- 関
- different、differently、disjunction、dispersal、disperse、dispersion、dissociate、distinct、intersperse、isolate、isolation、resolve、segregate、segregation、separate、separately、separation、variance
- constituting a separate entity or part; "a government with three discrete divisions"; "on two distinct occasions" (同)distinct
- separated according to race, sex, class, or religion; "separate but equal"; "girls and boys in separate classes"
- a garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments
- force, take, or pull apart; "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea" (同)disunite, divide, part
- act as a barrier between; stand between; "The mountain range divides the two countries" (同)divide
- make a division or separation (同)divide
- come apart; "The two pieces that we had glued separated" (同)divide, part
- go ones own way; move apart; "The friends separated after the party" (同)part, split
- discontinue an association or relation; go different ways; "The business partners broke over a tax question"; "The couple separated after 25 years of marriage"; "My friend and I split up" (同)part, split up, split, break, break_up
- divide into components or constituents; "Separate the wheat from the chaff"
- independent; not united or joint; "a problem consisting of two separate issues"; "they went their separate ways"; "formed a separate church"
- easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined; "a distinct flavor"; "a distinct odor of turpentine"; "a distinct outline"; "the ship appeared as a distinct silhouette"; "distinct fingerprints"
- recognizable; marked; "noticed a distinct improvement"; "at a distinct (or decided) disadvantage" (同)decided
- (often followed by `from' (同)distinguishable
- make clearly visible; "can this image be resolved?"
- find the solution; "solve an equation"; "solve for x" (同)solve
- the state of lacking unity
- sorting one thing from others; "the separation of wheat from chaff"; "the separation of mail by postal zones"
- the act of dividing or disconnecting
- the social act of separating or parting company; "the separation of church and state"
- coming apart (同)breakup, detachment
- the space where a division or parting occurs; "he hid in the separation between walls"
- the termination of employment (by resignation or dismissal)
- separate (light) into spectral rays; "the prosm disperses light"
- to cause to separate and go in different directions; "She waved her hand and scattered the crowds" (同)dissipate, dispel, break_up, scatter
- move away from each other; "The crowds dispersed"; "The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached"; (同)dissipate, scatter, spread out
- the state of being several and distinct (同)distinctness, separateness, severalty
- not divided or divisible into parts; "layers that were fused into an indiscrete mass"
- 別個の,個々の
- …‘を'『分離』する』,引き分ける;(…から)…‘を'引き分ける《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (…に)〈一つの物〉‘を'『分割する』,分ける《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / 〈人が〉別れる;別れて(…に)なる《+『into』+『名』》 / (…から)分離する,離れる《+『from』+『名』》 / 『離れた』,分かれた / (関係がなく)別の,異質な(different) / 個々の,個別の(individual)
- 『別の』,別個の(separate) / 『明りょうな』,はっきりした;まぎれもない / 特異な,独特な;目立つ,目ざましい
- …‘を'『決心する』,『決意する』 / 〈問題・疑惑など〉‘を'『解決する』,解明する,解く / 〈議会などが〉…‘を'議決する,票決する / (構成要素に)…‘を'分解する《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / (…を)『決定する』,『決心する』《+『on』(『upon』,『against』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…に)『分解する』《+『into』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《文》強固な意志,分屈 / 〈C〉決心,決意
- 〈C〉〈U〉『分離』,分割,別離・〈C〉(…の分離(分割)した箇所《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉〈U〉(合意・判決に基づく)夫婦の別居
- …‘を'『四方に散らす』 / …‘を'追い払う;〈不安など〉‘を'消し去る / 〈微粒子〉‘を'分散させる;〈光〉‘を'分光する / …‘を'各所に配置する / 『散らばる』,分散(離散)する / 〈微粒子が〉分散する,〈光が〉分光する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/06/07 21:39:35」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Discrete in science is the opposite of continuous: something that is separate; distinct; individual. Discrete may refer to:
- Discrete particle or quantum in physics, for example in quantum theory
- Discrete device, an electronic component with just one circuit element, either passive or active, other than an integrated circuit
- Discrete group, a group with the discrete topology
- Discrete mathematics, the study of structures without continuity
- Discrete optimization, a branch of optimization in applied mathematics and computer science
- Discrete probability distribution, a random variable that can be counted
- Discrete signal, a time series consisting of a sequence of quantities
- Discrete space, a simple example of a topological space
- Discrete time, non-continuous time, which results in discrete-time samples
- Discrete pitch, a pitch with a steady frequency, rather than an indiscrete gliding, glissando or portamento, pitch
See also [edit]
- Autodesk Media and Entertainment (Formerly known as Discreet).
