- the act of causing disorder (同)perturbation
- prevent completion; "stop the project"; "break off the negotiations" (同)break off, discontinue, stop
- happen; "Report the news as it develops"; "These political movements recrudesce from time to time" (同)recrudesce, develop
- become separated into pieces or fragments; "The figurine broke"; "The freshly baked loaf fell apart" (同)separate, split up, fall_apart, come apart
- be broken in; "If the new teacher wont break, well add some stress"
- crack; of the male voice in puberty; "his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir"
- destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments; "He broke the glass plate"; "She broke the match"
- diminish or discontinue abruptly; "The patients fever broke last night"
- fall sharply; "stock prices broke"
- render inoperable or ineffective; "You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!"
- weaken or destroy in spirit or body; "His resistance was broken"; "a man broken by the terrible experience of near-death"
- vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity; "The flat plain was broken by tall mesas"
- (tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving; "he was up two breaks in the second set" (同)break of serve
- an escape from jail; "the breakout was carefully planned" (同)breakout, jailbreak, gaolbreak, prisonbreak, prison-breaking
- an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; "it was presented without commercial breaks"; "there was a gap in his account" (同)interruption, disruption, gap
- a sudden dash; "he made a break for the open door"
- the opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool
- an unexpected piece of good luck; "he finally got his big break" (同)good_luck, happy chance
- an abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion); "then there was a break in her voice"
- the occurrence of breaking; "the break in the dam threatened the valley"
- interrupt a continued activity; "She had broken with the traditional patterns" (同)break away
- break a piece from a whole; "break a branch from a tree" (同)break off, snap off
- move away or escape suddenly; "The horses broke from the stable"; "Three inmates broke jail"; "Nobody can break out--this prison is high security" (同)break_out, break away
- destroy the completeness of a set of related items; "The book dealer would not break the set" (同)break_up
- force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up; "break into tears"; "erupt in anger" (同)burst, erupt
- ruin completely; "He busted my radio!" (同)bust
- be released or become known; of news; "News of her death broke in the morning" (同)get_out, get_around
- go to pieces; "The lawn mower finally broke"; "The gears wore out"; "The old chair finally fell apart completely" (同)wear, wear_out, bust, fall_apart
- become punctured or penetrated; "The skin broke"
- cause the failure or ruin of; "His peccadilloes finally broke his marriage"; "This play will either make or break the playwright"
- cause to give up a habit; "She finally broke herself of smoking cigarettes"
- change directions suddenly
- change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another; "Her voice broke to a whisper when she started to talk about her children"
- come forth or begin from a state of latency; "The first winter storm broke over New York"
- come into being; "light broke over the horizon"; "Voices broke in the air"
- come to an end; "The heat wave finally broke yesterday"
- curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves; "The surf broke"
- emerge from the surface of a body of water; "The whales broke"
- exchange for smaller units of money; "I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy"
- find a flaw in; "break an alibi"; "break down a proof"
- find the solution or key to; "break the code"
- give up; "break cigarette smoking"
- happen or take place; "Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months"
- interrupt the flow of current in; "break a circuit"
- invalidate by judicial action; "The will was broken"
