- a disease of the retina that can result in loss of vision
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Retinopathy |
Classification and external resources |
Specialty |
ophthalmology |
ICD-10 |
H35-H35.2 |
ICD-9-CM |
362.0-362.2 |
Retinopathy is persistent or acute damage to the retina of the eye. Ongoing inflammation and vascular remodeling may occur over periods of time where the patient is not fully aware of the extent of the disease. Frequently, retinopathy is an ocular manifestation of systemic disease as seen in diabetes or hypertension.[1] Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in working-aged people.[2]
- 1 Pathophysiology
- 2 Remote Screening
- 3 Treatment
- 4 See also
- 5 References
Causes of retinopathy include but are not limited to:
- Diabetes mellitus, which causes diabetic retinopathy
- Arterial hypertension, which causes hypertensive retinopathy
- Retinopathy of prematurity due to prematurity of the newborn (under the 9 months of human pregnancy).
- Radiation retinopathy due to exposure to ionizing radiation.
- Solar retinopathy due to direct sunlight exposure.
- Sickle cell disease
- Retinal vascular disease such as retinal vein or artery occlusion.
- Trauma, especially to the head, and several diseases may cause Purtscher's retinopathy
- Hyperviscosity-related retinopathy as seen in disorders which cause paraproteinemia
Many types of retinopathy are proliferative, most often resulting from neovascularization or blood vessel overgrowth. Angiogenesis is the hallmark precursor that may result in blindness or severe vision loss, particularly if the macula becomes affected.[1]
Retinopathy may more rarely be due to ciliopathic genetic disorders, such as Alström syndrome or Bardet–Biedl syndrome.[3]
Retinopathy is diagnosed by an ophthalmologist during eye examination. Treatment depends on the cause of the disease.
Remote Screening
Telemedicine programs are available that allow primary care clinics to take images using specially designed retinal imaging equipment which can then be shared electronically with specialists at other locations for review.[4] In 2009, Community Health Center, Inc. implemented a telemedicine retinal screening program for low-income patients with diabetes as part of those patients annual visits at the Federally Qualified Health Center.[5]
Treatment is based on the cause of the retinopathy and may include laser therapy to the retina. In recent years targeting the pathway controlling vessel growth or angiogenesis has been promising. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) seems to play a vital role in promoting neovascularization. Using anti-VEGF drugs (antibodies to sequester the growth factor), researches have shown significant reduction in the extent of vessel outgrowth. Several anti-VEGF treatments are currently under review in both clinical trials and in preclinical labs.[1]
See also
- List of eye diseases and disorders
- List of systemic diseases with ocular manifestations
- ^ a b c American Academy of Ophthalmology (2012). Retina and vitreous (2011-2012 ed.). p. 271. ISBN 9781615251193.
- ^ Cheung, Ning (June 26, 2010). "Diabetic retinopathy". doi:10.1016/S0140.
- ^ Badano JL, Mitsuma N, Beales PL, Katsanis N (2006). "The ciliopathies: an emerging class of human genetic disorders". Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet 7: 125–48. doi:10.1146/annurev.genom.7.080505.115610. PMID 16722803.
- ^ "Remote Retinal Screening Facilitates Diagnosis and Treatment of Retinopathy for Poor and/or Uninsured Patients With Diabetes in Rural California". Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 2013-10-03. Retrieved 2013-08-01.
- ^ "Telemedicine-Based Eye Examinations Enhance Access, Reduce Costs, and Increase Satisfaction for Low-Income and Minority Patients with Diabetes". Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 2013-07-17. Retrieved 2013-08-01.
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English Journal
- Nurse-led diabetic retinopathy screening: a pilot study to evaluate a new approach to vision care for Canadian Aboriginal peoples.
- Spurr S1, Bullin C1, Bally J1, Trinder K2, Khan S3.
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- Conditional copula models for right-censored clustered event time data.
- Geerdens C1, Acar EF2, Janssen P1.
- Biostatistics (Oxford, England).Biostatistics.2018 Apr 1;19(2):247-262. doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxx034.
