- 関
- allocation、cleavage、cleave、contingency、deal、dispense、distribute、distribution、divide、division、fractionate、fractionation、mince、parcellated、part、parted、resolution、split
- divide into parts, pieces, or sections; "The Arab peninsula was partitioned by the British" (同)partition off
- separate or apportion into sections; "partition a room off" (同)zone
- (computer science) the part of a hard disk that is dedicated to a particular operating system or application and accessed as a single unit
- a vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another) (同)divider
- (anatomy) a structure that separates areas in an organism
- something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"; "the animal constituent of plankton" (同)portion, component part, component, constituent
- something less than the whole of a human artifact; "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together" (同)portion
- a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions; "his part was right in the middle" (同)parting
- a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite" (同)piece
- one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBCs engineering division" (同)section, division
- the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "he tried to sing the tenor part" (同)voice
- that which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation; "it requires vigilance on our part"; "they resisted every effort on his part"
- (especially of wood) cut or ripped longitudinally with the grain; "we bought split logs for the fireplace"
- a bottle containing half the usual amount
- a promised or claimed share of loot or money; "he demanded his split before they disbanded"
- an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders equity; "they announced a two-for-one split of the common stock" (同)stock split, split up
- (tenpin bowling) a divided formation of pins left standing after the first bowl; "he was winning until he got a split in the tenth frame"
- extending the legs at right angles to the trunk (one in front and the other in back)
- a dessert of sliced fruit and ice cream covered with whipped cream and cherries and nuts
- a lengthwise crack in wood; "he inserted the wedge into a split in the log"
- take action with respect to (someone or something); "How are we going to deal with this problem?"; "The teacher knew how to deal with these lazy students"
- a plank of softwood (fir or pine board)
- a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "hes a master of the business deal" (同)trade, business deal
- the act of apportioning or distributing something; "the captain was entrusted with the deal of provisions"
- the act of distributing playing cards; "the deal was passed around the table clockwise"
- the type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement); "he got a good deal on his car"
- do business; offer for sale as for ones livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes" (同)sell, trade
- behave in a certain way towards others; "He deals fairly with his employees"
- distribute cards to the players in a game; "Whos dealing?"
- give (a specific card) to a player; "He dealt me the Queen of Spades"
- sell; "deal hashish"
- the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart (同)partition, partitioning, segmentation, sectionalization, sectionalisation
- an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of multiplication; the quotient of two numbers is computed
- the act or process of dividing
- a unit of the United States Air Force usually comprising two or more wings (同)air division
- a group of ships of similar type (同)naval division
- discord that splits a group (同)variance
- (biology) a group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category
- (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum
- an administrative unit in government or business
- an army unit large enough to sustain combat; "two infantry divisions were held in reserve"
- (computer science) the number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display; the greater the resolution, the better the picture
- finding a solution to a problem (同)solving
- a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner; "he always wrote down his New Years resolutions"
- a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote (同)declaration, resolve
- analysis into clear-cut components (同)resolving
