- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small non-cleaved-cell lymphoma、small noncleaved-cell lymphoma
- not differentiated (同)uniform
- a neoplasm of lymph tissue that is usually malignant; one of the four major types of cancer
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English Journal
- Serologic markers of viral infection and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: A pooled study of three prospective cohorts in China and Singapore.
- Bassig BA1, Willhauck-Fleckenstein M2, Shu XO3, Koh WP4,5, Gao YT6, Purdue MP1, Xiang YB7, Adams-Haduch J8, Wang R8, Brenner N2, Waterboer T2, Michel A2, Ji BT1, Hosgood HD9, Rabkin CS1, Yang G3, Wong JYY1, Zhang J1, Hu W1, Seow WJ5,10, Chow WH11, Pawlita M2, Zheng W3, Yuan JM8,12, Lan Q1, Rothman N1.
- International journal of cancer.Int J Cancer.2018 Aug 1;143(3):570-579. doi: 10.1002/ijc.31385. Epub 2018 Apr 6.
- PMID 29574937
- Alcohol consumption and risk of hematological malignancies: A meta-analysis of prospective studies.
- Psaltopoulou T1, Sergentanis TN1, Ntanasis-Stathopoulos I2, Tzanninis IG1, Tsilimigras DI1, Dimopoulos MA2.
- International journal of cancer.Int J Cancer.2018 Aug 1;143(3):486-495. doi: 10.1002/ijc.31330. Epub 2018 Mar 30.
- PMID 29460427
- NHL in adolescents and young adults: A unique population.
- Hochberg J1, Flower A1,2, Brugieres L3, Cairo MS1,2,4,5,6.
- Pediatric blood & cancer.Pediatr Blood Cancer.2018 Aug;65(8):e27073. doi: 10.1002/pbc.27073. Epub 2018 May 9.
- PMID 29741220
- Crizotinib induces apoptosis and gene expression changes in ALK+ anaplastic large cell lymphoma cell lines; brentuximab synergizes and doxorubicin antagonizes.
- Hudson S1, Wang D2, Middleton F3, Nevaldine BH1, Naous R4, Hutchison RE4.
- Pediatric blood & cancer.Pediatr Blood Cancer.2018 Aug;65(8):e27094. doi: 10.1002/pbc.27094. Epub 2018 Apr 26.
- PMID 29697184
Japanese Journal
- Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg 様細胞を伴った甲状腺の濾胞辺縁帯B細胞リンパ腫の1例
- 土田 秀,小島 勝,田端 里美,神山 晴美,中里 宜正,飯島 美砂,杉原 志朗,正和 信英
- 日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 50(5), 279-282, 2011-09-22
- 背景 : B 細胞性小細胞性リンパ腫のような低悪性度 B リンパ腫の腫瘍細胞の一部に Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) が感染することで, ホジキンリンパ腫との複合リンパ腫類似の組織像を呈することが知られている. 今回, ホジキンリンパ腫類似の細胞所見を呈した, 甲状腺の濾胞辺縁帯 B 細胞リンパ腫の 1 例を経験したので報告する.症例 : 83 歳, 女性. 前頸部腫脹を主訴に当 …
- NAID 10029460105
- NBI拡大観察が胃癌との鑑別に有用であった胃MALTリンパ腫の1例
- 野中 康一,中尾 将光,石川 恵子,清水 道生,桜井 孝規,落合 康利,外川 修,西村 誠,新井 晋,佐々木 裕,喜多 宏人
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy 53(9), 3028-3033, 2011-09-20
- 症例は65歳女性.近医のスクリーニング上部内視鏡で前庭部大彎に陥凹性病変を指摘され未分化癌が疑われた.2度の内視鏡検査で複数個の生検が施行されたが,明らかな癌細胞やリンパ腫細胞は認めなかった.当院紹介後の内視鏡検査で通常観察で認識しうる陥凹よりも離れた後壁側をNBI観察施行したところ,特徴的な所見を認めたため同部位を生検.MALTリンパ腫の診断に至った.胃癌との鑑別にNBI観察が有用であった一例を …
- NAID 10029837358
- 検討症例 甲状腺未分化癌との鑑別が困難であった悪性リンパ腫の1例
- 壁外性に腫瘤を形成し胃・小腸浸潤を示した横行結腸癌の1例
- 濱野 亮輔,大塚 眞哉,木村 裕司,西江 学,徳永 尚之,宮宗 秀明,常光 洋輔,稲垣 優,岩川 和秀,岩垣 博巳
- 岡山医学会雑誌 122(3), 231-236, 2010-12-01
- … The histologic findings of the biopsy material were poorly differentiated and/or undifferentiated cells. … We performed an operation under a diagnosis of extramurally growing cancer or malignant lymphoma of the colon. …
- NAID 120002695925
Related Links
- lymphoma /lym·pho·ma/ (lim-fo´mah) any neoplastic disorder of lymphoid tissue. Often used to denote malignant l., classifications of which are based on predominant cell type and degree of differentiation; various categories may be ...
- lymphoma, a cancer of the tissue of the lymphatic system lymphatic system, network of vessels carrying lymph, or tissue-cleansing fluid, from the tissues into the veins of the circulatory system. The lymphatic system functions along ...
- lym·pho·ma (lĭm-fō′mə) n. pl. lym·pho·ma·ta (-mə-tə) or lym·pho·mas Any of various usually malignant tumors that arise in the lymph nodes or in other lymphoid tissue. lym·pho′ma·toid′, lym·pho′ma·tous (-təs) adj. lymphoma (lɪmˈfəʊmə
- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small noncleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small non-cleaved-cell lymphoma、small noncleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small non-cleaved-cell lymphoma、small noncleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small non-cleaved-cell lymphoma、small noncleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small non-cleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 関
- anaplastic