- artificial insemination by husband 配偶者間人工受精
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/03/07 13:24:47」(JST)
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AIHA can refer to:
- Agudas Israel Housing Association
- Albany Institute of History & Art
- AIHA Singapore, Singapore Ice Hockey Association
- American Industrial Hygiene Association
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, or Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- Aaiha (or Aiha), village, plain, lake, and temporary wetland in Lebanon
- Aiha script, the writing system of the fictional Kesh language in the novel Always Coming Home by Ursula K. Le Guin
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English Journal
- Continuing education-"the action level"®.
- Pierce JT.AbstractAccess "The Action Level" ® Questions online at: Access "The Action Level" ® Answers online at: Access "The Action Level" ® Registration Form online at: "The Action Level,"® a self-study, continuing education program, provides a convenient and interesting opportunity for individuals to expand their knowledge in relevant areas of industrial hygiene, as well as occupational and environmental safety and health. The program is approved by both the American Board of Industrial Hygiene and the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, which award Certification Maintenance (CM) points and Continuance of Certification (COC) points, respectively, for successful participation. Participants must read each issue of the Journal, answer "The Action Level"® questions, and return the completed answer sheet at the end of that issue's "The Action Level"® column. To earn the designated CM or COC credit, a score of 70 percent or better is required within a 12-month period. Certified Industrial Hygienists and Certified Associate Industrial Hygienists may earn 2 points per year. Certified Safety Professionals may earn 1.2 points per year. Enrollment is possible each month, but points are awarded only four times each year-in March, June, September, and December-to participants who score an average of 70 percent or better within each three-month period. If you register in April 2014, you will receive 0.5 CM points and/or 0.3 COC points after you have completed answers sheets for April, May, and June, 2014, and scored a 70 percent or better average on them (only in your first quarter of enrollment, if enrolling in the middle of the quarter, will you be permitted to submit answer sheets for two months and receive full credit; three answer sheets are required for all other quarters). In the next quarter, you'll receive 0.5 CM points and/or 0.3 COC points after satisfactorily completing answer sheets for the July, August, and September 2014 issues, and so on. To enroll, complete the registration form and the answer sheet at the end of this "The Action Level"® column. The cost is $219 (ACGIH®/AIHA members)/$249 (nonmembers) for one year. Nonmembers are encouraged to become members to take advantage of the member discount. For more information regarding ACGIH® membership, call 513-742-2020, or apply on-ine at . Checks must be in U.S. currency, drawn on a U.S. bank, and payable to ACGIH®. We also accept AmEx, MasterCard, Discover, and VISA. This continuing education program fee is separate from the Journal subscription cost. The fee covers administration costs and is nonrefundable. Submissions must be received by the date listed on each answer sheet.
- Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene.J Occup Environ Hyg.2014 Apr;11(4):D41-2. doi: 10.1080/15459624.2014.867145.
- Access "The Action Level" ® Questions online at: Access "The Action Level" ® Answers online at: Access "The Action Level" ® Registration Form online at:
- PMID 24579756
- Continuing education-"the action level"®.
- Pierce JT.AbstractAccess "The Action Level" ® Questions online at: Access "The Action Level" ® Answers online at: Access "The Action Level" ® Registration Form online at: "The Action Level,"® a self-study, continuing education program, provides a convenient and interesting opportunity for individuals to expand their knowledge in relevant areas of industrial hygiene, as well as occupational and environmental safety and health. The program is approved by both the American Board of Industrial Hygiene and the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, which award Certification Maintenance (CM) points and Continuance of Certification (COC) points, respectively, for successful participation. Participants must read each issue of the Journal, answer "The Action Level"® questions, and return the completed answer sheet at the end of that issue's "The Action Level"® column. To earn the designated CM or COC credit, a score of 70 percent or better is required within a 12-month period. Certified Industrial Hygienists and Certified Associate Industrial Hygienists may earn 2 points per year. Certified Safety Professionals may earn 1.2 points per year. Enrollment is possible each month, but points are awarded only four times each year-in March, June, September, and December-to participants who score an average of 70 percent or better within each three-month period. If you register in March 2014, you will not receive CM points and/or COC points until the following quarter. In the next quarter, you'll receive 0.5 CM points and/or 0.3 COC points after satisfactorily completing answer sheets for the April, May, and June 2014 issues, and so on. To enroll, complete the registration form and the answer sheet at the end of this "The Action Level"® column. The cost is $219 (ACGIH®/AIHA members)/$249 (nonmembers) for one year. Nonmembers are encouraged to become members to take advantage of the member discount. For more information regarding ACGIH® membership, call 513-742-2020, or apply on-ine at . Checks must be in U.S. currency, drawn on a U.S. bank, and payable to ACGIH®. We also accept AmEx, MasterCard, Discover, and VISA. This continuing education program fee is separate from the Journal subscription cost. The fee covers administrative costs, and is nonrefundable. Submissions must be received by the date listed on each answer sheet.
- Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene.J Occup Environ Hyg.2014 Mar;11(3):D37-9. doi: 10.1080/15459624.2014.857486.
- Access "The Action Level" ® Questions online at: Access "The Action Level" ® Answers online at: Access "The Action Level" ® Registration Form online at:
- PMID 24521069
- Successful rituximab treatment of refractory hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and autoimmune hemolytic anemia associated with systemic lupus erythematosus.
- So MW1, Koo BS, Kim YJ, Kim YG, Lee CK, Yoo B.Author information 1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center , Seoul , Korea.AbstractAbstract High-dose steroids, immunosuppressants such as cyclophosphamide and cyclosporine, and high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin have all been used to control hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) or autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); however, some patients are refractory to treatment. Rituximab has successfully resolved many of the refractory manifestations of SLE. Here, we report a case of HLH and AIHA associated with SLE that was refractory or intolerable to conventional therapy, but was successfully treated with rituximab.
