION TITLE: Cancer Case Report Posters ISESSION TYPE: Affiliate Case Report PosterPRESENTED ON: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 01:30 PM - 02:30 PMINTRODUCTION: Sweat gland carcinoma, first described in 18651, is a rare malignancy with a varying histology and complex classification. Diagnosis is oft
- PMID 25334663
Japanese Journal
- 経験未熟な術者がAVMを安全・確実に摘出するために : 脳溝開放の重要性と意図的段階手術
- 浦西 龍之介,山田 與徳,杉本 正,福田 孝憲,四宮 一剛
- 脳卒中の外科 37(1), 54-60, 2009-01-31
- … Here we report on our experiences of AVM cases and suggest that it is possible to remove the AVMs safely if the surgeon can open the cerebral sulci widely without trauma and without any nidal venous compromise using basic arachnoid dissection technique. …
- NAID 110007082064
- AVMに対するmultimodality therapy : 術前の血管内治療の戦略とその手技について
- 佐藤 徹,村尾 健一,大川 将和,西田 武生,森 久恵,飯原 弘二,宮本 享
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 17(9), 693-701, 2008-09-20
- … 療した脳動静脈奇形50例のうち多段階治療を行った39例である.開頭摘出術もしくはガンマナイフ前に塞栓術を行った.塞栓術による永続的合併症はなく,多段階治療後に神経学的症状の悪化した例はなかった.個々の治療のみに固執せず,症例に応じ塞栓術の目的血管,塞栓術のデザイン(feeder occlusionかnidal embolizationか)を術者間の協議で明確にしてmultimodality therapyを行うことが,脳動静脈奇形の治療で好成績をあげる要因である. …
- NAID 110006881708
- 脊髄脂肪腫の自然歴と治療方針に関する後方および前方視的多施設共同調査の結果およびその診断・治療における神経内視鏡の有用性
- 鈴木 倫保,野村 貞宏,大井 静雄,森 宏,野中 雄一郎,田母神 令,KHASAWNEH Nidal,DU Jianxin
- 小児の脳神経 33(1), 74-80, 2008-02-29
- NAID 10024373629
Related Links
- Maj. nidal Malik Hasan had exchanged emails with Mr. Awlaki before the deadly shooting rampage on Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009. What’s Wrong With Awlaki’s Killing Stephen L. Carter September 29, 2011 British Dictionarynidal ɪ) ...
- Nidal (pronounced NYE-dohl) is one of the oldest surviving countries in Avistan, having been... ... History Edit Nidal is one of the oldest civilizations on the face of Avistan and is able to trace its history all the way back to the earthfall.
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- 焦点の、焦点を通る
- (病変が)限局性の、局所の、病巣の、巣状の
- 関
- circumscribed、definite、focal point、focally、foci、focus、local、localized、locally、nidal、nidus、topical、topically
- 英
- focus、foci、nidus、focal、nidal
- 関
- 局所的、限局性、限局的、集中、焦点、注目、フォーカス、増殖巣、焦点を合わせる、着目
- 関
- focal、foci、focus、nidal
- ナイダス
- 関
- focal、focus、nidal、nidus
- 関
- pilonidal sinus