- the 7th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)g
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- 岐阜放送 (Gifu Broadcasting System)
- ギラン・バレー症候群 (Guillain‐Barré syndrome)
- B群溶血性連鎖球菌 (Group B streptococcus)
- ゲームボーイの音声ファイルフォーマット (Game Boy Sound System)
- Google Browser Sync
- ガイドウェイバス (Guideway Bus System)
- 重力着底型構造物 (gravity base structure)
- ギニアビサウのIOCコード
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GBS may refer to:
In medicine:
- Gastric bypass surgery, a class of medical procedures used to treat morbid obesity
- Group B streptococcus, a type of bacteria which causes a Group B streptococcal infection
- Guillain–Barré syndrome, an autoimmune disease affecting the peripheral nervous system
- Glasgow-Blatchford bleeding score, a screening tool for patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding
- Gay bowel syndrome, an obsolete term that was sometimes used to refer to conditions supposedly more frequent in gay men
In education:
- Goizueta Business School, a highly ranked business school of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, United States
- God's Bible School and College, a Christian college in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
- Gandaki Boarding School, formerly called Nepal Adarsha Vidyashram, a boarding school in Nepal
- Galgotias Business School, a management school in Greater Noida, India
- Glenbrook South High School, a high school in Glenview, Illinois, United States
- Gyeonggibuk Science High School, a science high school in Uijeongbu, Republic of Korea
- Goethe Business School, a graduate business school in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
In technology:
- Gravity-based structure, a support structure technique often used in building offshore oil platforms
- Global Broadcast Service, a United States Military communications network
- Game Boy Sound System, the audio playback technology used in the Nintendo Game Boy
- GNU build system, also known as Autotools, a suite of GNU project programming tools
- GBs, plural of gigabyte
- Gbs, short for gigabits per second, a data rate unit
- Grundy Business Systems, an English microcomputer company of the 1980s
- Global Business Services, a division of IBM Global Services
- The Gay Byrne Show, an Irish radio show (1974–1998)
- George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950), an Irish playwright
- Genotyping By Sequencing, a method of SNP genotyping
- Gifu Broadcasting System, a television and radio station in Gifu Prefecture, Japan
- Gold Bauhinia Star, the second highest rank in the Hong Kong honours system
- Golden Bauhinia Square, an open square in North Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
- Gram Bharati Samiti, or Society for Rural Development, a non-governmental organization in the Jaipur district of Rajasthan
- Große Berliner Straßenbahn, a former name of the Berlin Straßenbahn
- Great Big Sea, a Canadian folk-rock band
- Gürbetal-Bern-Schwarzenburg-Bahn, a former Swiss railway, now part of the Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon railway
- Gugun Blues Shelter, Indonesian music group
- Guillermo Barros Schelotto, an Argentine soccer player
- The IOC country code for Guinea-Bissau
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English Journal
- Extracellular nucleotide catabolism by the group B Streptococcus ectonucleotidase NudP increases bacterial survival in blood.
- Firon A, Dinis M, Raynal B, Poyart C, Trieu-Cuot P, Kaminski PA.Author information Institut Pasteur, France;AbstractStreptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus, GBS) is a commensal of the human intestine and vagina of adult women, but the leading cause of invasive infection in neonates. This gram-positive bacterium displays a set of virulence-associated surface proteins involved in the interaction with the host, such as adhesion to host cells, invasion of tissues or subversion of the immune system. In this study, we characterized NudP, a cell wall localized protein, involved in the degradation of extracellular nucleotides which are central mediators of the immune response. Biochemical characterization of recombinant NudP reveals a Mn2+-dependent ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity on ribo- and deoxyribo-nucleosides 5'-mono and 5'-diphosphates. Deletion of the gene coding the housekeeping enzyme Sortase A led to the release of NudP into the culture supernatant, confirming that this enzyme is anchored to the cell wall by its non-canonical LPXTN motif. The NudP ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity is reminiscent of the reactions performed by the mammalian ectonucleotidases CD39 and CD73 involved in regulating the extracellular level of ATP and adenosine. We further demonstrated that the absence of NudP activity decreases bacterial survival in mouse blood, a process dependent on extracellular adenosine. In vivo assays in animal models of infection shows that NudP activity is critical for virulence. These results demonstrate that GBS expresses a specific ecto-5'-nucleotidase necessary for its pathogenicity and highlights the diversity of reactions performed by this enzyme family. These results suggest that bacterial pathogens have developed specialized strategies to subvert the mammalian immune response controlled by the extracellular nucleotide signaling pathways.
