- These changes may be diagnostically useful and appear as increased FLAIR and T2 signal intensity in the posterior limb of the internal capsule, descending motor tracts of the brainstem, and spinal cord, all of which are subtle and may be missed.
- CT scanning is used to detect intracranial calcifications and MRI to detect subtle abnormalities in myelinization.
- The signs and symptoms of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis are subtle compared with those of patients who have surgical peritonitis in the absence of ascites.
- (a subtle sign)かすかな兆し/兆候/前兆
- 関
- a fraction of, dim, faint, faintly, few, insignificant, little, marginally, modest, modestly, only, scant, slight, slightly, subtly
- able to make fine distinctions; "a subtle mind"
- indistinctly understood or felt or perceived; "a faint clue to the origin of the mystery"; "havent the faintest idea"
- pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain (同)conk, swoon, pass_out
- a spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain (同)swoon, syncope, deliquium
- lacking conviction or boldness or courage; "faint heart neer won fair lady" (同)fainthearted, timid, faint-hearted
- lacking strength or vigor; "damning with faint praise"; "faint resistance"; "feeble efforts"; "a feeble voice" (同)feeble
- weak and likely to lose consciousness; "suddenly felt faint from the pain"; "was sick and faint from hunger"; "felt light in the head"; "a swooning fit"; "light-headed with wine"; "light-headed from lack of sleep" (同)light, swooning, light-headed, lightheaded
- deficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc; "a faint outline"; "the wan sun cast faint shadows"; "the faint light of a distant candle"; "weak colors"; "a faint hissing sound"; "a faint aroma"; "a weak pulse" (同)weak
- small in a way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the context); "a nice little job"; "bless your little heart"; "my dear little mother"; "a sweet little deal"; "Im tired of your petty little schemes"; "filthy little tricks"; "what a nasty little situation"
- a small amount or duration; "he accepted the little they gave him"
- lowercase; "little a"; "small a"; "e.e.cummingss poetry is written all in minuscule letters" (同)minuscule, small
- (quantifier used with mass nouns) small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or (with `a' (同)slight
- (of a voice) faint; "a little voice"; "a still small voice" (同)small
- (of children and animals) young, immature; "what a big little boy you are"; "small children" (同)small
- not much; "he talked little about his family"
- lacking in light; not bright or harsh; "a dim light beside the bed"; "subdued lights and soft music" (同)subdued
- become dim or lusterless; "the lights dimmed and the curtain rose"
- make dim or lusterless; "Time had dimmed the silver"
- switch (a cars headlights) from a higher to a lower beam (同)dip
- lacking clarity or distinctness; "a dim figure in the distance"; "only a faint recollection"; "shadowy figures in the gloom"; "saw a vague outline of a building through the fog"; "a few wispy memories of childhood" (同)faint, shadowy, vague, wispy
- not offensive to sexual mores in conduct or appearance
- not large but sufficient in size or amount; "a modest salary"; "modest inflation"; "helped in my own small way" (同)small
- free from pomp or affectation; "comfortable but modest cottages"; "a simple rectangular brick building"; "a simple man with simple tastes"
- marked by simplicity; having a humble opinion of yourself; "a modest apartment"; "too modest to wear his medals"
- with nevertheless the final result; "He arrived only to find his wife dead"; "We won only to lose again in the next round"
- never except when; "call me only if your cold gets worse" (同)only if, only when
- as recently as; "I spoke to him only an hour ago"
- except that; "It was the same story; only this time she came out better"
- in the final outcome; "These news will only make you more upset"
