- 関
- ablate、ablation、amputate、amputation、break、breakage、cleavage、contingency、divide、division、fractionate、fractionation、mince、parcellated、part、parted、partition、resolution、scission、sever、split、transection、truncate、truncation
- make by cutting into; "The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock"
- separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument; "cleave the bone" (同)split, rive
- (embryology) the repeated division of a fertilised ovum (同)segmentation
- the breaking of a chemical bond in a molecule resulting in smaller molecules
- the state of being split or cleft; "there was a cleavage between the liberal and conservative members"
- the act of cleaving or splitting
- the line formed by a groove between two parts (especially the separation between a womans breasts)
- a surgical removal of all or part of a limb
- a condition of disability resulting from the loss of one or more limbs
- prevent completion; "stop the project"; "break off the negotiations" (同)break off, discontinue, stop
- happen; "Report the news as it develops"; "These political movements recrudesce from time to time" (同)recrudesce, develop
- become separated into pieces or fragments; "The figurine broke"; "The freshly baked loaf fell apart" (同)separate, split up, fall_apart, come apart
- be broken in; "If the new teacher wont break, well add some stress"
- crack; of the male voice in puberty; "his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir"
- destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments; "He broke the glass plate"; "She broke the match"
- diminish or discontinue abruptly; "The patients fever broke last night"
- fall sharply; "stock prices broke"
- render inoperable or ineffective; "You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!"
- weaken or destroy in spirit or body; "His resistance was broken"; "a man broken by the terrible experience of near-death"
- vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity; "The flat plain was broken by tall mesas"
- (tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving; "he was up two breaks in the second set" (同)break of serve
- an escape from jail; "the breakout was carefully planned" (同)breakout, jailbreak, gaolbreak, prisonbreak, prison-breaking
- an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; "it was presented without commercial breaks"; "there was a gap in his account" (同)interruption, disruption, gap
- a sudden dash; "he made a break for the open door"
- the opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool
- an unexpected piece of good luck; "he finally got his big break" (同)good_luck, happy chance
- an abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion); "then there was a break in her voice"
- the occurrence of breaking; "the break in the dam threatened the valley"
- interrupt a continued activity; "She had broken with the traditional patterns" (同)break away
- break a piece from a whole; "break a branch from a tree" (同)break off, snap off
- move away or escape suddenly; "The horses broke from the stable"; "Three inmates broke jail"; "Nobody can break out--this prison is high security" (同)break_out, break away
- destroy the completeness of a set of related items; "The book dealer would not break the set" (同)break_up
- force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up; "break into tears"; "erupt in anger" (同)burst, erupt
- ruin completely; "He busted my radio!" (同)bust
- be released or become known; of news; "News of her death broke in the morning" (同)get_out, get_around
- go to pieces; "The lawn mower finally broke"; "The gears wore out"; "The old chair finally fell apart completely" (同)wear, wear_out, bust, fall_apart
- become punctured or penetrated; "The skin broke"
- cause the failure or ruin of; "His peccadilloes finally broke his marriage"; "This play will either make or break the playwright"
- cause to give up a habit; "She finally broke herself of smoking cigarettes"
- change directions suddenly
- change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another; "Her voice broke to a whisper when she started to talk about her children"
- come forth or begin from a state of latency; "The first winter storm broke over New York"
- come into being; "light broke over the horizon"; "Voices broke in the air"
- come to an end; "The heat wave finally broke yesterday"
- curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves; "The surf broke"
- emerge from the surface of a body of water; "The whales broke"
- exchange for smaller units of money; "I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy"
- find a flaw in; "break an alibi"; "break down a proof"
- find the solution or key to; "break the code"
- give up; "break cigarette smoking"
- happen or take place; "Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months"
- interrupt the flow of current in; "break a circuit"