- The Journal of biological chemistry.J Biol Chem.2014 Jan 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus, GBS) is a commensal of the human intestine and vagina of adult women, but the leading cause of invasive infection in neonates. This gram-positive bacterium displays a set of virulence-associated surface proteins involved in the interaction with the ho
- PMID 24429288
- Guillain-barré and other immune mediated neuropathies: Diagnosis and classification.
- Eldar AH1, Chapman J2.Author information 1Department of Neurology, Sheba medical center, Tel Hashomer, Israel, affiliated to the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.2Department of Neurology, Sheba medical center, Tel Hashomer, Israel, affiliated to the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel; The Zabludowicz center for Autoimmune diseases, Sheba medical center, Tel Hashomer, Israel. Electronic address: jchapman@post.tau.ac.il.AbstractImmune mediated neuropathies are uncommon but important to diagnose because they are potentially treatable. This chapter summarizes the clinical approach to diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), and related neuropathies which are thought to be caused by direct autoimmune attack on peripheral nerves.
- Autoimmunity reviews.Autoimmun Rev.2014 Jan 13. pii: S1568-9972(14)00045-7. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2014.01.033. [Epub ahead of print]
- Immune mediated neuropathies are uncommon but important to diagnose because they are potentially treatable. This chapter summarizes the clinical approach to diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), and related neuropathies which a
- PMID 24434363
- Diagnosis and classification of autoimmune optic neuropathy.
- Petzold A1, Plant GT2.Author information 1Department of Neurology, VUmc, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; NL & UCL ION, Queen Square, London, United Kingdom. Electronic address: a.petzold@vumc.nl.2Moorfields Eye Hospital, The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery & St. Thomas' Hospital, London, United Kingdom.AbstractThe spectrum of autoimmune optic neuropathies (ON) is extending. The phenotypic spectrum includes single isolated optic neuritis (SION), relapsing isolated optic neuritis (RION), chronic relapsing inflammatory optic neuropathy (CRION), the neuromyelitis optica (NMO) spectrum disorder, multiple sclerosis associated optic neuritis (MSON) and unclassified optic neuritis (UCON) forms. Epidemiological data suggests a slight female predominance. The ethnic heritage is relevant as Caucasian patients are more likely to suffer from MSON, whilst SION, RION, CRION and NMO are more frequent in non-Caucasian patients. Importantly, prognosis for recovery of visual function is good in MSON, but poorer in NMO and CRION which also have a high chance for recurrent episodes. Testing for serum anti-AQP4 autoantibodies is advised in all patients with severe, atypical or recurrent ON because of the high diagnostic specificity. The diagnostic specificity may be aided by testing for glial biomarkers in the CSF and prognostic accuracy by testing for biomarkers for neuroaxonal degeneration. Optical coherence tomography is a highly accurate tool to document the final outcome. The current clinical classification criteria rely on the phenotype, response to treatment and presence of anti-AQP4 autoantibodies.
- Autoimmunity reviews.Autoimmun Rev.2014 Jan 12. pii: S1568-9972(14)00021-4. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2014.01.009. [Epub ahead of print]
- The spectrum of autoimmune optic neuropathies (ON) is extending. The phenotypic spectrum includes single isolated optic neuritis (SION), relapsing isolated optic neuritis (RION), chronic relapsing inflammatory optic neuropathy (CRION), the neuromyelitis optica (NMO) spectrum disorder, multiple scler
- PMID 24424177
Japanese Journal
- Structural Dependence of Grain Boundary Resistivity in Copper Nanowires
- Kim Tae-Hwan,Nicholson Don M.,Zhang X.-G. [他],Evans Boyd M.,Kulkarni Nagraj S.,Kenik Edward A.,Meyer Harry M.,Radhakrishnan Balasubramaniam,Li An-Ping
- Jpn J Appl Phys 50(8), 08LB09-08LB09-4, 2011-08-25
- … By measuring both intra- and inter-grain resistance with a four-probe scanning tunneling microscope, large resistance jumps are revealed owing to successive scattering across high-angle random GBs, while the resistance changes at twin and other coincidence boundaries are negligibly small. …
- NAID 150000057858
Related Links
- ゼネラル・ビジネス・サービス株式会社 GBS · JAPANESE | ENGLISH · お問い合わせ · ヘルプデスク · 採用情報 · サイトマップ ... 2012/01/01: GBS 2013年度新卒社員 募集 要項. 2012/01/01: キャリア採用情報. 2012/01/01: GBSの求める人材. 2012/01/01 ...
