- a drug that neutralizes or counteracts the effects of another drug
- a muscle that relaxes while another contracts; "when bending the elbow the triceps are the antagonist"
- the 8th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)h
- amine formed from histidine that stimulates gastric secretions and dilates blood vessels; released by the human immune system during allergic reactions
- a cellular structure that is postulated to exist in order to mediate between a chemical agent that acts on nervous tissue and the physiological response
- 対立する人,敵対者,競争相手(opponent)
- hydrogenの化学記号
- 鉛筆の硬度 / 《俗》heroin
- ヒスタミン(子宮収縮・血圧降下の薬)
- =sense organ / 受信装置
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English Journal
- Homology modeling and antagonist binding site study of the human histamine h2 receptor.
- Zhang J, Qi T, Wei J.SourceTianjin Key Laboratory for Modern Drug Delivery & High-Efficiency, School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, P. R. China. betty_wj@tju.edu.cn.
- Medicinal chemistry (Shāriqah (United Arab Emirates)).Med Chem.2012 Nov 1;8(6):1084-92.
- On the basis of the high resolution crystal structures of bovine rhodopsin, human beta2-adrenergic receptor and human A2a adenosine receptor, three-dimensional structure of the human histamine H2 receptor (HHR2) was developed by homology modeling. Results of the evaluations suggest that a high quali
- PMID 22779803
- On the role of histamine receptors in regulating pigmentary responses in Oreochromis mossambicus melanophores.
- Salim S, Ali AS, Ali SA.SourceSaifia College of Science and Education, Department of Biotechnology , Bhopal, MP , India.
- Journal of receptor and signal transduction research.J Recept Signal Transduct Res.2012 Oct 24. [Epub ahead of print]
- Purpose: The present work was carried out to reveal the involvement of histamine receptors at the neuro-melanophore junction of teleost, Oreochromis mossambicus. Methods: The isolated scale melanophores were assayed using the mean melanophore size index and their responses were recorded in presenc
- PMID 23094817
Japanese Journal
- H2ブロッカーlafutidineによる薬剤誘発性せん妄--癌術後の3症例 (特集 症状性を含む器質性精神障害の症例)
- 低用量アスピリンによる消化管障害に対する酸分泌阻害薬の抑制効果に関する検討
- 中村 浩規,横山 晴子,矢口 武廣,鈴木 優司,徳岡 健太郎,渡邊 昌之,北川 泰久,山田 安彦
- YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 131(3), 445-452, 2011
- … In this study, we investigated the effect of histamin H2 receptor antagonist (H2RA) or proton pump inhibitor (PPI) for the prevention of upper gastrointestinal lesions associated with low-dose aspirin. … We classified them into three groups: aspirin alone group (n=1103), aspirin with H2RA group (n=844) and aspirin with PPI group (n=864). …
- NAID 130000678910
Related Links
- Cat.No. Product Name Information Product Citations Customer Reviews S1847 Clemastine Fumarate Clemastine Fumarate (Clemastine) is a selective histamine H1 receptor antagonist with IC50 of 3 nM.
- Histamine, H1 & H2 Receptor Antagonists, Proton Pump Inhibitors Easy to Understand.wmv, Acid Reflux: PPI vs H2, Understand the principles of how ulcers can be managed clinically.mp4, Animation on Ranitidine, Ranitidine
- 英
- antihistamine antihistamines, histamine antagonist
- 同
- ヒスタミン拮抗薬 histamine antagonists、ヒスタミン遮断薬 histamine blocking agents
- 関
- ヒスタミン受容体。薬理学
- ヒスタミンH1受容体拮抗薬 histamine H1 receptor antagonist、H1拮抗薬 H1 blocker、H2遮断薬
- ヒスタミンH2受容体拮抗薬 histamine H2 receptor antagonist、H2拮抗薬 H2 blocker、H2遮断薬
- 中枢作用↓、鎮静作用↓、抗コリン作用↓
- ケミカルメディエーター放出を抑制
- 中枢作用:有。鎮静作用:有
- https://minds.jcqhc.or.jp/n/med/4/med0024/G0000065/0023 をより改変して引用
- https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jibiinkoka/112/3/112_3_99/_pdf
- 英
- H2 blocker H2-blockers
- 同
- H2受容体ブロッカー H2 receptor blocker、H2受容体拮抗薬 H2 receptor antagonist H2RA、ヒスタミンH2受容体遮断薬 ヒスタミンH2受容体拮抗薬 histamine H2-receptor antagonists histamine H2 receptor antagonist histamine H2 antagonist、H2拮抗薬 H2 antagonist H2-antagonist、H2遮断薬、H2ブロッカー
- 関
- 抗ヒスタミン薬
[show details]
GOO.chapter36 p.971
- 十二指腸潰瘍の治癒率を向上する (⇔プロトンポンプ阻害薬)
- H1受容体にはほとんど作用しない
- H2受容体に可逆的、競合的に結合してヒスタミンを阻害する。
- 胃粘膜の局所の肥満細胞、ECL細胞
- histamine→H2R→Csα→AC→cAMP↑→PKA→H+,K+-ATPase
- histamine→H2R→[Ca2+]i↑→H+,K+-ATPase ←補助的pathway
- H2RとMRとGRは相互作用しており、胃酸を分泌する。
- 中止すると再発率が高い。そのため半年かけて漸減させゆっくり離脱
- 胃粘膜が減弱している
- 副作用5%↓
- 汎血球減少症、無顆粒球症
- 肝障害、抗アンドロゲン作用(女性化乳房、乳汁分泌)
- 中止すると再発率が高い。そのため半年かけて漸減させゆっくり離脱
- 胃粘膜が減弱しているから
- シメチジン:CYP2D6, CYP3A4阻害作用。 CYPs(CYP1A2,CYP2C9,CYP2D6)の阻害 (GOO.972)
- ラニチジン:CYPs。しかし、シメチジンの10%程度
- ファモチジン、ニザチジン:なし
- ヒスタミンH2受容体遮断薬、ヒスタミンH2拮抗薬、ヒスタミンH2遮断薬
- 関
- H2 blocker、histamine H2 receptor antagonist