- 関
- appraisal、appraise、appreciate、appreciation、assess、assessment、audit、characterization、comment、decision、estimate、estimation、evaluate、evaluation、exploration、judge、judgement、notion、opinion、read、reason、value、view
- the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event; "they criticized my judgment of the contestants" (同)judgement, assessment
- (law) the determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it (同)judgement, judicial decision
- the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions (同)judgement, sound judgment, sound judgement, perspicacity
- the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions (同)judgement, judging
- an opinion formed by judging something; "he was reluctant to make his judgment known"; "she changed her mind" (同)judgement, mind
- to hear and understand; "I read you loud and clear!"
- something that is read; "the article was a very good read"
- indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments; "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"; "The gauge read `empty" (同)register, show, record
- have or contain a certain wording or form; "The passage reads as follows"; "What does the law say?" (同)say
- obtain data from magnetic tapes; "This dictionary can be read by the computer" (同)scan
- audition for a stage role by reading parts of a role; "He is auditioning for `Julius Caesar at Stratford this year"
- interpret something that is written or printed; "read the advertisement"; "Have you read Salman Rushdie?"
- interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky; also of human behavior; "She read the sky and predicted rain"; "I cant read his strange behavior"; "The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal ball"
- look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed; "The King will read the proclamation at noon"
- fix or determine the value of; assign a value to; "value the jewelry and art work in the estate"
- the amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else; "he tried to estimate the value of the produce at normal prices" (同)economic value
- (music) the relative duration of a musical note (同)time value, note value
- relative darkness or lightness of a color; "I establish the colors and principal values by organizing the painting into three values--dark, medium...and light"-Joe Hing Lowe
- the quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable; "the Shakespearean Shylock is of dubious value in the modern world"
- a numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed; "the value assigned was 16 milliseconds"
- an ideal accepted by some individual or group; "he has old-fashioned values"
- judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time); "I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds" (同)gauge, approximate, guess, judge
- a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody; "many factors are involved in any estimate of human life"; "in my estimation the boy is innocent" (同)estimation
- the respect with which a person is held; "they had a high estimation of his ability" (同)estimation
- an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth; "an estimate of what it would cost"; "a rough idea how long it would take" (同)estimation, approximation, idea
- a statement indicating the likely cost of some job; "he got an estimate from the car repair shop"
- look at carefully; study mentally; "view a problem" (同)consider, look at
- the act of looking or seeing or observing; "he tried to get a better view of it"; "his survey of the battlefield was limited" (同)survey, sight
- outward appearance; "they look the same in outward view"
- the visual percept of a region; "the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views" (同)aspect, prospect, scene, vista, panorama
- the range of the eye; "they were soon out of view" (同)eyeshot
- purpose; the phrase `with a view to means `with the intention of or `for the purpose of; "he took the computer with a view to pawning it"
- recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
- increase the value of; "The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark" (同)apprize, apprise
- gain in value; "The yen appreciated again!" (同)apprize, apprise, revalue
- be fully aware of; realize fully; "Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?" (同)take account
- a judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff when the defendant defaults (fails to appear in court) (同)default judgement, judgment by default, judgement by default
- an assessment that reveals more about the values of the person making the assessment than about the reality of what is assessed (同)value judgement
- a judgment reached before the evidence is available (同)prejudgement
- 〈書かれた物・印刷された物〉‘を'『読む』 / 〈書かれた物・印刷された物〉‘を'『読み上げる』,読んで聞かせる / 〈外国語・文学・記号など〉を判読する,解読する / 〈事〉‘を'『読んで知る』 / 〈隠れた意味など〉‘を'『読み取る』,見抜く / 〈計器・時計が〉…‘を'示す,表示する(show) / 《文》(…を)…‘と'訂正して読む,読み替える《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / 《英》(大学で)…‘を'学ぶ,専攻する / 『本を読む』,読書する / 『音読する』;(人に)読み上げる《+『to』+『名』》 / (…のことを)読んで知る《+『about』(『of』)+『名』》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈本などが〉(…と)読める,読んでみると(…)である,〈物事が〉(…と)解釈される
- readの過去分詞 / 《『be』 『read』 『in』+『名』》よく読んで(…に)精通した
- 〈U〉(…の)『価値』,値打ち,有用性,重要性《+of+名》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…の)『価格』,値段《+of+名》 / 〈U〉〈C〉《米》《修飾語句を伴って》(払った金銭に対する)正当な値打ち / 〈C〉(単語の)意味,意義 / 〈C〉値,数値 / 〈C〉音の長短 / 〈C〉色価,(色の)明暗の度 / 〈C〉《複数形で》(道義・倫理などの)価値基準,価値観 / (ある金額に)…‘を'『評価する』,見積もる《+名+at+名〈金額〉》 / …‘を'『高く評価する』,尊重する,重んじる
- …‘を'『見積る』,概算する / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈人物・状況など〉‘を'『評価する』・判断する / (…を)見積る《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(寸法・数量・価値などの)『見積り』,概算,評価[額];見積書《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉評価,評定《+『of』+『名』》
- 〈C〉〈U〉(…を)『見ること』,ながめること,一見,一覧《+of+名》 / 〈U〉(…の)『視界』,視野《+of+名》 / 〈U〉《しばしばa ~》(…の)『ながめ』,光景,けしき《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(…の)風景画(写真)《+of+名》 / 〈C〉《しばしば単数形で》『見方』,考え方,見解 / 〈C〉意図
- 〈よさ・価値など〉'を'『認める』,認識する,…‘の'よさを認める / 〈作品など〉'を'『味わう』,鑑賞する / 〈好意など〉'を'感謝する,ありがたく思う / 〈相場・価格〉'を'上げる;…‘の'価格(相場)を上げる / 相場(価格,評価)が上がる
- 〈U〉『判断力』,思慮,分別 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…についての)『判断』,判定;〈C〉(判断に基づく)見解《+『on』+『名』》 / 〈C〉〈U〉『判決』;(判決による)債務
- (…ついての)誤った判断,不当な見解∥+『of』+『名』》
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For other uses, see Judgment (disambiguation).
