- 英
- heat-producing hormone
- 関
- 熱産生
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- 1. 発熱性好中球減少症症候群の概要overview of neutropenic fever syndromes [show details]
…related to neutropenic fever, including definitions of fever and neutropenia and categories of risk. The risk assessment and diagnostic approach to patients presenting with neutropenic fever are discussed in …
- 2. 薬物熱drug fever [show details]
… and increased heat production . Drugs can alter or modify all of the mechanisms described above in the following ways: Exogenous thyroid hormone can increase the metabolic… increase heat production. Drugs with anticholinergic activity, such as tricyclic antidepressants, atropine, antihistamines, phenothiazines, and butyrophenone tranquilizers can cause fever by disturbing…
- 3. 成人における発熱の病態生理および治療pathophysiology and treatment of fever in adults [show details]
… majority of fever. There is also increased heat production from the liver. Shivering may be initiated in order to increase heat production from the muscles, but shivering is not required for most fevers. Shivering …
- 4. 成人における不明熱に対するアプローチapproach to the adult with fever of unknown origin [show details]
… cases. The degree of fever, nature of the fever curve, apparent toxicity, and response to antipyretics has not been found to provide enough specificity to guide the diagnosis of FUO . Fever may be attenuated …
- 5. 高熱および肺浸潤を有する免疫不全患者へのアプローチapproach to the immunocompromised patient with fever and pulmonary infiltrates [show details]
…patient with fever and pulmonary infiltrates will be reviewed here. An overview of pulmonary infections in immunocompromised hosts is presented separately. Empiric therapy for adult patients with fever and neutropenia… sputum production and radiographic changes may be absent in the neutropenic patient with pneumonia.…
Japanese Journal
- 大豆たん白質摂餌が熱産生ホルモン分泌動態に及ぼす影響 (第21回研究報告会記録)
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- 因みに、熱産生ホルモンは、早朝に起床してから午後2~4時頃まで、日内リズムに平行して分泌が高まる傾向にあります。 そのため、日中は、これらのホルモンの影響によって、基礎代謝が10~15%促進されて、体温が1~1.5℃上昇します。
- 体温の調節|調節する(5). 今回は、 神経伝達物質・ホルモン についてのお話の5回目です。. 解剖生理学の面白さを知るため、神経系 ホルモン と内分泌系ホルモンによる 血糖値 と 血圧 、体液を調節する仕組みについて知りました。. 今回は、体温を一定 ...
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- 英
- hormone
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- 英
- 関
- 未加工、調理していない
- 英
- life
- 同
- 生命、いのち
- 関
- 生命科学
- 英
- heat production HP
- 関
- 英
- production, generation, produce, make, generate, yield, elaborate, [raise]]