- make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or ones own by quitting or fleeing; "The ranks broke"
- make the opening shot that scatters the balls
- pierce or penetrate; "The blade broke her skin"
- scatter or part; "The clouds broke after the heavy downpour"
- separate from a clinch, in boxing; "The referee broke the boxers"
- undergo breaking; "The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages"
- (especially of wood) cut or ripped longitudinally with the grain; "we bought split logs for the fireplace"
- a bottle containing half the usual amount
- a promised or claimed share of loot or money; "he demanded his split before they disbanded"
- an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders equity; "they announced a two-for-one split of the common stock" (同)stock split, split up
- (tenpin bowling) a divided formation of pins left standing after the first bowl; "he was winning until he got a split in the tenth frame"
- extending the legs at right angles to the trunk (one in front and the other in back)
- a dessert of sliced fruit and ice cream covered with whipped cream and cherries and nuts
- a lengthwise crack in wood; "he inserted the wedge into a split in the log"
- fold or close up; "fold up your umbrella"; "collapse the music stand"
- an abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion; "the commanders prostration demoralized his men" (同)prostration
- lose significance, effectiveness, or value; "The school system is collapsing"; "The stock market collapsed"
- a natural event caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in; "the roof is in danger of collapse"; "the collapse of the old star under its own gravity"
- cause to burst; "The ice broke the pipe" (同)burst
- break down, literally or metaphorically; "The wall collapsed"; "The business collapsed"; "The dam broke"; "The roof collapsed"; "The wall gave in"; "The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice" (同)fall_in, cave_in, give, give_way, break, founder
- used of an unexpected defeat of a team favored to win; "the Bills upset victory over the Houston Oilers"
- the act of disturbing the mind or body; "his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset"; "she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living" (同)derangement, overthrow
- the act of upsetting something; "he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed" (同)overturn, turnover
- a tool used to thicken or spread metal (the end of a bar or a rivet etc.) by forging or hammering or swaging (同)swage
- cause to lose ones composure (同)discompose, untune, disconcert, discomfit
- defeat suddenly and unexpectedly; "The foreign team upset the local team"
- disturb the balance or stability of; "The hostile talks upset the peaceful relations between the two countries"
- mildly physically distressed; "an upset stomach"
- the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart (同)partition, partitioning, segmentation, sectionalization, sectionalisation
- an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of multiplication; the quotient of two numbers is computed
- the act or process of dividing
- a unit of the United States Air Force usually comprising two or more wings (同)air division
- a group of ships of similar type (同)naval division
- discord that splits a group (同)variance
- (biology) a group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category
- (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum
- an administrative unit in government or business
- an army unit large enough to sustain combat; "two infantry divisions were held in reserve"
- 混乱,中断,分裂,崩壊[状態]
- …'を'『壊す』,割る,砕く;…'を'折る / …'を'擦りむく / …'を'『役に立たなくする』,壊す / (小さな物に)〈組になった物〉'を'分ける,ばらす,〈お金〉'を'くずす《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / 〈垣・へいなど〉'を'破って出る / 〈法律・規則・約束など〉'を'『破る』,犯す / 〈均整・秩序・配列など〉'を'破る,くずす;〈持続しているもの〉'を'中止する,妨げる / 〈記録〉'を'破る,更新する / (…に)…'を'打ち明ける,知らせる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / …'を'破産させる,倒産させる / 〈気力・抵抗など〉'を'くじく;〈力・効果・強度〉'を'弱める / (…に)…‘の'位を下げる,…'を'降等させる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈動物〉'を'ならす / 〈人〉‘の'(…の)癖を直す《+『名』〈人〉+『of』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈暗号など〉'を'解読する;〈事件・問題など〉を解決する,解く / 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》『壊れる』,砕ける,割れる;破れる,破裂する / ぷっつりと切れる;中断する,途切れる;《米》仕事を中断する / はずれる,離れる,分離する《+『off』(『away』)》 / 故障する,壊れる,動かなくなる / 突然始まる;突然変化する / 夜が明ける / 〈健康・気力などが〉衰える,弱る;〈心が〉悲しみに打ちひしがれる / 〈株・価格などが〉急落する,暴落する / 壊れた箇所,裂け目,割れ目 / 中断,途切れ;不和,仲たがい / 休憩時間,小休止 / 逃亡計画,脱獄 / (…に向かっての)突進 / 急な変化,顕著な変化 / 夜明け / 《話》運,機会