- (music) a dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chord
- the subsidence of swelling or other signs of inflammation (especially in a lung)
- 〈U〉(‥の)分割,区分《+『of』麥『名』》 / 〈C〉(分割された)部分 / 〈C〉仕切り壁 / (…に)…‘を'分割する,分配する《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / …‘を'仕切る,区切る《+『off』+『名,』+『名』+『off』》
- 〈C〉(全体を構成する)『部分』 / 〈U〉《しばしばa~》(…の)『一部』,『一部分』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《割合》…分の1,(比率の)1 / 〈C〉(機械,器具などの)部品 / 〈C〉(仕事などの)『役目』,分担;関与 / 〈U〉(対立・契約などの)一方の側 / 〈C〉《おもに米》(頭髪の)分け目(《おもに英》parting) / 〈C〉《複数形で》地域,地方 / 〈C〉(演劇・影画・オペラなどの)『役』,役割り(role);(役の)せりふ / 〈C〉声部,音部,パート;パート譜 / (複数形で)才能,資質 / …‘を'二つに(部分に)分ける;(各部分に)‘を'分ける)《+『名』+『into』(『in』)+『名』》 / (…から)…を引き離す,分ける《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (二つ以上の部分に)『分かれる』 / 『別れる』 / (物を)手放す,処分する《+『with』+『名』〈物〉》 / 一部分は,部分的に,幾分
- …‘を'『縦に割る』,裂く / …‘を'分割する,ばらばらに分ける / 〈利益など〉‘を'『分配する』,分け合う;〈費用など〉‘を'分担する《+『up』+『名』,+『名』+『up』》 / 『割れる』,裂ける / 『壊れる』,砕ける,破裂する;(部分などに)分かれる,分裂する《+『up』》;(…と)けんかする《+『with』+『名』》 / (急いで)去る,帰る(leave);姿を消す / (…の)割れ(裂け)目;ひび《+『in』+『名』》 / 仲間割れ,分裂 / 分け前 / 《しばしば複数形で》(曲芸などの)大股(おおまた)開き / (ボーリングで)スプリット(残ったピンが離れていてスペア(spare)を取りにくい形になること) / 《話》(ソーダ・アルコール飲料などの)小びん / (縦に)裂けた,割れた / 分裂した,分割された
- …'を'『分配する』,分ける / 《『deal』+『名』+『名』=『deal』+『名』+『at』(『to』)+『名』》〈打撃・仕打ちなど〉'を'…‘に'『加える』 / 〈U〉取引き / 〈C〉(取引きなどの)妥協,協定 / 〈C〉カードゲームの札の配分 / 《D-》政策(policy) / 《a~》《話》取扱い,待遇
- モミ材,松材
- 〈U〉分けること,『分割』,分離;『分配』 / 〈C〉(分割された)部分 / 〈U〉(意見・感情の相違による)分裂,不一致,不和 / 〈U〉割り算 / 〈C〉仕切り;境界線 / 〈C〉(官庁・会社の)『部門』;(大学の)学部 / 〈C〉《集合的に》(陸軍で)師団;(海軍で)分艦隊 / 〈C〉(英議会の)票決,採決
- 〈U〉『決心』(『決定』)すること;〈U〉『決意』,誓い / 〈C〉(集会・議会などの)『決議』,決議案 / 〈U〉強固な意志,不屈 / 〈U〉(問題などの)解決,解明,解答《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…の)分解,分析《+『of』+『名』》
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Partition may refer to:
- 1 Computing
- 2 Mathematics
- 3 Natural science
- 4 Other uses
- 5 See also
Computing[edit source | edit]
- Partition (database), the division of a database
- Disk partitioning, the division of a hard disk drive
- Logical partition (virtual computing platform) (LPAR), a subset of a computer's resources, virtualized as a separate computer
- Memory partition, a subdivision of a computer's memory, usually for use by a single job
- Binary space partitioning
Mathematics[edit source | edit]
- Partition (number theory), a way to write a number as a sum of other numbers
- Multiplicative partition, a way to write a number as a product of other numbers
- Partition of an interval
- Partition of a set
- Partition of unity, a certain kind of set of functions on a topological space
- Partition problem, an NP-complete problem in computer science
Natural science[edit source | edit]
- Partition function (quantum field theory)
- Partition function (statistical mechanics)
- Partition coefficient, a concept in organic chemistry
Other uses[edit source | edit]
- Partition (law), the division of an estate
- Partition (music)
- Partition (politics), a change of political borders
- Partition (1987 film)
- Partition (2007 film)
- Partition of India
- Partition of Quebec
- Partition of Yugoslavia
- Partition of Belgium
- Partition of Kosovo
- Folding screen, a piece of furniture
- Ljubljanica Sluice Gate, also named Pregrada
See also[edit source | edit]
- All pages beginning with "Partition"
- All pages with titles containing "Partition"
- Part (disambiguation)
- Section (disambiguation)
- Compartment (disambiguation)
- Divider (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Metabolic profiling of antioxidants constituents in Artemisia selengensis leaves.
- Zhang L1, Tu ZC2, Wang H3, Fu ZF1, Wen QH1, Fan D1.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Nov 1;186:123-32. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.03.068. Epub 2015 Mar 26.
- This study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant potential of Artemisia selengensis Turcz (AST) leaves, a byproduct when processing AST stalk, and identify the antioxidant constituents by using HPLC-QTOF-MS(2). The total phenolics content (TPC), total flavonoids content (TFC) and antioxidant abilities o
- PMID 25976801
- Synthesis and application of cephalexin imprinted polymer for solid phase extraction in milk.
- Lata K1, Sharma R2, Naik L1, Rajput YS3, Mann B1.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Oct 1;184:176-82. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.03.101. Epub 2015 Mar 28.
- Molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) against cephalexin was synthesized by co-polymerization of functional monomer, cross-linker, radical initiator, along with target molecule (cephalexin) in a porogenic material. Binding of cephalexin towards prepared MIP was studied in different solvents (water, meth
- PMID 25872441
- Development of "ultrasound-assisted dynamic extraction" and its combination with CCC and CPC for simultaneous extraction and isolation of phytochemicals.
- Zhang Y1, Liu C2, Li J3, Qi Y1, Li Y4, Li S1.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2015 Sep;26:111-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2015.02.017. Epub 2015 Mar 6.
- A new method for the extraction of medicinal herbs termed ultrasonic-assisted dynamic extraction (UADE) was designed and evaluated. This technique was coupled with counter-current chromatography (CCC) and centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) and then applied to the continuous extraction and on
- PMID 25771331
- Sorption of 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol by suberin from cork.
- Gallardo-Chacón JJ1, Karbowiak T2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Aug 15;181:222-6. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.02.102. Epub 2015 Feb 26.
- Cork shows an active role in the sorption of volatile phenols from wine. The sorption properties of 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol phenols in hydro-alcoholic medium placed in contact with suberin extracted from cork were especially investigated. To that purpose, suberin was immersed in model wine
- PMID 25794743
Japanese Journal
- Construction of a stable plasmid vector for industrial production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) by a recombinant Cupriavidus necator H16 strain
- Sato Shunsuke,Fujiki Tetsuya,Matsumoto Keiji
- Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 116(6), 677-681, 2013-12
- NAID 40019929663
- 界面前進凍結濃縮法における氷相への溶質取り込み機構について
- 巡回アルゴリズムの効率を考慮したマルチロボット巡回清掃の領域分割法の提案 (人工知能と知識処理)
- 加藤 千紘,菅原 俊治
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 113(332), 71-76, 2013-11-28
- NAID 40019911605
- 数値的なシミュレーションを用いたCAP定理の検証と対応する分散システムの条件の検討
- 尾形 篤史,木村 昌臣
- 情報処理学会研究報告. データベース・システム研究会報告 2013-DBS-158(7), 1-6, 2013-11-19
- CAP 定理は,2000 年に Eric A. Brewer が提唱した定理である.CAP 定理では,分散システムが持つべき 3 つの性質 (一貫性・可用性・分断耐性) のうち,少なくとも 2 つしか同時に満たせないと述べている.2002 年に Seth Gilbert と Nancy Lynch が CAP 定理の証明を可用性が常に成り立つという前提で行った.しかし証明では CAP 定理の各性質 …
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- Windows上からGUIで自在にパーティションを編集できるソフト。本ソフトを利用すると、ドライブ内のデータを破壊することなくパーティションの作成・削除・サイズ変更などが可能。 パーティション編集ソフトには、一度CD-Rにソフトを ...
- パーティション管理ソフト Paragon Partition Manager 11の製品情報ページ。Paragon Partition Manager 11は、信頼と実績で高い評価を得ているParagon 社の先進技術を使った Windows PC 用のパーティション管理ソフトです。
- パーティションを、リサイズ / 削除 / 作成 / フォーマット / コピー / 復元 したりすることができるソフト「Partition Wizard Home Edition」
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- 関
- cleavage、cleave、contingency、disrupt、disruption、divide、division、fission、fractionate、fractionation、fragmentation、mince、parcellated、part、parted、partition、resolution
- array split ( string $pattern , string $string [, int $limit = -1 ] )
- split -b 512k target_file splited_file
- split -b 500m target_file splited_file
- ファイルを結合 → cat
- 関
- branch、class、cleavage、cleave、compartment、compartmental、contingency、department、disrupt、disruption、divide、fission、fractionate、fractionation、fragmentation、gate、mince、moiety、parcellated、part、parted、partial、partition、phyla、phylum、piece、portion、region、resolution、section、sector、split
- 関
- ameliorate、amelioration、cleavage、cleave、contingency、definition、divide、division、fractionate、fractionation、mince、parcellated、part、parted、partition、recover、recovery、recuperate、regain、resolve、resolving power、restitution、restoration、restore、return、reversal、settle、solution、solve、split、unravel
- 関
- ablate、ablation、amputate、amputation、break、breakage、cleavage、contingency、divide、division、fractionate、fractionation、mince、parcellated、part、parted、partition、resolution、scission、sever、split、transection、truncate、truncation
- 関
- borderline、cleavage、cleave、contingency、disrupt、disruption、division、fission、fractionate、fractionation、fragmentation、mince、parcellated、part、parted、partition、resolution、separate、split
- 関
- distribution coefficient