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This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2009) |
CD11 is the α (alpha) component of various integrins, especially ones in which the β (beta) component is CD18 (β2) and mediate leukocyte adhesion. For example,
- LFA1 (CD11a/CD18) short representation of Lymphocyte Function-associated Antigen 1, also called αLβ2 integrin
- Mac1 (CD11b/CD18) present on macrophages that is also called Macrophage-1 antigen (CR3) and αmβ2 integrin.
- CD11c/CD18 also called complement receptor 4 (CR4)
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English Journal
- Intraluminal crawling versus interstitial neutrophil migration during inflammation.
- Pick R, Brechtefeld D, Walzog B.SourceWalter Brendel Centre of Experimental Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany.
- Molecular immunology.Mol Immunol.2013 Aug;55(1):70-5. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2012.12.008. Epub 2013 Jan 10.
- Site-directed trafficking of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) to their target regions within the tissue is an important prerequisite for efficient host defense during the acute inflammatory response. This process requires intraluminal crawling of PMN on the activated endothelial cells to their ex
- PMID 23312337
- Differentiation of porcine mesenchymal stem cells into epithelial cells as a potential therapeutic application to facilitate epithelial regeneration.
- Kokubun K, Pankajakshan D, Kim MJ, Agrawal DK.SourceCenter for Clinical and Translational Science and Department of Biomedical Sciences, Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE, USA.
- Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.J Tissue Eng Regen Med.2013 May 21. doi: 10.1002/term.1758. [Epub ahead of print]
- Epithelial denudation is one of the characteristics of chronic asthma. To restore its functions, the airway epithelium has to rapidly repair the injuries and regenerate its structure and integrity. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the ability to differentiate into many cell lineages. However, the
- PMID 23696537
Japanese Journal
- New scaffolds for tissue engineering using adipose-derived stem cells
- Kawasumi Akari,Wang Zhen,Kotani Yutaka,Tamura Atsushi,Tsuji Misaki,Hayashi Maho,Ikeda Junki,Orikasa Taichi,Takamori Hideki,Torii Hiroko,Ozamoto Yuki,Morita Shinichiro,Tsujimoto Hiroyuki,Urabe Mamoru,Hagiwara Akeo
- 同志社大学理工学研究報告 54(1), 41-51, 2013-04-30
- … ラットの鼠蹊部より採取した脂肪組織から得た細胞の内でフローサイトメトリーによりCD29、90が陽性かつCD 11b、45が陰性と特徴つけられる細胞群をADSCsとして実験を行った。 … We isolated ADSCs from the inguinal adipose tissue of a rat and characterized the cells using flow cytometry with both CD29- and CD90-positive markers and CD11b- and CD45-negative markers. …
- NAID 120005247511
- New scaffolds for tissue engineering using adipose-derived stem cells
- Kawasumi Akari,Wang Zhen,Kotani Yutaka,Tamura Atsushi,Tsuji Misaki,Hayashi Maho,Ikeda Junki,Orikasa Taichi,Takamori Hideki,Torii Hiroko,Ozamoto Yuki,Morita Shinichiro,Tsujimoto Hiroyuki,Urabe Mamoru,Hagiwara Akeo
- 同志社大学理工学研究報告 54(1), 41-51, 2013-04-00
- … We isolated ADSCs from the inguinal adipose tissue of a rat and characterized the cells using flow cytometry with both CD29- and CD90-positive markers and CD11b- and CD45-negative markers. …
- NAID 110009575479
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- CD#, MW(kDa), 別名;機能;主な抗原分布, クローン, 精製, Biotin ...
- CD11 is the α (alpha) component of various integrins, especially ones in which the β (beta) component is CD18 (β2) and mediate leukocyte adhesion. For example,. LFA1 (CD11a/CD18) short representation of Lymphocyte ...
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- 英
- cluster of differentiation, CD
- Bリンパ球 CD10,CD19,CD20
- Tリンパ球 CD2,CD3,CD5,CD7
- 幹細胞 CD34
- 顆粒球 CD13,CD33
- 単球 CD14:LPSをリガンドとし、Toll-like receptorと共役して細胞内シグナルを伝達する分子。
- 巨核球 CD41(GpIIb),CD42(GpIb)
- NK細胞:CD16(IgGのFc部に対する受容体)、CD56(NCAM-I)
- 同
- intercellular adhesion molecule 1
- 関
- 同
- KIT kit c-kit receptor for stem cell factor
- 関
- 消化管間質腫瘍 GIST
- 造血幹細胞が有する。
- チロシンキナーゼの受容体をコードしている(BPT.625)。大部分のGISTではc-KITに変異が生じている(BPT.625) ← 治療薬:イマチニブ(慢性骨髄性白血病に使われる)
- 分子量145kDaの前がん遺伝子c-kitの産物
- クラスIIIレセプタ型チロシンキナーゼ・ファミリーに属する
- hematopoietic progenitors (IMM.790)
- ごく少数の正常骨髄細胞に発現。発現している骨髄細胞はCD34を発現している
- 肥満細胞(1)
- stem-cell factor receptor(SCF受容体 SCF receptor)
- 同
- leucine-6, CD1A through E
- 胸腺皮質、ランゲルハンス細胞、樹状細胞、B細胞(CD1c)、腸上皮、平滑筋、血管上皮(CD1d)
- MHC class I-like molecule, associated with β2-microgloulin. Has specialized role in presentation of lipid antigens