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- 1. ペニシリンの皮膚試験penicillin skin testing [show details]
…allergen is introduced into the skin. Fatal anaphylaxis in response to testing has not been reported since modern skin testing methods have been in use . Skin testing can be safely performed in pregnant …
- 2. アレルギー疾患のための皮膚試験の概要overview of skin testing for allergic disease [show details]
…parameters for allergen skin testing . The material in this topic is consistent with, although not identical to, these publications. The primary advantages of skin testing over in vitro testing are : The results …
- 3. セファロスポリン即時過敏症:アレルギー評価、皮膚テスト、他のβラクタム抗生物質との交叉反応immediate cephalosporin hypersensitivity allergy evaluation skin testing and cross reactivity with other beta lactam antibiotics [show details]
…important to appreciate that cephalosporin skin testing has several limitations. Skin testing with cephalosporins is not as well-validated as penicillin skin testing for the following reasons: The allergenic …
- 4. 好酸球性食道炎におけるアレルギー検査allergy testing in eosinophilic esophagitis [show details]
… patients upon reintroduction . However, 13 of these patients were negative on skin testing to all foods tested, and skin testing only predicted 13 percent of causal foods in this series. In another series …
- 5. 即時型ペニシリンアレルギーの評価:皮膚反応試験に基づいた診断方法とその他のβ-ラクタム系抗菌薬との交差反応性試験allergy evaluation for immediate penicillin allergy skin test based diagnostic strategies and cross reactivity with other beta lactam antibiotics [show details]
… and children, penicillin sensitization was confirmed with skin testing, and patients were then skin tested to imipenem or meropenem. If skin testing to the carbapenem was negative, a challenge with that carbapenem …
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