- 念入りに作る。精巧に作り上げる。
- (食物など)を同化する、(有機化合物を)合成する
- Hemolysins, leukocidins, and the like are microbial proteins that can kill phagocytes that are attempting to ingest organisms elaborating these substances.
- 関
- anabolic、anabolism、elaboration、generate、generation、make、produce、production、raise、yield
- produce from basic elements or sources; change into a more developed product; "The bee elaborates honey"
- work out in detail; "elaborate a plan" (同)work_out
- add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing; "She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation" (同)lucubrate, expatiate, exposit, enlarge, flesh out, expand, expound, dilate
- marked by complexity and richness of detail; "an elaborate lace pattern" (同)luxuriant
- pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth; "raise your `o"
- raise the level or amount of something; "raise my salary"; "raise the price of bread"
- the amount a salary is increased; "he got a 3% raise"; "he got a wage hike" (同)rise, wage hike, hike, wage increase, salary increase
- increasing the size of a bet (as in poker); "Ill see your raise and double it"
- put forward for consideration or discussion; "raise the question of promotions"; "bring up an unpleasant topic" (同)bring_up
- summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "call down the spirits from the mountain" (同)conjure, conjure up, invoke, evoke, stir, call down, arouse, bring_up, put forward, call forth
- construct, build, or erect; "Raise a barn" (同)erect, rear, set_up, put_up
- cause to puff up with a leaven; "unleavened bread" (同)leaven, prove
- invigorate or heighten; "lift my spirits"; "lift his ego" (同)lift
- raise from a lower to a higher position; "Raise your hands"; "Lift a load" (同)lift, elevate, get_up, bring_up
- activate or stir up; "raise a mutiny"
- bet more than the previous player
- bid (ones partners suit) at a higher level
- bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project; "raised edges"
- cause to be heard or known; express or utter; "raise a shout"; "raise a protest"; "raise a sad cry"
- collect funds for a specific purpose; "The President raised several million dollars for his college"
- create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise; "raise hell"; "raise the roof"; "raise Cain"
- establish radio communications with; "They managed to raise Hanoi last night"
- multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: 8 is 2 raised to the power 3
- undergo fabrication or creation; "This wool makes into a nice sweater"
- give certain properties to something; "get someone mad"; "She made us look silly"; "He made a fool of himself at the meeting"; "Dont make this into a big deal"; "This invention will make you a millionaire"; "Make yourself clear" (同)get
- put in order or neaten; "make the bed"; "make up a room" (同)make_up
- eliminate urine; "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug" (同)urinate, piddle, puddle, micturate, piss, pee, pee-pee, make water, relieve oneself, take a leak, spend a penny, wee, wee-wee, pass water
- act in a certain way so as to acquire; "make friends"; "make enemies"
- behave in a certain way; "make merry"
- make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in ones office"; "create a furor" (同)create
- engage in; "make love, not war"; "make an effort"; "do research"; "do nothing"; "make revolution" (同)do
- represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like; "She makes like an actress" (同)pretend, make believe
- proceed along a path; "work ones way through the crowd"; "make ones way into the forest" (同)work
- add up to; "four and four make eight"
- amount to; "This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living"
- appear to begin an activity; "He made to speak but said nothing in the end"; "She made as if to say hello to us"
- assure the success of; "A good review by this critic will make your play!"
- be or be capable of being changed or made into; "He makes a great host"; "He will make a fine father"
- be suitable for; "Wood makes good furniture"
- calculate as being; "I make the height about 100 feet"
- carry out or commit; "make a mistake"; "commit a faux-pas"
- cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable; "make my day"
- change from one form into another; "make water into wine"; "make lead into gold"; "make clay into bricks"
- compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way; "People cannot be made to integrate just by passing a law!"; "Heat makes you sweat"
- consider as being; "It wasnt the problem some people made it"
- constitute the essence of; "Clothes make the man"
- develop into; "He will make a splendid father!"
