- tell spontaneously; "crack a joke"
- become fractured; break or crack on the surface only; "The glass cracked when it was heated" (同)check, break
- break into simpler molecules by means of heat; "The petroleum cracked"
- break partially but keep its integrity; "The glass cracked"
- cause to become cracked; "heat and light cracked the back of the leather chair"
- reduce (petroleum) to a simpler compound by cracking
- a purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted; highly addictive (同)crack_cocaine, tornado
- a usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it a whirl" (同)fling, go, pass, whirl, offer
- a blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts; "there was a crack in the mirror"
- a long narrow opening (同)cleft, crevice, fissure, scissure
- a sudden sharp noise; "the crack of a whip"; "he heard the cracking of the ice"; "he can hear the snap of a twig" (同)cracking, snap
- gain unauthorized access computers with malicious intentions; "she cracked my password"; "crack a safe"
- hit forcefully; deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise; "The teacher cracked him across the face with a ruler"
- make a very sharp explosive sound; "His gun cracked"
- make clearly visible; "can this image be resolved?"
- find the solution; "solve an equation"; "solve for x" (同)solve
- lose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current; "the particles disintegrated during the nuclear fission process" (同)decay, decompose
- break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity; "The material disintegrated"; "the group disintegrated after the leader died"
- cause to undergo fission or lose particles
- (chemistry) separation of a substance into two or more substances that may differ from each other and from the original substance (同)decomposition reaction, chemical decomposition reaction
- in a decomposed state (同)disintegration
- (biology) the process of decay caused by bacterial or fungal action (同)rot, rotting, putrefaction
- the analysis of a vector field (同)vector decomposition
- a mental or physical breakdown (同)crack-up
- a cessation of normal operation; "there was a power breakdown" (同)equipment failure
- an analysis into mutually exclusive categories (同)partitioning
- crumbs of crackers used especially for coating or thickening
- grains of wheat that have been crushed into small pieces
- bread made with cracked wheat that has been ground fine
- Old World nutcracker (同)Nucifraga caryocatactes
- the process whereby heavy molecules of naphtha or petroleum are broken down into hydrocarbons of lower molecular weight (especially in the oil-refining process)
- 『割れ目』,ひび,きず;(戸・窓の)わずかの開き / 『パチッ,ピシッ,バン,ガチャッ』(物が壊れたり銃声などの音) / 強い一撃 / (声の)しゃがれ,うわずり;声変り / 《話》瞬間,一瞬 / 気のきいた言葉;皮肉;冗談 / 《話》(…の)機会,試み《+『at』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / …‘に'『ひびを入れる』 / …'を'パチッと割る,砕く / …'を'パチッ(ビシッ)と鳴らす / …'を'ピシャリと打つ / 〈声〉'を'かすれさせる,うわずらせる / 《話》〈家など〉‘に'押し入る;〈金庫など〉'を'破る / 《話》…'を'解く;〈暗号など〉'を'解読する / 《話》〈冗談など〉'を'とばす / 《話》〈酒びんなど〉'を'ポンとあけて飲む / 〈石油〉'を'分解蒸留する / 『割れる』,くだける;ひびがはいる / 『パチッ』(『ビシッ,バン,ガチャッ』)『と鳴る』 / 〈声が〉かすれる;うわずる / (疲労・苦痛などに)参る,屈する / 第一級の,優秀な / パチッと
- …‘を'『決心する』,『決意する』 / 〈問題・疑惑など〉‘を'『解決する』,解明する,解く / 〈議会などが〉…‘を'議決する,票決する / (構成要素に)…‘を'分解する《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / (…を)『決定する』,『決心する』《+『on』(『upon』,『against』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…に)『分解する』《+『into』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《文》強固な意志,分屈 / 〈C〉決心,決意
- 〈物〉‘を'崩れる,崩壊する / 〈原子核が〉崩壊する / 〈物〉‘を'崩す,崩壊させる
- 分解 腐敗 変質
- (列車・機械などの)故障,破損 / 病気で倒れること,衰弱 / 分析
- 石油の分解蒸留
- 砕けた,割れ目のはいった / (声が)かすれた;声変わりのした / 《話》ばかな,気が変になった
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/08/29 04:51:03」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Crack may refer to:
- Crack cocaine, the freebase form of cocaine that can be smoked
- Crack, a fracture or discontinuation in a body
- In geology, a crack or fracture in a rock
Crack may also refer to:
- 1 Music
- 2 Slang
- 3 Software
- 4 Other uses
- 5 See also
Music[edit source | edit]
- Crack (album), an album by Z-RO
- Cracks (album), an album by Nabiha
- The Crack, first album by The Ruts
Slang[edit source | edit]
- Craic, or crack, Irish, Scottish and English slang for 'fun', 'joke', 'gossip', 'mood'
- Crack, slang for buttock cleavage
- Crack, vulgar British slang for a woman's vulva
Software[edit source | edit]
- Crack (password software), a UNIX/Linux password hacking program for systems administrators
- Software cracking, the modification of software to remove security protection methods
Other uses[edit source | edit]
- Crack (economics), the value difference between crude oil and oil products or between different oil products, usually expressed as a per-barrel value
- CRACK, an acronym for 'Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity', now called 'Project Prevention'
- Crack Movement, a Mexican literary movement
- Cracks (film), a 2009 independent thriller film
See also[edit source | edit]
- CRAC (disambiguation)
- Cracker (disambiguation)
- Cracking (disambiguation)
- Krak (disambiguation)
- Krak des Chevaliers
- Crak!
