- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small non-cleaved-cell lymphoma、small noncleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- level to the right gradient
- a relative position or degree of value in a graded group; "lumber of the highest grade" (同)level, tier
- the height of the ground on which something stands; "the base of the tower was below grade" (同)ground level
- a variety of cattle produced by crossbreeding with a superior breed
- the gradient of a slope or road or other surface; "the road had a steep grade"
- a degree of ablaut (同)gradation
- assign a grade or rank to, according to ones evaluation; "grade tests"; "score the SAT essays"; "mark homework" (同)score, mark
- determine the grade of or assign a grade to
- lying between two extremes in time or space or state; "going from sitting to standing without intermediate pushes with the hands"; "intermediate stages in a process"; "intermediate stops on the route"; "an intermediate range plane"
- a substance formed during a chemical process before the desired product is obtained
- arranged in a sequence of grades or ranks; "stratified areas of the distribution" (同)ranked, stratified
- one-hundredth of a right angle (同)grade
- changing the ground level to a smooth horizontal or gently sloping surface (同)leveling
- 《米》(小・中・高校の)『学年』(小学校から12年まで通算する) / 《おもに米》(学業の)『成績』,評点 / (位階・品質・価値などの)『階級』,『等級』 / 《米》(道路・線路などの)傾斜,勾配(こうばい)(《英》gradient) / …‘を'『等級分けする』,‘の'格づけをする / 《米》…‘の'採点をする / 〈道路など〉‘の'勾配(こうばい)をゆるくする / 等級別になる,徐々に変わる,〈色彩などが〉次第に他の色に移る
- (程度・距離・時間などにおいて)中間の,中間にある(起こる)
- (大学の)卒業生
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English Journal
- Treatment of feline lymphoma using a 12-week, maintenance-free combination chemotherapy protocol in 26 cats.
- Limmer S1, Eberle N, Nerschbach V, Nolte I, Betz D.
- Veterinary and comparative oncology.Vet Comp Oncol.2014 Feb 19. doi: 10.1111/vco.12082. [Epub ahead of print]
- The aim of this prospective clinical trial was to investigate the efficacy and toxicity of a short-term, maintenance-free chemotherapy protocol in feline lymphoma. Twenty-six cats with confirmed diagnosis of high-/intermediate-grade lymphoma were treated with a 12-week protocol consisting of cyclic
- PMID 24548273
- Flavopiridol can be safely administered using a pharmacologically derived schedule and demonstrates activity in relapsed and refractory non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
- Jones JA1, Rupert AS, Poi M, Phelps MA, Andritsos L, Baiocchi R, Benson DM, Blum KA, Christian B, Flynn J, Penza S, Porcu P, Grever MR, Byrd JC.
- American journal of hematology.Am J Hematol.2014 Jan;89(1):19-24. doi: 10.1002/ajh.23568. Epub 2013 Sep 30.
- Flavopiridol is a broad cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CDKI) that induces apoptosis of malignant lymphocytes in vitro and in murine lymphoma models. We conducted a Phase I dose-escalation study to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) for single-agent flavopiridol administered on a pharmaco
- PMID 23959599
- Clinicopathologic and survival characteristics of childhood and adolescent non Hodgkin's lymphoma in Yazd, Iran.
- Binesh F1, Akhavan A, Behniafard N, Atefi A.
- Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP.Asian Pac J Cancer Prev.2014;15(4):1585-8.
- BACKGROUND: Data regarding childhood and adolescent non Hodgkin lymphomas in Iran are limited. The aim of this study was to assess the epidemiological and histomorphological features and survival of affected patients in our center.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The clinicopathologic features and outcome of
- PMID 24641372
- Radiological and histopathological features of hepatic inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour: analysis of 10 cases.
- Xiao Y1, Zhou S, Ma C, Luo J, Zhu H, Tang F.
- Clinical radiology.Clin Radiol.2013 Nov;68(11):1114-20. doi: 10.1016/j.crad.2013.05.097. Epub 2013 Jul 19.
