- (諾否は相手に任せて)差し出す、提供する、申し出る、持ちかける。(~しようと)申し出る(to do)。結婚を申し込む、求婚する(oneself)。提出する、提議/提案する。(手などを)差し出す/伸べる。
- (商)(ある値で商品を)売り出す。(アルキン額を)払うと申し出る(for)
- (神などに)(祈り・生け贄などを)ささげる、そなえる(up)
- (大学などが科目などを)設ける、開講する。(学生が科目などを)届け出る、申請する
- 提示する、表す(present)。上演する、展示する。(抵抗などの)の気勢を示す
- ~しようとする、企てる(attempt, threaten)(to do)
- 関
- advise、application、donate、donation、offering、provide、provision、recommend
- threaten to do something; "I offered to leave the committee if they did not accept my proposal"
- something offered (as a proposal or bid); "noteworthy new offerings for investors included several index funds" (同)offering
- the verbal act of offering; "a generous offer of assistance" (同)offering
- propose a payment; "The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting" (同)bid, tender
- offer verbally; "extend my greetings"; "He offered his sympathy" (同)extend
- present as an act of worship; "offer prayers to the gods" (同)offer up
- present for acceptance or rejection; "She offered us all a cold drink" (同)proffer
- make available for sale; "The stores are offering specials on sweaters this week"
- make available or accessible, provide or furnish; "The conference center offers a health spa"; "The hotel offers private meeting rooms"
- produce or introduce on the stage; "The Shakespeare Company is offering `King Lear this month"
- put forward for consideration; "He offered his opinion"
- the work of applying something; "the doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine"; "a complete bleach requires several applications"; "the surface was ready for a coating of paint"; (同)coating, covering
- a diligent effort; "it is a job requiring serious application" (同)diligence
- the act of bringing something to bear; using it for a particular purpose; "he advocated the application of statistics to the problem"; "a novel application of electronics to medical diagnosis" (同)practical application
- the action of putting something into operation; "the application of maximum thrust"; "massage has far-reaching medical applications"; "the application of indexes to tables of data"
- a program that gives a computer instructions that provide the user with tools to accomplish a task; "he has tried several different word processing applications" (同)application program, applications programme
- a verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school; "December 31 is the deadline for applications"
- take measures in preparation for; "provide for the proper care of the passengers on the cruise ship"
- supply means of subsistence; earn a living; "He provides for his large family by working three jobs"; "Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon" (同)bring home the bacon
- give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance; "The hostess provided lunch for all the guests" (同)supply, ply, cater
- determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation; "The will provides that each child should receive half of the money"; "The Constitution provides for the right to free speech"
- supply with provisions (同)purvey
- a store or supply of something (especially of food or clothing or arms)
- the activity of supplying or providing something (同)supply, supplying
- a stipulated condition; "he accepted subject to one provision" (同)proviso
- make attractive or acceptable; "Honesty recommends any person"
- push for something; "The travel agent recommended strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day" (同)urge, advocate
- inform (somebody) of something; "I advised him that the rent was due" (同)notify, give notice, send word, apprise, apprize
- an ornamental sunken panel in a ceiling or dome (同)caisson, lacuna
