- an occasion for excessive eating or drinking; "they went on a bust that lasted three days" (同)tear, binge, bout
- a sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person
- large heavy-bodied chiefly terrestrial game bird capable of powerful swift flight; classified with wading birds but frequents grassy steppes
- (law) government activities seeking to dissolve corporate trusts and monopolies (especially under the United States antitrust laws)
- a federal agent who engages in trust busting
- send or move around by bus; "The children were bussed to school"
- remove used dishes from the table in restaurants
- a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport; "he always rode the bus to work" (同)autobus, coach, charabanc, double-decker, jitney, motorbus, motorcoach, omnibus, passenger vehicle
- a car that is old and unreliable; "the fenders had fallen off that old bus" (同)jalopy, heap
- ride in a bus
- 〈C〉半身像,胸像 / 〈U〉《遠回しに》(婦人の)胸部
- 'を'破裂させる,打ち壊す / …'を'なぐる,打つ / …'を'破産させる / 破裂する,壊れる / 破産する / 失敗,破産 / ぶんなぐり
- …'を'警察に連行する,逮捕する / …'を'家宅捜索する / 〈軍人〉‘の'階級を下げる
- 野ガン
- 内燃機関
- 『バス』 / …'を'バスで運ぶ / バスで行く
- (白人と黒人の児童の差別の廃止を目的とした)強制バス通学制度
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/07/05 13:21:54」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Bust may refer to:
- Bust (sculpture), a sculpture depicting a person's head and shoulders
- Bust (magazine), a feminist pop culture magazine
- Bust, Bas-Rhin, a city in north-eastern France
- Bust, a word for a woman's breasts
- Busted, a slang term for an arrest
- Boom and bust cycle in economics
- Going over 21 in blackjack
See also[edit]
- Busted (disambiguation)
- Busty
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English Journal
- Molecular Mechanisms Involved in the Response to Desiccation Stress and Persistence in Acinetobacter baumannii.
- Gayoso CM, Mateos J, Méndez JA, Fernández-Puente P, Rumbo C, Tomás M, Martínez de Ilarduya O, Bou G.Author information Microbiology Division, INIBIC-Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de la Coruña , Xubias s/n, 3a Planta Ed. Sur 15006 La Coruña, Spain.AbstractDesiccation tolerance contributes to the maintenance of bacterial populations in hospital settings and may partly explain its propensity to cause outbreaks. Identification and relative quantitation of proteins involved in bacterial desiccation tolerance was made using label-free quantitation and iTRAQ labeling. Under desiccating conditions, the population of the Acinetobacter baumannii clinical strain AbH12O-A2 decreased in the first week, and thereafter, a stable population of 0.5% of the original population was maintained. Using label-free quantitation and iTRAQ labeling, 727 and 765 proteins, respectively, were detected; 584 of them by both methods. Proteins overexpressed under desiccation included membrane and periplasmic proteins. Proteins associated with antimicrobial resistance, efflux pumps, and quorum quenching were overexpressed in the samples subjected to desiccation stress. Electron microscopy revealed clear morphological differences between desiccated and control bacteria. We conclude that A. baumannii is able to survive long periods of desiccation through the presence of cells in a dormant state, via mechanisms affecting control of cell cycling, DNA coiling, transcriptional and translational regulation, protein stabilization, antimicrobial resistance, and toxin synthesis, and that a few surviving cells embedded in a biofilm matrix are able to resume growth and restore the original population in appropriate environmental conditions following a "bust-and-boom" strategy.
- Journal of proteome research.J Proteome Res.2014 Feb 7;13(2):460-76. doi: 10.1021/pr400603f. Epub 2013 Dec 17.
- Desiccation tolerance contributes to the maintenance of bacterial populations in hospital settings and may partly explain its propensity to cause outbreaks. Identification and relative quantitation of proteins involved in bacterial desiccation tolerance was made using label-free quantitation and iTR
- PMID 24299215
- Host-specialist lineages dominate the adaptive radiation of reef coral endosymbionts.