- GBSとは、Group B Streptococcus、B群溶血性連鎖球菌のことです。この菌自体は 決して悪いものではなく、指や皮膚に普通についていたりします。膣に常在している場合 も多く、妊婦さんの10%程度はこの菌を保有しています。でも通常は大した病原性を 持た ...
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- 次の文を読み、61~63の問いに答えよ。
- 72歳の男性。発熱と全身の倦怠感を主訴に来院した。
- 現病歴:2か月前に37℃台の発熱があり、かかりつけ医から抗菌薬を処方された。7日後に解熱したが、倦怠感と食欲低下は持続していた。10日前から38℃台の発熱があり、再度かかりつけ医を受診した。抗菌薬と解熱薬とを処方されたが、発熱と倦怠感が持続するため受診した。
- 既往歴:高血圧症と糖尿病で内服治療中。
- 生活歴:一人暮らし。無職。喫煙は20本/日を50年間。飲酒はビール1,000~1,500mL/日を50年間。
- 家族歴:父親が胃癌で死亡。母親が大腸癌で死亡。
- 現症:意識は清明。身長 182cm、体重 90kg。体温 38.0℃。脈拍 108/分、整。血圧 138/80mmHg。呼吸数 20/分。SpO2 96%(room air)。皮膚は乾燥している。眼瞼結膜と眼球結膜とに異常を認めない。口腔内は乾燥が著明である。頸静脈の怒張を認めない。表在リンパ節を触知しない。心音と呼吸音とに異常を認めない。腹部は平坦、軟で、肝・脾を触知しない。腸蠕動音は正常。肋骨脊柱角に叩打痛を認めない。下腿に浮腫を認めない。神経学的所見に異常を認めない。
- 検査所見:尿所見:蛋白1+、糖3+、ケトン体1+、潜血(-)、沈渣に白血球を認めない。血液所見:赤血球 440万、Hb 15.1g/dL、Ht 44%、白血球 14,500(桿状核好中球2%、分葉核好中球 88%、好酸球 0%、好塩基球 0%、単球 4%、リンパ球 6%)、血小板 32万、PT 87%(基準 80~120)。血液生化学所見:総蛋白 7.1g/dL、アルブミン 3.5g/dL、総ビリルビン 0.5mg/dL、直接ビリルビン 0.2mg/dL、AST 57IU/L、ALT 43IU/L、LD 355IU/L(基準 176~353)、ALP 349IU/L(基準 115~359)、γ-GTP 109IU/L(基準 8~50)、アミラーゼ 38IU/L(基準 37~160)、CK 76IU/L(基準 30~140)、尿素窒素 38mg/dL、クレアチニン 1.1mg/dL、尿酸 9.0mg/dL、血糖 284mg/dL、HbA1c 9.6%(基準 4.6~6.2)、総コレステロール 174mg/dL、トリグリセリド 179mg/dL、Na 135mEq/L、K 4.9mEq/L、Cl 105mEq/L。CRP 11mg/dL。心電図で洞性頻脈を認める。胸部エックス線写真で異常を認めない。
- その後の経過:精査のため入院とし、腹部超音波検査で肝膿瘍を認めた。超音波ガイド下膿瘍穿刺吸引検査を行い、採取した穿刺液を培養検査に提出し、抗菌薬の投与を開始した。培養検査ではGram陽性球菌が検出された。
- 原因菌として可能性が高いのはどれか。2つ選べ。
※国試ナビ4※ [110E060]←[国試_110]→[110E062]
- 33歳の初妊婦。妊娠 36週。自宅で突然水様帯下の流出を認めたため 1時間後に来院した。妊娠 35週の妊婦健康診査時に施行した腟と外陰との培養検査では、 B群レンサ球菌〈GBS〉が陽性であった。体温 36.4 ℃。脈拍 76/分、整。血圧 116/72mmHg。腟鏡診で後腟円蓋に中等量の水様帯下の貯留を認め、帯下は弱アルカリ性である。内診で子宮口は 1 cm開大、展退度 30%、先進部は児頭で下降度は SP-2cm。血液所見:赤血球 350万、 Hb 11.6 g/dl、Ht 37%、白血球 9,000、血小板 18万。 CRP 0.1 mg/dl。腹部超音波検査で胎児推定体重は 2,600 g、羊水ポケットは 2 cm、胎盤に異常所見を認めない。胎児心拍数陣痛図で子宮収縮を認めず、胎児心拍パターンに異常を認めない。
- まず投与すべきなのはどれか。
※国試ナビ4※ [108B045]←[国試_108]→[108B047]