- a chest especially for storing valuables
- the offerings of the congregation at a religious service
- an offer to buy shares in a corporation (usually above the market price) for cash or securities or both
- not performing or scheduled for duties; "Hes off every Tuesday"
- at a distance in space or time; "the boat was 5 miles off (or away)"; "the party is still 2 weeks off (or away)"; "away back in the 18th century" (同)away
- (of events) no longer planned or scheduled; "the wedding is definitely off" (同)cancelled
- in an unpalatable state; "sour milk" (同)sour, turned
- below a satisfactory level; "an off year for tennis"; "his performance was off"
- no longer on or in contact or attached; "clean off the dirt"; "he shaved off his mustache"
- not in operation or operational; "the oven is off"; "the lights are off"
- money contributed to a religious organization
- …‘を'『申し出る』,すすめる,提供する / …‘を'『企てる』 / (品物に)〈値段〉‘を'つける《+『名』〈値段〉+『for』+『名』〈品物〉》 / (ある金額で)…‘を'売りに出す《+『名』+『for』+『名』〈金額〉》 / (神に)…‘を'ささげる《+『up』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈機会などが〉現れる,起こる(occur) / (神に)ささげ物(祈り)をささげる / (女性に)求婚する / 『申し出』,提案 / 付け値
- 〈U〉(…の…への)『適用』,応用《+『of』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉『申し込み』,志願;〈C〉願書 / 〈U〉(薬などを)塗ること,はること;〈C〉外用薬,化粧品 / 〈U〉(…に)心を傾けること,専心すること《+『to』+『名』》
- …‘を'『供給する』,提供する,与える / 《『provide』+『that』『節』》(法律などで)…‘と'『規定する』 / (将来の安全・災害などに)『備える』,用意する / (家族などを)扶養する《+『for』+『名』》
- 〈U〉(…の)『供給』,『支給』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…に備える)『用意』,準備《+『for』(『against』)+『名』》 / 《複数形で》食糧[供給] / 〈C〉(法律などの)条項,規定 / …‘に'食糧を供給する
- …‘を'『推薦する』,推奨する / 〈事〉‘を'『勧める』,勧告する / 〈物事が〉…‘を'好ましてものにする,‘の'とりえとなる / (神などに)…‘を'ゆだねる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》
- 〈人〉‘に'〈事〉'を'『忠告する』,助言する,すすめる / (おもに商取引き用語で)…‘に'通知する,知らせる / (…について)忠告する《+『on』+『名』》 / 《米》(…と)相談する《+『with』+『名』》
- 〈C〉貴重品箱 / 《複数形で》《話》国庫;財源,資金
- (ミサ・聖餐(せいさん)式における)パンとぶどう酒の奉献 / (教会の礼拝式で集められる)献金;(その時用いられる)祈とう文
- 《分離》(接触しているところ)『から』,から離れて,からはずれて / 《位置》…『から離れたところで』(『に』) / (本来の状態など)からはずれて,…が狂って,がなくなって / (本道など)からそれて,から横道にはいったところに / 《eat, dineなどと共に》…からとって[食べる] / 《『from off』の形で》《話》…から / (ある値段)から割り引いて / 《話》…をやめて,慎んで《+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (仕事義務など)から離れて,を休んで / (人)をたよって,にやっかいになって / (1)《運動・移動を表す動詞と共に》『離れて』,向こうへ / 《状態の動詞と共に》『離れて』 / 《瞬間の動作を表す動詞と共に》『離して』 / 『去って』,出かけて / (電気・ガス・水道などが)『切れて』 / (本来の位置・状態などから)『はずれて』 / (仕事・勤務などを)『旧んで』 / (時間的・空間的に)『離れて』 / 《動作の完了》『すっかり』,完全に / 割り引いて / (中心・的などから)『それた』,『離れた』,はずれた / 『時期はずれの』,(時期などが)いつもほどよくない,シーズン外の / (状態が)水準以下の,いつも調子(状態)でない / 《補語にのみ用いて》(予定・用意されたことが)取りやめになって / 《補語にのみ用いて》(電気器具などが)電源が切れて;(ガス・水道が)切れて,止まって / (人が)…の暮らしぶりで / 勤務のない,休みの / 取れて,ぬげて,はずれて / (馬・車の1対のうち)右側の / 《補語にのみ用いて》(走者が)すでに走り出して / 《おもに英》《補語にのみ用いて》(食物などが)いたんで食べられない;飲めない / 《英》《補語にのみ用いて》(食堂などでメニューには載っているが料理が)もう品切れで / 《英》《補語にのみ用いて》(人の態度が)誠意のない,不親切な,ひどい / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》《the ~》(クリケットで)打者の右前方の
- 〈U〉(…の)申し出,提供《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(神への)お供え,ささげ物,(教会への)献金;(一般に)贈り物
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/06/19 22:07:53」(JST)
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Look up offer in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
In business, an offer is a proposal to sell or buy a specific product or service under specific conditions:
- a tender offer, an offer to buy company stock from existing stockholders under specific conditions
- an offer price, or ask price, the price a seller is willing to accept for a particular good
In law:
- Offer and acceptance, elements of a contract
- Settlement offer, an offer to end a civil lawsuit out of court
- Offer of judgment
- Avner Offer, economic historian
- Dick Offer, English rower