- Modern rheumatology / the Japan Rheumatism Association.Mod Rheumatol.2014 Feb 11. [Epub ahead of print]
- Abstract High-dose steroids, immunosuppressants such as cyclophosphamide and cyclosporine, and high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin have all been used to control hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) or autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); however
- PMID 24517558
Japanese Journal
- 混合型自己免疫性溶血性貧血をともなう Evans 症候群の1症例
- 天本 貴広,江頭 弘一,川野 洋之,東谷 孝徳,石丸 健,佐藤 進一郎,奥 英二郎,今村 理恵,中島 収,岡村 孝,佐川 公矯
- 日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 = Japanese journal of transfusion and cell therapy 58(4), 539-546, 2012-08-25
- NAID 10031072365
- 自己免疫性溶血性貧血 (特集 骨髄不全症候群(特発性造血障害) : 診断と治療の進歩) -- (診断と治療)
Related Links
- 小児の感染後性のPCH は発症から数日ないし数週で消退する。強い溶血による障害や腎不全を克服すれば一般に予後は良好であり、慢性化や再燃をみることはない。梅毒に伴う場合の多くは駆梅療法によって溶血の軽減や消退をみる。
- 自己免疫性溶血性貧血(AIHA)の診断 :溶血性貧血(4) 溶血性貧血の病型分類 :溶血性貧血(3)からの続きです。 【自己免疫性溶血性貧血(AIHA)の診断】 まず行う検査 1) クームズ試験 2) 赤血球形態観察 3 ...
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- 英
- autoimmune hepatitis AIHA, AIH
- 関
- 類狼瘡肝炎(ルポイド肝炎)、難病
- 中年の女性に好発する慢性経過の肝炎であり、自己免疫機序が関与していると考えられる。HLA-DR4陽性例に多いといわれている。診断は除外診断であり、ウイルス性肝炎や原発性胆汁性肝硬変などをを除外する。
- 男女比=1:7で女性に多く、発症は10-30歳での発症もみられるが、多くは40歳以降。
- LAB.894
- II型は抗LKM-1抗体の存在で特徴づけられる
- IIa型は女性に多く、高力価を示し、肝硬変への進展が早い
- IIb型は中年男性に多く、力価はそれほど高くない
- 自己免疫機序により肝細胞が障害されるらしいが、詳細は不明である。
- 自覚症状に乏しく、血液検査で偶然発見される
- 肝障害:黄疸、全身倦怠感、食欲不振。重症例では腹水、肝性脳症、肝不全。
- AST, ALT:高値
- γ-グロブリン:高値(2g/dl以上)
- 免疫グロブリンG:高値(2g/dl以上)
- ウイルスマーカー:陰性 (除外診断)
- 抗核抗体:I型で陽性
- 抗平滑筋抗体:I,IV型で陽性
- 抗LKM-1抗体:II型で陽性
- 抗SLA抗体:III型で陽性
- 肝生検:piecemeal necrosisの所見をもつ慢性肝炎の像
- 参考3
- 病歴により、アルコール性肝炎、薬物性肝障害、超音波検査にて脂肪肝を除外。
- 免疫血清学検査を行いウイルス性肝炎を除外。自己抗体や免疫グロブリンの変動、サブタイプの変動をみて絞り込み、病理組織学検査で確定診断する。
- 副腎皮質ステロイドが著効する
- ステロイド:十分量の後、維持量を継続する
- ウルソデオキシコール酸:ステロイドの減量に有効。また、軽症例での経過観察に用いられる(IMD)。
- 免疫抑制薬:(ステロイド抵抗性例に対して)アザチオプリン
- インターフェロンは自己免疫を賦活化させる方向に作用するので不適
- 自己免疫疾患:ウイルス肝炎でもありうるが、自己免疫性肝炎の方がより高頻度で起こる(ウイルス性肝炎(22%)vs自己免疫性肝炎(38%)(参考1))
- 1. [charged] Extrahepatic manifestations of autoimmune hepatitis - uptodate [1]
- 2. 自己免疫性肝炎 - 難病情報センター
- 英
- allergy
- 同
- アレルギー反応 allergic reaction
- 関
- 過敏症 hypersensitivity
- 英
- hemolytic anemia
- 同
- 溶血性黄疸 hemolytic jaundice
- 関
- 貧血
- 赤血球寿命が種々の原因により短縮することに伴う貧血の総称。
- 赤血球が何らかの原因により破壊され、骨髄の代償能力を超えて赤血球が減少することにより貧血を呈する。 → 溶血が存在するが貧血ではない状態がある。
- 溶血の原因
- 1. ヘモグロビンの異常
- 2. 膜-細胞骨格複合体の異常
- 家族性溶血尿毒症 familial hemolytic uremic syndrome
- [charged]Extrinsic nonimmune hemolytic anemia due to mechanical damage: Fragmentation hemolysis and hypersplenism - uptodate
- 英
- autoimmune hemolytic anemia AIHA
- 関
- 寒冷凝集素病、溶血性貧血
- 赤血球に対する抗体によりもたらされる溶血性貧血。抗体と結合した赤血球は、貪食細胞、あるいは補体により溶血する。
- 英
- autoimmune hemolytic anemia warm type
- 関
- 自己免疫性溶血性貧血 AIHA
- 1. [charged] 自己免疫性溶血性貧血の病因:温暖凝集素と薬剤 - uptodate [2]
- 2. [charged] 自己免疫性溶血性貧血の臨床的特徴および診断:温暖凝集素 - uptodate [3]
- 3. [charged] 自己免疫性溶血性貧血の治療:温暖凝集素 - uptodate [4]