- showing fear and lack of confidence
- people who are fearful and cautious; "whitewater rafting is not for the timid" (同)cautious
- fearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities (同)timorousness
- fear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions (同)timidness, timorousness
- the feeling of being intimidated; being made to feel afraid or timid
- the feeling of discouragement in the face of someones superior fame or wealth or status etc.
- 『おくびょうな』びくびく(おどおど)した
- おくびよう,小心;内気
- 威かく,脅迫
- おくびょう・びくびく(おどおど)していること
- おくびょうに,びくびく(おどおど)して
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English Journal
- Policy trends and reforms in the German DRG-based hospital payment system.
- Klein-Hitpaß U1, Scheller-Kreinsen D2.
- Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands).Health Policy.2015 Mar;119(3):252-7. doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2015.01.006. Epub 2015 Jan 17.
- A central structural point in all DRG-based hospital payment systems is the conversion of relative weights into actual payments. In this context policy makers need to address (amongst other things) (a) how the price level of DRG-payments from one period to the following period is changed and (b) whe
- PMID 25638648
- Emotional profile and risk behaviours among tattooed and non-tattooed students.
- Zrno M1, Frencl M2, Degmečić D3, Požgain I3.
- Medicinski glasnik : official publication of the Medical Association of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina.Med Glas (Zenica).2015 Feb;12(1):93-8.
- Aim To determine differences in emotional profile and frequencies of certain risk behaviours between tattooed and non-tattooed students. Methods One hundred students fulfilled personality assessment (trust, timid, depressive, distrust, aggressive, gregarious, controlled, uncontrolled) and questionna
- PMID 25669344
- Bronchial Sleeve Resection for Lung Cancer Preoperative Empyema.
- Kuman NK1, Çokpınar S2, Yaman E3.
- British journal of medicine and medical research.Br J Med Med Res.2015;7(1):82-85.
- Surgical management of the cancer with empyema has rarely been reported in the literature because few of such cases are operable. Many patients might be misevaluated because of the incorrect staging associated with an acute or sub-acute infection. Even in the presence of an operable tumor mass; surg
- PMID 25713784
- Advancing health literacy measurement: a pathway to better health and health system performance.
- Pleasant A1.
- Journal of health communication.J Health Commun.2014 Dec;19(12):1481-96. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2014.954083.
- The concept of health literacy initially emerged and continues to gain strength as an approach to improving health status and the performance of health systems. Numerous studies clearly link low levels of education, literacy, and health literacy with poor health, poor health care utilization, increa
- PMID 25491583
Japanese Journal
- トリマー(ペットの美容師)に対するイヌの行動特性評価に関するアンケート調査
- 田所 理紗,増田 宏司,土田 あさみ,大石 孝雄
- 東京農業大学農学集報 56(3), 220-226, 2011-12-09
- トリマーおよびトリミング専門学校学生に対してイヌの行動特性評価に関するアンケート調査を行った。集計の結果,扱いやすいイヌの身体的特徴としては,小型のイヌであることが,扱いにくいイヌの特徴としては,被毛の長さ,イヌのサイズ,性別などの身体的特徴は関係しないことが判明した。また,トリマーの経験年数が3年以上の回答者について,得られた回答を数量化III類解析にて処理した結果,扱いやすいイヌの行動特性に関 …
- NAID 110008721745
- Science Teachers' and Students' Dialogue in Junior High School Classes in Ghana : A Focus on Teacher Responses to Students' Incorrect Answers
- 血液がん患者の示す治療リスク認知の楽観性に関するステージ差
- 顔面表情の表出と認知に関する実験的研究 : 性別と非言語的表出性の効果について(顔・ジェスチャ認識のためのパターン認識メディア理解,一般)
- 二塚 亜実,尾田 政臣
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PRMU, パターン認識・メディア理解 104(448), 93-98, 2004-11-12
- 顔面表情の表出と認知における性別と非言語的表出性の効果を検討するために,大学生20名に相手に与えたい印象として7種類の表情を表出させ(表情表出実験),そのVTRを用いて119の表情刺激をランダムに編集した.それぞれの刺激を提示し,37名の大学生に表情識別させる実験を行った.また,ACTを用いて表情表出者の非言語的表出性を測定し,表情表出と認知における個人差め影響も検討した.その結果,(1)表情表出 …
- NAID 110003275638
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- timidとは。意味や和訳。[形]〈人・動物・言動などが〉自信のない,おどおど[びくびく]した,臆病(おくびょう)な,気の小さい[弱い],内気な(⇒SHY1[類語]);〈人が〉(…を)恐れた((of, about, with ...));〈政策などが〉力強さ ...
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- tim·id (tĭm′ĭd) adj. tim·id·er, tim·id·est 1. Lacking self-confidence; shy. 2. Fearful and hesitant: problems that call for bold, not timid, responses. [Latin timidus, from timēre, to fear.] ti·mid′i·ty, tim′id·ness n. tim′id·ly adv. timid (ˈtɪmɪd)
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