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2012) |
Judgement (or judgment)[1] is the evaluation of evidence to make a decision.[2][3][4] The term has four distinct uses:
- Informal – opinions expressed as facts.
- Informal and psychological – used in reference to the quality of cognitive faculties and adjudicational capabilities of particular individuals, typically called wisdom or discernment.
- Legal – used in the context of legal trial, to refer to a final finding, statement, or ruling, based on a considered weighing of evidence, called "adjudication". See spelling note for further explanation.
- Religious – used in the concept of salvation to refer to the adjudication of God in determining Heaven or Hell for each and all human beings.
- 1 See also
- 2 References
- 3 External links
- 4 Additional Reading
See also
- Bias
- Choice
- Decree
- Discrimination
- Prejudice
- Category:Judgment in Christianity
- General judgment, a Christian theological concept
- ^ Judgement or Judgment? - Choices in terminological spelling and usage.
- ^ "Cambridge Dictionary". Dictionary.cambridge.org. 2013-08-07. Retrieved 2013-08-17.
- ^ "AskOxford.com". AskOxford.com. 2013-08-13. Retrieved 2013-08-17.
- ^ LDOCEonline
External links
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Additional Reading
- Zheng Wanga,I et al. (2014) Context effects produced by question orders reveal quantum nature of human judgments, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 111 no. 26, 9431–9436
Authority control |
- LCCN: sh85070913
- GND: 4078671-7
- BNF: cb119591668 (data)
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- 関
- accept、acknowledge、admit、allow、appraisal、appraise、appreciation、approve、assess、assessment、aware、awareness、characterization、cognition、cognitive、comprehend、comprehension、detect、envisage、estimate、estimation、evaluate、evaluation、grasp、grateful、judgement、judgment、notice、observe、realization、realize、recognise、recognition、recognize、see、thank、understand、understanding、value
- 英
- evaluation、characterization、assessment、estimation、appreciation、appraisal、judgment、(英)judgement、evaluate、appreciate、assess、estimate、appraise、value
- 関
- アセスメント、値、意見、価値、感謝、キャラクタリゼーション、査定、試験、調べる、審査、特徴づけ、診断、推定、測定、認識、判断、判定、評論、描写、見込み、見積、見積もる、認める、予算、理解、性質決定、鑑定、影響評価、推計
- 関
- appraisal、appraise、appreciate、appreciation、assess、assessment、budget、chance、characterization、deduce、determine、estimation、evaluate、evaluation、expectation、extrapolate、extrapolation、fathom、judgement、judgment、likelihood、measure、measurement、odds、perspective、presume、presumption、promise、prospect、value
- (税など)の額/率を査定する。(財産・収入などを)課税の目的で評価する。評価する、~の重要性(重大性、規模、価値など)を評定する、値踏みする
- (ある金額を)税金/罰金などとして取り立てる。(税金・罰金などを)科する/課する。(人・財産)に税金/罰金を課する/科する/割り当てる。
- 関
- assessment、assessable
- appraisal、appraise、appreciate、appreciation、characterization、estimate、estimation、evaluate、evaluation、judgement、judgment、value
- 関
- appraisal、appraise、appreciate、appreciation、assess、characterization、decide、decision、determination、determine、diagnose、diagnoses、diagnosis、diagnostic、estimate、estimation、evaluate、evaluation、exam、examination、examine、judgement、judgment、test、testing、trial、value