- favor the development of; "Practice makes the winner"
- form by assembling individuals or constituents; "Make a quorum"
- gather and light the materials for; "make a fire"
- make by shaping or bringing together constituents; "make a dress"; "make a cake"; "make a wall of stones"
- perform or carry out; "make a decision"; "make a move"; "make advances"; "make a phone call"
- reach in time; "We barely made the plane"
- create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries" (同)make, create
- fresh fruits and vegetable grown for the market (同)green goods, green groceries, garden truck
- cause to happen, occur or exist; "This procedure produces a curious effect"; "The new law gave rise to many complaints"; "These chemicals produce a noxious vapor"; "the new President must bring about a change in the health care system" (同)bring_about, give rise
- bring forth or yield; "The tree would not produce fruit" (同)bring forth
- bring out for display; "The proud father produced many pictures of his baby"; "The accused brought forth a letter in court that he claims exonerates him" (同)bring forth
- bring onto the market or release; "produce a movie"; "bring out a book"; "produce a new play" (同)bring_on, bring_out
- cease opposition; stop fighting
- an amount of a product (同)fruit
- consent reluctantly (同)give in, succumb, knuckle under, buckle under
- be the cause or source of; "He gave me a lot of trouble"; "Our meeting afforded much interesting information" (同)give, afford
- bring in; "interest-bearing accounts"; "How much does this savings certificate pay annually?" (同)pay, bear
- give in, as to influence or pressure (同)relent, soften
- (economics) manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale; "he introduced more efficient methods of production"
- (law) the act of exhibiting in a court of law; "the appellate court demanded the production of all documents"
- the act or process of producing something; "Shakespeares production of poetry was enormous"; "the production of white blood cells"
- the creation of value or wealth by producing goods and services
- a display that is exaggerated or unduly complicated; "she tends to make a big production out of nothing"
- a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television; "have you seen the new production of Hamlet?"
- with elaboration; "it was elaborately spelled out" (同)intricately, in an elaborate way
- marked by elaborately complex detail (同)elaboration, intricacy, involution
- not elaborate; lacking rich or complex detail (同)unelaborate
- 『入念な』,手の込んだ / …‘を'念入りに仕上げる,練り上げる / (…について)詳細に述べる《+『on』(『upon, about』)+『名』(do『ing』)》
- …‘を'『上げる』,持ち上げる;〈倒れた物〉‘を'起こす / …‘の'量(程度,価値など)『を上げる』 / 〈地位,名声〉‘を'『高める』;(…の地位などに)…‘を'上げる,高くする《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / …‘を'生じさせる / …‘を'集める,調達する / 《米》…‘を'育てる,栽培する,飼う / 《おもに米》〈子共・家族〉‘を'扶養する,養育する / 〈建物・像など〉‘を'建てる / 〈気持ち・人など〉‘を'奮い立たせる / 〈疑問・異議・要求など〉‘を'提起する,持ち出す / 〈禁止・封鎖など〉‘を'解く / 〈死者〉‘を'生き返らせる / 〈パン〉‘を'ふくらませる / 『賃上げ』,『昇給』;昇給額(《英》rise)
- …‘を'『作る』,製造する,建造する / …‘を'『整える』,用意する / …‘を'生じさせる,もたらす,引き起こす / 〈金など〉‘を'得る,もうける,〈財産など〉‘を'作る / 《行為・動作を表す名詞を目的語にして》…‘を'『する』,行う / (ある状態・形態に)…‘を'『する』 / 《『make』+『名』+do》〈人・動物など〉‘に'強制して(…)させる / …‘を'判断する,解釈する,思う / …‘を'構成する,(計算・合計が)…‘に'なる / …‘に'『なる』,‘と'なる,‘の'資格(素質)がある / 《話》〈ある距離〉‘を'行く,〈ある速さ〉‘で'進む / 〈目的地など〉‘に'到着する,着く / 〈会社・集会など〉‘に'間に合う;《話》〈乗物〉‘に'間に合う / 〈人・企画〉‘を'成功させる,‘の'成功(幸運,出世)を確実にする / 《話》…‘の'一員になる / (ある状態・形態に)なる,ふるまう / (…の方へ)進む,向かう《+『for』(『to, toward』)+『名』) / 《まれ》《副詞[句]の伴って》作られる,できる / 《まれ》《副詞を伴って》〈かさなどが〉増す,〈雪が〉積もる / 作り,型;製造;種類,銘柄 / 性格,気質;体つき
- [ある場所・地域などが]…‘を'『産出する』,『生産する』 / 〈商品〉‘を'『製造する』;〈作品など〉‘を'作り出す / 〈動植物が〉…‘を'『生じる』;〈子〉‘を'生む / …‘を'『取り出す』,提示する / 〈物事が〉…‘を'引き起こす,もたらす / 産出する生産する / 生産物 / 《集合的に》農産物(特に野菜と果物)
- …‘を'『産出する』,生ずる(produce);〈利益など〉‘を'生む / (圧迫・強制などによって)(…に)…‘を'『明け渡す』,放棄する《+up+名(+名+up)+to+名》 / …‘を'譲る,与える / 〈自分〉‘の'身を任せる / 〈土地が〉『作物がてきてる』 / (…に)『屈する』,負ける,従う;(…に)応ずる,譲歩する《+to+名》 / (圧力・力などによって)動く,開く,曲がる,へこむ,壊れる《+to+名》 / 〈U〉〈C〉産出[高],収穫[高]
- 〈U〉(…を)『生み出すこと』,(…の)『生産』,産出,製造《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉『生産高』,産出額(量) / 〈C〉『産物』,製品 / 〈U〉(…の)提出,提示《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(劇・映画などの)製作;(文学などの)作品
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English Journal
- Biogenic silver nanoparticles for cancer treatment: An experimental report.