- Jack Offer, English rower
- Steve Offer (born 1949), a former Canadian politician
- Tom Offer, English rower
- Vince Offer (born 1964), Israeli-born American spokesperson
- Offer Nissim (born 1964), Israeli house DJ
Other uses:
- Offers, a 2005 Dutch television film
- Office of Electricity Regulation (OFFER), a forerunner of the current Office of Gas and Electricity Markets in Great Britain
See also
- Offering (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Effectiveness of mHealth interventions for maternal, newborn and child health in low- and middle-income countries: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Lee SH1, Nurmatov UB1, Nwaru BI1, Mukherjee M2, Grant L3, Pagliari C4.
- Journal of global health.J Glob Health.2016 Jun;6(1):010401. doi: 10.7189/jogh.06.010401.
- OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of mHealth interventions for maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).METHODS: 16 online international databases were searched to identify studies evaluating the impact of mHealth interventions on MNCH outcomes in LMI
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- Approaches, tools and methods used for setting priorities in health research in the 21(st) century.
- Yoshida S1.
- Journal of global health.J Glob Health.2016 Jun;6(1):010507. doi: 10.7189/jogh.06.010507.
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- Green direct determination of mineral elements in artichokes by infrared spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence.
- Mir-Marqués A1, Martínez-García M1, Garrigues S1, Cervera ML1, de la Guardia M2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Apr 1;196:1023-30. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.10.048. Epub 2015 Oct 22.
- Near infrared (NIR) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy were investigated to predict the concentration of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese and zinc in artichoke samples. Sixty artichokes were purchased from different Spanish areas (Benicarló, Valencia and Murcia). NIR and XRF sp
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- Reinemann C1, Freiin von Fritsch U2, Rudolph S2, Strehlitz B2.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2016 Mar 15;77:1039-47. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.10.069. Epub 2015 Oct 28.
- Quinolones are antibiotics that are accredited in human and veterinary medicine but are regularly used in high quantities also in industrial livestock farming. Since these compounds are often only incompletely metabolized, significant amounts contaminate the aquatic environment and negatively impact
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Japanese Journal
- Aerosol Delivery of siRNA to the Lungs. Part 1: Rationale for Gene Delivery Systems
- Analysis of policy options to address Japanʼs declining population, shrinking birthrate, and aging society
- 麗澤経済研究 = Reitaku International Journal of Economic Studies 23, 89-134, 2015-11-30
- NAID 120005675254
- 競争原理を持ったデザインチームの活動を通した学生教育の実践研究
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- 供給、支給。支給量。(pl)糧食、食料(の蓄え)、貯蔵品
- 用意、準備、設備(for,against)
- (法)規定、条款。(法)条項。但し書き
- 関
- donate、donation、offer、offering、provide、supply
- 関
- apply、broadcast、handle、offer、processing、refer、spray、transaction、treat、treatment
- 関
- confer、donate、donation、feed、give、inflict、offer、offering、preparation、prepare、provision、render、shed、supply
- 関
- 与える、寄付、供給、申し込み、用意、勧める、供与、申し出る、寄付金
- offer、offering、donation、provision、offer、donate、provide
- 関
- contribute、contribution、donate、endow、endowment、offer、offering、provide、provision
- 関
- donate、donation、offer、provide、provision