- invalidate by judicial action; "The will was broken"
- make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or ones own by quitting or fleeing; "The ranks broke"
- make the opening shot that scatters the balls
- pierce or penetrate; "The blade broke her skin"
- scatter or part; "The clouds broke after the heavy downpour"
- separate from a clinch, in boxing; "The referee broke the boxers"
- undergo breaking; "The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages"
- something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"; "the animal constituent of plankton" (同)portion, component part, component, constituent
- something less than the whole of a human artifact; "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together" (同)portion
- a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions; "his part was right in the middle" (同)parting
- a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite" (同)piece
- one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBCs engineering division" (同)section, division
- the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "he tried to sing the tenor part" (同)voice
- that which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation; "it requires vigilance on our part"; "they resisted every effort on his part"
- (especially of wood) cut or ripped longitudinally with the grain; "we bought split logs for the fireplace"
- a bottle containing half the usual amount
- a promised or claimed share of loot or money; "he demanded his split before they disbanded"
- an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders equity; "they announced a two-for-one split of the common stock" (同)stock split, split up
- (tenpin bowling) a divided formation of pins left standing after the first bowl; "he was winning until he got a split in the tenth frame"
- extending the legs at right angles to the trunk (one in front and the other in back)
- a dessert of sliced fruit and ice cream covered with whipped cream and cherries and nuts
- a lengthwise crack in wood; "he inserted the wedge into a split in the log"
- the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart (同)partition, partitioning, segmentation, sectionalization, sectionalisation
- an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of multiplication; the quotient of two numbers is computed
- the act or process of dividing
- a unit of the United States Air Force usually comprising two or more wings (同)air division
- a group of ships of similar type (同)naval division
- discord that splits a group (同)variance
- (biology) a group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category
- (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum
- an administrative unit in government or business
- an army unit large enough to sustain combat; "two infantry divisions were held in reserve"
- (computer science) the number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display; the greater the resolution, the better the picture
- finding a solution to a problem (同)solving
- a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner; "he always wrote down his New Years resolutions"
- a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote (同)declaration, resolve
- analysis into clear-cut components (同)resolving
- (music) a dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chord
- the subsidence of swelling or other signs of inflammation (especially in a lung)
- a butchers knife having a large square blade (同)meat cleaver, chopper
- …'を'まっぷたつに割る,裂く / 〈人垣・やぶ・波など〉'を'かき分けて突き進む;〈道〉を'を'切り開く / (木目などに沿って)割れる,裂ける / 切り分けて突き進む
- 〈物が〉(…に)くっつく,固着する《+『to』+『名』》 / 《文》《古》(…への)忠誠を守る,(…を)固守する《+『to』+『名』》
- 割る(割れる)こと;割れ(裂け)目 / 卵割(受精卵の細胞分裂) / (鉱物の結晶の)劈開(へきかい) / 《話》(大きなえりぐりのドレスから見える)乳房の谷間
- (手足などの)切断[手術]
- …'を'『壊す』,割る,砕く;…'を'折る / …'を'擦りむく / …'を'『役に立たなくする』,壊す / (小さな物に)〈組になった物〉'を'分ける,ばらす,〈お金〉'を'くずす《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / 〈垣・へいなど〉'を'破って出る / 〈法律・規則・約束など〉'を'『破る』,犯す / 〈均整・秩序・配列など〉'を'破る,くずす;〈持続しているもの〉'を'中止する,妨げる / 〈記録〉'を'破る,更新する / (…に)…'を'打ち明ける,知らせる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / …'を'破産させる,倒産させる / 〈気力・抵抗など〉'を'くじく;〈力・効果・強度〉'を'弱める / (…に)…‘の'位を下げる,…'を'降等させる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈動物〉'を'ならす / 〈人〉‘の'(…の)癖を直す《+『名』〈人〉+『of』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈暗号など〉'を'解読する;〈事件・問題など〉を解決する,解く / 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》『壊れる』,砕ける,割れる;破れる,破裂する / ぷっつりと切れる;中断する,途切れる;《米》仕事を中断する / はずれる,離れる,分離する《+『off』(『away』)》 / 故障する,壊れる,動かなくなる / 突然始まる;突然変化する / 夜が明ける / 〈健康・気力などが〉衰える,弱る;〈心が〉悲しみに打ちひしがれる / 〈株・価格などが〉急落する,暴落する / 壊れた箇所,裂け目,割れ目 / 中断,途切れ;不和,仲たがい / 休憩時間,小休止 / 逃亡計画,脱獄 / (…に向かっての)突進 / 急な変化,顕著な変化 / 夜明け / 《話》運,機会