- Thornhill DJ, Lewis AM, Wham DC, Lajeunesse TC.Author information Department of Conservation Science and Policy, Defenders of Wildlife, 1130 17th Street NW, Washington, DC, 20007.AbstractBursts in species diversification are well documented among animals and plants, yet few studies have assessed recent adaptive radiations of eukaryotic microbes. Consequently, we examined the radiation of the most ecologically dominant group of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates found in reef-building corals, Symbiodinium Clade C, using nuclear ribosomal (ITS2), chloroplast (psbA(ncr) ), and multilocus microsatellite genotyping. Through a hierarchical analysis of high-resolution genetic data, we assessed whether ecologically distinct Symbiodinium, differentiated by seemingly equivocal rDNA sequence differences, are independent species lineages. We also considered the role of host specificity in Symbiodinium speciation and the correspondence between endosymbiont diversification and Caribbean paleo-history. According to phylogenetic, biological, and ecological species concepts, Symbiodinium Clade C comprises many distinct species. Although regional factors contributed to population-genetic structuring of these lineages, Symbiodinium diversification was mainly driven by host specialization. By combining patterns of the endosymbiont's host specificity, water depth distribution, and phylogeography with paleo-historical signals of climate change, we inferred that present-day species diversity on Atlantic coral reefs stemmed mostly from a post-Miocene adaptive radiation. Host-generalist progenitors spread, specialized, and diversified during the ensuing epochs of prolonged global cooling and change in reef-faunal assemblages. Our evolutionary reconstruction thus suggests that Symbiodinium undergoes "boom and bust" phases in diversification and extinction during major climate shifts.
- Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.Evolution.2014 Feb;68(2):352-67. doi: 10.1111/evo.12270. Epub 2013 Oct 17.
- Bursts in species diversification are well documented among animals and plants, yet few studies have assessed recent adaptive radiations of eukaryotic microbes. Consequently, we examined the radiation of the most ecologically dominant group of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates found in reef-building cor
- PMID 24134732
- Nursing groups call for action to avoid a 'cycle of boom and bust'.
- [No authors listed]AbstractInternational nurse leaders have joined forces and called on politicians to boost nursing development and education at a global level.
- Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987).Nurs Stand.2014 Jan 29;28(22):13. doi: 10.7748/ns2014.
- International nurse leaders have joined forces and called on politicians to boost nursing development and education at a global level.
- PMID 24471601
- Neural basis of economic bubble behavior.
- Ogawa A1, Onozaki T2, Mizuno T3, Asamizuya T4, Ueno K4, Cheng K5, Iriki A6.Author information 1Laboratory for Symbolic Cognitive Development, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan. Electronic address: a.ogawa@hsantalucia.it.2Laboratory for Symbolic Cognitive Development, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan; Faculty of Economics, Rissho University, 4-2-16 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8602, Japan.3Laboratory for Symbolic Cognitive Development, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan; Information and Society Research Division, National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan.4Research Resources Center, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan.5Research Resources Center, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan; Laboratory for Cognitive Brain Mapping, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan.6Laboratory for Symbolic Cognitive Development, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan. Electronic address: iriki@brain.riken.jp.AbstractThroughout human history, economic bubbles have formed and burst. As a bubble grows, microeconomic behavior ceases to be constrained by realistic predictions. This contradicts the basic assumption of economics that agents have rational expectations. To examine the neural basis of behavior during bubbles, we performed functional magnetic resonance imaging while participants traded shares in a virtual stock exchange with two non-bubble stocks and one bubble stock. The price was largely deflected from the fair price in one of the non-bubble stocks, but not in the other. Their fair prices were specified. The price of the bubble stock showed a large increase and battering, as based on a real stock-market bust. The imaging results revealed modulation of the brain circuits that regulate trade behavior under different market conditions. The premotor cortex was activated only under a market condition in which the price was largely deflected from the fair price specified. During the bubble, brain regions associated with the cognitive processing that supports order decisions were identified. The asset preference that might bias the decision was associated with the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). The activity of the inferior parietal lobule (IPL) was correlated with the score of future time perspective, which would bias the estimation of future price. These regions were deemed to form a distinctive network during the bubble. A functional connectivity analysis showed that the connectivity between the DLPFC and the IPL was predominant compared with other connectivities only during the bubble. These findings indicate that uncertain and unstable market conditions changed brain modes in traders. These brain mechanisms might lead to a loss of control caused by wishful thinking, and to microeconomic bubbles that expand, on the macroscopic scale, towards bust.
- Neuroscience.Neuroscience.2014 Jan 24. pii: S0306-4522(14)00042-6. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2014.01.029. [Epub ahead of print]
- Throughout human history, economic bubbles have formed and burst. As a bubble grows, microeconomic behavior ceases to be constrained by realistic predictions. This contradicts the basic assumption of economics that agents have rational expectations. To examine the neural basis of behavior during bub
- PMID 24468106
Japanese Journal
- レンブラント《ホメロスの胸像に手を置くアリストテレス》における主題の分析 : 触覚に対する画家の関心をめぐって
- Smooth Transition Realized Stochastic Volatilityモデル(<特集>経済分析と構造変化)
- 21aSB-1 Hilbert-Huang Transformを用いたバースト重力波のlow-latency探索システムの構築(21aSB 重力波(KAGRA,DECIGO,TOBA,検出器),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 大原 謙一,金山 雅人,高橋 弘毅,若松 剛司,平沼 悠太,Camp Jordan B.
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 69(2-1), 48, 2014-08-22
- NAID 110009873472
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