- 生後 8日の新生児。哺乳量の低下と発熱とを主訴に母親に連れられて来院した。3,000gにて出生。昨日から哺乳量の低下があり、本日 38℃の発熱を認めた。顔色不良で大泉門は膨隆し、易刺激性があった。血液所見:赤血球 412万、 Hb 12.1 g/dl、 Ht 36%、白血球 25,000(桿状核好中球 15%、分葉核好中球 65%、単球 10%、リンパ球 10% )、血小板 15万。血液生化学所見:血糖 98 mg/dl、Na 136 mEq/l、K 4.5mEq/l、Cl 100 mEq/l。CRP 8.9 mg/dl。脳脊髄液所見:細胞数 4,200/mm3(基準 0~ 2)(単核球 22%、多形核球 78% )、蛋白 80 mg/dl(基準 15~45)、糖 5 mg/dl(基準 50~75)。
- 原因菌として考えられるのはどれか。2つ選べ。
※国試ナビ4※ [108D049]←[国試_108]→[108D051]
※国試ナビ4※ [104E050]←[国試_104]→[104E052]
- 母体感染の病原体と対応の組合せで正しいのはどれか。
※国試ナビ4※ [104E004]←[国試_104]→[104E006]
※国試ナビ4※ [104D060]←[国試_104]→[104E002]
※国試ナビ4※ [101B086]←[国試_101]→[101B088]
※国試ナビ4※ [103A018]←[国試_103]→[103A020]
- 英
- Guillain-Barré syndrome Guillain-Barre syndrome GBS
- 同
- (国試)Guillain-Barre症候群
- 急性炎症性脱髄性多発神経根ニューロパチー acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy AIDP
- 感染性多発神経炎 infective polyneuritis infectious polyneuritis、急性炎症性多発ニューロパシー acute inflammatory polyneuropathy
- 関
- 免疫介在性ニューロパチー
- SPE.645
- ギラン・バレー症候群:経過中に蛋白細胞解離が見られたもの
- 知覚異常:(初発)腰痛、手足のしびれ感。感覚障害は軽度にとどまる
- 運動神経:下肢末梢から左右対称性、上行性の弛緩麻痺。腱反射消失
- 自律神経:自律神経の障害による症状(不整脈、洞性頻脈、血圧の変動、発汗異常)が見られることがある。
- 抗原:GM1、GQ1b(→Fisher症候群と関連)、GD1a、GalNAc-GD1a、ガラクトセレブロシド
- 蛋白細胞解離。発症から1週間後の患者の80-90%の患者で見られる。近位神経根のレベルで血液神経関門の透過性が亢進したことによるのかもしれない(increased permeability of the blood-nerve-barrier at the level of the proximal nerve roots)。(参考1)
- 免疫吸着療法(プラスマフェレーシス):侵襲の大きさから大量ガンマグロブリン静注療法が行われることが多いらしい。
- 大量ガンマグロブリン静注療法(高ガンマグロブリン大量静注法)
- 予後良好:2週間程度で極期に達し徐々に回復する。しかしながら約5%の例で死亡、約10%の例では重篤な機能障害を残す。(IMD)
- 1. [charged] Clinical features and diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults - uptodate [1]
- 2. [charged] Treatment and prognosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults - uptodate [2]
- 英
- birth canal infection, transbirth canal infection
- 同
- 産道内母子感染
- 関
- 産道(子宮頚管、膣、外陰)を経ることによる感染症。
- 英
- group B streptococcus GBS, Streptococcus agalactial
- 同
- B群溶連菌、B群溶血性レンサ球菌
- 関
- 連鎖球菌属 ストレプトコッカス属、A群連鎖球菌
- 以前は新生児における髄膜炎の起炎菌として主なものであったが、最近は50歳以上の基礎疾患を持つ患者において髄膜炎の起炎菌として見いだされる(HIM.2622)
- 英
- immune-mediated neuropathies, immune-mediated neuropathy
- 末梢神経の構成成分に対する自己免疫によるニューロパチー
- 英
- anti-GM1 antibody
- 関
- ギラン・バレー症候群, Guillain-Barre syndrome, GBS