- 関
- decompress
- relieving pressure (especially bringing a compressed person gradually back to atmospheric pressure) (同)decompressing
- restoring compressed information to its normal form for use or display
- restore to its uncompressed form; "decompress data" (同)uncompress
- 減圧
- …‘の'圧力を減らす
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/05/25 20:05:38」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Decompression has several meanings:
- Data decompression, the action of reversing data compression
- Decompression (altitude). the reduction of pressure and the related physiological effects due to increase in altitude or other equivalent reduction of ambient pressure below normal atmospheric pressure
- Decompression (comics), in comic book storytelling, is the stylistic choice to tell a story mainly by visuals, with few words
- Decompression (diving), the reduction in pressure and the process of allowing dissolved inert gases to be eliminated from the tissues during ascent from a dive. Also relating to decompression (diving):
- Decompression algorithm, one of several algorithms used to compute decompression tables, or the decompression status of a diver in real-time using a dive computer, and for dive planning. These include:
- Buhlmann decompression algorithm
- Reduced gradient bubble model
- Thalmann algorithm
- Varying Permeability Model
- Decompression buoy, a buoy that marks a diver's position when doing decompression stops
- Decompression chamber, a pressurizable chamber used to prevent and/or treat decompression sickness
- Decompression computer, also called a Dive computer or decompression meter, a device used by a scuba diver to measure the time and depth of a dive and compute a safe ascent profile.
- Decompression practice, Techniques and procedures for decompression used by underwater divers
- Decompression tables, Printed tabulated decompression schedules used to plan diving decompression
- Decompression trapeze, a horizontal bar or bars suspended at the depth of intended decompression stops by buoys
- Decompression sickness decompression sickness as a hazard in Scuba diving
- Ratio decompression, A method for estimating a decompression schedule for a given set of breathing gases, based on time at depth.
- Decompression party, a party that occurs after an event or a party to unwind after a stressful period
- Decompression (physics), the release of pressure and the opposition of physical compression
- Decompression sickness, a condition arising from the formation and growth of bubbles of gas within the tissues of the body during and after depressurization
- Decompression theory, The study and modelling of physiological effects of decompression, including the development and testing of decompression algorithms
- Decompression (surgery), a procedure used to reduce pressure on a compressed structure, such as spinal decompression
- "Decompression" (The Outer Limits), an episode of the American television fiction series The Outer Limits
- Herniated disc decompression, a form of treatment for Spinal disc herniation, employed by chiropractors
- History of decompression research and development, History of R&D related to diving and altitude decompression
- Uncontrolled decompression, catastrophic reduction of pressure in accidents involving pressure vessels such as aircraft
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English Journal
- Single-site laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for acute cecal volvulus: a case report.
- Kagawa Y1, Kato T2, Naito A2, Morimoto Y2, Sato Y2, Kuwahara R2, Ishida T2, Oneda Y2, Murakami K2, Inatome J2, Katsura Y2, Ohmura Y2, Takeno A2, Egawa C2, Takeda Y2, Tamura S2.
- Surgical case reports.Surg Case Rep.2016 Dec;2(1):51. doi: 10.1186/s40792-016-0179-9. Epub 2016 May 26.
- BACKGROUND: Cecal volvulus is an uncommon cause of acute abdomen in patients. Cecal volvulus is currently treated mostly with right hemicolectomy with laparotomy, which is an invasive surgical procedure. Less invasive techniques, such as endoscopic decompression, have a poor success rate.CASE PRESEN
- PMID 27230653
- Secondary abdominal compartment syndrome required decompression laparotomy during minimally invasive mitral valve repair.
- Nishi H1, Toda K1, Miyagawa S1, Yoshikawa Y1, Fukushima S1, Yoshioka D1, Saito T1, Sawa Y2.
- Surgical case reports.Surg Case Rep.2016 Dec;2(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s40792-015-0078-5. Epub 2016 Jan 12.
- We treated a 77-year-old patient with secondary abdominal compartment syndrome that caused failure to maintain cardiopulmonary bypass while undergoing elective minimally invasive right mini-thoracotomy mitral valve and tricuspid valve repair procedures. During the operation, a decompression laparoto
- PMID 26943679
- Clinical features and outcomes of delayed facial palsy after head trauma.
- Li Q1, Jia Y2, Feng Q3, Tang B1, Wei N1, Zhang Y1, Li Y4, Zhang X5.
- Auris, nasus, larynx.Auris Nasus Larynx.2016 Oct;43(5):514-7. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2015.12.017. Epub 2016 Feb 1.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate clinical features and outcomes of delayed facial palsy after head trauma.METHODS: The cases who had delayed facial palsy after head trauma treated from March 2008 to March 2013 at our hospital were enrolled in the study, and their clinical features and outcomes were analyze
- PMID 26837868
- Clinical outcome of anterior vs posterior approach for cervical spondylotic myelopathy.
- Cahueque Lemus MA1, Cobar Bustamante AE1, Ortiz Muciño A1, Caldera Hernandez G1.
- Journal of orthopaedics.J Orthop.2016 Mar 26;13(3):123-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2016.03.006. eCollection 2016.
