- 関
- local、localisation、localise、localize、localized、sort
- a determination of the place where something is; "he got a good fix on the target" (同)localisation, location, locating, fix
- relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area; "local taxes"; "local authorities"
- public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops; "the local seemed to take forever to get to New York"
- affecting only a restricted part or area of the body; "local anesthesia"
- of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood; "local customs"; "local schools"; "the local citizens"; "a local point of view"; "local outbreaks of flu"; "a local bus line"
- an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion; "the bottleneck in mail delivery is the process of sorting" (同)sorting
- an approximate definition or example; "she wore a sort of magenta dress"; "she served a creamy sort of dessert thing"
- a person of a particular character or nature; "what sort of person is he?"; "hes a good sort"
- made local or oriented locally; "a decentralized and localized political authority" (同)localised
- confined or restricted to a particular location; "the localized infection formed a definite abscess" (同)localised
- concentrate on a particular place or spot; "The infection has localized in the left eye" (同)localise, focalize, focalise
- restrict something to a particular area (同)localise
- (physiology) the principle that specific functions have relatively circumscribed locations in some particular part or organ of the body (同)localisation of function, localization principle, localisation principle, localization, localisation
- 『一地方の』,ある土地の,(特に)自分の住んでいる土地の;地方に特有な / (全体からみて)『部分的な』,局部の,狭い部分の / 《米》各駅停車の / 《話》《しばしば複数形で》その土地に住んでいる人々 / 《米話》(新聞の)地方記事 / 《話》(各駅停車の)列車,電車,バス / 《米》(労働組合などの)支部
- 低カロリーの
- 『種類』,部類(kind) / 性格,性質,タイプ / 《おもに英話》《単数形で》(ある)種類の人 / …‘を'分類する,区分けする;えり分ける,選び出す《+『名』+『out,』+『out』+『名』》
- 局限;地方色を与えること
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- 1 Culture & Economy
- 2 Engineering
- 3 Physics
- 4 Mathematics
- 5 Biology
- 6 Other
Culture & Economy [edit]
Localization or localisation, represented as a numeronym as L10n, may refer to:
- The process of economic localisation is the opposite to economic globalisation.
- Language localisation, the process of translating a product into different languages or adapting a product for a specific country or region
- Internationalization and localization, the adaptation of computer software for non-native environments, especially other nations and cultures
- Game localization, refers to the preparation of video games for other locales
- Dub localization, the adaptation of a movie or television series for another audience
Engineering [edit]
- Localization, also called positioning or navigation, is a technique for determining one's position accurately on the surface of earth. Sometimes localization is considered as a part of the navigation problem that provides orientation and routing information in addition to just location.
- Radio Localization and Radio Navigation, passive and active localization techniques using radio waves.
- Satellite Localization, a positioning and navigation technique aided by satellites, e.g. GPS.
- Indoor Localization, a positioning technique for indoor environments.
- GSM localization, a technique for determining the location of a user of a cell phone or wireless transceiver
- Robot localization, figuring out robot's position in an environment
- Sound localization, a listener's ability to identify the location or origin of a detected sound or the methods in acoustical engineering to simulate the placement of an auditory cue in a virtual 3D space
Physics [edit]
- Anderson localization of orbitals in solids due to static disorder
- Weak localization a physical effect, which occurs in disordered electronic systems at very low temperatures
Mathematics [edit]
- Category:Localization (mathematics)
- Localization of a category, adding to a category inverse morphisms for some collection of morphisms, constraining them to become isomorphisms
- Localization of a module, a construction to introduce denominators in a module M for a ring R
- Localization of a ring, in abstract algebra, a systematic method of adding multiplicative inverses to a ring
- Localization of a topological space, the localization of topological spaces at primes
Biology [edit]
- Subcellular localization, the organization of cellular components into different regions of the cell.
- Nuclear localization signal, an amino acid sequence exposed on the surface of a protein which acts like a 'tag' to localize the protein in the cell.
- Localization, the psychological notion that different functions are located in different areas of the brain.
Other [edit]
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English Journal
- Estrogen receptor alpha localization in the testes of men with normal spermatogenesis.
- Filipiak E, Suliborska D, Laszczynska M, Walczak-Jedrzejowska R, Oszukowska E, Marchlewska K, Kula K, Slowikowska-Hilczer J.Source. jolanta.slowikowska-hilczer@umed.lodz.pl.
