- an earthball with a peridium that is firm dry and smooth when young but developing cracks when mature; pale orange-yellow when young and reddish brown at maturity (同)smooth earthball
- 通路(街路など)お通してみたながめ,見通し / 予想,展望;追想,回想;
- (スペイン語)また会う日まで,さよなら(goodbye)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/08/28 01:27:04」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- ビスタビジョン - 映画等の画面アスペクト比のひとつ。
- VISTA - 高度成長を続けるベトナム(Vietnam)、インドネシア(Indonesia)、南アフリカ(South Africa)、トルコ(Turkey)、アルゼンチン(Argentina)を指す造語。
- ビスタ (カリフォルニア州) - アメリカ合衆国・カリフォルニア州の都市。
- VISTA (探査機) - ローレンス・リバモア国立研究所によるレーザー核融合推進を用いた宇宙探査機の概念設計案。「Vehicle for Interplanetary Space Transport Application」の略。
- 漫画『ONE PIECE』に登場する白ひげ海賊団5番隊隊長。
- 『小説・北斗の拳-呪縛の街-』、ならびにそれを原作としたOVA『新・北斗の拳』に登場する人物。
- トヨタビスタ店 - 過去に存在したトヨタ自動車のディーラー。トヨタ・ビスタを主力車種としていた。2004年にネッツ店へ統合された。
- ヴィスタ (お笑いコンビ) - かつて時田301に所属していたお笑いコンビ。現在は解散。
- トヨタ・ビスタ - トヨタ自動車がかつて生産していた乗用車。
- 三菱の対クライスラーOEM車種。
- イーグル・ビスタ - クライスラーのイーグルブランドでカナダで発売された乗用車。三菱・ランサーのOEM供給。
- プリムス・コルトビスタ ≒ シャリオ及びRVR
- タタ・インディカの2代目モデル「インディカ・ビスタ」。
- Microsoft Windows Vista - マイクロソフトが開発したOS。Windows XPの後継。
- Vista English Series - 三省堂が発行する高校英語教科書。カナ表記はビスタ。
- ヴィスタ英和辞典 - 三省堂が発行する英和辞典。
- VISTA - AGFA社が製造していた写真用フィルム。
- vistaプロジェクトチームsince 2007 - 学生による国際問題フリーペーパー
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[Wiki en表示]
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Vista usually refers to a distant view.
Vista may also refer to:
- Windows Vista, the line of Microsoft Windows client operating systems released in 2006 and 2007
- VistA, (Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture) a medical records system of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and others worldwide
- VISTA (comparative genomics), software tools for genome analysis and genomic sequence comparisons
- VistaPro, and Vista, 3D landscape generation software for the Amiga and PC
- VIsualizing STructures And Sequences, bioinformatics software
Organizations and institutions
- Vista Entertainment Solutions, a New Zealand software company specializing in solutions for the cinema industry
- Americorps VISTA, a national service program to fight poverty through local government agencies and non-profit organizations
- Ventura Intercity Service Transit Authority, a public transportation agency in Ventura County, California, USA
- Vista Community College, now Berkeley City College, a community college in Berkeley, California, USA
- Vista Federal Credit Union, now merged with Partners Federal Credit Union, a credit union that serves employees of The Walt Disney Company
- Vista University, a now-closed South African university
- Volunteers in Service to America
- Vista Equity Partners
- Vista, California, United States
- Playa Vista, Los Angeles, United States
- Vista, Manitoba, Canada
- Vista, Minnesota, United States
- Vista, Missouri, United States
- Vista, New York, United States
- Vista, South Australia, Australia
- Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil
- Boa Vista, Cape Verde
- Buona Vista, Singapore
- Chula Vista, California, United States
- Isla Vista, California, United States
- La Vista, Nebraska, United States
- Mount Vista, Washington, United States
- Sierra Vista, Arizona, United States
- Vista Center, New Jersey, United States
- Vista Hundred, Sweden
- Vista Tower (Chicago), United States
- Vista West, Wyoming, United States
- Vista (Hong Kong)
- Aeroprakt A-20 Vista, ultralight aircraft
- Eagle Vista, a rebadged Mitsubishi Mirage sold under the Eagle brand from 1988–1992
- F-16 VISTA, a variant of the Lockheed-Martin F-16 fighter aircraft range with thrust vector control
- Mitsubishi Chariot, also known as Dodge / Plymouth Colt Vista Wagon, a compact MPV
- Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser, a station wagon produced by Oldsmobile until 1977
- Thomas Vista, a school bus produced by Thomas Built Buses until 1998
- Toyota Vista, a passenger car produced by Toyota until 2003
- Indica Vista, a passenger car produced by Tata Motors
- Vista-class cruise ship, is a Panamax-type cruise ship.