- OBJECTIVE: The aim is to demonstrate whether there is clinical difference between posterior vs anterior decompression in cervical spondylotic myelopathy.METHODS: Forty-two patient database was obtained from the Centro Medico Nacional de Occidente in Mexico, those who underwent surgical treatment for
- PMID 27076742
Japanese Journal
- Adult Chiari Type 1 Malformation with Holocord Syringomyelia Associated with Sagittal Synostosis
- 経験と考察 高齢者腰部脊柱管狭窄症に対する筋肉温存型腰椎椎弓間除圧術(MILD法)の治療効果 : 80歳以上の患者と65歳以下の患者の比較
- Atrial Septostomy for Left Atrial Decompression During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation by Inoue Balloon Catheter
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 81(10), 1419-1423, 2017-10
- NAID 40021323583
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- ☆case13 手の筋力の低下
- ■glossary
- brisk adj. (人・態度が)活発な、元気のよい、きびきびした。ぶっきらぼうな、素っ気ない。(商売が)活況の(⇔dull)。小気味のよい、(大気など)爽快な、気持ちのよい。(味などが)ピリッとする。鋭い。(飲料が)盛んに泡立つ
- dysarthria n. difficulty in articulating words due to disease of the central nervous system 構音障害
- dysphasia n. loss of or deficiency in the power to use or understand language as a result of injury to or disease of the brain 失語症、言語障害
- multidisciplinary adj. 集学的な
- gastrostomy 胃瘻造設術
- feeding gastrostomy n. Surgery A procedure in which an opening is created in the anterior wall of the stomach to allow suction decompression and improved respiratory function by eliminating the need for a nasogastric feeding tube
- ■症例
- 67歳、男性 元大学講師(retired university lecturer)
- 主訴:左手の筋力低下と筋萎縮
- 現病歴:左手を使った労作後に左手の筋力が低下する(例えば、ドライバーを使った後など)。前腕の筋に疝痛をみとめる。発話はわずかに流暢であり(slight slurred)、水を飲んだあとで窒息しだす。服用薬はシンバスタチン、アスピリン、アテノロール。喫煙はしない。飲酒は週にワインのボトルを1本あける。
- 既往歴:高血圧が15年間続いている。3年前に心筋梗塞。
- 家族歴:妻と暮らしている。大きくなった2人の子供がいる。
- ・診察 examination
- 血圧:146/88 mmHg。心血管系、呼吸器系、腹部に異常を認めない。上肢に萎縮を認める。特に左手に著しい萎縮を認める。両側の上腕の筋にいくらか線維性筋攣縮を認める。筋力は左で全般的に低下(globaly reduced)、右手でわずかに低下。筋緊張は正常。上腕二頭筋反射・上腕三頭筋反射は両側ともに活発に認められる(brisk)。感覚喪失(sensory loss)は認めない。わずかに構音障害を認める
- ■キーワード&着目するポイント
- 筋萎縮、線維性筋攣縮、感覚喪失なし
- ■解説
- (第1パラグラフ) 疫学
- ・この男は運動ニューロン疾患。
- ・この疾患は原因不明の疾患で、脊髄、脳神経核、運動皮質に影響を及ぼす。
- ・この病気は普通50-70歳で出現する。
- (第2パラグラフ) 症状
- ・筋力低下と筋萎縮は一側の手か腕にあらわれるのが一般的 ← 両側性でないということか。
- ・筋力低下は運動後に最も顕著に表れる
- ・前腕の疝痛は疾患の初期に一般的である。
- ・患者は下肢の筋力低下あるいは構音障害や言語障害を訴えてやってくることがある。
- ・この病態の特徴的な生理的徴候は線維性攣縮(筋束の不規則で早い収縮。下位運動ニューロンの障害を示唆) → 下肢の運動ニューロン損傷による筋肉の脱神経が原因
- ・反射は著明 → 皮質運動ニューロンの喪失による。
- ・感覚喪失はない
- (第3パラグラフ) 鑑別
- ・進行例では診断は容易だが、初期ではmore problematic。
- ・疲労で悪化する四肢の筋力低下は「重症筋無力症」と混乱する。
- ・老人における失語症と構音障害の原因は、「脳血管障害による偽性球麻痺」であることがより一般的。
- ・上肢に感覚障害を伴わない筋萎縮、線維束攣縮を呈する他の疾患として「頚髄症」がある。
- ・「外傷」や「心尖部肺癌(パンコースト腫瘍)」による腕神経叢の損傷で腕に症状があらわれるかもしれない。
- ・末梢運動神経優位のニューロパチーは対側性の筋力低下と反射の低下というパターンを起こす。 ← ?
- (第4パラグラフ) 症状・経過
- ・運動ニューロン疾患は進行性で不治の病態
- ・足の痙性麻痺を発現する傾向がある
- ・球麻痺は失語症と構音障害を起こす
- ・肛門括約筋は普通影響を受けない
- ・知能は一般的に影響を受けない
- (第5パラグラフ) 治療・管理
- ・この病態に対して治癒的な治療法はない
- ・発症から平均生存期間は2-4年
- ・医師は診断と予後について患者と家族に説明しなければならない。
- ・集学的なチームはサポートを提供しなければいけない。
- ・病気が進行して発話が悪くなったとき、コンピュータの使用で会話は補助されうる。
- ・feeding gastrostomyは十分なカロリーの摂取を可能にするために必要かもしれない。
- ・非侵襲的な呼吸器は呼吸不全を補助するために使われうる
- ・普通、気管支肺炎で死亡する
- ■運動ニューロン疾患とは?
- 運動ニューロン疾患 motor neuron disease MND
- ■参考文献
- HIM = Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition
- CASES = 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine Second edition
- IMD = 内科診断学第2版
- Surgery A procedure in which an opening is created in the anterior wall of the stomach to allow suction decompression and improved respiratory function by eliminating the need for a nasogastric feeding tube. Cf nasogastric tube.
- 関
- gastrostomy
- 英
- decompression、decompress
- 関
- 除圧術
- 同
- decompression
- 関
- decompression
- 英
- decompression, decompressive operation