- 英
- Neufeld capsular swelling test
- 関
- ノイフェルド試験
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- 1. 唾液腺腫脹:評価および診断アプローチsalivary gland swelling evaluation and diagnostic approach [show details]
… acute multifocal salivary gland swelling accompanied by constitutional symptoms, including fever, headache, malaise, and myalgia. Laboratory evaluation will confirm the diagnosis in the majority of cases. JRP …
- 2. 小児における鼠径部腫脹の評価evaluation of inguinal swelling in children [show details]
… undescended or ectopic testes, sometimes referred to as a cryptorchid testicular torsion. Laboratory testing is usually unnecessary in the evaluation of inguinal swelling caused by indirect… beneath the fascia and medial to the femoral vein and drain the superficial nodes in addition to the clitoris, the glans of the penis, and the medial ipsilateral leg. The causes of inguinal swelling are listed…
- 3. 小児および思春期における非外傷性陰嚢痛または腫脹の評価evaluation of nontraumatic scrotal pain or swelling in children and adolescents [show details]
… ultrasonography and urine testing establish the diagnosis. A detailed history in a boy with scrotal pain or swelling can help to narrow the differential diagnosis and lead to a more focused… Additional testicular coverings include the infundibuliform fascia, cremaster muscle, and intercrural fascia.…
- 4. 手術部位感染症の評価と管理の概要overview of the evaluation and management of surgical site infection [show details]
… with which to further evaluate whether SSI extends to deeper tissues depends on the type of surgery and whether implanted material was used. Involvement of the fascia and/or muscle with… and extent of erythema and induration (edema). Symptoms of superficial SSI may include localized swelling, warmth, drainage with or without odor, wound breakdown and separation (ie, dehiscence), peri-incisional …
- 5. 関節の疼痛や腫脹がある小児の評価evaluation of the child with joint pain and or swelling [show details]
… serious consequences . The evaluation of a child with joint pain or swelling is reviewed here. Although there is overlap among the causes of limping, hip pain, and joint swelling and pain, the causes and …
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Related Pictures

- 英
- Neufeld test
- 同
- 莢膜膨化試験 Neufeld capsular swelling test capsule quelling reaction capsule swelling reaction、Neufeldの莢膜膨化試験 ノイフェルド膨張試験、ノイフェルド法 Neufeld method
- 関
- 肺炎レンサ球菌
- 英
- examination、test、testing、assessment、trial、exam、examine
- 関
- アセスメント、計測、検査、検定、試み、査定、試行、調べる、診断、治験、調査、テスト、判定、評価、検討、影響評価、実験デザイン、研究デザイン、データ品質、対応群、スコアリング法
- ショ糖溶血試験:(方法)等張ショ糖液に血液を加える。(検査)溶血の存在。低イオン強度では補体の赤血球に対する結合性が増し、発作性夜間血色素尿症 PNHにおいては溶血をきたす。スクリーニング検査として用いられ、確定診断のためにはハム試験を行う。
- ハム試験 Ham試験:(方法)洗浄赤血球に塩酸を加え、弱酸性(pH6.5-7.0)条件にする。(検査)溶血の存在。発作性夜間血色素尿症 PNHにおいては弱酸性条件で補体に対する感受性が亢進するため
- 立位フロセミド負荷試験:(投与)フロセミド、(検査)血漿レニン濃度:フロセミドでhypovolemicとし歩行負荷で交感神経を興奮させレニンの分泌を促す。原発性アルドステロン症の場合、レニン高値のまま無反応。
- 英
- capsule
- 関
- 抗体を介した貪食による (SMB.43)
- 抗体の産生には1週間ていどかかるらしい
- 補体は無効
- 補体が莢膜に接着しない
- 膜攻撃複合体が細胞膜に達しない
莢膜を有する病原体(First Aid 2006 p.137)
- if encapsulated bug is present, capsule swells when specific anticapsular antisera are added.
- 英
- swelling
- 関
- 腫大、腫脹、膨潤、膨張、隆起