- …‘を'『縦に割る』,裂く / …‘を'分割する,ばらばらに分ける / 〈利益など〉‘を'『分配する』,分け合う;〈費用など〉‘を'分担する《+『up』+『名』,+『名』+『up』》 / 『割れる』,裂ける / 『壊れる』,砕ける,破裂する;(部分などに)分かれる,分裂する《+『up』》;(…と)けんかする《+『with』+『名』》 / (急いで)去る,帰る(leave);姿を消す / (…の)割れ(裂け)目;ひび《+『in』+『名』》 / 仲間割れ,分裂 / 分け前 / 《しばしば複数形で》(曲芸などの)大股(おおまた)開き / (ボーリングで)スプリット(残ったピンが離れていてスペア(spare)を取りにくい形になること) / 《話》(ソーダ・アルコール飲料などの)小びん / (縦に)裂けた,割れた / 分裂した,分割された
- 〈家・いすなどが〉『つぶれる』,陥没する / 〈人が〉『倒れる』,〈健康などが〉急に衰える,虚脱状態になる / 〈計画・希望などが〉つぶれる,だめになる / 〈いす・机などが〉折り畳める / 〈計画・運動など〉'を'つぶす,崩壊させる / 〈いす・机など〉'を'折り畳む / (建造物などの)『崩壊』,陥没,倒壊《+『of』+『名』》 / (健康などの)急激な衰弱,(気力などの)衰え《+『of』+『名』》 / (希望・計画・事業などの)挫折,失敗,崩壊《+『of』+『名』》
- 『…‘を'ひっくり返す』,転覆させる / 〈計画など〉‘を'『だめにする』,だいなしにする,狂わす / 〈人〉‘の'『心お乱す』,'を'ろうばいさせる / 〈体など〉‘の'調子お狂わせる / 《米》(競技などで)〈相手〉'を'思いがけなく負かす / ひっくり返った / (計画などが)だいなしの,狂った / 《捕語にのみ用いて》(精神的に)混乱した,ろうばいした / (体などの)調子がおかしくなった / 〈U〉〈C〉『転倒』,転落 / 〈C〉(計画.心などの)『混乱』,乱れ;(体の)不調 / 〈C〉《話》けんか / 〈C〉《米》(競技などでの)番狂わせ
- 〈U〉分けること,『分割』,分離;『分配』 / 〈C〉(分割された)部分 / 〈U〉(意見・感情の相違による)分裂,不一致,不和 / 〈U〉割り算 / 〈C〉仕切り;境界線 / 〈C〉(官庁・会社の)『部門』;(大学の)学部 / 〈C〉《集合的に》(陸軍で)師団;(海軍で)分艦隊 / 〈C〉(英議会の)票決,採決
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/08/21 06:04:58」(JST)
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For disruptive editing on Wikipedia, see Disruptive editing.
Look up disruption or disruptive in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Disruption or Disruptive may refer to:
- Cell disruption is a method or process in cell biology for releasing biological molecules from inside a cell
- Disruption (adoption) is also the term for the cancellation of an adoption of a child before it is legally completed
- Disruption of 1843, the divergence of the Free Church of Scotland from the Church of Scotland
- Disruption (of schema), in the field of computer genetic algorithms
- Disruption, a method of disabling an explosive device by using projected water disruptors
- Disruptive behavior disorders, a class of mental health disorders
- Disruptive innovation, Clayton Christensen's theory of industry disruption by new technology or products
- Disruptive physician, a physician whose obnoxious behaviour upsets patients or other staff
See also
- Disruptor (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Effect of sunlight exposure on the release of intentionally and/or non-intentionally added substances from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles into water: Chemical analysis and in vitro toxicity.
- Bach C1, Dauchy X2, Severin I3, Munoz JF2, Etienne S4, Chagnon MC3.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Nov 1;162:63-71. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.04.020. Epub 2014 Apr 13.
- The effect of sunlight exposure on chemical migration into PET-bottled waters was investigated. Bottled waters were exposed to natural sunlight for 2, 6 and 10days. Migration was dependent on the type of water. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and Sb migration increased with sunlight exposure in ultrapure
- PMID 24874358
- Lyase-catalyzed degradation of alginate in the gelled state: Effect of gelling ions and lyase specificity.
- Formo K1, Aarstad OA2, Skjåk-Bræk G3, Strand BL4.
- Carbohydrate polymers.Carbohydr Polym.2014 Sep 22;110:100-6. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.03.076. Epub 2014 Apr 3.
- Lyase-catalyzed degradation has been proposed as a more cell-friendly alternative to dissolution of alginate gels than using chelating agents. In this study, we investigated the effect of lyase specificity on degradation of alginate gels, including the effect of crosslinking ions with different affi
- PMID 24906734
- Cationic β-lactoglobulin nanoparticles as a bioavailability enhancer: comparison between ethylenediamine and polyethyleneimine as cationizers.
