- しんこぴー
- (phonology) the loss of sounds from within a word (as in `focsle for `forecastle' (同)syncopation
- indistinctly understood or felt or perceived; "a faint clue to the origin of the mystery"; "havent the faintest idea"
- pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain (同)conk, swoon, pass_out
- a spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain (同)swoon, syncope, deliquium
- lacking conviction or boldness or courage; "faint heart neer won fair lady" (同)fainthearted, timid, faint-hearted
- lacking strength or vigor; "damning with faint praise"; "faint resistance"; "feeble efforts"; "a feeble voice" (同)feeble
- weak and likely to lose consciousness; "suddenly felt faint from the pain"; "was sick and faint from hunger"; "felt light in the head"; "a swooning fit"; "light-headed with wine"; "light-headed from lack of sleep" (同)light, swooning, light-headed, lightheaded
- deficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc; "a faint outline"; "the wan sun cast faint shadows"; "the faint light of a distant candle"; "weak colors"; "a faint hissing sound"; "a faint aroma"; "a weak pulse" (同)weak
- cause physical pain or suffering in; "afflict with the plague" (同)smite
- cause great unhappiness for; distress; "she was afflicted by the death of her parents"
- 語中音消失(never→ne'erのように語中の音が消えて短縮されること) / (脳貧血などによる)失神,気絶 / (音楽で)切分,区分法
- (音・色・考えなどが)『かすかな』,ぼんやりした / (努力・行動などが)『弱々しい』,熱のない;気の弱い,勇気のない / 《補語にのみ用いて》(で)『気が遠くなって』目が回りそうで《+『with』(『from』)+『名』》 / (…で)『気が遠くなる』,気絶する《+『with』(『from』)+『名』》 / 気絶,失神
- (肉体的に,精神的に)(…で)…'を'『苦しめる』,悩ます(distress)《+『名』+『with』+『名』 (a person's do『ing』)》
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Syncope may refer to one of the following:
- Syncope (medicine), also known as fainting
- Syncope (phonology), the loss of one or more sounds, particularly an unstressed vowel, from the interior of a word
- Syncopation, a musical effect caused by off-beat or otherwise unexpected rhythms
- Suspension, in music
- Syncope (genus), a genus of microhylidae frogs
- Syncope (album), an album by aggrotech band Tactical Sekt
- Syncopy Inc., a British film production company
See also
- Syncopation (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Highlights in clinical autonomic neurosciences: Vasovagal syncope - Insights on diagnosis, pathophysiology and treatment.
- Raj SR, Freeman R.SourceAutonomic Dysfunction Center, Departments of Medicine & Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA.
- Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical.Auton Neurosci.2012 May 21;168(1-2):1-3. Epub 2012 Mar 22.
- PMID 22444321
- The role of ST-segment elevation in lead aVR in the risk assessment of patients with acute pulmonary embolism.
- Janata K, Höchtl T, Wenzel C, Jarai R, Fellner B, Geppert A, Smetana P, Havranek V, Huber K.SourceDepartment of Emergency Medicine, University of Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
- Clinical research in cardiology : official journal of the German Cardiac Society.Clin Res Cardiol.2012 May;101(5):329-37. Epub 2011 Dec 22.
- BACKGROUD AND AIM: Patients with acute pulmonary embolism (APE) present with highly variable symptoms and ECG abnormalities. As ST-elevation in lead aVR has recently been described to predict right ventricular dysfunction (RVD), we aimed to correlate this sign to the severit
- PMID 22189463
- A benefit-risk assessment of dapoxetine in the treatment of premature ejaculation.
- Hutchinson K, Cruickshank K, Wylie K.SourceUniversity of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
- Drug safety : an international journal of medical toxicology and drug experience.Drug Saf.2012 May 1;35(5):359-72. doi: 10.2165/11598150-000000000-00000.
- Premature ejaculation (PE) is considered to be the most common sexual problem affecting men, despite the likelihood that it is under-diagnosed. It is a complex condition with many physical and psychological components, making management complicated. It is important to develop treatments for PE as it
- PMID 22452563
Japanese Journal
- 高齢者の失神への対応 (特集 高齢者救急 : 地域包括ケアシステムでのこれから) -- (高齢者救急へもう一歩踏み出す)
- 救急医学 = The Japanese journal of acute medicine 41(2), 215-219, 2017-02
- NAID 40021094085
- 症例報告 ふらつきの原因検索に植込み型心電図ループレコーダーが有用だった1例
- 日本老年医学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of geriatrics 53(4), 419-423, 2016-10
- NAID 40021022724
- 研究・症例 神経調節性失神の出現により発見された肺癌の1例
- 症例 αβ遮断薬点眼液が原因と考えられた洞停止による失神の1例
Related Links
- syncopeとは。意味や和訳。[名][U]1 文法語中音消失(never→neerなど).2 病理(学)失神.3 音楽切分(法). - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
- Syncope. Syncope is defined as a transient, self-limited loss of consciousness with an inability to maintain postural tone that is followed by spontaneous recovery. ... Syncope is defined as a transient, self-limited loss of ...
