造血幹細胞因子 stem cell factor
- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/01/14 23:23:29」(JST)
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SCF (or scf) is a three letter acronym that can mean:
- Southern Cathedrals Festival
- Sectional center facility (United States Postal Service)
- Service Control Function - an application of service logic to control functional entities in providing Intelligent Network services.
- Self-consistent field, one of the principal calculation approaches comprising Hartree–Fock method in quantum chemistry
- South Central Farm
- Standard cubic foot
- State College of Florida
- Stress Concentration Factor
- Supercritical fluid
- Survey of Consumer Finances
- Svenska Cykelförbundet
- Stanley Cup Finals
- Sparks Christian Fellowship
- Simple continued fraction, a form of continued fraction
- Save the Children Fund
- Sahara Conservation Fund
- Scientific Committee on Food
- Singapore Chess Federation
- Singapore Canoe Federation
In accounting
In biology
- Small Carbonaceous Fossils
- SCF-complex (Skp1/Cul1/F-box complex), a ubiquitin ligase
- Stem cell factor a cytokine.
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English Journal
- TGF-β and stem cell factor regulate cell proliferation in the proximal stem cell niche.
- Salm S, Burger PE, Wilson EL.SourceDepartment of Cell Biology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York; Department of Science, Borough of Manhattan Community College, New York, New York.
- The Prostate.Prostate.2012 Jun 15;72(9):998-1005. doi: 10.1002/pros.21505. Epub 2011 Oct 24.
- BACKGROUND: Stem cells are located in specific regulatory environments termed niches, which modulate the survival and proliferation of the cells through a variety of both mitogenic and inhibitory cytokines. In the murine prostate, stem cells are located in the proximal region of prostatic ducts. We
- PMID 22024978
- How does it become possible to treat delocalized and/or open-shell systems in fragmentation-based linear-scaling electronic structure calculations? The case of the divide-and-conquer method.
- Kobayashi M, Nakai H.SourceDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan. nakai@waseda.jp.
- Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.Phys Chem Chem Phys.2012 Jun 7;14(21):7629-39. Epub 2012 Apr 18.
- The authors have developed a fragmentation-based linear-scaling electronic structure calculation strategy named the divide-and-conquer (DC) method, which has been implemented into the Gamess program package. Although there are many sorts of fragmentation-based linear-scaling schemes, most of them re
- PMID 22513877
Japanese Journal
- Theoretical study on ionization process in aqueous solution.
- Iida Kenji,Sato Hirofumi
- The Journal of chemical physics 136(14), 2012-04-14
- … In this report, vertical and adiabatic ionization processes in aqueous solution are studied based on a hybrid method of quantum chemistry and statistical mechanics called reference interaction site model-SCF-spacial electron density distribution method. …
- NAID 120004057184
- Adaptive Secure-Channel Free Public-Key Encryption with Keyword Search Implies Timed Release Encryption
- Emura Keita,Miyaji Atsuko,Omote Kazumasa
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7001/2011, 102-118, 2011-10-12
- … In this paper, we show that TRE can be generically constructed by PEKS with extended functionalities, called secure-channel free PEKS (SCF-PEKS) with adaptive security, and discuss the reason why PEKS and (non-adaptive) SCF-PEKS are not suitable for constructing TRE. … In addition to this result, we also show that adaptive SCF-PEKS can be generically constructed by anonymous IBE only. …
- NAID 120003752193
Related Links
- 2013.09.05 ご来場事前登録及びセミナー聴講予約を開始しました。 2013.07.10 出展者説明会ならびに小間位置選定会を開催しました。 2013.06.15 出展者説明会ならびに小間位置選定会開催のご案内 2013.03.04 大使館・貿易促進団体 ...
- 「みんながひとつの事で盛り上がれるお祭りをしたい!」 …そんな仲間のアツい想いで、昨年生まれたSCFの音楽フェス。今年もやりまっすよぅッo(*゜ ゜*)o その名もズバリ! ・・・ 『第2回SCFes!-attaca- +前半戦ハイライト!
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- cyto=cell kin(e)=small substance
- ex. manikine
- 細胞が分泌する糖タンパク質で、生物活性(増殖・分化・タンパク産生誘導などを)を有するもの
- 英
- cytokine, cytokines
- 関
- サイトカイン受容体、インターロイキン、リンホカイン
- 傍分泌系、自己分泌系により情報を伝達する。局所ホルモンともいえる(ホルモンは血流を介して他臓器に働く)
サイトカインのシグナル伝達 JAK/STAT pathway (IMM.245-246)
組み換えサイトカインと臨床利用 first aid step1 2006 p.327
- 英
- cytokine receptor
- 関
- サイトカイン
- 細胞外領域に200a.a.からなる共通構造を有する。
- HRF motif, hematopoietin receptor family motif
- 細胞外領域のN末側に4つのCysが存在
- 細胞外領域の膜貫通部位付近にWSXWSモチーフが存在
shared γc
IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-13, IL-15
shared gp130
IL-6, G-CSF, IL-11, IL-12, LIF, OSM, CNTF
shared gp140
IL-3, IL-5, GM-CSF
- 同
- KIT kit c-kit receptor for stem cell factor
- 関
- 消化管間質腫瘍 GIST
- 造血幹細胞が有する。
- チロシンキナーゼの受容体をコードしている(BPT.625)。大部分のGISTではc-KITに変異が生じている(BPT.625) ← 治療薬:イマチニブ(慢性骨髄性白血病に使われる)
- 分子量145kDaの前がん遺伝子c-kitの産物
- クラスIIIレセプタ型チロシンキナーゼ・ファミリーに属する
- hematopoietic progenitors (IMM.790)
- ごく少数の正常骨髄細胞に発現。発現している骨髄細胞はCD34を発現している
- 肥満細胞(1)
- stem-cell factor receptor(SCF受容体 SCF receptor)
- http://www.bc-cytometry.com/Data/db_search/CD117.htm
- 英
- stem cell factor, SCF
- 同
- 幹細胞刺激因子、スティール因子 steel factor SLF、キットリガンド kit-ligand KL、肥満細胞増殖因子 mast cell growth factor MCGF
- 関
- 幹細胞、Kit、c-Kit、CD117
- 英
- stem cell factor、SCF
- 関
- 造血幹細胞因子
- 英
- SCF ubiquitin ligase
- 関
- SKP・カリン・Fボックスタンパク質リガーゼ
- 同
- slipped capital femoral epiphysis