- VISTA (protein), an immune checkpoint protein that inhibits immune responses
- Vista (song), the debut song and the debut single by K-pop girl group, Fiestar
- Vista, a cape from the web serial Worm
- VISTA (economics), Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey, Argentina as a group of emerging economies
- Vista (event), IIM Bangalore's annual business summit
- Vista (Middle-earth), a part of the atmosphere that surrounds the world of Arda in the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien
- VISTA (telescope), Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy
- VISTA (Hong Kong), a private residential building in Hong Kong
- "VISTA", a song by P-MODEL from the album P-MODEL
- Vista Magazine, a bilingual English-Spanish periodical published by ImpreMedia
- The Vista (part of UCentral), the student newspaper of the University of Central Oklahoma
- Vista (album)
See also
- AltaVista, an Internet search engine
- Buena Vista (disambiguation)
- Natalia Boa Vista, a character in CSI: Miami
- Vistas (disambiguation)
- VistaVision, a 35mm motion picture film format
- WebCT Vista, a learning management system from Blackboard Inc.
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- 1. 癌免疫療法の原則principles of cancer immunotherapy [show details]
…NY-ESO-1 specific CD8+ T cell function and add to anti-PD-1 efficacy . VISTA – V-domain Ig suppressor of T cell activation (VISTA), as connoted by its name, shares homology with PD-L1 and is a negative …
- 2. 多発性骨髄腫:使用可能な薬剤などが限られた状態での管理multiple myeloma management in resource poor settings [show details]
…with a less toxic, equally effective alkylator (cyclophosphamide) A phase III randomized trial (VISTA) compared VMP with MP in the treatment of 682 older adults (median age 71 years) with newly diagnosed …
- 3. 心疾患をすでに発症しているまたは発症リスクの高い患者の心血管イベント予防(または二次予防)の概要overview of the prevention of cardiovascular disease events in those with established disease secondary prevention or at high risk [show details]
…randomized trials of lipoproteinase inhibitors have shown no significant clinical benefits. In the VISTA-16 trial, 5145 patients with a recent ACS were randomly assigned to varespladib (a secretory PLA2…
English Journal
- Genome annotation of a Saccharomyces sp. lager brewer's yeast.
- De León-Medina PM1, Elizondo-González R1, Damas-Buenrostro LC2, Geertman JM3, Van den Broek M4, Galán-Wong LJ5, Ortiz-López R6, Pereyra-Alférez B5.
- Genomics data.Genom Data.2016 May 21;9:25-9. doi: 10.1016/j.gdata.2016.05.009. eCollection 2016.
- The genome of lager brewer's yeast is a hybrid, with Saccharomyces eubayanus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as sub-genomes. Due to their specific use in the beer industry, relatively little information is available. The genome of brewing yeast was sequenced and annotated in this study. We obtained a g
- PMID 27330999
- Taxonomic status and morphological variation of Hydrodynastes bicinctus (Hermann, 1804) (Serpentes: Dipsadidae).
- Murta-Fonseca RA1, Franco FL2, Fernandes DS1.
- Zootaxa.Zootaxa.2016 Aug 26;4007(1):63-81. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4007.1.4.
- Hydrodynastes bicinctus was described with no type material or locality and it has two subspecies currently recognized that are not taxonomically well defined. We tested the validity of the two subspecies through meristic, morphometric, and color pattern characters. Two apparently distinct color pat
- PMID 26623921
- Chemical profile of mango (Mangifera indica L.) using electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS).
- Oliveira BG1, Costa HB1, Ventura JA2, Kondratyuk TP3, Barroso ME4, Correia RM1, Pimentel EF4, Pinto FE1, Endringer DC5, Romão W6.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Aug 1;204:37-45. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.02.117. Epub 2016 Feb 17.
- Mangifera indica L., mango fruit, is consumed as a dietary supplement with purported health benefits; it is widely used in the food industry. Herein, the chemical profile of the Ubá mango at four distinct maturation stages was evaluated during the process of growth and maturity using negative-ion m
- PMID 26988473
Japanese Journal
- X線透視撮影装置『VISTAシリーズ』 一歩先を行く新高速画像処理エンジン FAiCE-V NEXT STAGE1⁺ (特集 フラットパネルディテクタ2017)
- 映像情報medical : a monthly journal of medical imaging and information 49(2), 51-56, 2017-02
- NAID 40021086888
- 南部一族の統治圏域における信仰対象と近世城下町の空間構成との関係に関する研究
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