- 関
- ablate、ablation、ablative、excise、excision、excisional、extirpate、resect、resection、resective、transect、transection
- the act of pulling up or out; uprooting; cutting off from existence (同)excision, deracination
- surgical removal of a body part or tissue (同)extirpation, cutting out, excision
- the erosive process that reduces the size of glaciers
- remove by cutting; "The surgeon excised the tumor"
- a tax that is measured by the amount of business done (not on property or income from real estate) (同)excise tax
- levy an excise tax on
- tending to ablate; i.e. to be removed or vaporized at very high temperature; "ablative material on a rocket cone"
- the case indicating the agent in passive sentences or the instrument or manner or place of the action described by the verb (同)ablative case
- relating to the ablative case
- remove an organ or bodily structure
- wear away through erosion or vaporization
- surgical removal of part of a structure or organ
- 根絶,撲滅
- 切除,除去;融除 / 溶発(ロケットの先端が大気圏突入で溶解すること)
- (酒・たばこなどの)物品税,国内消費税
- (体などから)〈できたものなど〉‘を'切り取る《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (原文から)〈文章など〉‘を'削除する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》
- 奪格の(ラテン語の格変化の一つ) / 奪格
- (手術・溶解・腐食などで)…'を'除去する / 除去される
- (手術による器官や組織,特に骨の)切徐
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/08 17:03:56」(JST)
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Extirpation can refer to:
- Local extinction
- removing solid matter from a part of the body, as in thrombectomy or endarterectomy
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English Journal
- Radiosurgery for benign tumors of the spine: clinical experience and current trends.
- Gerszten PC, Quader M, Novotny J, Flickinger JC.SourceDepartments of Neurological Surgery and Radiation Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. gersztenpc@upmc.edu.
- Technology in cancer research & treatment.Technol Cancer Res Treat.2012 Apr;11(2):133-9.
- In distinction to the development of the clinical indications for intracranial radiosurgery, spine radiosurgery's initial primary focus was and still remains the treatment of malignant disease. The role of stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of intracranial benign tumors has been well establ
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- Liver-directed therapy for neuroendocrine neoplasm hepatic metastasis prolongs survival following progression after initial surgery.
- Saxena A, Chua TC, Zhao J, Morris DL.SourceUNSW Department of Surgery, St George Hospital, Kogarah, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
- Journal of surgical oncology.J Surg Oncol.2012 Mar 15;105(4):342-50. doi: 10.1002/jso.22114. Epub 2011 Oct 17.
- BACKGROUND: Surgery confers the best chance of long-term survival in patients with neuroendocrine neoplasm hepatic metastases (NENHM). Disease progression invariably occurs in the majority of patients. No previous study has addressed the outcomes after treatment of hepatic disease progression in pat
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- Free Tensor Fasciae Latae Flap for Abdominal Wall Reconstruction: Overview and New Innovation.
- Chalfoun CT, McConnell MP, Wirth GA, Brenner KA, Evans GR, Kobayashi M.SourceThe Plastic Surgery Group, Montclair, New Jersey.
- Journal of reconstructive microsurgery.J Reconstr Microsurg.2012 Mar 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- Extensive abdominal wall defects may result from tumor extirpation, traumatic injury, or soft tissue infections. Extensive traumatic injuries can often disrupt the soft tissue content of the abdomen as well as the bony support provided by the pelvis. Reconstruction of the lower abdomen should aim to
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Japanese Journal
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- Representaciones de los Muertos en Los Andes
- Uehara Natsuki,上原 なつき,名桜大学国際学群
- 名桜大学紀要 = THE MEIO UNIVERSITY BULLETIN (19), 105-116, 2014-03
- … From the 16th century, Spain colonized this region and began evangelizing the native people and expanding the extirpation of the idolatry. …
- NAID 120005459056
- 川口 泰,高橋 浩師,北川 善政
- 日本口腔診断学会雑誌 27(3), 237-240, 2014
- … The tumor cavity was washed out with a saline solution through the bone defect formed after tumor extirpation in the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus, and the cavity was closed 1 year later. …
- NAID 130004715623
- 石毛 文隆,貝沼 修,山本 宏,滝口 伸浩,鍋谷 圭宏,池田 篤,早田 浩明,趙 明浩,有光 秀仁,永田 松夫
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 47(8), 454-459, 2014
- 症例は46歳の女性で,他院にて子宮筋腫の手術の際にCT,USで膵頭部に囊胞性病変を指摘され,当院消化器内科紹介受診となった.その後CT,PET,USで経過観察を続けていたが,18か月後にCTで病変の増大が確認されたため手術目的に当科紹介された.また,EUS所見では厚い多層構造の壁を有していた.低悪性度腫瘤を疑い,腫瘤核出術を施行した.術中所見では腫瘤は膵頭部に接し,後腹膜下に存在していた.腫瘤は …
- NAID 130004680005
Related Links
- verb (used with object), ex·tir·pat·ed, ex·tir·pat·ing. 1. to remove or destroy totally; do away with; exterminate. 2. to pull up by or as if by the roots; root up: to extirpate an unwanted hair. Origin: 1530–40; < Latin ex(s)tirpātus plucked up by the ...
- On nwf.org "Once, the wolf was widespread across most of North America, but it was hunted ruthlessly and extirpated over most of ... Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott- Chapter 1- "The whole race of Saxon princes and nobles had been extirpated or ...
- Extirpation. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Extirpation can refer to: Local extinction; removing solid matter from a part of the body, as in thrombectomy or endarterectomy ...
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- 関
- (vt.)ablate
- ablate、ablative、amputate、amputation、break、breakage、cauterization、cauterize、cautery、cleavage、cleave、disappear、disappearance、elimination、excise、excision、excisional、extirpation、regress、resect、resection、resective、scission、sever、transect、transection、truncate、truncation
- 関
- ablate、ablation、ablative、amputate、amputation、axial section、break、breakage、cleavage、cleave、cross section、cross-section、cross-sectional、excise、excision、excisional、extirpation、horizontal incision、mutilation、resect、resection、resective、scission、sever、transect、transverse incision、transverse section、truncate、truncation
- 英
- 関
- 横切、横切開、横断、横断面、消失、切除術、切除法、切断、摘出、摘出術、摘除、摘除術、離断、アブレーション、切り取る、焼灼、焼灼術
- 関
- ablation、ablative、amputate、amputation、break、breakage、cleavage、cleave、excise、excision、excisional、extirpation、resect、resection、resective、scission、sever、transect、transection、truncate、truncation
- 関
- ablate、ablation、ablative、cross、crossing、excise、excision、excisional、extirpation、horizontal incision、resect、resection、resective、transection、transversal、transverse、transverse incision