- the trait of lacking boldness and courage; "faintness of heart and infirmity of purpose" (同)faintness
- 勇気のない,気の弱い,おく病な
English Journal
- Changes not for the fainthearted: reorienting health care systems toward health equity through action on the social determinants of health.
- Baum FE1, Bégin M, Houweling TA, Taylor S.
- American journal of public health.Am J Public Health.2009 Nov;99(11):1967-74. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2008.154856. Epub 2009 Sep 17.
- PMID 19762660
- [Epidural blood patch, never too late].
- Raffin L1, Batiste C, Noël D, Serbouh A.
- Annales francaises d'anesthesie et de reanimation.Ann Fr Anesth Reanim.2006 Feb;25(2):201-5. Epub 2005 Nov 28.
- PMID 16310337
- Editorial comment: tackling the causes of lipoatrophy--not for the fainthearted.
- Kotler DP.
- The AIDS reader.AIDS Read.2003 Nov;13(11):542.
- PMID 14649624
Japanese Journal
- 巡礼をめぐる理解と誤解 (<COE国際シンポジウム ポスターセッション>生・老・死:日本人の人生観--内からの眼,外からの眼) -- (人生)
Related Links
- fainthearted attitude 弱気 {よわき} な態度 {たいど} 英和 【名詞】 benefit stuff strategy evaluation scope access intervention assumption insight reminder 【動詞】 evolve remain purchase include anticipate emerge several ...
- fainthearted 意味, 定義, fainthearted は何か: 1. Someone who is fainthearted is not confident or brave and dislikes taking unnecessary risks: 2. people who are not brave: . もっと見る
- プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第4版) - [形]勇気のない, おく病な, いくじのないbe not for the fainthearted|むずかしくてたいへんな努力を要する.fáint・hèarted・ly[副]fáint・hèarted・ness[名]
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