- the quality of being difficult to detect or analyze; "you had to admire the subtlety of the distinctions he drew" (同)niceness
- (知覚しにくいほど)『かすかな』,ほのかな,微妙な / (頭脳・感覚などが)鋭い / ずるい,こうかつな / 難解な / 巧みな,精巧な
- (音・色・考えなどが)『かすかな』,ぼんやりした / (努力・行動などが)『弱々しい』,熱のない;気の弱い,勇気のない / 《補語にのみ用いて》(で)『気が遠くなって』目が回りそうで《+『with』(『from』)+『名』》 / (…で)『気が遠くなる』,気絶する《+『with』(『from』)+『名』》 / 気絶,失神
- 『小さい』,幼い,かわいい / (物事が)『つまらない』,ささいな,小規模の;(心が)小さい,(人が)心の小さい / 《数えられない名詞の前に用いて》《通例aをつけて》『わずかにある』,少しの,少量の / 《数えられない名詞の前に用いて》《冠詞なしで》『ほとんどない』 / 《aをつけて》『少し』[は],ちょっと / 《冠詞なしで》『ほとんどなく』 / 《冠詞なしで強い否定を表して》『全然』…『ない』,少しも…ない / 《aをつけて》(まだ残っている量・程度・時間・距離などが)『わずか』,少し / 《冠詞なしで》(ないに等しい)わずか,少し
- 『薄暗い』,ほの暗い / はっきり見えない(聞こえない,理解できない) / (考え・記憶などが)はっきりしない,ぼんやりした / (色などが)くすんだ,光沢のない / 批判的な,悲観的な / 《話》(人が)ばかな,愚かな / (目が)かすんだ / …‘を'『薄暗くする』,ぼんやりさせる / 『薄暗くなる』,かすかになる
- 『謙そんした』,謙虚な;控え目な / (特に女性について)品のいい,しとやかな / じみな,質素な(simple) / (量・規模・程度が)中ぐらいの,並の(moderate)
- 『唯一の』,たった一つ(一人)の;《複数名詞に付けて》ただ…だけ / 『最適の』,最良の(best) / 《数量に関して》『たった』,わずか / 『ただ…だけ』(『ばかり』),単に…に過ぎない / ただし,だが / 《英》《thatを伴って》…ということさえなければ
- 〈U〉微妙さ;〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》微細な点,細かい区別 / 〈U〉鋭敏,敏感;明察 / 〈U〉ずるさ,こうかつ / 〈U〉精巧;難解
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/01/02 22:06:50」(JST)
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Look up subtle in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Subtle may refer to:
- Subtle (band), a musical group consisting of members of the anticon. hip-hop collective
- Doctor Subtilis, John Duns Scotus
- Subtle body, an idea in mysticism
- The Subtle Knife, a novel by Philip Pullman and the second book in the trilogy His Dark Materials
- Subtle, a character in The Alchemist (play) by Ben Jonson
- Subtle, a tiling window manager
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English Journal
- Low-dose gold nanoparticles exert subtle endocrine-modulating effects on the ovarian steroidogenic pathway ex vivo independent of oxidative stress.
- Larson JK1, Carvan MJ 3rd, Teeguarden JG, Watanabe G, Taya K, Krystofiak E, Hutz RJ.
- Nanotoxicology.Nanotoxicology.2014 Dec;8(8):856-66. doi: 10.3109/17435390.2013.837208.
- Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) have gained considerable attention for application in science and industry. However, the untoward effects of such particles on female fertility remain unclear. The objectives of this study were to (1) examine the effects of 10-nm GNPs on progesterone and estradiol-17β accu
- PMID 23992423
- The influence of peri-incisional triamcinolone acetonide injection on wound edge apposition.
- Wesley CK1, Teo LH, Xu T, Unger RH, Unger WP.
- The Journal of dermatological treatment.J Dermatolog Treat.2014 Aug;25(4):345-9. doi: 10.3109/09546634.2012.755253. Epub 2013 Feb 3.
- Local administration of corticosteroids has been demonstrated to have both beneficial and detrimental effects on wound healing. The advantages of limiting localized edema must be weighed against corticosteroids' disadvantageous inhibition of the normal growth factor profile production that is essent
- PMID 23210735
- Investigation of memory, executive functions, and anatomic correlates in asymptomatic FMR1 premutation carriers.
- Hippolyte L1, Battistella G2, Perrin AG3, Fornari E4, Cornish KM5, Beckmann JS6, Niederhauser J7, Vingerhoets FJ3, Draganski B8, Maeder P2, Jacquemont S9.
- Neurobiology of aging.Neurobiol Aging.2014 Aug;35(8):1939-46. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2014.01.150. Epub 2014 Feb 5.
- Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a late-onset movement disorder associated with FMR1 premutation alleles. Asymptomatic premutation (aPM) carriers have preserved cognitive functions, but they present subtle executive deficits. Current efforts are focusing on the identification o
- PMID 24612675
- Prenatal cannabis exposure and infant outcomes: Overview of studies.
- Huizink AC.
- Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry.Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry.2014 Jul 3;52:45-52. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2013.09.014. Epub 2013 Sep 27.