- AIM: To evaluate the radiological and histopathological features of hepatic inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours (IMTs), and improve the understanding of this tumour.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of radiological and histopathological features of 10 cases of IMT was carried out from
- PMID 23876410
Japanese Journal
- 進行期中悪性度非ホジキンリンパ腫においてCyclOBEAP療法はCHOP療法より優れているか? (特集 リンパ系腫瘍診療のresearch questions)
- フェレットのリンパ腫の細胞形態学的および免疫組織化学的特徴(病理学)
- 小沼 守,近藤 広孝,小野 貞治,渋谷 久,佐藤 常男
- The journal of veterinary medical science 70(9), 893-898, 2008-09-25
- … Institute of Working Formulation (NCI-WF)分類では,low-gradeとhigh-gradeがそれぞれ4例(20%),intermediate-gradeが12例(60%)であった.採取組織量が少なかった2例を除く18例について行った免疫組織化学的検索では,T細胞由来が16例(88.9%),B細胞由来が2例(11.1%)であった.NCI-WF分類と免疫学的表現型とを組み合わせると,low-gradeの4例(多中心型2例,消化器型1例,皮膚型1例)の …
- NAID 110006946003
- 化学療法により完全寛解を得た前立腺原発悪性リンパ腫の1例と本邦22報告例の分析
- 福谷 恵子,小山 康弘,藤森 雅弘,石田 俊光
- 日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 94(6), 621-625, 2003-09-20
- 前立腺原発悪性リンパ腫は非ホジキンリンパ腫の中でも極めて稀な腫瘍である.われわれは排尿障害,会陰部痛を主訴とし,前立腺に腫大,硬結を認めた70歳男性に針生検を行い,びまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫と診断した.骨盤CTにより右内,外腸骨リンパ節腫脹を見たが腹部CT,消化管内視鏡検査,骨髄生検で病変を認めないため病期IIと判定した.多剤併用化学療法CHOPを5サイクル施行したところ自覚症状および画像,病 …
- NAID 110003060687
Related Links
- Grades Lymphoma's are generally graded as follows: Low grade or Indolent These types of lymphoma's are slow growing. However they are not considered curable. Treatment is often deferred in favour of a watch and wait approach if ...
- Diffuse large cell lymphoma is the most common type of lymphoma, accounting for approximately one-third of all NHLs, regardless of grade. Patients typically report a history of a rapidly enlarging, symptomatic mass. Approximately ...
- Intermediate grade non-Hodgkin lymphomas are aggressive in nature and include diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, which accounts for over 30% of all lymphomas. ... Texas Oncology has more than 150 treatment centers throughout ...
Related Pictures

- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small noncleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small non-cleaved-cell lymphoma、small noncleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small non-cleaved-cell lymphoma、small noncleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 関
- diffuse lymphoma、diffuse mixed-cell lymphoma、diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma、high-grade lymphoma、intermediate-grade lymphoma、low-grade lymphoma、lymphosarcoma、mixed lymphoma、mixed-cell lymphoma、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、non-Hodgkin's lymphoma、nonHodgkin's lymphoma、reticulosarcoma、reticulum-cell sarcoma、small non-cleaved-cell lymphoma、undifferentiated lymphoma
- 英
- intermediate-grade lymphoma
- 関
- リンパ肉腫、非ホジキンリンパ腫、高悪性度リンパ腫、中等度リンパ腫、低悪性度リンパ腫、未分化リンパ腫、びまん性リンパ腫、細網肉腫、びまん性小分割細胞性リンパ腫、小型非分割細胞リンパ腫、びまん性混合細胞型リンパ腫、混合型リンパ腫、混合細胞リンパ腫、小型非切れ込み核細胞性リンパ腫
- 関
- halfway、intermediary、intermediary body、intermedius、intersex、interstitial、interzonal、middle、moderate
- 関
- degree、extent、grading、measure、phase、stage、step
- 関
- quantitative、stepwise、stepwisely