- 関
- ameliorate、amelioration、recover、recovery、regain、resolution、resolve、restitution、restoration、restore、return、reversal
- get over an illness or shock; "The patient is recuperating" (同)recover, convalesce
- restore to good health or strength
- getting something back again; "upon the restitution of the book to its rightful owner the child was given a tongue lashing" (同)return, restoration, regaining
- the act of restoring something to its original state
- submit (a report, etc.) to someone in authority; "submit a bill to a legislative body"
- the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property; "the average return was about 5%" (同)issue, take, takings, proceeds, yield, payoff
- a coming to or returning home; "on his return from Australia we gave him a welcoming party" (同)homecoming
- a reciprocal group action; "in return we gave them as good as we got" (同)paying back, getting even
- (American football) the act of running back the ball after a kickoff or punt or interception or fumble
- a tennis stroke that sends the ball back to the other player; "he won the point on a cross-court return"
- the act of going back to a prior location; "they set out on their return to the base camp"
- the occurrence of a change in direction back in the opposite direction (同)coming back
- bring back to the point of departure (同)take_back, bring back
- go or come back to place, condition, or activity where one has been before; "return to your native land"; "the professor returned to his teaching position after serving as Dean"
- make a return; "return a kickback"
- return in kind; "return a compliment"; "return her love"
- return to a previous position; in mathematics; "The point returned to the interior of the figure"
- (computer science) the number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display; the greater the resolution, the better the picture
- finding a solution to a problem (同)solving
- a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner; "he always wrote down his New Years resolutions"
- a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote (同)declaration, resolve
- analysis into clear-cut components (同)resolving
- (music) a dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chord
- the subsidence of swelling or other signs of inflammation (especially in a lung)
- make clearly visible; "can this image be resolved?"
- find the solution; "solve an equation"; "solve for x" (同)solve
- cover anew; "recover a chair"
- regain a former condition after a financial loss; "We expect the stocks to recover to $2.90"; "The company managed to recuperate" (同)go_back, recuperate
- regain or make up for; "recuperate ones losses" (同)recoup, recuperate
- get or find back; recover the use of; "She regained control of herself"; "She found her voice and replied quickly" (同)retrieve, find, regain
- give or bring back; "Restore the stolen painting to its rightful owner" (同)restitute
- return to its original or usable and functioning condition; "restore the forest to its original pristine condition" (同)reconstruct
- bring back into original existence, use, function, or position; "restore law and order"; "reestablish peace in the region"; "restore the emperor to the throne" (同)reinstate, reestablish
- 〈健康など〉‘を'回復する / 回復する,元気になる
- (拾得物・盗品などの)正当な持ち主への返還《+『to』+『名』》 / (与えた損害・損失・傷害などの)賠償,補償,弁償《+『of』+『名』》
- (…から元の場所・状態などに)『帰る』,戻る《+from+名+to+『名』》 / 再び起こる,再発する / (元の持ち主・場所・状態に)…‘を'『返す』,戻す《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (同じようなやり方で)(…に対して)…‘を'『お返しする』,…‘で'こたえる《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / …‘を'公式に報告する,答申する / 〈利子・利益など〉‘を'生む,生ずる / (国会議員などに)…‘を'選出する / 《しばしば引用節を従えて》…‘と'言葉を返す,返答する / 〈C〉(…から…べ)『帰って来ること』,帰還《+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…が)再び起ること(来ること);(病気の)再発《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…を)戻すこと,(…の)返却《+『fo』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…に対する)返礼,返報《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉公式の報告[書],答申,(所得の)申告 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》収入;利潤 / 《英》(国会議員などの)選挙 / 《米》『帰りの』;《英》往復の(《米》round・trip)) / 返しの,返報の
- 〈U〉『決心』(『決定』)すること;〈U〉『決意』,誓い / 〈C〉(集会・議会などの)『決議』,決議案 / 〈U〉強固な意志,不屈 / 〈U〉(問題などの)解決,解明,解答《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…の)分解,分析《+『of』+『名』》
- …‘を'『決心する』,『決意する』 / 〈問題・疑惑など〉‘を'『解決する』,解明する,解く / 〈議会などが〉…‘を'議決する,票決する / (構成要素に)…‘を'分解する《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / (…を)『決定する』,『決心する』《+『on』(『upon』,『against』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…に)『分解する』《+『into』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《文》強固な意志,分屈 / 〈C〉決心,決意
- …‘を'再びおおう;…‘を'張り替える
- 〈失ったもの〉‘を'『取り戻す』,『回復する』 / 〈損失など〉‘を'埋め合わせる / (…から)正常な状態に戻る,回復する《+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- (元の状態に)…‘を'復活させる,回復させる,復帰させる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (元の形に)〈美術品・建物など〉‘を'『修復する』,復元する《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈盗品など〉‘を'『返す』,返却する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/07/03 17:10:43」(JST)
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Look up recuperation in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Recuperation can refer to:
- Recuperation (recovery), a period of physical or mental recovery
- Recuperation (politics), a concept of cultural normalisation of radical ideas
- Convalescence, the gradual recovery of health
- Recuperation (electric vehicles), the process by which electric vehicles recharge their batteries through Regenerative braking when braking to decelerate or stop
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English Journal
- Day care versus in-patient surgery for age-related cataract.
- Lawrence D1, Fedorowicz Z, van Zuuren EJ.