- Accumulating evidence from both human and preclinical studies indicates maternal substance use during pregnancy can affect fetal development, birth weight and infant outcomes. Thus, the prenatal period can be regarded as an important and potentially sensitive period of development. In this manuscrip
- PMID 24075896
Japanese Journal
- Reduced representational momentum for subtle dynamic facial expressions in individuals with autism spectrum disorders
- Uono Shota,Sato Wataru,Toichi Motomi
- Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8(9), 1090-1099, 2014-09
- … We examined RM for dynamic facial expressions using facial expression stimuli at three levels of emotional intensity (subtle, medium, and extreme) in people with ASD. … The ASD group, however, perceived a reduced degree of exaggeration for dynamic facial expressions under the subtle intensity condition. …
- NAID 120005458280
- 各都道府県および政令指定都市の個人情報保護条例の比較
- 伊藤 新,上原 哲太郎
- 情報処理学会研究報告. SPT, セキュリティ心理学とトラスト 2014-SPT-10(32), 1-8, 2014-06-26
- 電子行政が進展し業務の IT 化が進む中で,行政の保有する個人情報の保護のあり方がしばしば論点になっている.地方公共団体においては個人情報は条例によって規律されているが,この条例は全ての自治体において独自に制定されてきたため,その内容には微妙な差異がある.この差異がシステムの共同化やクラウド化への障害になっているという指摘がある.本報告では,都道府県と政令指定都市における個人情報保護条例を比較し, …
- NAID 110009804719
- 各都道府県および政令指定都市の個人情報保護条例の比較
- 伊藤 新,上原 哲太郎
- 情報処理学会研究報告. CSEC, [コンピュータセキュリティ] 2014-CSEC-66(32), 1-8, 2014-06-26
- 電子行政が進展し業務の IT 化が進む中で,行政の保有する個人情報の保護のあり方がしばしば論点になっている.地方公共団体においては個人情報は条例によって規律されているが,この条例は全ての自治体において独自に制定されてきたため,その内容には微妙な差異がある.この差異がシステムの共同化やクラウド化への障害になっているという指摘がある.本報告では,都道府県と政令指定都市における個人情報保護条例を比較し, …
- NAID 110009804668
- 戦後小学校国語検定教科書における宮沢賢治の伝記教材の変遷
- 茅野 政徳
- 国語科教育 75, 32-39, 2014-03-31
- … Thus, a man of virtue whose life offers a broad variety of aspects and educational meanings, Miyazawa Kenji has survived to the present time as the subject of biographical materials in textbooks, changing his portrait in a subtle way to embody a norm of each period. …
- NAID 110009816882
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- subtle's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
- thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid or an odor. 2. fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand: subtle irony. 3. delicate or faint and mysterious: a subtle smile. 4. requiring mental acuteness, penetration, or discernment: ...
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- 謙虚な。慎み深い、控えめな、遠慮がちの。(主に女性が)しとやかにした、ひどく上品な。質素な、地味な
- 適度の、穏当な。大きくない、ささやかな。
- 関
- a fraction of、few、insignificant、little、marginally、medium degree、moderate、moderate level、moderately、modestly、only、reasonably、scant、slight、slightly、sparingly、subtle、subtly
- わずかな、かすかな。取るに足らない、たいしたことのない、微々たる。軽微な
- 細い、やさ形の。かよわい、もろい
- 関
- a few, a fraction of, a little, bit, few, insignificant, little, marginally, modest, modestly, only, scant, slightly, some, subtle, subtly
- 英
- (数)few、(量)little、modest、modestly、subtle、slight、a fraction of、insignificant、scant、only、slightly、marginally、subtly
- 関
- 乏しい、かすか、軽微、少し、中程度、縁、単に、細かい、一部分、唯一、微妙、適度、取るに足りない、小さい、控えめ、少ない
- (色・音・考えなど)かすかな、ほのかな、ぼんやりした。力のない、弱い。微弱な
- 活気/やる気のない。勇気のない、気の弱い
- めまいがして、気が遠くなって
- 関
- dim、fainting、faintly、subtle、subtly、syncopal episode、syncope
- this is one of the few times where surgery might be a reasonable primary therapy for a patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.(HIM.694)
- 関
- a fraction of、insignificant、little、marginally、modest、modestly、only、scant、slight、slightly、subtle、subtly