- Teng Z1, Li Y1, Niu Y2, Xu Y3, Yu L4, Wang Q5.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Sep 15;159:333-42. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.03.022. Epub 2014 Mar 14.
- Cationic β-lactoglobulin (CBLG) was synthesized by two strategies: extensive conjugation of ethylenediamine (EDA) and limited cationization with polyethyleneimine (PEI). Both methods provided CBLG with satisfactory water solubility and resistance to peptic digestion. Compared with EDA-derived CBLG
- PMID 24767064
Japanese Journal
- ヒメボクトウの性フェロモンと交信かく乱 (ミニ特集 ヒメボクトウの総合的な防除対策)
- On composing a disruption tolerant tree in a network with intermittent links based on stress centrality (システム数理と応用)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 115(316), 21-24, 2015-11-20
- NAID 40020676515
- On composing a disruption tolerant tree in a network with intermittent links based on stress centrality (回路とシステム)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 115(315), 21-24, 2015-11-20
- NAID 40020676252
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- 同
- [[]], 虚脱
- (建物・足場・屋根などが)(~で)崩壊する、くずれる。(人が)(~で)崩れるように倒れる、卒倒する。(略式)(疲労のため)座り込む、横になる(from, with)
- (事業・計画などが)失敗する、つぶれる、(組織などが)崩壊する
- (価格が)暴落する。
- (体力・健康が)衰弱する
- (病理)(肺・血管が)虚脱する、無空気状態になる。
- (机、椅子などが)折りたためる。(パラシュートなどが)しぼむ
- (人・物)をつぶす、くじけさせる。(物)を折りたたむ。(肺・血管)を虚脱させる
- ~を合体させる
- (建物などの)倒壊。(事業・計画などの)崩壊。挫折、失敗。卒倒
- 衰弱。意気消沈
- (医)(酵素不足による)肺の虚脱状態。虚脱
- (株・物価などの)急落、総崩れ
- 関
- breakdown, collapsing, decay, disintegrate, disintegration, disruption, prostration
- 関
- ablate、ablation、abolish、abort、amputate、amputation、breakage、cleavage、cleave、damage、destroy、destruction、discontinuance、discontinuation、discontinue、discontinuity、dismantle、disrupt、disruptant、disruption、interrupt、interruption、lesion、rupture、scission、sever、subversion、subvert、transection、truncate、truncation
- ~をバラバラにする、崩壊させる。~を(成分・部分などに)分解する
- (団結・調和など)をなくす、なくさせる
- (物理)(原子核・物質)を崩壊させる
- 崩壊/分解する、崩れて(~に)なる(into)、こなごな/ばらばらになる
- (物理)(原子核が)崩壊する(decay)
- (略式)(精神的・肉体的に)弱る
- 判断力/自制心をなくす。
- 関
- breakdown, catabolize, catabolized, collapse, crack, decay, decompose, decomposition, degradation, degrade, disassemble, disassembly, disintegration, disruption, resolve
- (やや古い)(人・事・物)を(間違って)(~と)混同する(confuse)(with,and)
- (物・事が)(人)を当惑させる(puzzle)。(be ~ed)(物・事に/~ということに)まごつく、うろたえる、泡を食う(at,by,that節)
- ~を打ち負かす。~を妨げる
- ~に反駁する、反論させる
- ~に恥をかかせる、赤面させる
- ~を悪化させる
- (予想などに)反する
- 関
- confuse、confusion、derange、derangement、disarray、disorganized、disorient、disrupt、disruption、embarrass、embarrassment、perplexity、perturbation、upset
- 関
- cleavage、cleave、contingency、disrupt、disruption、divide、division、fission、fractionate、fractionation、fragmentation、mince、parcellated、part、parted、partition、resolution
- array split ( string $pattern , string $string [, int $limit = -1 ] )
- split -b 512k target_file splited_file
- split -b 500m target_file splited_file
- ファイルを結合 → cat
- 関
- insomnia、insomniac、sleep loss、sleeplessness
- 関
- gene ablation、knockout