- Syncope = Sudden transient loss of consciousness due to cerebral hypotension 意識消失するためには 脳循環不全⇒ウニラガヺの消失&酸素*糖' ヹ両側大脳の障害ee gg.. 血圧↓↓↓↓ ヹ脳幹&上行網様体系'の障害 なお、TIA が原因 ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- consciousness disturbance, disturbance of consciousness
- 関
- 意識
- 急性/慢性, 持続性/一過性
- 明識困難状態 < 昏蒙 < 傾眠 < 昏眠 < 昏睡
意識レベルの分類 覚醒度
- Mayo Clinicの分類
救急 意識障害をみたら
- AIUEOTIPS (also see DIF.96)
accidents, arterial occlusions, arteriosclerosis, aneurysms, autoimmune disorders
inflammatory, intoxication (encephalitis, cerebral abcess, meningitis, alcoholism, opiates, barbiturates)
undefined disorders (narcolepsy, conversion hysteria)
encephalopathy, endocrinopathy, electrolyte
endocrine disorders(myxedema coma, hyperparathyroidism, diabetic coma, insulin shock), epileptic coma
opiate, other overdose of O2 & CO2
organ failure(hepatic coma, respiratory failure, uremia)
trauma, tumor, temparature
syncope, seizure, stroke, shock, senile
- a. テント上病変(脳幹の圧迫性病変ないし脳ヘルニアをきたす疾患)
- 1) 脳血管障害:脳出血、脳梗塞
- 2) 硬膜下血腫
- 3) 脳腫瘍:原発性、転移性
- 4) 脳膿瘍
- 1) 脳幹出血、脳幹梗塞、小脳出血、小脳梗塞、脳腫痛、多発性硬化症など
- 1) くも膜下出血、中枢神経感染症:髄膜炎、脳炎、 播種性血管内凝固症候群など
- 1) ショック:心筋梗塞、大出血など
- 2) 薬物、毒物
- 3) 無酸素ないし低酸素血症
- 4) DIC、全身性感染症:敗血症など
- 5) 肝不全、腎不全、糖尿病性高血糖、重症肝炎、内分泌疾患など
- 6) 低血糖、ビタミンB1欠乏: Wernicke脳症
- 7) 脳振盪、てんかん大発作後
- 8) 酸塩基平衡および電解質異常
- 9) 栄養障害
- QB.D-345
- カリウムは静止膜電位にかかわるが、ニューロンの活動にはそれほど関わらないから、意識障害はきたしにくいのかもしれない。
- pHの異常も局所的に干渉されるため意識障害をきたしにくいのかもしれない。
- 英
- evaluation of consciousness disturbance
- 英
- syncope, faint
- 関
- 一過性意識障害
- 1. 発作的に起こる脳の血流低下による一過性の意識消失
- 2.
- 一過性の意識消失の結果、姿勢が保持できなくなり、かつ自然に、また完全に意識の回復が見られること(失神の診断・治療ガイドライン)
- 発症は比較的速やかであり、意識は多くの場合速やかに回復する。「意識障害」のうちで、特異な臨床像を持った1 つの症候である。(失神の診断・治療ガイドライン)
- 3. 元来、一過性の全脳虚血による一時的な意識消失で、かつ数秒から数分で意識を回復する物を指していたが、現在ではあいまい、より広義となっている。例えば、てんかん発作、低血糖、過換気、一過性脳虚血発作を含んでいる。(IMD.241) ← ホント?誰かが誤用しつづけているだけなんちゃうか?
- 眼前暗黒感、めまい感、悪心などの前駆症状に引き続き、顔面が蒼白となり、ついに意識が消失
- 脳への血流停止が5-10秒程度で失神、10秒前後で筋弛緩・尿失禁、15秒以上で痙攣を生じる、らしい(参考2) ← 根拠となる文献を調査中
- 救急での覚え方
- QB.C345
- 研修医当直御法度 症例帳 p.36
- http://www.j-circ.or.jp/guideline/pdf/JCS2007_inoue_h.pdf
- 2. 失神 国立療養所西札幌病院循環器科 別役徹生
- http://www.aurora-net.or.jp/life/heart/saizensen/86/index.html
- flict- fligo to strike down
- afflicted children typically present with failure to thrive and visual problems due to lens displacement.
- the autosomal recessive form is much more severe, with only a few afflicted children surviving in to infancy. (osteopetrosis)
- severely afflicted patients are unable to leave the supine position without experiencing presyncope or syncope.(uptodate)
- 関
- burden, distress
- (色・音・考えなど)かすかな、ほのかな、ぼんやりした。力のない、弱い。微弱な
- 活気/やる気のない。勇気のない、気の弱い
- めまいがして、気が遠くなって
- 関
- dim、fainting、faintly、subtle、subtly、syncopal episode、syncope
- 関
- carotid sinus syncope、convulsive syncope、drop attack、faint、fainting、micturition syncope、postural syncope、presyncope、syncope、tussive syncope
- 関
- convulsive syncope、drop attack、fainting、micturition syncope、postural syncope、presyncope、syncopal episode、syncope、tussive syncope