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Japanese Journal
- Anti-Hexokinase 1 Antibody as a Novel Serum Biomarker of a Subgroup of Diabetic Macular Edema
- Yoshitake Tatsuya,Murakami Tomoaki,Yoshitake Shin,Suzuma Kiyoshi,Dodo Yoko,Fujimoto Masahiro,Ito Shinji,Tsujikawa Akitaka
- Scientific Reports (9), 2019-12-01
- … Diabetic retinopathy (DR) induces the breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier and promotes neuroinflammation, although autoimmune responses to sequestered retinal antigens remain poorly understood. …
- NAID 120006596560
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- Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism 21(4), 791-800, 2019-04
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- ☆case16 膝の痛み
- ■glossary
- indigestion 消化障害、消化不良
- ■症例
- 80歳 男性
- 主訴:左膝の痛みと腫脹
- 現病歴:左膝の痛みを2日前から認めた。膝は発熱・腫脹しており、動かすと疼痛を生じる。時々胸焼けと消化不良が見られる。6ヶ月前のhealth checkで、高血圧(172/102mmHg)と血中クレアチニンが高い(正常高値)こと以外は正常といわれた。その4週間数回血圧を測定したが、高値が継続したため、2.5mg bendrofluamethizide(UK)/ベンドロフルメチアジドbendroflumethiazide(US)で治療を開始した。最近の血圧は138/84 mmHgであった。
- 喫煙歴:なし。
- 飲酒歴:一週間に平均4unit。
- 既往歴:股関節に中程度(mild)の変形性関節症
- 家族歴:特記なし
- 服薬歴:アセトアミノフェン(股関節の疼痛に対して)
- 身体所見 examination
- 血圧 142/86mmHg。体温37.5℃。脈拍88/分。grade 2 hypertensive retinopathy(高血圧症性網膜症)。心血管系、呼吸器系に検査場異常なし。手にDIPにヘバーデン結節なし。
- 左膝が発熱し腫脹している。関節内に液、patellar tap陽性。90℃以上膝関節を屈曲させると痛みを生じる。右の膝関節は正常に見える。
- 検査 investigation
- 生化学:白血球増多、ESR上昇、尿素高値、グルコース高値
- 単純X線:関節間隙やや狭小。それ以外に異常は認めない。
- ■problem list
- #1 左膝の痛み
- #2 胸焼け
- #3 消化不良
- #4 高血圧
- #5 クレアチニン正常高値
- #6 股関節の変形性リウマチ
- #7 高血圧性網膜症
- ■考え方
- ・関節痛の鑑別診断を考える。
- ・VINDICATEで考えてみてもよいでしょう。
- ・関節痛の頻度としては 外傷>慢性疾患(OAなど)>膠原病>脊椎疾患>悪性腫瘍
- ■関節痛の鑑別疾患
- DIF 282
- V Vascular 血友病 hemophilia, 壊血病 scurvy, 無菌性骨壊死 aseptic bone necrosis (Osgood-Schlatter diseaseとか)
- I Inflammatory 淋疾 gonorrhea, ライム病 lyme disease, 黄色ブドウ球菌 Staphylococcus, 連鎖球菌 Streptococcus, 結核 tuberculosis, 梅毒 syphilis, 風疹 rubella, 単純ヘルペス herpes simplex, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, サイトメガロウイルス cytomegalovirus
- N Neoplastic disorders 骨原性肉腫 osteogenic sarcoma, 巨細胞腫 giant cell tumors
- D Degenerative disorders degenerative joint disease or 変形性関節症 osteoarthritis
- I Intoxication 痛風 gout (uric acid), 偽痛風 pseudogout (calcium pyrophosphate), ループス症候群 lupus syndrome of hydralazine (Apresoline) and procainamide, gout syndrome of diuretics
- C Congenital and acquired malformations bring to mind the joint deformities of tabes dorsalis and syringomyelia and congenital dislocation of the hip. Alkaptonuria is also considered here.
- A Autoimmune indicates (多い)関節リウマチ RA (可能性)血清病 serum sickness, 全身性エリテマトーデス lupus erythematosus, リウマチ熱 rheumatic fever, ライター症候群 Reiter syndrome, 潰瘍性大腸炎 ulcerative colitis, クローン病=限局性回腸炎 regional ileitis, 乾癬性関節炎 psoriatic arthritis (老人であり得る)リウマチ性多発筋痛症 polymyalgia rheumatica
- T Trauma 外傷性滑膜炎 traumatic synovitis, tear or rupture of the collateral or cruciate ligaments, 亜脱臼 subluxation or laceration of the meniscus (semilunar cartilage), 脱臼 dislocation of the joint or patella, a 捻挫 sprain of the joint, and fracture of the bones of the joint.
- E Endcrine 先端肥大症 acromegaly, 閉経 menopause, 糖尿病 diabetes mellitus
- ■答え
- 骨格筋系-関節炎-単関節炎-急性単関節炎
- 痛風 尿酸 → 発熱、ESR↑、白血球↑
- 偽痛風 ピロリン酸カルシウム
- 高齢女性でチアジド系利尿薬の使用により痛風が誘発されやすい。特に腎機能低下、糖尿病の人はこのリスクが高まる。
- ■(BSTからの知識「)循環器領域での利尿薬
- ・心不全の治療において、循環血漿量を減らし、心臓の前負荷を軽減する。
- ・利尿薬は高尿酸血症を起こす。(けど、心不全の治療において高尿酸血症になったからといって痛風を発症している患者はみたことない)
- ・電解質異常を起こしやすいので、血液生化学の検査でモニタして注意する。たとえば低Kで不整脈のリスクが高まる。
- ・チアジド系の利尿薬は血糖を上げるし、尿酸を上げる
- ・長期の使用で腎機能を低下させる
- ■initial plan
- Dx 1. 関節液の吸引:関節液の一般検査、生化学検査、培養検査、
- ・白血球が増加していれば急性炎症性であることを示す。
- ・偏光顕微鏡で関節液を検鏡する。
- ・尿酸の結晶:針状結晶。negatively birefringent
- ・ピロリン酸カルシウムの結晶:positively birefringent
- Tx 1. 関節液の吸引:炎症が軽度改善
- 2. NSAIDによる疼痛管理
- 3. PPI:NSAID潰瘍を予防するため
- 4. ACE inhibitorの導入
- 英
- retinopathy
- 関
- クロロキン網膜症、血管痙縮性網膜症、高血圧性網膜症
- 関
- retinopathy
糖尿病性網膜症, DR