- Folia histochemica et cytobiologica / Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Histochemical and Cytochemical Society.Folia Histochem Cytobiol.2013 Oct 8;50(3):340-5. doi: 10.5603/19743.
- It is known that estrogens act on the male reproductive tract by binding to estrogen receptors (ER) a andb. However, studies on ER localization in the human testis are discordant. The aim of this study was to investigatethe localization of ERa in the testes of adult men with normal spermatogenesis.
- PMID 23042285
- Novel insights in localization and expression levels of C5aR and C5L2 under native and post-transplant conditions in the kidney.
- van Werkhoven MB, Damman J, Daha MR, Krikke C, van Goor H, van Son WJ, Hillebrands JL, van Dijk MC, Seelen MA.SourceDepartment of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Postbus 30001, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands. Electronic address: m.b.van.werkhoven@umcg.nl.
- Molecular immunology.Mol Immunol.2013 Mar;53(3):237-45. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2012.08.013. Epub 2012 Sep 6.
- AIMS: The complement system, and especially C5a, plays an important role in the pathophysiology of renal diseases and post-transplant renal injury. The two receptors for C5a are C5a receptor (C5aR) and C5a-like-receptor-2 (C5L2). Only renal C5aR expression has been reported, although exact localizat
- PMID 22960554
- Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in HIV Infection.
- O'Brien M, Manches O, Bhardwaj N.SourceDivision of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, NYU Cancer Institute, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA.
- Advances in experimental medicine and biology.Adv Exp Med Biol.2013;762:71-107.
- Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are innate immune cells that are specialized to produce interferon-alpha (IFNα) and participate in activating adaptive immune responses. Although IFNα inhibits HIV-1 (HIV) replication in vitro, pDCs may act as inflammatory and immunosuppressive dendritic cells (
- PMID 22975872
Japanese Journal
- Co-localization of TRPV2 and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Ⅰ Receptor in Olfactory Neurons in Adult and Fetal Mouse
- Matsui Hitoshi,Noguchi Tomohiro,Takakusaki Kaoru [他]
- Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 37(12), 1907-1912, 2014-12
- NAID 40020277783
- 完全腹腔鏡下胃切除術における切離ライン決定法 (特集 早期胃癌の外科治療を極める : 「EMR適応外」への安全で有益な縮小手術を求めて) -- (切除範囲の決定法)
- 小林 建太,小嶋 一幸,井ノ口 幹人 [他]
- 臨床外科 = Journal of clinical surgery 69(13), 1457-1463, 2014-12
- NAID 40020269966
- ICIC express letters. Part B, Applications : an international journal of research and surveys 5(6), 1593-1599, 2014-12
- NAID 40020068696
- Suppression of experimental arthritis with self-assembling glycol-split heparin nanoparticles via inhibition of TLR4-NF-κB signaling.
- Babazada Hasan,Yamashita Fumiyoshi,Hashida Mitsuru
- Journal of controlled release 194, 295-300, 2014-11-28
- … Moreover, nuclear localization of RelA in knee joints was significantly inhibited in NAHNP treatment, indicating down-regulation of the NF-κB signaling pathway. …
- NAID 120005512274
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- localizationとは。意味や和訳。[名][U]1 地方[局部]化;局限.2 位置測定.3 (病巣)部位;局在性. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
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- 選別する、分別する、識別する、分類する、局在化する
- 関
- assortment、categorization、categorize、category、class、classification、classifier、classify、cull、discern、discernment、discriminate、discrimination、distinguish、filter、filtering、fractional、fractionate、group、grouping、identification、kind、localisation、localise、localization、localize、pattern、screen、screening、separate、separation、sorting、systematization、typing
- 局所性の、局所的な、局所の、局在性の、地方の、地域の
- 関
- area、district、endemic、focal、focally、locality、localization、localized、locally、locoregional、province、region、regional、regionally、spot、topical、topically
- 英
- localization、localized、local
- 関
- 局在、局在化、局在型、局在的、局所性、局所的、限局化、限局性、所在、地域、局所、地方
- 英
- localization、localisation、localize、localise、sort
- 関
- 局在、局在性、限局化、識別、種類、所在、分類、分別、選別
- 関
- circumscribed、focal、local、localization、localized type、locally
- 関
- nuclear translocation、nuclear transport
- 関
- intracellular distribution、subcellular localization
- 関
- delocalize、nonlocalized