- Jeyaraj M, Sathishkumar G, Sivanandhan G, Mubarakali D, Rajesh M, Arun R, Kapildev G, Manickavasagam M, Thajuddin N, Premkumar K, Ganapathi A.SourceDepartment of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, School of Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces.Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces.2013 Jun 1;106:86-92. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2013.01.027. Epub 2013 Jan 23.
- A generation of nanoparticles research has discussed recently. It is mandatory to elaborate the applications of biogenic nanoparticles in general and anticancereous property in particular. The present study was aimed to investigate the in vitro cytotoxicity effect of biogenic silver nanoparticles (A
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- Multiverse data-flow control.
- Schindler B, Waser J, Ribičić H, Fuchs R, Peikert R.SourceETH Zürich, Zürich.
- IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics.IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph.2013 Jun;19(6):1005-19. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2012.296.
- In this paper, we present a data-flow system which supports comparative analysis of time-dependent data and interactive simulation steering. The system creates data on-the-fly to allow for the exploration of different parameters and the investigation of multiple scenarios. Existing data-flow archite
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- Structured illumination microscopy using random intensity incoherent reflectance.
- Hoffman ZR, DiMarzio CA.SourceNortheastern University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. hoffman.z@husky.neu.edu
- Journal of biomedical optics.J Biomed Opt.2013 Jun;18(6):061216. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.6.061216.
- Depth information is resolved from thick specimens using a modification of structured illumination. By projecting a random projection pattern with varied spatial frequencies that is rotated while capturing images, sectioning can be performed using an incoherent light source in reflectance only. This
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- Bioactive coronary stent coating based on layer-by-layer technology for siRNA release.
- Hossfeld S, Nolte A, Hartmann H, Recke M, Schaller M, Walker T, Kjems J, Schlosshauer B, Stoll D, Wendel HP, Krastev R.SourceNMI - Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tuebingen, Reutlingen, Germany.
- Acta biomaterialia.Acta Biomater.2013 May;9(5):6741-52. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2013.01.013. Epub 2013 Jan 17.