- 〈C〉(全体を構成する)『部分』 / 〈U〉《しばしばa~》(…の)『一部』,『一部分』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《割合》…分の1,(比率の)1 / 〈C〉(機械,器具などの)部品 / 〈C〉(仕事などの)『役目』,分担;関与 / 〈U〉(対立・契約などの)一方の側 / 〈C〉《おもに米》(頭髪の)分け目(《おもに英》parting) / 〈C〉《複数形で》地域,地方 / 〈C〉(演劇・影画・オペラなどの)『役』,役割り(role);(役の)せりふ / 〈C〉声部,音部,パート;パート譜 / (複数形で)才能,資質 / …‘を'二つに(部分に)分ける;(各部分に)‘を'分ける)《+『名』+『into』(『in』)+『名』》 / (…から)…を引き離す,分ける《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (二つ以上の部分に)『分かれる』 / 『別れる』 / (物を)手放す,処分する《+『with』+『名』〈物〉》 / 一部分は,部分的に,幾分
- …‘を'『縦に割る』,裂く / …‘を'分割する,ばらばらに分ける / 〈利益など〉‘を'『分配する』,分け合う;〈費用など〉‘を'分担する《+『up』+『名』,+『名』+『up』》 / 『割れる』,裂ける / 『壊れる』,砕ける,破裂する;(部分などに)分かれる,分裂する《+『up』》;(…と)けんかする《+『with』+『名』》 / (急いで)去る,帰る(leave);姿を消す / (…の)割れ(裂け)目;ひび《+『in』+『名』》 / 仲間割れ,分裂 / 分け前 / 《しばしば複数形で》(曲芸などの)大股(おおまた)開き / (ボーリングで)スプリット(残ったピンが離れていてスペア(spare)を取りにくい形になること) / 《話》(ソーダ・アルコール飲料などの)小びん / (縦に)裂けた,割れた / 分裂した,分割された
- 〈U〉分けること,『分割』,分離;『分配』 / 〈C〉(分割された)部分 / 〈U〉(意見・感情の相違による)分裂,不一致,不和 / 〈U〉割り算 / 〈C〉仕切り;境界線 / 〈C〉(官庁・会社の)『部門』;(大学の)学部 / 〈C〉《集合的に》(陸軍で)師団;(海軍で)分艦隊 / 〈C〉(英議会の)票決,採決
- 〈U〉『決心』(『決定』)すること;〈U〉『決意』,誓い / 〈C〉(集会・議会などの)『決議』,決議案 / 〈U〉強固な意志,不屈 / 〈U〉(問題などの)解決,解明,解答《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…の)分解,分析《+『of』+『名』》
- (特に肉屋の使う手おの型の)肉切り包丁
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/12/28 06:54:46」(JST)
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Look up cleave in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Cleave may refer to:
- Cleave (surname)
- Cleave (fiber), a controlled break in optical fiber
- RAF Cleave, was an airfield in the north of Cornwall, England, May 1939 - Nov 1945
See also
- Cleeve (disambiguation)
- Cleaves
- Van Cleave
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English Journal
- Effects of ultrasonic processing on caspase-3, calpain expression and myofibrillar structure of chicken during post-mortem ageing.
- Chen L1, Feng XC1, Zhang YY2, Liu XB1, Zhang WG3, Li CB3, Ullah N1, Xu XL3, Zhou GH4.
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- Chen YF1, Zhu Q2, Wu S3.
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Japanese Journal
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- , , [他], , , ,
- Journal of Reproduction and Development 61(1), 49-53, 2015
- … When Dynamin 2 activity was inhibited by Dynasore, embryos failed to cleave to the 2-cell or 4-cell stage. …
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- An Amphibian Acanthocephalan, Acanthocephalus lucidus (Echinorhynchida: Echinorhynchidae), Infecting a Fish, Salvelinus leucomaenis leucomaenis (Salmoniformes: Salmonidae)
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- Species diversity : an international journal for taxonomy, systematics, speciation, biogeography, and life history research of animals 19(2), 151-156, 2014-11-25
- … An adult male specimen of the amphibian acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus lucidus Van Cleave, 1925 was isolated from the intestine of a whitespotted char, Salvelinus leucomaenis leucomaenis (Pallas, 1814), collected from a stream in Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan. …
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- 関
- ablate、ablation、abolish、abort、amputate、amputation、breakage、cleavage、cleave、damage、destroy、destruction、discontinuance、discontinuation、discontinue、discontinuity、dismantle、disrupt、disruptant、disruption、interrupt、interruption、lesion、rupture、scission、sever、subversion、subvert、transection、truncate、truncation
- 関
- cleavage、cleave、contingency、disrupt、disruption、divide、division、fission、fractionate、fractionation、fragmentation、mince、parcellated、part、parted、partition、resolution
- array split ( string $pattern , string $string [, int $limit = -1 ] )
- split -b 512k target_file splited_file
- split -b 500m target_file splited_file
- ファイルを結合 → cat
- 関
- (vt.)ablate
- ablate、ablative、amputate、amputation、break、breakage、cauterization、cauterize、cautery、cleavage、cleave、disappear、disappearance、elimination、excise、excision、excisional、extirpation、regress、resect、resection、resective、scission、sever、transect、transection、truncate、truncation
- 関
- branch、class、cleavage、cleave、compartment、compartmental、contingency、department、disrupt、disruption、divide、fission、fractionate、fractionation、fragmentation、gate、mince、moiety、parcellated、part、parted、partial、partition、phyla、phylum、piece、portion、region、resolution、section、sector、split
- 関
- ameliorate、amelioration、cleavage、cleave、contingency、definition、divide、division、fractionate、fractionation、mince、parcellated、part、parted、partition、recover、recovery、recuperate、regain、resolve、resolving power、restitution、restoration、restore、return、reversal、settle、solution、solve、split、unravel
- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small noncleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small non-cleaved-cell lymphoma、small noncleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small non-cleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 関
- follicular large-cell lymphoma、follicular lymphoma、follicular mixed-cell lymphoma、nodular lymphoma