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English Journal
- Holst M, McCammon JA, Yu Z, Zhou Y, Zhu Y.SourceDepartment of Mathematics, University of California San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093, Department of Physics, University of California San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093, Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP), University of California San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093, National Biomedical Computational Resource (NBCR), University of California San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), University of California San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093.
- Communications in computational physics.Commun Comput Phys.2012;11(1):179-214.
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- Isolation of focal adhesion proteins for biochemical and proteomic analysis.
- Kuo JC, Han X, Yates JR 3rd, Waterman CM.SourceCell Biology and Physiology Center, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA.
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).Methods Mol Biol.2012;757:297-323.
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- Yaesoubi R, Cohen T.SourceHarvard School of Public Health - Department of Epidemiology, 677 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115, U.S.A.
- European journal of operational research.Eur J Oper Res.2011 Dec 16;215(3):679-687.
- We propose a class of mathematical models for the transmission of infectious diseases in large populations. This class of models, which generalizes the existing discrete-time Markov chain models of infectious diseases, is compatible with efficient dynamic optimization techniques to assist real-time
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Japanese Journal
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- 松浦 紘也,上野 晃司,鈴村 豊太郎
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング] 2011-HPC-131(1), 1-8, 2011-09-29
- CPU と GPU をオンダイ統合した APU の登場により,高スループットと低レイテンシの両立が求められるデータストリーム処理での GPU のさらなる活用が期待される.本研究では,マイクロベンチマークと株価加重平均 VWAP,異常検知アルゴリズム FELIX SST でこれを検証し,詳細なプロファイルを行うことで APU の性能特性を評価した.この結果,APU では外付け GPU と比べカーネル …
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- 黒岩 奈保,野寺 隆
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- 近年,第一種Fredholm積分方程式の離散化から導かれる連立1次方程式の近似解法としてGMRES法が注目を集めている.この連立1次方程式は離散型線形悪条件問題に分類される.対象となる問題は幅広く,古くから活発な研究が行われている.また,悪条件問題としての困難な性質を持つため,克服すべき点は多い.今回提案する反復終了条件は,悪条件問題に対する古典的な手法の1つであるTikhonov正則化に基づく値 …
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- … The discrete logarithm problem with auxiliary input (DLPwAI) is a problem to find α on inputs G, αG, αdG ∈ G for a positive integer d dividing r-1. …
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- はっきりした、明瞭な、(論)判明な。明確な、紛れもない、めざましい
- There is usually no distinct murmur related to the VSD, because it is typically large and thus generates little turbulence.(PHD.393)
- distinct entity:はっきりとした
- 関
- characteristic, characteristically, clear, clearly, definite, definitely, diagnostic, differ, different, differently, discrete, discriminative, discriminatively, discriminatory, disparate, dissimilar, distinctive, distinctively, distinctly, explicit, explicitly, pathognomonic, separate, separately, unambiguous, unambiguously, variant, vary
- 解決する、回復させる、分解する、分離する、消散する
- 関
- ameliorate、amelioration、breakdown、catabolize、catabolized、crack、decompose、decomposition、degradation、degrade、disassemble、disassembly、discrete、disintegrate、disintegration、disjunction、dissociate、isolate、isolation、recover、recovery、recuperate、regain、resolution、restitution、restoration、restore、return、reversal、segregate、segregation、separate、separation、settle、solution、solve、unravel
- 英
- separation、isolation、segregation、disjunction、separate、isolate、segregate、dissociate、resolve、discrete
- 関
- アイソレーション、アイソレート、解決、回復、解離、隔離、絶縁、単離、分域、分解、分散、偏折、別々、分ける、分別、消散、別離
- (人々)を司法に散らす、分散させる。(ビラなど)をまき散らす
- (苦痛など)を追い払う。(疑いなど)をはらす
- (知識など)を広める、普及させる。(人)を各所に配置する。
- (物理)(光)を分光する。(化)(微粒子)を分散させる
- 関
- discrete、dispersal、dispersion、intersperse、variance
- 関
- different、differently、discrete、disjunction、dissociate、distinct、divide、fractional、fractionate、isolate、isolation、resolve、segregate、segregation、separately、separation、sort