- One procedure to treat stenotic coronary arteries is the percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). In recent years, drug-eluting stents (DESs) have demonstrated elaborate ways to improve outcomes of intravascular interventions. To enhance DESs, the idea has evolved to design stents that
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Japanese Journal
- "Identity Monarchy": Interrogating Heritage for a Divided Malaysia
- Milner Anthony
- Southeast Asian Studies 1(2), 3-212, 2012-08-31
- … has been observed, is currently experiencing a "revival" of "Malaykingship" with the growing importance of "proactive and participating constitutionalrulers." In fact, modern Malaysia has since independence been characterized bymonarchy—by a multiplicity of Rulers and elaborate royal ceremony and hierarchy—as well as by its "plural society." But the modern monarchs—though they havenever become quite "constitutional Rulers"—cannot be seen as merely "traditional,"because the institution of monarchy was transformed in a fundamental …
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- 重症児や病気の子どもと訪問教育 : 在宅医療の展開のなかで
- 猪狩 恵美子
- 障害者問題研究 40(2), 19-26, 2012-08
- 本稿では,医療との連携のもとで展開されている重症児と病気の子どもを支える訪問教育の今日的役割について述べた.訪問教育は,1979年以降,養護学校教育の一形態として今日に至っているが,訪問学級在籍者数・割合とも減少傾向が続いている.とくに,養護学校における医療的ケア実施体制整備と,複数障害に対応する特別支援学校増加のなかで減少が進み,重症児教育としての色彩を一層強めながら実践が蓄積されている.病気の …
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- 日本情報経営学会誌 32(3), 15-25, 2012-05-18
- … At first I could divide Glocalization into Techno-Glocalization, Civic-Glocalization which respected information and communication technology (IT) -led Glocalization and localization- and each country, each local history, culture, rule system and pointed out that I should elaborate a plan by a area design to a nucleus in a concept called Civic-Glocalization. …
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- [SVO](人が)(物・身体の一部など)を上げる、持ち上げる。(旗を)揚げる(up)
- [SVO]
- (人が)(倒れた人・物など)を立てる、起こす。(人が)(碑・建物など)を建てる(build)。(人が)(物(の位置))を高くする。
- (風などが)(物・波など)を巻き上げる、巻き起こす
- (沈没船)を引き揚げる
- (水ぶくれ・まめ)を作る。(パン)を膨らませる、発酵させる
- (人)を(~から/~へ)昇進/出世させる(from/to)
- (名声など)を高める(improve)
- (レベル・水準など)を上げる、向上させる(improve)
- (反乱、争乱など)を起こす。(笑い・疑い・希望など)を起こさせる
- Antibiotic treatment for children who present with bloody diarrhea raises special concerns.(血性の下痢を呈する子供の抗菌薬治療は特別な関心を起こさせる)(HIM.818)
- (人・心など)を奮い立たせる、元気づける
- (死者)をよみがえらせる。(霊など)を呼び出す
- [SVO](団体が)賃金・料金など)を上げる(increase)。(雨などが(水量など)を高くする
- (声など)を出す、張り上げる。(警報など)を鳴らす。
- (質問・要求など)を出す、提起する。~を話題に乗せる(bring up)
- A few possibilities are raised by the details of the history.(詳細な既往歴から2,3の可能性が上げられる)(CASES.244)
- The previous hospital admissions raise then possibility of infections such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA).(以前の入院はMRSAのような感染の可能性を上げている)(CASES.256)
- Warfarin treatment raised difficulties because of the unreliability of dosing, attendance at anticoagulant clinics and blood sampling.(CASES.256)(投薬、クリニックへの通院および採血の不確実性から、ワーファリン療法は困難であった)(CASES.256)
- 上げること。増加。賃上げ、昇給
- 高くした所/盛り上がった所。(廊下・道路などの)上り。(上の採鉱場に通ずる)坑道、堀上がり、切り上がり。
- 関
- accrue、arise、arouse、ascending、ascent、elaborate、elevate、elevation、generate、generation、give rise to、happen、increase、make、occur、produce、production、rise、rose、stem、undergo、yield
- 念入りに作ること、仕上げること、入念。(文章の)遂行。手の込んでいること、精巧
- 労作
- 同化作用、同化
- Note that renal parenchymal disease may contribute to hypertension even if the glomerular filtration rate is not greatly reduced, through the excessive elaboration of renin.(PHD.321)
- 関
- anabolic、anabolism、assimilation、assimilatory、construction、elaborate、produce、production、syntheses、synthesis、synthesize、synthetic
- (過去-過去分詞made)作る、産生する、製造する、製作する、(実験などを)行う
- 関
- carry out、conduct、create、do、elaborate、execute、fabricate、fabrication、generate、generation、manufacture、manufacturing、perform、practice、produce、production、raise、undertake、yield
- 生産額。農産物、天然の産物、物産。製品。作品。結果。
- Vitamin B12 deficiency may occur in strict vegetarians who eat no dairy produce.
- 関
- accrue, arise, construct, construction, create, elaborate, elaboration, fabricate, fabrication, generate, generation, give rise to, happen, make, manufacture, occur, prepare, production, raise, stem, yield
- 関
- construct、construction、create、develop、development、developmental、elaborate、emergence、engender、generation、make、occur、occurrence、onset、prepare、produce、production、raise、transpire、yield