- inflict a heavy blow on, with the hand, a tool, or a weapon
- affect suddenly with deep feeling; "He was smitten with love for this young girl"
- 《古・文》(手・武器などで)…‘の'(…を)強く打つ《+『名』+『on』+『名』》 / 《文》〈病気・災難などが〉…‘を'どんと襲う / 《通例受動態に用いて》〈感情・恐怖などが〉…‘を'激しく襲う《+『名』+『by』(『with』)+『名』》
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/01/02 11:14:05」(JST)
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Look up smite in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Smite may refer to:
- A smite, otherwise known as a dueling scar
- Smite River, South Island, New Zealand
- River Smite, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire, England
See also
- HMS Smiter
- Verethragna, Zoroastrian divinity whose name literally means "smiting of resistance"
English Journal
- The one-trial learning controversy and its aftermath: remembering Rock (1957).
- Roediger HL 3rd1, Arnold KM.
- The American journal of psychology.Am J Psychol.2012 Summer;125(2):127-43.
- In 1957 Irvin Rock published an article in the American Journal of Psychology igniting a controversy that dominated the field of verbal learning for the next 8 years before mostly burning out. Rock published 2 paired-associate learning experiments in which he compared performance of a control group
- PMID 22774677
- Non-pharmacological therapies for GERD in infants and children.
- van der Pol R1, Smite M, Benninga MA, van Wijk MP.
- Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition.J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.2011 Dec;53 Suppl 2:S6-8.
- PMID 22235448
- "Smite this sleeping world awake": Edward Burne-Jones and "The legend of the briar rose".
- Rager AW1.
- Victorian studies.Vic Stud.2009 Spring;51(3):438-50.
- Challenging entrenched preconceptions about the supposed escapism and conservatism of Edward Burne-Jones's art, this paper seeks to establish his monumental painted series, "The Legend of the Briar Rose," as a fundamentally radical and confrontational work. Critics have long viewed it as an endorsem
- PMID 19886030
- High prevalence of two BRCA1 mutations, 4154delA and 5382insC, in Latvia.
- Tikhomirova L1, Sinicka O, Smite D, Eglitis J, Hodgson SV, Stengrevics A.
- Familial cancer.Fam Cancer.2005;4(2):77-84.
- Our aim was to characterise the germline BRCA1 mutation profile in Latvian breast cancer and ovarian cancer patients, to develop an effective BRCA1 gene mutation detection strategy, and to document genotype-phenotype correlations in mutation carriers. The entire BRCA1 gene was analysed in 75 breast
- PMID 15951956
Japanese Journal
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