- The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2015 Nov 2;11:CD004242. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004242.pub5.
- BACKGROUND: Age-related cataract accounts for more than 40% of cases of blindness in the world with the majority of people who are blind from cataract living in lower income countries. With the increased number of people with cataract, it is important to review the evidence on the effectiveness of d
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- Endometrial Cancer Surgery for Elderly Women-The Early Postoperative Period.
- Peled Y1, Aviram A, Perlman P, Krissi H, Ben-Haroush A, Levavi H, Sabah G, Eitan R.
- International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society.Int J Gynecol Cancer.2015 Nov;25(9):1652-5. doi: 10.1097/IGC.0000000000000545.
- OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the early postoperative period and assess whether elderly patients recuperate differently than do their younger counterparts after surgery for endometrial cancer.METHODS: This retrospective chart review comprised all women older than 75 years who under
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- Physiological, pharmacokinetic and liver metabolism comparisons between 3-, 6-, 12- and 18-month-old male Sprague Dawley rats under ketamine-xylazine anesthesia.
- Giroux MC1, Santamaria R, Hélie P, Burns P, Beaudry F, Vachon P.
- Experimental animals / Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science.Exp Anim.2015 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print]
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- Wang L1, Cao AL1, Chi YF2, Ju ZC3, Yin PH2, Zhang XM4, Peng W5.
- Journal of ethnopharmacology.J Ethnopharmacol.2015 Jul 1;169:229-38. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2015.04.037. Epub 2015 Apr 25.
- ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: You-gui Pill (YGP), a traditional Chinese medicinal prescription, was widely used to warm and recuperate "kidney-yang" clinically for hundreds of years in China. Recent studies found that YGP had a potential benefit for renoprotection.AIM OF THE STUDY: The present stu
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Japanese Journal
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- 北原 誠
- 日本ハンセン病学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of leprosy 80(3), 249-259, 2011-09-01
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- 北原 誠
- 日本ハンセン病学会雑誌 80(3), 249-259, 2011
- 群馬県の草津温泉には、明治以前より温泉の効能を慕ってハンセン病患者も湯治に訪れていた。明治2年(1869年)の大火に見舞われて壊滅的な打撃を受けた宿屋の主人達は、早期の復興を目指して諸病の湯治を目的とした誘客に力を入れ、温泉の効能を大々的に宣伝したため、多くのハンセン病患者が現在の湯畑周辺に長期滞在するようになり、復興のための入浴客誘致と相まって初期のハンセン病患者の集落が …
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- 日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 63(10), 851-854, 2010-10-01
- 痔核の外来手術で大切な事は,手術中における疼痛の軽減,術後疼痛や術後出血の軽減である.特に患者は病院を離れて療養しているため,もし大出血がおこった場合に止血処置が速やかに受けられないと最悪の事態を招くこともある.痔核治療の中でそれらのリスクを最も減らすことができるのは,ALTA療法―内痔核に注射をするだけで痔核が縮小する治療法である.治療後の疼痛は軽く,患者の約4割が鎮痛剤を必要としなかった.さら …
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- recuperate 【自動】 〔病気・けがなどから〕回復する、〔活力・元気などを〕取り戻す・The heart patient ...【発音】[US] rikúːpərèit | [UK] rikjúːpərèit【カナ】リクーパレイトゥ【変化】《動》recuperates | recuperating ...
- recuperateとは。意味や和訳。[動]((形式))1 自(けが・病気などから)回復[復調]する,元気になる≪from≫;他〈失った健康・元気などを〉取り戻す,〈人を〉健康[元気]にする2 自(経済的苦境などから)立ち直る,挽回する≪from ...
- recuperate definition: 1. to become well again after an illness; to get back your strength, health, etc.: 2. to become stronger and better again after an illness or injury: 3. to get back money that you have spent or invested: . Learn ...
Related Pictures

- 解決する、回復させる、分解する、分離する、消散する
- 関
- ameliorate、amelioration、breakdown、catabolize、catabolized、crack、decompose、decomposition、degradation、degrade、disassemble、disassembly、discrete、disintegrate、disintegration、disjunction、dissociate、isolate、isolation、recover、recovery、recuperate、regain、resolution、restitution、restoration、restore、return、reversal、segregate、segregation、separate、separation、settle、solution、solve、unravel
- 関
- ameliorate、amelioration、cleavage、cleave、contingency、definition、divide、division、fractionate、fractionation、mince、parcellated、part、parted、partition、recover、recovery、recuperate、regain、resolve、resolving power、restitution、restoration、restore、return、reversal、settle、solution、solve、split、unravel
- 英
- recovery、restoration、resolution、reversal、restitution、amelioration、recover、restore、return、regain、ameliorate、resolve、recuperate
- 関
- 解決、回収、回収率、解像度、寛解、帰還、逆転、再建、再建術、修復、反転、復旧、分解、分解能、分割、分離、戻る、戻す、返る、返す、消散、復活、取り戻す
- DNA修復
- 関
- ameliorate、amelioration、fix、fixation、reconstruct、reconstruction、recover、recovery、recuperate、reestablish、reestablishment、regain、repair、reparative、resolution、resolve、restitution、restore、retrieval、return、reversal、revival
- 関
- ameliorate、amelioration、fix、fixation、reconstruct、reconstruction、recover、recovery、recuperate、reestablish、reestablishment、regain、repair、reparative、resolution、resolve、restitution、restoration、retrieval、return、reversal