- a frivolous lack of prudence
- (病気・酔いなどで頭が)ふらふらする / 軽率な,思慮のない
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English Journal
- Wipperman J.Author information Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Kansas School of Medicine - Wichita, 1010 North Kansas, Wichita, KS 67214, USA. Electronic address: jennifer.wipperman@viachristi.org.AbstractDizziness is a common and challenging condition seen in the primary care office. Because dizziness is a vague term that can include a wide array of medical disorders, it is important to use a stepwise approach to differentiate between causes. This article focuses on vertigo and its four most common causes: benign paroxysmal peripheral vertigo, vestibular neuritis, vestibular migraine, and Meniere's disease.
- Primary care.Prim Care.2014 Mar;41(1):115-31. doi: 10.1016/j.pop.2013.10.004.
- Dizziness is a common and challenging condition seen in the primary care office. Because dizziness is a vague term that can include a wide array of medical disorders, it is important to use a stepwise approach to differentiate between causes. This article focuses on vertigo and its four most common
- PMID 24439886
- Differential diagnosis of vertigo and dizziness in the emergency department.
- Ozono Y, Kitahara T, Fukushima M, Michiba T, Imai R, Tomiyama Y, Nishiike S, Inohara H, Morita H.Author information Departments of Otolaryngology and Emergency, Osaka Rosai Hospital , Japan.AbstractAbstract Conclusions: To establish a system of differential diagnosis for vertigo/dizziness at the Emergency Department (ED), careful history-taking of complications and examinations of nystagmus should be helpful and therefore prepared by ED staff. Objectives: Vertigo/dizziness could come from various kinds of organs for equilibrium, sometimes resulting in an emergency due to the central origin. In the present study, we checked patients' background data at the ED in advance of a definitive diagnosis at the Department of Otolaryngology and examined the significance of the correlation between the data and the diagnosis. Methods: We studied a series of 120 patients with vertigo/dizziness, who visited the Departments of Emergency and Otolaryngology between April 2011 and March 2012. At the ED, we first checked patients' backgrounds and carried out neurologic and neuro-otologic examinations. At the Department of Otolaryngology, we finally diagnosed all the patients according to the criteria and classified the origins of vertigo/dizziness into central and non-central diseases. Results: The ratio of patients with disease of central origin was 12.5% and that for non-central origin was 87.5%. The risk factors for cerebrovascular disease such as hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes were also the risk factors for central vertigo/dizziness by the chi-squared test. To predict a central origin for vertigo/dizziness, only gaze nystagmus was the significant factor by multivariate regression analysis.
- Acta oto-laryngologica.Acta Otolaryngol.2014 Feb;134(2):140-5. doi: 10.3109/00016489.2013.832377. Epub 2013 Dec 6.
- Abstract Conclusions: To establish a system of differential diagnosis for vertigo/dizziness at the Emergency Department (ED), careful history-taking of complications and examinations of nystagmus should be helpful and therefore prepared by ED staff. Objectives: Vertigo/dizziness could come from vari
- PMID 24308666
- The relationship between vasomotor symptoms and menopause-associated dizziness.
- Owada S, Suzuki M.Author information Department of Otolaryngology, Sakura Medical Center, Toho University , Chiba , Japan.AbstractAbstract Conclusion: Vasomotor symptoms (VMS) and especially hot flushes are negatively associated with recovery from menopause-related dizziness. A further study is justified to determine whether hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can shorten this recovery time. Objectives: This study aimed to compare the rate of recovery from dizziness between patients who had VMS and those who did not. We also evaluated the effect of HRT on recovery from dizziness. Methods: The medical records of 85 women aged between 40 and 59 years were analyzed retrospectively. The patients were asked detailed questions about their menopausal symptoms as well as any episodes of dizziness, which were diagnosed on the basis of neuro-otological examinations and were treated appropriately. All patients were followed up until dizziness improved. Results: Over a 2-month period, the rate of recovery from vertigo was significantly higher in patients without VMS (no-VMS group, n = 38) than in those with VMS (VMS group, n = 29). In the VMS group, patients treated with HRT (n = 7) recovered from dizziness more quickly than those who were not treated with HRT (n = 22), although this difference was not statistically significant.
- Acta oto-laryngologica.Acta Otolaryngol.2014 Feb;134(2):146-50. doi: 10.3109/00016489.2013.841991. Epub 2013 Oct 21.
- Abstract Conclusion: Vasomotor symptoms (VMS) and especially hot flushes are negatively associated with recovery from menopause-related dizziness. A further study is justified to determine whether hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can shorten this recovery time. Objectives: This study aimed to compa
- PMID 24138120
Japanese Journal
- 視床出血に外気治療を併用した一症例(<特集>第16回生命情報科学シンポジウム)
- 樋口 雄三,小谷 泰則,林 義貢,百瀬 真一郎
- Journal of International Society of Life Information Science 21(2), 378-381, 2003-09-01
- 視床出血により入院した直後から外気治療を併用し、改善が認められた症例について報告する。患者は52歳の主婦で当日、ふらつき、構音障害、右片麻痺がみられていたが意識混迷となり入院した。入院直後の脳CT検査で左視床出血が認められ、脳降圧剤や止血剤の投与を受け経過観察された。外気治療は毎日20分以上行なわれた。意識は、第2病日には正常に回復したが、右片麻痺、感覚障害、聴覚障害などが認められた。第14病日に …
- NAID 110001095158
- 苓桂朮甘湯が奏効した貧血を伴ったオーバートレーニング症候群の二症例
- 後藤 博三,山地 啓司,伊藤 隆,柴原 直利,寺澤 捷年
- 日本東洋醫學雜誌 49(5), 839-844, 1999-03-20
- 貧血を伴ったオーバートレーニング症候群の長距離走選手に苓桂朮甘湯を投与し症状及び貧血の改善を認めた2症例を経験したので報告する。症例1は18歳の女学生。以前より鉄欠乏性貧血を指摘され, 鉄剤の内服でHb11g/dl前後で経過していた。1996年に大学入学後, 長距離走の練習量の増加に伴い立ちくらみや倦怠感が出現した。同年9月には貧血も悪化し, 党か当科を初診。苓桂朮甘湯を投与後, 症状は改善。11 …
- NAID 110004001038
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