- Cocaine
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Japanese Journal
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- crack 【自動】 〔むちなどが〕ピシャリと鳴る ひびが入る、割れる、折れる、裂ける 〔音が〕割れる・The s...【発音】krǽk【カナ】クラック【変化】《動》cracks | cracking | cracked - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索 ...
- crackとは。意味や和訳。[動]1 他〈物に〉ピシッとひびを入れる(解説的語義)ひびを入れて割る[砕く,押しつぶす];〈小麦を〉ひき割りにする(⇒break[類語])crack an egg卵をコツンと割る1a 自ピシッとひびが入る,(急に)鋭い音 ...
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- 英
- drug abuse, substance abuse
- 同
- 薬物乱用
- 関
- 薬物依存、薬物嗜癖、物質乱用、物質依存症、薬物使用、接着剤吸引
- 濫用 substance abuse:a pattern of abnormal substance use that leads to impairment of occupational, physical, or social functioning(BBS.73)
- 依存 substance dependence:ub stance abuse puls withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, or a pattern of repetitive use(BBS.73)
- 離脱 withdrawal:the development of physical or pschological symptoms after the reduction or cessation of intake of a substance(BBS.73)
- 耐性 tolerance:the need for increased amounts of the substance to achieve the same positive psychological effect(BBS.73)
- 交差耐性 cross-tolerance:the development of tolerance to one substance as the result of using another substance(BBS.73)
- 解決する、回復させる、分解する、分離する、消散する
- 関
- ameliorate、amelioration、breakdown、catabolize、catabolized、crack、decompose、decomposition、degradation、degrade、disassemble、disassembly、discrete、disintegrate、disintegration、disjunction、dissociate、isolate、isolation、recover、recovery、recuperate、regain、resolution、restitution、restoration、restore、return、reversal、segregate、segregation、separate、separation、settle、solution、solve、unravel
- ~をバラバラにする、崩壊させる。~を(成分・部分などに)分解する
- (団結・調和など)をなくす、なくさせる
- (物理)(原子核・物質)を崩壊させる
- 崩壊/分解する、崩れて(~に)なる(into)、こなごな/ばらばらになる
- (物理)(原子核が)崩壊する(decay)
- (略式)(精神的・肉体的に)弱る
- 判断力/自制心をなくす。
- 関
- breakdown, catabolize, catabolized, collapse, crack, decay, decompose, decomposition, degradation, degrade, disassemble, disassembly, disintegration, disruption, resolve
- 英
- degradation、breakdown、decomposition、disintegration、disassembly、degrade、resolve、disassemble、crack、decompose、catabolize、disintegrate、catabolized
- 関
- 異化、解決、解重合、解体、回復、壊変、亀裂、クラック、故障、腐敗、分離、崩壊、構成不能、破綻、消散、ひび
- 関
- catabolize、catabolized、collapse、crack、decay、decompose、decomposition、degradation、degrade、disassemble、disassembly、disintegrate、disintegration、disruption、resolve、rupture、trouble
- パチパチ鳴る音。活気。(陶器の)ひび模様、びり、クラックル。(塗装表面などの)ひび割れ
- 関
- 湿性ラ音、断続性ラ音
- lung sound、moist rale、pleural rub、rale、respiratory sound、rhonchi、stridor、wheezing
- 関
- esophageal dysmotility、esophageal motility disorder
- 関
- pyrolysis、pyrolytic、thermal decomposition、thermolysis、thermolytic